Adopted by the Academic Council on 28 August 2015, Record № 1 Approved by the RSSU Order of ____________2015 № ______ Rector of RSSU N.B. Pochinok RSSU Quality Policy RSSU Position: “RSSU is an effective, advanced, progressively and dynamically developing university, a full member of the global research and educational space, leader of education and research in the field of Social Sciences in Russia. Its close-knit team is integrated into international education, science, business, Russian state sector and creates field-oriented innovations”. RSSU Mission: “Using global-scale research as a basis, we train the best specialists and administrative elite of the social sphere in Russia, form socially active and socially conscious citizens adjusted to present-day market conditions, facilitate integration of our team members into the global professional community”. Principles of RSSU Quality Policy Implementation To implement the strategy of Russian State Social University development the following quality management principles have been fixed: 1. Provision of educational activities compliance with: - fundamental principles of state policy in the educational sphere, legal, organizational and economic framework of education in the Russian Federation, State Program “Development of Education for the Period of 2013-2020” approved by the RF Government Resolution No 295 of 15 April 2014, international and federal state educational standards; - increasing demand of the society for skilled professionals and academic staff for the social sphere in the best interests of the individuals, family/ society, and state; - students’ needs for intellectual, moral and spiritual, creative, physical, and professional development, for meeting their educational requirements and interests. 2. Leadership and personal responsibility of all executives, clear understanding of objectives, competences and responsibilities. 3. Active involvement of the faculty, staff and students into the efforts to improve the quality of education via continuous advanced training, motivation and support of creative initiative, and development of corporate culture. 4. Systematic self-assessment of the University activities, studying of the experience of the leading educational establishments and ongoing improvement of the quality management system. 5. System approach to managing the quality of the educational process, research, experimental, socio-cultural and formative activities in the University taking into account economic, political, social, image-building and other types of current and final effectiveness. 6. Taking of effective solutions based on the analysis of reliable and comprehensive information. 7. Mutually beneficial networking with all parties interested in educational activities, studying and forecasting of their requirements with further implementation of those requirements in the educational process. 8. Diversification of educational services, their availability, application of new technologies, including information ones, complex informatization of the University. educational 9. Integration of the educational process and research, strengthening of links with research institutions and organizations in the sphere of creative work. 10. Leading position in investigating new markets of social services. 11. Generating of complex technological solutions of social problems: from receiving of investigation results to their output to relevant economy sectors. 12. Fundamental and applied research based on RSSU primary activity, development of human resources and research teams of the University. 13. Facilitating of investment into exploratory research in key emerging technologies in view of their interdisciplinary character and applicability to the social sphere. 14. Constant improvement of teaching aids as well as material and technical support of the educational process, academic environment of the faculty and students. 15. Social assistance to the staff and students, health protection and safety provision. Generation, implementation and development of a Russian model of inclusive secondary, vocational, higher and further education. RSSU authorities take responsibility for the Quality Policy implementation, guarantee to provide conditions and resources for the implementation and invite all University team members to unite efforts in reaching the stated objectives! Adopted by the Academic Council on 28 August 2015, Record № 1 Approved by the RSSU Order of ____________2015 № ______ . Quality objectives for the period of 2016-2020 1. Provide 100% implementation of the Program of RSSU Development as a Federal Innovative Research University until 2020, adopted by the Academic Council on 30 June 2014. 2. RSSU – in the list of 200 best universities of the world according to QS World University Rankings. 3. RSSU – in the list of 100 best universities of BRICS according to QS World University Rankings: BRICS. 4. Develop and put into practice the RSSU project management system. 5. Form project culture and mindset using motivation of participation in project activities. 6. Introduce project management into the work of 75% of branches by 2020. 7. Computerize all business processes of the RSSU management system. 8. Certify the RSSU quality management system (QMS) against the requirements of the ISO interstate standard and on a regular basis confirm validity of those certificates. 9. Until 2016 raise the ratio of average earnings of the academic staff (AS) (from all sources) to average earnings in the regional economy to at least 150%. 10. Annually gain revenue per one AS (from all sources) of at least 1800 thousand rub. 11. Raise the level of research activities revenue per one AS to at least 170 thousand rub. 12. Provide annual training of 10% of the staff in quality management technology. 13. Annually provide skills upgrading of at least 37% of top management, heads of structural divisions, and academic staff (of the total number). 14. Provide the following indices in 2016-2020: satisfaction of the trainees with the educational services effectiveness (on a ten-point scale) – not less than 7.5; satisfaction of not less than 70% of consumers with the results of the faculties’ educational activities; satisfaction of not less than 70% of graduates with the quality of educational services provided; satisfaction of not less than 50% of employers with the training quality and proficiency level; satisfaction of not less than 75% of consumers with the results of research activities. 15. Standardize the whole educational process. Optimize curricula: single out compulsory subjects for Bachelor and Master Degree Programs; 16. By 2016 increase the share of the Master Degree Program students to 10% of the total number of trainees in core educational programs of higher professional education. 17. Organize departments and joint internship programs in the RSSU structure together with employers. 18. Introduce distance and interactive educational technologies into each course of study, in foreign languages as well. 19. Implement and develop the Russian model of inclusive secondary, vocational, higher and further education. 20. Develop software and hardware packages for distance education. 21. Develop new and update the existing educational programs to provide full-scale education inclusion. 22. Provide overall development of rehabilitation work. 23. Develop technologies providing availability of professional education to blind and hard-of-hearing students. 24. Develop a project of introducing disabled’ neurorehabilitation network usage in conditions of their distance education. 25. Develop a project of creating local barrier-free environment in RSSU for individuals with disabilities (wheelchair users, visually impaired persons). 26. Attract leading scientists and lecturers to the RSSU team. 27. Annually attract at least 50% of academic staff, doctoral candidates, post-graduate students and off-job students (of the total number) to R&D. 28. By 2016 bring the share of developments introduced into the educational process to 18% of the total number of R&D topics. 29. Bring the number of post-graduate students, doctoral candidates and RSSU employees, annually defending PhD and doctoral thesis (per 100 AS members), to 10 people. 30. Increase publication activity of AS in RSCI (per 100 AS members) to the level of 15 units. вапУт 31. By 2016 raise the relative share of trainees from outside organizations in the total number of RSSU advanced training programs participants to 75%. 32. Create conditions and boost international cooperation providing annual participation of at least 20 lecturers and trainees in international work and study placement. 33. Form a network of at least 5 foreign universities-partners for joint work in priority research areas and implementation of AS academic mobility programs. 34. Form positive international and domestic RSSU image. 35. Enlarge the portfolio of double degree programs with Universities of North and Latin America, Europe and Asia. 36. Develop academic mobility of students and faculty. 37. Create an integrated system of RSSU representation in the web space. 38. Develop new practice-oriented educational projects, including projects in the framework of the RSSU business incubator. 39. Organize RSSU-based center of social entrepreneurship. 40. Provide conditions for developing the RSSU network infrastructure. 41. Create a protected RSSU central data bank. 42. Develop and replicate new educational services. 43. Provide conditions for developing sports-oriented activities in RSSU. 44. Implement projects socially important for the city through the RSSU Volunteers Center. 45. Provide conditions for developing a high-tech corporate socio-cultural environment combining all components of the educational process into an integral system. 46. Develop a student self-governance system, incorporated into the University governance and focused on educational, research, practical, public, and cultural and creative activities. 47. Promote collaboration with the RF bodies making the state youth policy, development of interuniversity communication. 48. Develop extra-curricular creative activities. RSSU Rector N.B. Pochinok