chapter01 - E

An Object-Oriented Approach to
Programming Logic and Design
Fourth Edition
Chapter 1
An Overview of Computer
In this chapter, you will learn about:
• Computer components and operations
• Simple program logic
• The evolution of programming models
• The steps in the programming process
• Pseudocode and flowcharts
• Program comments
• Programming and user environments
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Understanding Computer
Components and Operations
• Computer system
– Combination of all components required to process and
store data using a computer
• Two major computer system components
– Hardware
• Physical devices associated with the computer
– Software
Computer instructions that tell the hardware what to do
Programs (sets of instructions) written by programmers
Application software: programs applied to a task
System software: programs that manage computer resources
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Understanding Computer
Components and Operations (cont’d)
• Three major hardware and software operations
– Input
– Processing
– Output
• Input operation
– A means for data to enter a computer through an input
device such as a mouse or keyboard
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Understanding Computer
Components and Operations (cont’d)
• Processing data operation
Organizing or sorting data
Checking for accuracy
Performing mathematical operations
Tasks occur in central processing unit (CPU)
• Output operation
– Means to view, print, or store data using output devices
• Printer or monitor
• Storage devices (e.g., disks, flash media)
• Information: data that has been processed
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Understanding Computer
Components and Operations (cont’d)
• Programming language
– Instructions controlling data manipulation
– Examples include Visual Basic, C#, C++, or Java
• Syntax
– Rules governing word usage and punctuation for a
programming language
– Syntax errors: mistakes in a language’s usage
• Program code
– Instructions written in a programming language
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Understanding Computer
Components and Operations (cont’d)
• Computer memory (RAM)
– Temporary, internal storage
• Executable statements
– Statements that carry out a program’s actions
• Compiler or interpreter
– Translate high level programming language statements into
low-level machine or binary language
– Point out syntax errors
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Understanding Computer
Components and Operations (cont’d)
• Compiler
– Translates entire program before execution
• Interpreter
– Translates an instruction just prior to execution
• Source code
– Program statements written in a programming language
• Object code
– Code translated into machine language statements
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Understanding Simple Program Logic
• Logic errors
– Program may execute but produces incorrect results
– Can be avoided by
• Writing program instructions in specific sequence
• Removing extraneous instructions
• Including all required instructions
– Example of logic errors in cake-making instructions
Add two eggs
Add a gallon of gasoline
Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes
Add three cups of flour
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Do not follow these cakebaking instructions!
Understanding Simple Program Logic
• Computer programs include steps that perform
input, processing, and output
• Sample instructions written in English-like language
– Program doubles any given number
– Requires three operations: input, processing, and output
input myNumber
myAnswer = myNumber * 2
output myAnswer
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
 input
 processing
 output
Understanding the Evolution
of Programming Models
• Modern computer programs
– Around since 1940s
• Oldest programming languages
– Programmers worked with memory addresses
– Memorized awkward codes associated with machine
– Written as one piece
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Understanding the Evolution
of Programming Models (cont’d)
• Newer programming languages
– Look like natural language
– Use meaningful names for memory locations
– Allow creation of self-contained modules or program
• Can be pieced together
• Can be reused
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Understanding the Evolution
of Programming Models (cont’d)
• Major program development techniques
– Procedural programming
• Focuses on actions that are carried out
• Breaks down processes into manageable subtasks
– Object-oriented programming – focuses on objects
– Objects: entities that have attributes, behaviors, and states
• Attributes: object features
• Behaviors: what object does
• States: set of all values of attributes
– Primary difference is focused on early planning stages
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Understanding the Evolution
of Programming Models (cont’d)
• Object-oriented approach
– Defining the objects needed to accomplish a task
– Each object maintains its own data and carries out tasks
– “Natural” way of thinking about the world
• Types of object-oriented approach applications
– Computer simulations
• Mimic real-world activities
• Users apply programs to tasks after the programs are written
– Graphical user interfaces (GUIs)
• Users interact with program in graphical environment
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Understanding the Steps
in the Programming Process
• System program
– A group of many programs
• Object-oriented approach involves
– Analyzing the system
– Designing the system
– Writing the programs
• Programmer may do all tasks or use systems analysts
and/or software testers
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Understanding the Steps
in the Programming Process (cont’d)
• Types of software testing
– Black box
• Tester provides input and checks for valid output
– White box
• Tester looks at code, tests all logical paths
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Analyzing the Program or System
• Programmers provide a service to users
• Object-oriented analysis (OOA)
Understand the users’ needs
Needs are often not well defined
Can be difficult and time consuming
Frequently, several program revisions are necessary to
satisfy the user
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Designing the System
• Designers using object-oriented design (OOD)
– Envision the objects needed
– Determine objects’ attributes and behaviors
– Decide the relationship between objects
• Describe how objects communicate with and react to each
• Expressed as verb phrases
• Examples of relationships: “Has a,” “is a,” “creates a”
• Class
– A general category that describes entities
– May be reused from other programs or modified
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Writing and Testing Programs
• Writing a program involves several subtasks
Developing the program logic
Coding the program
Translating the program into machine language
Testing the program
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Writing and Testing Programs (cont’d)
• Planning the logic
Heart of the programming process
Also referred to as developing an algorithm
Decide steps to include and their order
Planning tools
• Flowcharts and pseudocode
• Both use English-like code
– Language syntax not a concern
– Desk-checking
• Reviewing program logic on paper
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Writing and Testing Programs (cont’d)
• Coding the program
– Writing program statements in a programming language
– Object-oriented languages
• C++, C#, Java, Visual Basic, SmallTalk, OO COBOL, and Simula
• Create objects and establish communication between them
• Language chosen determines syntax
– Coding usually less difficult than planning step
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Writing and Testing Programs (cont’d)
• Use software to translate program into machine
– Many programming languages
– Computer knows only machine language (1s and 0s)
• Compilers or interpreters
– Translate English-like, high-level programming language
into low-level machine language
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Writing and Testing Programs (cont’d)
• Syntax error
– Occurs when translator cannot translate the code
– Causes: misspellings, illegal grammar, non-existent words
– Programmer must correct code and recompile the program
before it can execute
Creating an executable program
Figure 1-1
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Writing and Testing Programs (cont’d)
• Testing the program
– Program that is free of syntax errors is not necessarily free
of logical errors
• Must test for logical errors
– May require entering of sample data
• Select test data carefully
• Error discovery may require changes to program logic
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Writing and Testing Programs (cont’d)
• After the program is written and tested
– Ready to be used
• Additional tasks associated with programs written for
– Preparing manuals
– Training users
– Converting existing data to new system’s format
• Conversion
– Actions an organization take to switch to a new program
– Can take months or years to accomplish
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Writing and Testing Programs (cont’d)
• Maintenance
– Process of making required changes after program is put
into production
• Reasons why maintenance may be necessary
Fixing previously undiscovered errors
Updating values such as a tax rate
Changing format of input data
Input data may no longer be available
User wants additional functionality
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Using Pseudocode and Flowcharts
• Pseudocode
– English-like representation of logical program steps
– Looks like programming language but is not
– Flexible planning tool
• Example
input myNumber
myAnswer = myNumber * 2
output myAnswer
• Starting and ending statements often used
• Punctuation and syntax are not important
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Drawing Flowcharts
• Flowchart
– Pictorial representation of logical program steps
– Helps programmer visualize how statements connect
– Uses geometric shapes connected with arrows (flowlines)
• Common flowchart symbols
Input symbols (parallelograms)
Processing symbols (rectangles)
Output symbols (parallelograms)
Terminal symbols (lozenges – flattened ovals)
Decision symbols (diamonds)
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Drawing Flowcharts (cont’d)
Flowchart and pseudocode of a program
that doubles a number if it is less than 10
Figure 1-3
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Drawing Flowcharts (cont’d)
• Software applications with flowcharting tools
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Visual Logic
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Understanding Program Comments
• Program comments
– Non-executing statements in a program added for
• Programmers write comments for themselves and
others who read program
• Minimally, comments should include author, date,
and purpose of the program
• C++, Java, and C# use two forward slashes
// This is a comment
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Annotation symbol used for comments on a flowchart
Three-sided box
with dashed line
connects to the
step it explains
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Figure 1-4
Understanding Programming
and User Environments
• Flowcharts created by hand or with software
• Pseudocode written by hand or with a word processor
– Plain text editor
– Text editor in an integrated development environment (IDE)
• Text editor
Program used to create simple text files
Similar to a word processor, but less robust
Example: Notepad in Microsoft Windows
Complete program does not require much disk space
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Understanding Programming and
User Environments (cont’d)
• Integrated development environment (IDE)
– Software package that includes an editor, compiler, and
other programming tools
• Advantages of using IDE
Uses colors to display various language components
Highlights syntax errors visually
Employs automatic statement completion
Provides tools to step through a program to find errors
• Disadvantages of using IDE
– Requires much more storage space than plain text editor
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Understanding User Environments
• A user might execute program in different
environments: command line, GUI
• The logical process is the same regardless of the
Executing a number-doubling program in a
command-line environment
Figure 1-7
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Executing a number-doubling
program in a GUI environment
Figure 1-8
• Hardware and software accomplish three major
operations: input, processing, and output
• For a program to work properly, you must develop
correct logic
• Logical errors are more difficult to locate than syntax
• Developing a system involves analyzing the system,
designing it, and writing the programs
• Writing programs involves logic planning, coding the
program, translating into machine language, and testing
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design
Summary (cont’d)
• Flowcharts and pseudocode are tools for planning a
program’s logic
• Pseudocode is an English-like representation of a
program’s logical steps
• Flowchart is a pictorial representation of a program
• Program comments document a program
• Plain text editor or an integrated development
environment (IDE) can be used to type a program
• A program’s data input can be at a command line or
a graphical user interface (GUI)
An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design