NCBI Genome Database - Comparing Hemoglobin Genes Name ________________________________ Period ____________ NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) is a huge database where DNA sequences from labs all over the world are deposited. It contains an enormous amount of information about many different organisms, including humans, that is available to anyone at no cost. The database is easily searched using a free program called BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool). In this activity, you will learn how to use these databases and BLAST to compare a human and chimpanzee hemoglobin gene. Find it: 1. What is hemoglobin? ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the HBB gene and on what chromosome can it be found? _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is an exon and an intron? ___________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Describe the relationship between DNA, proteins, and amino acids.______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. About how long ago did human and chimpanzees share a common ancestor?______________________________ Procedure: Part I – Human hemoglobin exons and introns 1. Go to BLAST. This is the NCBI home page through which you can access both the DNA databases and 2. Type HBB homo sapiens in the search box at the top. 3. On the left of the new screen, click on “nucleotide: core subset of nucleotide sequence records”. 4. Scroll down to click on Homo sapiens beta globin region (HBB@); and hemoglobin, beta (HBB); and hemoglobin, delta (HBD); and hemoglobin, epsilon 1 (HBE1); and hemoglobin, gamma A (HBG1); and hemoglobin, gamma G (HBG2), RefSeqGene on chromosome 11 5. On the right sidebar, under “Related Information”, click on “Gene”. 6. Scroll down to #7 HBB and click on the HBB. 7. Scroll down a little until you see, in a gray box on the left “Genomic regions, transcripts and products.” Click on “Reference sequence details”. 8. Click on the word FASTA. You will see a series of 1606 nitrogen base letters that are in the hemoglobin gene. 9. Copy this sequence and paste it into a Word document. Type your names at the top and give it a title when you save (click File, Rename) Part II – Compare to chimpanzee beta hemoglobin 10. Go back to the NCBI home page by clicking on the NCBI logo at the top of the page. At the top and in the right sidebar under Popular Resources, click on BLAST. 11. Under BLAST Assembled RefSeq Genomes, click on Pan troglodytes (the species name of chimpanzee). 12. In your Word document, copy the first DNA sequence you pasted (the HBB homo sapiens). You will paste the sequence in the big, white box of the NCBI BLAST page that says “Enter accession number(s)….” . If there are any words in the box, delete them first before pasting. This is your query. 13. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on BLAST. It takes some time for the sequences to come up, so be patient. 14. Scroll down to see the Human-Chimp DNA comparison for the beta hemoglobin genes. The “Query” is human beta hemoglobin and the “Subject” is the chimpanzee beta hemoglobin. You will notice that there is a vertical line between each identical nitrogen base and no line if there is a difference. 15. Copy the entire gene up to where you see this for the “hemoglobin subunit beta”: stop copying here See – this is no longer human beta globin. We don’t want this sequence. Then paste it into your Word document. SAVE IT. Then print. Analysis: 18. Look at the copy of the HBB gene on the next page. There are 3 exons and 2 introns. You can identify the exons because I have made the font slightly bigger, bold face type and highlighted. On your printout, identify and highlight the 3 exons of the human/query. 19. Using your codon translator, identify the amino acid sequence of one of the exons – you choose! Write it on your Word document just above the exon sequence. 20. Look carefully at the Human and Chimp sequences. Are the exons identical? ___________ Circle all the differences you find with a pen. How many differences are there? ______________ 21. Despite the differences, would the chimp amino acid sequence be the same? Explain why or why not. 22. Are the introns identical? ______________ Circle all the differences you find with a pencil. How many differences are there? ____________ 23. Mutations occur over the entire genome at the same rate. So how can you think of an explanation for the results above? Hint: it has to do with evolution/natural selection. HBB gene: 70501 70561 70621 70681 70741 70801 70861 70921 70981 71041 71101 71161 71221 71281 71341 71401 71461 71521 71581 71641 71701 71761 71821 71881 71941 72001 72061 72121 72181 72241 72301 gccagggctg ggcataaaag tcagggcaga gccatctatt gcttacattt gcttctgaca caactgtgtt cactagcaac ctcaaacaga caccatggtg catctgactc ctgaggagaa gtctgccgtt actgccctgt ggggcaaggt gaacgtggat gaagttggtg gtgaggccct gggcaggttg gtatcaaggt tacaagacag gtttaaggag accaatagaa actgggcatg tggagacaga gaagactctt gggtttctga taggcactga ctctctctgc ctattggtct attttcccac ccttaggctg ctggtggtct acccttggac ccagaggttc tttgagtcct ttggggatct gtccactcct gatgctgtta tgggcaaccc taaggtgaag gctcatggca agaaagtgct cggtgccttt agtgatggcc tggctcacct ggacaacctc aagggcacct ttgccacact gagtgagctg cactgtgaca agctgcacgt ggatcctgag aacttcaggg tgagtctatg ataggaaggg cagtgtggaa tcttttgttt aatgccttaa aaaaaaactt gcatattcat acatatttat gtaattttgc tcttatttct atgcctcttt atatctctgc tgctaatagc tggattattc ctcccacagc ggacgcttga gataagtaac gtctcaggat aattcttgct cattgtgtat tacacagtct aatctcccta gggttaaagt atttgtaatt aatactttcc gcaccattct atataaatat agctacaatc tgagtccaag tgttttcttt agggtacagt cgttttagtt ttcttttttt aacaaaagga gcctagtaca ctttattttc gtaatgtttt ttaaaaaatg ctaatctctt aaagaataac ttctgcatat cagctaccat ctaggccctt ccccttcttt ttagaatggg tcttttattt ttcttctccg aatatctctg ttactatttg ttttattttt aatatgtgta ctttcttctt tctttcaggg agtgataatt aaattgtaac tctgctttta ttgctaatca tctatggtta aaacagacga gctgttcata caatttttac agatacatta gaatatatgt aattgataca cacatattga ttaatatact caataatgat tctgggttaa tgatgtaaga ttttatggtt tgttcatacc agttcatgtc atgattgcat acaattgttt tattatactt agtaacttaa gtgcttattt taatcattat ccaaatcagg tttttgttta acaatgtatc ggcaatagca ggtttcatat gggataaggc tcttatcttc tcctgggcaa cgtgctggtc tgtgtgctgg cccatcactt tggcaaagaa ttcaccccac cagtgcaggc tgcctatcag aaagtggtgg ctggtgtggc taatgccctg gcccacaagt atcactaagc tcgctttctt gctgtccaat ttctattaaa ggttcctttg ttccctaagt ccaactacta aactggggga tattatgaag ggccttgagc atctggattc tgcctaataa aaaacattta ttttcattgc aatgatgtat ttaaattatt tctgaatatt ttactaaaaa gggaatgtgg gaggtcagtg catttaaaac ataaagaaat gaagagctag ttcaaacctt gggaaaatac actatatctt aaactccatg aaagaaggtg aggctgcaaa cagctaatgc acattggcaa cagcccctga tgcatatgcc ttattcatcc ctcagaaaag