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Microsoft Office Word 2003
Tutorial 1 – Creating a Document
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1
Plan a document
• Word is a tool that helps you quickly create documents
with a professional look.
• You should follow four steps to produce quality
1. Plan and create
2. Edit
3. Format
4. Print
• You will create documents most efficiently if you plan the
content before you enter any text.
• Know what you want to tell your audience. State the
information clearly and organize your material logically.
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1
Organize your thoughts
• Organize your thoughts about
the document you are going to
create before you begin writing.
• Some people prefer to do this
planning stage using a sheet of
paper, as shown in the figure on
the right.
• Others will complete this step
using a program such as
Notepad, WordPad, or Word
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1
Identify the components of
the Word window
• Word consists of many components that help you
use its features.
• Some of these components, such as the menu bar,
title bar, toolbar, and status bar, are common to all
Windows screens.
• To check the name of a Word toolbar button,
position the mouse pointer over the button
(without clicking) to display a ScreenTip.
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1
Word window components
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1
Windows screen element
descriptions slide 1
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Windows screen element
descriptions slide 2
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1
Choose commands using
toolbars and menus
• You will use the Standard and Formatting toolbars when you create
documents, therefore, you will want to display these toolbars at all
• You can display nonprinting characters, including spaces (.) and the
symbol that marks the end of a paragraph, by clicking the Show/Hide
button on the Standard toolbar.
• Using the Formatting toolbar or commands on the Format menu, you
can change the font and font size.
– When you select the Font command on the Format menu, the Font dialog
box opens, from which you can select a different font and font size
– You could also click the Font button and the Font Size button on the
Formatting toolbar
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1
The Show/Hide Button
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The Font dialog box
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1
Create a new document
• Create or open a document by clicking the Create
a new document button in the Open section at the
bottom of the Getting Started task pane (figure on
next slide).
• Click the Blank Document button in the New
Document task pane. A new document named
Document2 opens and the task pane closes
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1
Create a new document
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1
The Word window when a new
document is created
This is the window that
appears when you
create a new, blank
Word document.
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1
Enter text in a new document
• When typing, do not press the Enter key at the end of
each line; the insertion point will automatically move to
the next line when you reach the end of the current line.
• Only press the Enter key when you want to begin a new
• This will force a new line or add a blank line if it is the
only character on the line.
• To correct an error, place the insertion point to the right
of the error and then press the Backspace key to erase
the characters and spaces to the left of the insertion
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1
Enter text in a new document
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1
Saving the document
• Click the Save button on the Standard toolbar
• When the Save As dialog box appears, type the
file name you wish to save as in the File name text
• Click the Save in list arrow and select the location
to save your document
• Click the Save button in the Save As dialog box
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1
Saving the document
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1
Scroll a document
• When a document contains too much text to display in the
Word window, the text will scroll, shifting up and finally
disappearing from the top of the document window.
• Use the scroll bar on the side of the window to view the
text again.
• You can easily move your insertion point by scrolling to a
different part of the document and then clicking within the
document text.
• This makes editing quicker and easier.
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1
Word will scroll automatically
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1
Correct errors
• A word processor lets you correct mistakes quickly and efficiently
through the use of the Backspace and Delete keys.
• Word's AutoCorrect feature checks for errors as you type and
automatically corrects common typing errors.
– If AutoCorrect does not recognize a word, it alerts you by displaying a
wavy red line under the word
• You can replace an incorrect word by highlighting it, clicking the right
mouse button to display a list of alternative words, and then selecting
the correct word.
• Word can also search for more complicated errors by using the
Spelling and Grammar checker, which continually checks your
document against Word's built-in dictionary and set of grammar rules.
– A wavy green line indicates a possible grammatical error or an extra space
between words
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1
Use AutoCorrect and Spelling andXP
Grammar checker
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1
Insert the date with AutoComplete
• The AutoComplete feature will automatically
complete dates and words you use regularly.
• After you enter a few identifying letters, Word will
display a small box, or ScreenTip, that suggests
the full word you are typing.
• Press the Enter key to accept Word's suggestion, or
continue typing to ignore the suggestion.
• You can turn this feature off or add phrases to the
AutoComplete list.
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An example of AutoComplete
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Moving the Insertion Point AroundXP
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The Undo and Redo Commands
• To undo (or reverse) the very last thing you did,
click the Undo button on the Standard toolbar
– To undo more than your last action, you can click the
Undo list arrow on the Standard toolbar. This list
shows your most recent actions.
• If you want to restore your original change, the
Redo button reverses the action of the Undo
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The Undo and Redo Commands
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1
Remove Smart Tags
• A Smart Tag allows you to perform actions that would normally
require a different program. Word attaches Smart Tags to certain kinds
of text, including addresses, names, and dates.
• A Smart Tag on a word is indicated by a dotted underline.
– When you point to a word with a Smart Tag, a Smart Tag icon will appear
– When you point to the icon, you will see the Smart Tag Actions button
– Click on the Smart Tag Actions button to view the menu of options for this
text item
• If you do not want to perform any action with the tagged text, you can
choose Remove this Smart Tag from the menu. The menu will close
and the dotted underline will be removed.
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An example of a Smart Tag
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1
Preview and print a document
• Before you print a document, you should preview
• The Print Preview feature lets you see what the
printed document will look like before printing a
document with errors in layout or presentation.
• If the preview looks good, you're ready to print the
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The Print Preview window
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1
Create an envelope
• To create an envelope, click Tools on the menu bar, point to Letters
and Mailings, and then click Envelopes and Labels.
• Use the Envelopes and Labels dialog box to verify the delivery
address, the return address, any required adjustments to the envelope
size, the printer, and so on.
• If you want to print the envelope immediately, click the Print button in
the Envelopes and Labels dialog box.
• If you want to store the envelope with the letter, click the Add to
Document button.
– The envelope can then be printed at a later time, just as you would print
the document
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The Envelopes and Labels dialog box
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 1