2013 - Indiana State University

“The Guitar Club”, Summer, 2012
2012 Fall Programming
2012 Fall Programming
10-Page Brochure, Front Cover and Pages 2-3 Spread
Mission Statement
The mission of the Indiana State University Community School of the
Arts (CSA) is to provide high quality learning experiences in the
performing and visual arts to persons of all ages, economic
circumstances and ability levels throughout the Wabash Valley of West
Central Indiana.
“FUSION”, Fall, 2012
Theatrical After-School Program
7 Students from West Vigo Middle School Awarded
Full Scholarships
“Ceramics for Art Educators”, Fall, 2012
ISU Art Annex
Societal Needs
The two societal needs addressed by the CSA are to increase the
quality of life in the Terre Haute community and to add jobs to the
community through the hiring of instructors and administrators.
Downtown Terre Haute Block Party, Summer, 2012
Petra Nyendick, CSA Director
Crystal Myers, CSA Administrative Assistant
“The Guitar Club”
ISU Graduate Student Instructor, Tim Doyle
Societal Needs
Quality of life in the Terre Haute community is increased by offering
sequential learning opportunities enabling citizens of all ages,
experience levels and financial backgrounds to participate.
Thank you so much for the Fusion scholarship! I was so excited that Zekiel received a scholarship that I
told our Pastor. He announced it to the entire congregation at Sunday service! This has been such a
- Jeannette N.
“Musikgarten” offers music classes to children from
birth through 6 years of age and their caregivers
“Figure Drawing for Adults”, Fall, 2012
Benchmarks Year 1
Goal l: Create a self-sustaining program of Community Arts Education.
Goal ll: Engage the ISU and Terre Haute communities in lifelong learning
Goal lll: Increase awareness of the importance of art in everyday life for the
ISU community and the Wabash Valley.
Goal lV: Become a local, state and national model for integrated arts
curriculum in the community.
Goal V: Recruit ISU students in the disciplines of music, theater and visual art
to assist in teaching, engaging them in experiential learning. Track 991
Benchmarks Goal l:
Create a Self-Sustaining Program of Community Arts Education
Hire Instructors
Number of ISU faculty and community instructors hired to teach music, theater
and visual arts classes and music lessons: 25 (9 estimated)
Number of ISU graduate and undergraduate student teachers or assistant
teachers hired to teach music, theater and visual arts classes and music
lessons: 26 (12 estimated)
“Clay and Sculpture Camp” Summer, 2012
Right: Abbey Fouse, ISU Art Education Alumna,
Community Instructor
Left: Suzanne Finn, ISU Undergraduate
Art Education Major, Assistant Instructor
“Musikgarten”, Fall, 2012
Lynette Browne,
CSA Music Instructor
Benchmarks Goal l:
Create a Self-Sustaining Program of Community Arts Education
Number of private music students enrolled: 96 (95 estimated)
Number of students enrolled in music, theater and visual arts classes: 218
(85 estimated)
“Theater Rocks!” Summer, 2012
Final Performance, Community Theater of Terre Haute
“Music Makers at the Keyboard” Fall, 2012
Jessie Forthun, Community Instructor
Benchmarks Goal l:
Create a Self-Sustaining Program of Community Arts Education
Facility upgrades
Upgrade FA 119, Art Education Room
Upgrade FA 409, Music Education Room
Art Education Room, FA 119, Summer, 2012
Floor Installation
Purchased 4 Pottery Wheels
Music Education Room, FA 409
Benchmarks Goal l:
Create a Self-Sustaining Program of Community Arts Education
Plan and execute first comprehensive summer program
Summer, 2012 classes offered June 4 through August 3
Number of classes: 10
Number of weeks: 6 (3 weeks estimated)
“Summer Choral Experience”, 2012
Recital Hall
Landini Center for Performing and Fine Arts
“Theater Techniques for Teens”, Summer, 2012
Recital Hall
Landini Center for Performing and Fine Arts
Benchmarks Goal l:
Create a Self-Sustaining Program of Community Arts Education
Work with Osher Lifelong Learning Institute to market senior adult
CSA partnered with OLLI in spring, 2013 to offer the following classes to
seniors: Digital Photography l: Digital Camera Basics, Digital Photography ll:
Beyond the Basics and Painting Landscapes: Watercolor Techniques.
“Watercolor: Painting Landscapes”, Spring, 2013, in partnership with OLLI to market senior programming
Fairbanks Hall
Benchmarks Goal l:
Create a Self-Sustaining Program of Community Arts Education
At least one external grant of $5000 or more will be awarded to the CSA
Number of grant submissions: 5
Fender Foundation
Wabash Valley Community Foundation
Frontier Communications
Indiana Arts Commission
21st Century Community Learning Centers Program
Benchmarks Goal ll:
Engage the ISU and Terre Haute Communities in Lifelong
Learning Opportunities and Appreciation of the Arts
Hold exhibitions and performances of artistic creations from academic
year and summer programming
Number of performances and exhibitions in 2012: 19
Summer, 2012
Friday, June 8, 12:00 p.m.: Vocal and dance performance in Fine Arts building, room #409 for “Glee Camp”,
ages 9-13
Friday, June 8, 3:00 p.m.: Staged performance at the Community Theater of Terre Haute for “June Bugs Creative Drama”, ages 7 & 8.
Friday, June 15, 3:00 p.m.: Staged performance at the Community Theater of Terre Haute for “Theater Rocks!”,
session 1, ages 9-12.
Friday, June 22, 3:00 p.m.: Staged performance at the Community Theater of Terre Haute for “Theater Rocks!”,
session 2, ages 9-12.
Friday, June 29, 12:00 p.m.: Music performance in the Landini Center for Performing and Fine Arts, room #151 for
“Guitar Camp”, ages 5-11
Summer, 2012 (cont’d)
Friday, June 29, 6:00 p.m.: Theatrical performance in the Landini Center for Performing and Fine Arts’ Recital Hall for
“Theater Techniques for Teens”, ages 12-16
Friday, June 29, 12:00 p.m.: Music performance in the Landini Center for Performing and Fine Arts, room #151 for
“Guitar Camp”, ages 5-11
Friday, July 20, 2:00 p.m.: Music performance in the Landini Center for Performing and Fine Arts’ Recital Hall for
“Summer Choral Experience”, ages 11-16
“Glee Camp” final performance in the Landini Center for Performing and Fine Arts, June, 2012
Fall, 2012
Friday, September 28, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.: Music performance by CSA instructor and School of Music faculty member,
Brent McPike, at Arts Illiana’s fall opening reception
Friday, November 9, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.: Music performance by students of Tim Doyle’s guitar lessons/classes at ISU’s
University Art Gallery
Thursday, November 15, 4:30 - 5:00 p.m.: Anita Gambill’s class “Voice for Youth” presented a recital in FA 409
Friday, November 16, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.: Open house and opening reception for “Saturday Art Day for Children”,
musical performance by “Guitar Club”
November 12-23: Group exhibition in Turman Gallery including works form “Ceramics for Art Educators and Adults”
and “Saturday Art Day for Children”
November 26-29: Group exhibition in Turman Gallery including works form “Figure Drawing for Adults”
November, 2012, at
ISU’s New Theater
Left: Sherry McFadden,
CSA Principal Investigator,
addresses audience
Right: FUSION Cast
Fall, 2012 (cont’d)
Thursday, November 29, 6:00 p.m.: “FUSION”, theatrical after-school program final performance at West Vigo Middle
Friday, November 29, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.: Reception for “Figure Drawing for Adults” and “Ceramics for Art Educators” in
Turman Art Gallery
Tuesday, December 4, 4:00 p.m.: “FUSION” theatrical performance at ISU’s New Theater .
Thursday, December 6, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, December 9, 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.: Music performances in the
Landini Center for Performing and Fine Arts’ recital hall, featuring CSA music students
End-of-Semester Music Recital in the Landini Center for Performing and Fine Arts, December, 2012
CSA Open House & Art Exhibition at the Turman Gallery
November 12-29, 2012
Art Exhibition for “Saturday Art Day for Children”, Ceramics for Art
Educators”, and “Figure Drawing for Adults” with musical performance by
the “Guitar Club”.
Above: Exhibition posters
Right top: Nancy Cobb Lippens, CSA Principal Investigator and Jim Slutz,
CSA Board Member
Right center: Guitar Club performance
Right bottom: The community attending the event
Upcoming in 2013
April 3, VCSC Spring Break: WTIU Bloomington’s “The Friday Zone”, taped television segments featuring art projects
to be aired during the season.
April 8 - May 10 : Group Exhibition in the Bare-Montgomery Gallery, located in Fairbanks Hall, featuring works of art
by students enrolled in “Painting Landscapes: Watercolor Techniques” and “Ceramics”.
Friday, April 26, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, April 28, 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.: Music performances in the Landini Center for
Performing and Fine Arts recital hall, featuring CSA music students.
Friday, May 3, 6:30 p.m.: Tim Doyle’s “Guitar Club” will be performing at the Swope Art Museum on First Friday.
Saturday, May 11, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.: CSA & the Children’s Museum, is featuring music recitals by CSA private and
class students. May’s theme at the Museum is mystery. During CSA’s performance, entitled, “Musical Mystery
Mania!”, the audience is invited to interact with performers by guessing songs and participating in sing-a-long.
August 8-23: Turman Gallery exhibition entitles, “Street Art!” for students enrolled in CSA’S summer program at the
14th and Chestnut Community Center.
Left: End-of-Semester
Music Recital, Fall, 2012
Landini Center
Right: Final Performance
“June Bugs”, Summer 2012
Community Theater of
Terre Haute
Benchmarks Goal lll:
Increase Awareness of the Importance of Art in Everyday Life for
the ISU Community and the Wabash Valley
Provide arts activities for K-12 students in low-income families and
underserved populations
Fall, 2012
Total amount of scholarships awarded to low-income families (music and
art): $460 (estimated $400)
Total amount of scholarships awarded to low-income families (FUSION
theater): $1050
Spring, 2013
Monday, January 21, 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.: Martin Luther King Jr.
Summit at the Booker T. Washington Center
Projected amount of scholarships awarded to low-income families (music
and art): $400 (estimated $400)
Total amount of scholarships awarded to low-income families (FUSION
theater): $1050
Upcoming in 2013
“Street Art!”, at the 14th and Chestnut Community Center, enabling 25
students to attend a summer-long art program, free of charge
Benchmarks Goal IV:
Become a Local, State and National Model for Integrated Arts
Curriculum in the Community
Identify ways to partner with other organizations
On-campus partnerships
ISU Family Day
Osher Lifelong Institute of Higher Learning
Gerontology Department
College of Arts and Sciences - Community Semester
University Art Gallery
Summer Choral Experience
ISU Family Day, 2012
“Guitar Club” performance in the
University Art Gallery
December, 2012
Off-campus partnerships
Community Theater of Terre Haute
Arts Illiana
Vigo School Corporation - FUSION
Terre Haute Human Relations Commission & Booker T. Washington Center
2013 upcoming
Swope Art Museum
Terre Haute Children’s Museum
Art Spaces: Year of the River
Vigo County Library
Swope Art Museum
14th and Chestnut Community Center
Continuing Negotiations
Terre Haute Children’s Choir
Crossroads of America Youth Orchestra
Sycamore Drum Major Clinic
Benchmarks Goal V:
Recruit ISU students in the disciplines of music, theater and visual
art to assist in teaching, engaging them in experiential learning
Track 991 numbers
Number of music students recruited for CSA, 991 numbers tracked and collected: 10 (10 estimated)
Number of theater students recruited for CSA, 991 numbers tracked and collected: 9 (1 estimated)
Number of visual art students recruited for CSA, 991 numbers tracked and collected: 10 (1 estimated)
“Ceramics for Art Educators”, Fall, 2012
Matthew Chenoweth, ISU graduate student
instructs students
“The Guitar Club”, Fall, 2012
William Tyler Pool, ISU undergraduate
assistant instructor
September/October, 2012
Feature Article in Terre Haute Living