Annual Action Plan 2016

School: St Benedict’s School
QCS School Improvement
Annual Action Plan
Our Vision
St Benedict’s is a school where Christ’s example of Hope, Belief
and Love is our foundation for a happy, engaging and
successful school.
Plan Design and
Review and
December / 2015
December / 2016
Completed Actions
Commenced, but needing further
Key Aspect of Schooling:
Catholic Identity
Systematic Evangelisation Planning
Integrating Catholic Faith, Life and Culture
Ongoing tasks include
articulate policies and practices in light of vision and mission
implement the WA Religious Education Curriculum
display religious symbols and icons
provide opportunities for staff and student spirituality
provide support for parental involvement in the religious
education of their children
provide hospitality and welcome
involve the school in the life of the parish
Christian Service Learning
involve the school on the life of the Diocese
Catholic Education Week
Missions & Project Compassion
cyclically review all documentation
continually refer to Evangelisation Plan to improve our
Evangelisation opportunituies.
Refer to Evangelisation Plan for annual goals
Continue to find ways to implement MJR.
Clearly articulate and promote a variety of social Justice
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Catholic Identity - Strategic Action
Intended Improvement Outcome(s):
St Benedict’s will be a beacon for the continuing the mission of Christ through
prayer, liturgy and the sacraments that deepens a personal relationship with God
and is seen in our encounter with all those we meet.
Systematic Evangelisation Planning
Integrating Catholic Faith, Life and Culture
We Will…
Key Performance
We Have….
Inservice Staff on
Liturgy Expectations
.A file in each class
outlining this
Strategies and
Review Classroom
prayer expectations
Introduce Staff to
different types of
prayer to use in the
Meaningful and
Appropriate liturgies
being prepared by our
staff for our students
Classes are praying
before school starts,
before lunch and before
going home everyday
Staff are teaching
students about and using
different types of prayer
in the classroom.
Strategic Plan Action
When & By Whom
Admin Team Term 2 with
Parish Priest input.
Staff to Lead and
engage the St
Benedict’s Community
in liturgies and prayer
Admin and teaching Staff
Term 1
As Above
CEO consultant Term 2
As Above
Targets (if appropriate): See Above
Consultant and Advisor Support: CEO RE Team
Smart Goals:
Strategic & Specific
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Key Aspect of Schooling:
Education – Student Learning
An Explicit Improvement Agenda
Analysis and Discussion of Data
Targeted use of School Resources
An Expert Teaching Team
Differentiated Teaching and Learning
Effective Pedagogical Practices
A Culture that Promotes Learning
Systematic Curriculum Delivery
Ongoing tasks include
Implementation of Australian Curriculum
ensure range and appropriateness of teaching practices
Continue Words Their Way, Reading Recovery and Diana Rigg through primary school
integrate the principles of pastoral care into teaching practice
imbed integrated inquiry as a means of consolidating curriculum delivery
implement and sustain ongoing assessment & reporting practices
PAT testing
observation survey
Numeracy Interviews for students at risk
other assessment measures
implement and sustain formal & ongoing reporting practices
Markbook A-E Reporting
Student Progress Files & Open Days
Parent Teacher Conferences
use data as a framework for intervention for individuals and cohorts
analyse and respond to external test results (NAPLAN)
use target setting to meet individual learning needs
program support meetings
individual learning plans
forge partnerships with other community organisations, to assist children with special needs
cyclically review all documentation
Continue to streamline mass’ and assemblies
Learning intentions and success criteria clearly stated to students, with feedback during and on
completion of task.
Use Judging Standards to inform Grades through rubrics, progress files, anecdotal notes, pre and post
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Education – Student Learning Strategic Action
Intended Improvement Outcome(s):
1. St Benedict’s is a school that sustains a culture of excellence, collaboration and fosters
continuous improvement relevant to the teacher, school and students.
2. St Benedict’s School acknowledges every child’s right to differentiated learning
opportunities by providing an environment that is engaging, meaningful and challenging.
Components An Explicit improvement Agenda
An Expert Teaching Team
Analysis and Discussion of Data
Systematic Curriculum Delivery
A Culture that Promotes Learning
Differentiated Teaching and Learning
Targeted use of School Resources
Effective Pedagogical Practices
Strategies and
We Will
Record standardised
testing data centrally
so that all teachers
have access.
develop staff in the
Australian Curriculum
and judging
standards and
develop the links
Have a differentiated
approach to learning
We will closely
monitor Emu and
Reading Recovery
students until year 3
Review Guided
reading Programme
resources along with
Assessment tools
from PM Benchmarks
Key Performance
When & By Whom
Collect data from a
variety of sources to
accurately measure
the school’s
improvement and to
identify areas
requiring focus.
All Staff term 2 clusters
2016 for reporting
June 2016
Maintain excellence
through targeted
programmes that
address teaching,
school and student
learning goals
IEP’s and CAP’s for
below standard students
Acceleration and
sideways learning for
brighter students
All Staff – Shannon &
We are closely
monitoring and tracking
Emu and Reading
Recovery students until
year 3 using
standardised testing
Guided Reading
Programme Resources
have been reviewed and
holes filled as well as
assessment tools from
PM Benchmarks are
available and
Classroom teachers
with Reading recovery
and EMU teacher
Maintain excellence
through targeted
programmes that
address teaching,
school and student
learning goals
Maintain excellence
through targeted
programmes that
address teaching,
school and student
learning goals
Entered all data into
seqta during a cluster
meeting from PAT R,
Pat Maths, South
Australian Spelling test,
Pat Grammar and Pat
Classroom based
assessment with
learning links aligned
with the teaching and
learning cycle
2015 School Improvement Annual Action Plan
Gifted and Talented
CEO Term 1
Ben, Belinda, Sian,
Strategic Plan Action
Staff end of term 1
We have
Maintain excellence
through targeted
programmes that
address teaching,
school and student
learning goals
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Staff will complete in
depth analysis of
standardised testing
data as a staff
Our data has been
analysed and we have
individual student
profiles and grouping
over levels
Staff term 2
Oral language will
start in Kindergarten
with Di Rigg Oral
language program/
We have Pre and Post
semantic tests and
direct our teaching from
these results as well as
OT and Speech
We have a detailed and
approach to teaching
New Staff Inserviced
externally term 1.
Term planners are sent
home each term
explaining to parents
what outcomes will be
covered and assessed
each term. Parents are
receiving planners and
can make links to
student reports
Term 1 teaching staff
in clusters AP’s to
guide track down
exemplars. (Parent
Letters for RE)
Maths plan whole
school approach to
be developed
Term Planners for
Core subjects to be
sent home to parents
early term one
Start from term 1
Clusters complete by
end of term 2
Maintain excellence
through targeted
programmes that
address teaching,
school and student
learning goals
Maintain excellence
through targeted
programmes that
address teaching,
school and student
learning goals
Maintain excellence
through targeted
programmes that
address teaching,
school and student
learning goals
Maintain excellence
through targeted
programmes that
address teaching,
school and student
learning goals
Targets (if appropriate): As Above
Consultant and Advisor Support:
Teaching and learning Team CEO
2015 School Improvement Annual Action Plan
Smart Goals:
Strategic & Specific
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Key Aspect of Schooling:
Stewardship- Accountability
Staff Wellbeing
Pastoral Care of Students
Ongoing tasks include
Develop and implement
School Vision
annual action plans
employ and induct staff
provide staff with clear expectations and feedback
ensure all teaching staff are registered with the Teachers
Registration Board (TRB) are RE accredited
ensure up to date staff records
provide opportunities for all staff for professional
ensure legal compliance, including Commonwealth
Educational Accountability Requirements for Schools
Legal Compliance in relation to:
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
Emergency Management
Critical Incident
Bushfire Safety
ensure adequate resources to support teaching and
maintain school plant and facilities
devise a capital development plan and ICT master plan
develop and implement appropriate local policies and
ensure sound financial management
cyclically review all policies and other documentation
MS and PS staff meet fortnightly for PLC meetings
Sections of the Bishop’s Mandate to be visited at and
explored every board meeting
Effective and functioning staff social club
Active and effective Student Welfare Officer.
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Stewardship- Strategic Action
Intended Improvement Outcome(s):
1. With the rule of St Benedict, “Christ, above all things”; we will strive to be a leading school
that fosters a community of Christian embrace where the pastoral care of students
actively models the teachings of Christ.
Staff Wellbeing
Pastoral Care of Students
Strategies and
We will review our
Management Plan
in line with
Develop a plan for
Critical Incidents
We will Build and
maintain a system
to keep student
Pastoral records
Key Performance Indicators
We have reviewed and
Implemented our behaviour
management Plan inline with
restorative practices. All staff
and parents have been
inserviced to know and
understand Restorative
Staff will know and use the
procedure of what will
happen if there is a critical
Teachers are proficient at
using Seqta notes for the
management of student
Pastoral care Plans
Consultant and Advisor Support:
When & By Whom
Stregic Plan Action
Darren Term 1 PD
Restorative Practices
To Build and
maintain a
systematic Pastoral
Care plan for
Admin team term 1
To Build and
maintain a
systematic Pastoral
Care plan for
Ben Term 1
To Build and
maintain a
systematic Pastoral
Care plan for
Smart Goals:
Strategic & Specific
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Key Aspect of Schooling:
Community - Engagement
Engagement with the School Community
Wider Community Partnerships
bold = review/revise
italic = draft/ratify
Ongoing tasks include
maintain regular and effective communication within the
school community
(00) etc = date of last review
school newsletter
Catholic Schools Network/Cluster (00)
school website
Parent Education
parent information sessions
parent/teacher conferences
Parent Handbook
Parent Participation
update and distribute school handbook
Parents And Friends
maintain an adequate level of fundraising
Promotion and Marketing
Public Relations
maintain and strengthen our links with the parish community
support and maintain an effective and functional school
board (school board development and board member
induction programme)
Reporting To The Community
School Board/Community Council
Visitors To The School
support and maintain an effective and functional school
support and maintain an effective and functional parents
and friends
work with the local school cluster
provide an annual report to the community
engage the school community in environmental stewardship
develop and distribute promotional resources and materials
involve the school in local celebrations and observances
cyclically review all documentation
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School Community - Strategic Action
Intended Improvement Outcomes:
1. St Benedict’s will provide a range of opportunities to facilitate parish and family
engagement that reflect and respect the diversity within the school community.
Engagement with the School Community
Wider Community Partnerships
Strategies and
Key Performance
When & By Whom
Strategic Plan Action
Questionnaire for
new students on
how they feel upon
entering St
Benedict’s School.
Students complete
questionnaires and data
is used to help mould the
way welcome new
students and familes to
the school
Committee formed in
term 1
Build and sustain a
support network to
welcome new
families to St
We will have a
whole school
relationship with the
INKA Charity
Classes and families are
partaking in opportunities
connected with their
learning to interact and
communicate with INKA
All members of the
the school community
are encouraged to
engage in the school
and parish
Build and sustain a
support network to
welcome new
families to St
New Families to the
school will be familiarised
with families in the class
in the first two weeks of
A committee involving
P&F President,
Principal, INKA Rep,
parish Rep and any
staff that want to be
involved. To draw a
plan of commitment for
the year
Discussion at P&F level
about what we currently
do and whether we
need to review or
promote it.
2015 School Improvement Annual Action Plan
Build and sustain a
support network to
welcome new
families to St
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Consultant and Advisor Support:
Jeff Thorne: Consultant in School Strategic Planning
2015 School Improvement Annual Action Plan
Smart Goals:
Strategic & Specific
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Operational Actions
Actions that need to be done, but don’t require a high degree of planning or
accountability. These actions are:
minor in nature (possibly)
Strategic Actions
Actions that respond to specific needs where the intended outcome is a key
component to an identified area of school improvement. These actions are:
DUMB GOALS: doable, understandable, manageable & beneficial
There is no clear consensus about precisely what the five + two keywords mean, or even what they are in any
given situation. Typically accepted values are:
Major Term
Minor Terms
strategic, significant, stretching, simple
meaningful, motivational, manageable
appropriate, achievable, agreed, assignable, actionable, action-oriented, ambitious, aligned
realistic, results/results-focused/results-oriented, resourced, rewarding
time-oriented, time-bound, timed, time-based, timely, time-specific, timetabled, time limited,
trackable, tangible
ethical, excitable, enjoyable, engaging
rewarded, reassess, revisit, recorded, rewarding, reaching
Choosing certain combinations of these labels can cause duplication; such as selecting Attainable and Realistic;
or can cause significant overlapping as in combining Measurable and Results; Appropriate and Relevant etc.
Agreed is often used in management situations where buy-in from stakeholders is desirable (eg appraisal
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