To become aware of personal strengths, weaknesses and interests identify and develop ways to improve employability, and how to articulate these when making applications.
To set realistic and achievable career goals, with knowledge of national and global labour markets, their opportunities and challenges.
To be able to present ideas and arguments which are relevant, appropriate to the audience and clearly communicated
To know about the technical aspects and on-going challenges of setting up a business and keeping it sustainable.
To use IT, Internet, library skills, information literacy; identifying appropriate resources and knowing how to use them, submitting proposals, using findings to structure and complete coursework/projects, using theories, methods, ideas and approaches in a critical and scholarly way
To be able to present written ideas and arguments which are relevant, appropriate to the audience and clearly communicated
To develop a mind-set that ensures an operation or organisation doesn’t lose sight of the need to generate profits and be competitive to maintain survival.
To working to a brief (e.g. an assignment or external project/event etc.), setting goals and objectives, scheduling and managing tasks and putting plans into practice; producing risk assessment, & evaluation strategy to assess outcomes and outputs
Awareness of work and organisational culture(s), financial and commercial awareness of business, numeracy and budgeting skills, networking skills, submitting business case/proposals and report writing; corporate social responsibility and sustainability
To understand the impact of verbal and non-verbal communication upon clients, colleagues or other receivers, and the importance of managing one’s own emotions.
To show creativity, originality and innovation, including enterprise and entrepreneurship; generating new ideas and applying creative solutions in specific contexts including self-employment; understanding creative process
To develop decision-making skills, critical thinking and enquiry-based learning; sustained and applied analytical skills, negotiation skills, managing change and risk, testing different strategies and choosing most appropriate solution
To understand the importance of managing the health and well-being of one’s self and employee s when in a managerial position under the duty of care for staff.
To understand the importance of a team approach that is required for many tasks and strategies, and to appreciate different team working styles including leadership that individuals can adopt to make a team successful. Working with, listening and encouraging the development of others.
Awareness of work and organisational culture(s), financial and commercial awareness of business, numeracy and budgeting skills, networking skills, submitting business case/proposals and report writing; corporate social responsibility and sustainability
To organise an event or carry out a task. Meeting deadlines for academic, paid or voluntary work Balancing study with other responsibilities such as childcare, employment, social and community activities.
To ensure that the core skills demanded by employers such as literacy, numeracy and IT are at a level required for the career aspiration and expectation of the professional body.
To develop the confidence and appreciate the benefits that can emanate from a networking approach that ranges from personal contact to an effective use of social media
To identify opportunities that can enhance a service or product ad have the confidence and resilience to develop the potential into a reality.
To be able to source possible funding, submit bids and maintain records for audit. To think creatively on the different types of resources required to carry out a project.
To become aware of personal strengths, weaknesses and interests identify and develop ways to improve employability, and how to articulate these when making applications.
To set realistic and achievable career goals, with knowledge of national and global labour markets, their opportunities and challenges
Awareness of work and organisational culture(s), financial and commercial awareness of business, numeracy and budgeting skills, networking skills, submitting business case/proposals and report writing; corporate social responsibility and sustainability
To understand the importance of managing the health and well-being of one’s self and employee s when in a managerial position under the duty of care for staff.
To ensure that the core skills demanded by employers such as literacy, numeracy and IT are at a level required for the career aspiration and expectation of the professional body
Self-assessment sheets
Reflective reports
ML189 Developing Academic and
Employability Skills (DAES)/ My
Preparation for Placement
HR380 Managing and Developing
Welcome week activities
UoB Careers Fair
Access to careers Advice and
Guidance appointments (ongoing), including weekly drop-in clinic in placement office
Business School Careers Service videos
Use of Careers Service information, website and facilities, including Active student and Beepurple
Core modules: HR173, Organisational
Behaviour and HRM, FN163 Financial
Knowledge and Skills, DB150 Business
Project, OP218 Operations &
Enterprise resource planning
Plus available options in second and final year
Second placement conference,
Welcome week activities for all years
ML189 DAES explicitly discuss these skills
Core modules IT218 Managing
Systems and processes
Core skills are included in all module
Module materials
DAES workbook
Placement Handbook
Careers information Room, resources and website including Graduate Toolkit on
DAES workbook
Placement office
Careers information Room, resources and website, including Graduate Toolkit on
Student folio
Module materials
Guest speaker programme
Bee Purple
Material provided
Student services resources
Module Materials
ASK study guide
Graduate.Tool kit
Course handbook
Persona/l year tutors
Relevant Module tutors
Placement office/
Careers staff
Year tutors, course leader
Careers staff
Relevant modules tutors
Bee Purple staff
Personal year tutors , Student
Services staff
Personal tutors,
Relevant module tutors
4,5, 6
4, 5, 6
4, 5, 6
4, 5, 6
4, 5, 6
Included in module assessment
Obtaining placement
Module feedback,
External examiner reports
Included in module assessment criteria
Obtaining placement job on graduation
DLHE report
Careers service evaluations
Included in module assessment criteria
External examiner reports
DLHE report
Not formally assessed
Included in module assessment criteria
Welcome week feedback
Feedback examiner reports
DLHE repor
Page 2 of 7
To be able to present ideas and arguments which are relevant, appropriate to the audience and clearly communicated.
ML189 DAES explicitly discuss these skills, DB150 Business Project, DB319
Business Project, all research elective and available options in the second and final year.
Student ambassador role
Course Representative role
Generic Careers Service
Employability Skills Programme
Module Materials
DAES workbook
ASK study guide
Student Union
Placement Handbook
To be able to present written ideas and arguments which are relevant, appropriate to the audience and clearly communicated
To understand the impact of verbal and nonverbal communication upon clients, colleagues or other receivers, and the importance of managing one’s own emotions.
ML189 DEAS explicitly discuss these skills
Core to all module in each year
HR380 Managing and Developing
People core topic
Placement year
Module materials
ASK study guide
DAES workbook
Marking grids
Workshop materials
Relevant module tutors
Course leaders
Student union staff
Open day manager
Careers Staff
Relevant module tutors
Personal/ year tutors, Relevant module tutor
Placement supervisor
4,5, 6
4, 5, 6
Included in the module assessment criteria
Part of the assessment criteria of all modules
Part of first assessment:
Critical factors that influence managing and developing people
Ambassador open day feedback (if applicable)
External examiner reports
DLHE report
Examiner reports
Module review of
Placement employer feedback (if applicable )
DLHE report
To understand the importance of a team approach that is required for many tasks and strategies, and to appreciate different team working styles including leadership that individuals can adopt to make a team successful.
Working with, listening and encouraging the development of others.
To develop the confidence and appreciate the benefits that can emanate from a networking approach that ranges from personal contact to an effective use of social media
Team skills development day (TSDD)
DB150 Business Project
HR173 Organisational Behaviour and
HR380 Managing and Developing
Various options available in year two and final year
Team skills development day
Module Materials
Course representative
Bee Purple
Student Facebook groups
Final year electives
UoB Careers Fair
Student union
Student central
Facebook groups
Module martials
Bee purple workshops
Professional instructors for
Relevant module tutor
SU staff
student social media rep relevant module tutor
4, 5, 6
4, 5, 6
Part of module assessment usually in the form of reflection
not formally assessed
Feedback from TSDD
Review of
Module feedback
Final year electives evaluation
Bee Purple (if applicable)
Page 3 of 7
UoB Workplacement Fair
Generic Employability Skills programmes
LinkedIn Placement staff
Careers Staff
Placement evaluation
Careers evaluation
To know about the technical aspects and ongoing challenges of setting up a business and keeping it sustainable.
DB150 Business Project
Various options in second and final year
Bee Purple
To develop a mind-set that ensures an operation or organisation doesn’t lose sight of the need to generate profits and be competitive to maintain survival.
To show creativity, originality and innovation, including enterprise and entrepreneurship; generating new ideas and applying creative solutions in specific contexts including selfemployment; understanding creative process
Awareness of work and organisational culture(s), financial and commercial awareness of business, numeracy and budgeting skills, networking skills, submitting business case/proposals and report writing; corporate social responsibility and sustainability
To identify opportunities that can enhance a service or product ad have the confidence and resilience to develop the potential into a reality.
Placement year
Various options available in second and final year
Various options available in the final year
Bee Purple
DB150 Business Project
Various options in the second and final year
Various options in second and final year
Bee Purple
Module materials
Bee purple workshops
Module materials
Placement handbook
Module Materials
Bee Purple workshops
Guest speakers
Relevant Module tutors
Bee purple staff
Placement supervisor
Relevant module tutors
Relevant Module tutors
Bee Purple staff
Module Material
Sponsoring organisation (SO) for DB150
Student central
Relevant Module
Staff from sponsoring organisation
Local Business
Module Materials
Bee Purple workshops
Relevant Module
Bee Purple staff
4,5, 6
4, 5, 6
4, 5, 6
4, 5, 6
5, 6
Included in module assessment criteria
Reflective element included in
Placement project
Included in the module assessment
Final Year elective review
Bee Purple (if applicable)
Placement employer feedback, final
Year elective review
Final year elective review
DLHE report
Included in the module assessment
Module feedback
DB150 review
Second/Final year elective review
Feedback (SO) and dragons
Included in the module assessment criteria
Final year elective review
Bee Purple
DLHE report
Page 4 of 7
To use IT, Internet, library skills, information literacy; identifying appropriate resources and knowing how to use them, submitting proposals, using findings to structure and complete coursework/projects, using theories, methods, ideas and approaches in a critical and scholarly way
To working to a brief (e.g. an assignment or external project/event etc.), setting goals and objectives, scheduling and managing tasks and putting plans into practice; producing risk assessment, & evaluation strategy to assess outcomes and outputs
To develop decision-making skills, critical thinking and enquiry-based learning; sustained and applied analytical skills, negotiation skills, managing change and risk, testing different strategies and choosing most appropriate solution
To organise an event or carry out a task.
Meeting deadlines for academic, paid or voluntary work Balancing study with other responsibilities such as childcare, employment, social and community activities.
To be able to source possible funding, submit bids and maintain records for audit. To think creatively on the different types of resources required to carry out a project.
All core modules
Placement project
Research Elective
DB150 Business Project
Placement Project
Various options in the second and final year
Core second year and final year modules
Placement project or research elective
Required for all academic study
ML189 DAES discuss the concept
Placement year
Various final year options
Placement project
Bee Purple
Module Materials
DAES workbook
Placement Handbook
Mark grids
Module Materials
Basecamp (software)
Placement Handbook
Mark grids
Module Materials
Placement handbook
Mark grids
ML189 DAES workbook
Studentcentral, ASK study guides
Graduate Toolkit/Student folio
Module materials
Placement handbook
Bee Purple workshops
Relevant module tutor
Placement supervisor l
4, 5, 6
Library Quiz
(ML189 DAES)
Included in module assessment criteria
Module feedback
External examiners reports
Relevant module tutors
Placement supervisor
4, 5, 6
Relevant module tutors
Placement supervisor
5, 6
Included in the module assessment
Included in the module assessment
Module feedback
External examiners reports
Module feedback
External examiner reports
Module tutor
4, 5, 6
Not formally assessed, measured by meeting deadlines
Module feedback
Placement employer feedback
Relevant module tutor
Placement supervisor
Bee purple
5, 6
Include in the module assessment criteria
Module feedback examiner reports
Page 5 of 7
Year One: Level Four, Core
EC163: Global Business Environment(20)
MK187: Principles of Marketing (20)
HR173: Organisational behaviour and HRM (20)
FN163: Financial Knowledge and skills (20)
DB150: Business Project (20)
ML189: Developing academic and employability skills (20)
Year Two: Level Five, Core
Law module relevant to each stream
IT218: Managing Systems and Processes (20)
EC221: International Business Analysis (20)
OP218: Operations & enterprise resource planning
Year Two: Level Five Core Streams and Options
Option List A - 1 from or core to the relevant stream
EC224: Economic theory & applications (20)
FN243: Understanding Finance Theory (20)
MK285: Marketing & Responsibility (20)
HR250: Working across cultures (20)
Option List B - 1 from
CA270: Creativity in enterprise (20)
OP215: Environmental sustainability (20)
MK291: Design and innovation (20)
OP219: Purchasing and supply (20)
SS251 Community Participation. & Development
Year Three
Placement for Management Streams
And direct into final year for Business Streams employer f/b
Final Year: Level Six
ST370: Business Strategy (20)- 4 Year Management
Students only
ST372: Corporate Strategy (20)- 3 Year Business
Students only
HR380 Managing and Developing People (20)
DB317: Placement project (20)
Various Research Electives (20)
Final Year Options and Core for Streams
Finance Electives
FA361: Corporate governance (10)
FA361: Ethics & accountability (10)
FN380: International finance (20)
MA312 Issues in Cost Management (10)
MA340 Management & Cost Accounting (10 )
Marketing electives
MK316: International marketing (10)
MK318: Retail marketing & distribution 1 (10)
MK320: Retail marketing & distribution 2 (10)
MK325: Marketing Communications 1 (10)
MK326: Marketing Communications 2 (10)
MK327: Marketing planning & strategy (20)
MK388: Marketing across cultures (20)
MK385: Business values, responsibility & trust (10)
Economics and Strategy and Entrepreneurship
EC363: Emerging financial markets (20)
EC364: Game theory in economics, finance & business
EC380: Political economy in europe (20)
EC382:Globalisation & international markets (20)
EC384: Labour market analysis (10)
EC390: Environmental economics (10)
ST316 Competitive Advantage & The Global Economy
ST324 The New European Market Place (10)
CA381 Small Business & Entrepreneurship (20)
CA382 Social Enterprise: New Business Planning (20)
CA380 Entrepreneurship: New Business Planning (10)
Page 6 of 7
HRM Electives
HR325: Understanding employee relations (20)
HR315: Employee selection & development (20)
HR382: International human resource management
HR388: Human resource management & organisational change(20)
IT, Operations Management & Logistics
IT311 Electronic Commerce (10)
IT380 Managing the E-Enterprise (20)
IT382 Digital Marketing (10)
OP317 Supply Chain Management (10)
OP314 Purchasing & E-Procurement (10)
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