BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH NAME Jean Rossier POSITION TITLE Professor, Centre de Psychiatrie et Neurosciences CPN INSERM U894, University ParisDescartes, Hospital Sainte Anne, 75014 Paris, France. EDUCATION/TRAINING INSTITUTION AND LOCATION Université Libre de Bruxelles University of Paris DEGREE YEAR(s) Doctor of Medicine Docteur ès Sciences 1969 1970-75 FIELD OF STUDY Medicine Neurosciences A. Positions and Honors (chronological order) 1967-1969: Medicine internship, Hospitals of the city of Brussels, Belgium. 1971-2009: Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Senior Scientist, Paris. 1975-1976: Assistant Professor, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Tufts Medical School, Boston. 1976-1978: Visiting Scientist, Drs Guillemin and Bloom Labs, Salk Institute, San Diego, CA. 1979-1980: Senior Visiting Scientist, Dr Udenfriend, Roche Institute, Nutley, NJ. 1980-1995: Director, Neuropharmacology Unit, Institut des Neurosciences CNRS, Gif sur Yvette, France. 1994-2012: Professor, Chair and Founder, Department of Biology, Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles (ESPCI) and Chair of CNRS Neurobiology Laboratories Paris. 2002: Membre de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris. 2006: Prix Claude Bernard de la Ville de Paris. 2011: Nature Lifetime Mentorship Award. 2012: Membre de l’Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique. 2012-date: Professor CPN INSERM U894, Centre for Psychiatry and Neurosciences, Sainte-Anne Hospital, Paris, France. 2015: Julius Axelrod Award in Pharmacology from ASPET. B. Recent publications (selected list last 10 years) - Leterrier C, Bonnard D, Carrel D, Rossier J & Lenkei Z. Constitutive endocytic cycle of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor. J. Biol. Chem., 279, 36013-21, 2004. - Dauphinot L, Lyle R, Rivals I, Dang MT, Moldrich RX, Golfier G, Ettwiller L, Toyama K, Rossier J, Personnaz L, Antonarakis SE, Epstein CJ, Sinet PM & Potier MC. The cerebellar transcriptome during postnatal development of the Ts1Cje mouse, a segmental trisomy model for Down syndrome. Hum Mol Genet., 14: 373-384, 2005. - Leterrier C, Lainé J, Darmon M, Boudin H, Rossier J & Lenkei Z. Constitutive activation drives compartment-selective endocytosis and axonal targeting of CB1 cannabinoid receptors J. Neurosci, 26, 3141–3153, 2006. - Rancillac A, Rossier J, Guille M, Tong XK, Geoffroy H, Amatore C, Arbault S, Hamel E, Cauli B. Glutamatergic Control of Microvascular Tone by Distinct GABA Neurons in the Cerebellum. J Neurosci., 26, 6997-7006, 2006. - Tricoire L, Tsuzuki K, Courjean O, Gibelin N, Bourout G, Rossier J & Lambolez B. Calcium dependence of aequorin bioluminescence dissected by random mutagenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 103, 9500-5, 2006. - Bontoux N, Dauphinot L, Vitalis T, Studer V, Chen Y, Rossier J & Potier MC. Integrating whole transcriptome assays on a lab-on-a-chip : a key approach towards single cell gene profiling. Proceedings of Micro Total Analysis System 2007 Conference, pp 1170-1172, 2007. - Hill EL, Gallopin T, Ferezou I, Cauli B, Rossier J, Schweitzer P & Lambolez B. Functional CB1 receptors are broadly expressed in neocortical GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons. J Neurophysiol. 97: 2580-9, 2007. - Férézou I, Hill EL, Cauli B, Gibelin N, Kaneko T, Rossier J & Lambolez B. Extensive Overlap of µ-Opioid and Nicotinic Sensitivity in Cortical Interneurons. Cereb Cortex. 17, 1948-1957, 2007. - Ait Yahya-Graison E, Aubert J, Dauphinot L, Rivals I, Prieur M, Golfier G, Rossier J, Personnaz L, Creau N, Blehaut H, Robin S, Delabar JM & Potier MC. Classification of human chromosome 21 geneexpression variations in down syndrome: impact on disease phenotypes. Am J Hum Genet. 81, 475-91, 2007. - Moldrich RX, Dauphinot L, Laffaire J, Rossier J & Potier MC. Down syndrome gene dosage imbalance on cerebellum development. Prog Neurobiol. 82, 87-94. 2007. - Ascoli GA, Alonso-Nanclares L, Anderson SA, Barrionuevo G, Benavides-Piccione R, Burkhalter A, Buzsáki G, Cauli B, Defelipe J, Fairén A, Feldmeyer D, Fishell G, Fregnac Y, Freund TF, Gardner D, Gardner EP, Goldberg JH, Helmstaedter M, Hestrin S, Karube F, Kisvárday ZF, Lambolez B, Lewis DA, Marin O, Markram H, Muñoz A, Packer A, Petersen CC, Rockland KS, Rossier J, Rudy B, Somogyi P, Staiger JF, Tamas G, Thomson AM, Toledo-Rodriguez M, Wang Y, West DC & Yuste R. Petilla terminology: nomenclature of features of GABAergic interneurons of the cerebral cortex. Nat Rev Neurosci. 9, 557-68, 2008. - Atlan M, Gross M, Vitalis T, Rancillac A, Rossier J & Boccara AC. High-speed wave-mixing laser Doppler imaging in vivo. Opt Lett. 33, 842-4, 2008. - Bontoux N, Dauphinot L, Vitalis T, Studer V, Chen Y, Rossier J & Potier MC. Integrating whole transcriptome assays on a lab-on-a-chip for single cell gene profiling. Lab on a Chip 8, 443–450, 2008. - Hesse AM, Marcelo P, Rossier J & Vinh J. Simple and universal tool to remove on-line impurities in mono- or two-dimensional liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. J Chromatogr A. 1189, 175-82, 2008. - Khomyakova E, Livshits MA, Steinhauser MC, Dauphinot L, Cohen-Kaminsky S, Rossier J, Soussaline F & Potier MC. On-chip hybridization kinetics for optimization of gene expression experiments. Biotechniques 44, 109-17, 2008. - Moldrich RX, Lainé J, Visel A, Beart PM, Laffaire J, Rossier J & Potier MC. Transmembrane protein 50b (C21orf4), a candidate for Down syndrome neurophenotypes, encodes an intracellular membrane protein expressed in the rodent brain. Neuroscience. 154, 1255-66, 2008. - Pflieger D & Rossier J. Editors of Organelle proteomics. 27 chapters , 78 contributors, pp 425, Vol 432 of Methods in Molecular Biology. Humana Press, 2008. - Lebeuf R, Férézou I, Rossier J, Arseniyadis S & Cossy J. Straightforward synthesis of the near-infrared fluorescent voltage-sensitive dye RH1691 and analogues thereof. Org Lett. 11, 2009. - Karagiannis A, Gallopin T, Dávid C, Battaglia D, Geoffroy H, Rossier J, Hillman EM, Staiger JF & Cauli B. Classification of NPY-expressing neocortical interneurons. J Neurosci. 29:3642-3659, 2009. - Moldrich RX, Dauphinot L, Laffaire J, Vitalis T, Hérault Y, Beart PM, Rossier J, Vivien D, Gehrig C, Antonarakis SE, Lyle R & Potier MC. Proliferation deficits and gene expression dysregulation in Down's - - - - - - - - - - - syndrome (Ts1Cje) neural progenitor cells cultured from neurospheres. J Neurosci Res. 87, 3143-3152, 2009. Laffaire J, Rivals I, Dauphinot L, Pasteau F, Wehrle R, Larrat B, Vitalis T, Moldrich RX, Rossier J, Sinkus R, Herault Y, Dusart I & Potier MC. Gene expression signature of cerebellar hypoplasia in a mouse model of Down syndrome during postnatal development. BMC Genomics. 10, 138 doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-10138, 2009. Rossier J. Wiring and plumbing in the brain. Front Hum Neurosci. doi: 10.3389/neuro.09.002.2009. 2009. Golfier G, Lemoine S, van Miltenberg A, Bendjoudi A, Rossier J, Le Crom S & Potier MC. Selection of oligonucleotides for whole-genome microarrays with semi-automatic update. Bioinformatics. 25, 128-9, 2009. Rancillac A, Lainé J, Perrenoud Q, Geoffroy H, Ferezou I, Vitalis T & Rossier J. Degenerative abnormalities in transgenic neocortical neuropeptide Y interneurons expressing tau-green fluorescent protein. J Neurosci Res. 88, 487-499, 2010. Vucurovic K, Gallopin T, Ferezou I, Rancillac A, Chameau P, van Hooft J, Geoffroy H, Monyer H, Rossier J & Vitalis T. Serotonin 3A receptor subtype as an early and protracted marker of cortical interneuron subpopulations. Cerebral Cortex, 20, 2333-2347, 2010. Akemann W, Mutoh H, Perron A, Rossier J & Knoepfel T. Imaging brain electric signals with genetically targeted voltage-sensitive fluorescent proteins. Nature Methods, 7, 643-649, 2010. Cossec JC, Simon A, Marquer C, Moldrich RX, Leterrier C, Rossier J, Duyckaerts C, Lenkei Z, Potier MC. Clathrin-dependent APP endocytosis and Abeta secretion are highly sensitive to the level of plasma membrane cholesterol. Biochim Biophys Acta., 1801, 846-52, 2010. Vitalis T & Rossier J. New insights into cortical interneurons development and classification: contribution of developmental studies. Dev Neurobiol,. 71, 34-44; 2011. Urban A, Rossier J. Genetic targeting of specific neuronal cell types in the cerebral cortex. Prog Brain Res. 196, 163-92, 2012. Narboux-Nême N, Evrard A, Ferezou I, Erzurumlu RS, Kaeser PS, Lainé J, Rossier J, Ropert N, Südhof TC, Gaspar P. Neurotransmitter Release at the Thalamocortical Synapse Instructs Barrel Formation But Not Axon Patterning in the Somatosensory Cortex. J Neurosci., 32, 6183-6196, 2012. Urban A, Rancillac A, Martinez L & Rossier J. Deciphering the neuronal circuitry controlling local blood flow in the cerebral cortex with optogenetics in PV::Cre Transgenic Mice. Front. Pharmacol. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2012.00105. 2012. Perrenoud Q, Rossier J, Férézou I, Geoffroy H, Gallopin T, Vitalis T & Rancillac A. Activation of cortical 5-HT(3) receptor-expressing interneurons induces NO mediated vasodilatations and NPY mediated vasoconstrictions. Front Neural Circuits. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2012.00050. 2012 Rancillac A, Geoffroy H & Rossier J. Impaired Neurovascular Coupling in the APPxPS1 Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease. Curr Alzheimer Res. 9, 1221-30, 2012. Fukuyama H, Ndiaye S, Hoffmann J, Rossier J, Liuu S, Vinh J & Verdier Y. On-bead tryptic proteolysis: an attractive procedure for LC-MS/MS analysis of the Drosophila caspase 8 protein complex during immune response against bacteria. J Proteomics. 75, 4610-4619, 2012. Perrenoud Q, Geoffroy H, Gauthier B, Rancillac A, Alfonsi F, Kessaris N, Rossier J, Vitalis T and Gallopin T. Characterization of type I and type II nNOS-expressing interneurons in the barrel cortex of mouse. Front. Neural Circuits 6:36. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2012.00036. 2012. DeFelipe J, López-Cruz PL, Benavides-Piccione R, Bielza C, Larrañaga P, Anderson S, Burkhalter A, Cauli B, Fairén A, Feldmeyer D, Fishell G, Fitzpatrick D, Freund TF, González-Burgos G, Hestrin S, Hill S, Hof PR, Huang J, Jones EG, Kawaguchi Y, Kisvárday Z, Kubota Y, Lewis DA, Marín O, Markram H, McBain CJ, Meyer HS, Monyer H, Nelson SB, Rockland K, Rossier J, Rubenstein JL, Rudy B, Scanziani M, Shepherd GM, Sherwood CC, Staiger JF, Tamás G, Thomson A, Wang Y, Yuste R, Ascoli GA. New insights into the classification and nomenclature of cortical GABAergic interneurons. Nat Rev Neuroscience 14, 202-216, 2013. - Perrenoud Q, Rossier J, Geoffroy H, Vitalis T & Gallopin T. Diversity of GABAergic Interneurons in Layer VIa and VIb of Mouse Barrel Cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 23, 423-441, 2013. - Baudin B, Bruneel A, Pernet P, Vaubourdolle M, Haddad I, Marcelo P, Rossier J & Vinh, J. New proteins and protein species identified in human umbilical vein endothelial cells by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance-mass spectrometry. Natural Science 5, 919-924. doi: 10.4236/ns.2013.58111, 2013. - Fukuyama H, Verdier Y, Guan Y, Makino-Okamura C, Shilova V, Liu X, Maksoud E, Matsubayashi J, Haddad I, Spirohn K, Ono K, Hetru C, Rossier J, Ideker T, Boutros M, Vinh J & Hoffmann JA. Landscape of protein–protein interactions in Drosophila immune deficiency signaling during bacterial challenge. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 110, 10717–10722, 2013. - Urban A, Mace E, Brunner C, Heidmann M, Rossier J, Montaldo G. Chronic assessment of cerebral hemodynamics during rat forepaw electrical stimulation using functional ultrasound imaging. Neuroimage, 101C, 138-149, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.06.063. - Zhang Y, Bonnan A, Bony G, Ferezou I, Pietropaolo S, Ginger M, Sans N, Rossier J, Oostra B, LeMasson G, Frick A. Dendritic channelopathies contribute to neocortical and sensory hyperexcitability in Fmr1(-/y) mice. Nat Neurosci.;17, 1701-1709, 2014. doi: 10.1038/nn.3864. - Rossier J, Bernard A, Cabungcal JH, Perrenoud Q, Savoye A, Gallopin T, Hawrylycz M, Cuénod M, Do K, Urban A, Lein ES. Cortical fast-spiking parvalbumin interneurons enwrapped in the perineuronal net express the metallopeptidases Adamts8, Adamts15 and Neprilysin. Mol Psychiatry, 20, 154-161, 2015. doi: 10.1038/mp.2014.162. C. Current grant support 2011-2015: ANR Neuroscience BRAINVASC. Neuronal control of local cerebral blood vessels: An optogenetic and fast ultrasound imaging study. 160000 euros 2012-2015: ANR TecSan VSDIR. New infrared fluorescent dyes for in vivo voltage imaging in brain and heart. 950000 euros 2013-2015: Fondation pour l’Avenir ULYS Apport de l’imagerie cérébrale par ULtrasons pour le traitement chirurgical de l’épilepsie dans les dYSplasies corticales focales. 45000 euros D. Previous experience in collaborative research - HFSP “Glutamate receptors molecular organization” 1993-1997 - EU-Funded FP4 BIO 4 “The structure of ionotropic glutamate receptors” 1996-1999 - EU-Funded FP5 Quality of life Program: « Excitatory synapse », 1999-2003