Today Thanks for helping out on short notice—my son got sick at

Thanks for helping out on short notice—my son got sick at daycare and I had to pick him up.
4th period English Analysis
Roster is in the black Attendance binder on my desk. Please mark the students who are absent.
Have students pick up a red and an orange book when they enter. Pass back the stack of papers labeled
4th period.
Remind students that they have a vocabulary quiz tomorrow—they need to know words, definitions,
parts of speech, and how to use the word in a sentence. The quiz will also include grammar questions
about the work we’ve done in the red Kaplan book—pages 5 to 33.
Have students turn to page 61 in the orange Kaplan book. Go over the answers to the practice test they
took yesterday (you passed back the answers at the beginning of class). The answer key is in the
teacher’s edition on p. 61-63—explain why the answers are what they are by following the script in the
teacher’s edition.
Next, work together through pages 65-70 in the orange book. Have students write the answers on a
piece of notebook paper. Follow the script on the right hand side of the teacher’s edition. When you
have finished these pages, have students hand in their work.
Finally, distribute the grammar packets on my desk. Each student has his or her own packet, based on
the grammar skills they need to work on. Give them the rest of the period to work on these packets.
Whatever they don’t get finished today, they can work on tomorrow after the quiz.
5th period AP English Literature
Roster is in the black Attendance binder on my desk. Please mark the students who are absent.
Remind students that they have a vocabulary quiz tomorrow on page 3 of the literary terms packet.
They are taking a practice AP multiple choice test today. Distribute the tests; tell students they can
write on the packet, but they need to write their answers on a separate piece of paper. Time them—
they have 60 minutes to complete the test. After 60 minutes, collect the tests and the answer sheets.