LEVERAGING ON ENTERTAIMENT TO PROJECT AFRICA’S IMAGE: THE CASE OF FILM Theme: Smart Investments > Good Returns > WWW.KENYAFILMCOMMISSION.COM KENYA FILM COMMISSION Theme: Smart Investments > Good Returns > WHO ARE WE AND WHAT IS OUR OBJECTIVE? “KFC is a state corporation whose overriding objective is to enhance economic and social well-being of Kenya and its people through building of a selfsustaining and vibrant local film industry in Kenya.” WWW.KENYAFILMCOMMISSION.COM A BILLBOARD IN AN AFRICAN AIRPORT Theme: Smart Investments > Good Returns > HOLLYWOOD HAS MADE BILLIONS OUT OF AFRICA’S WILDLIFE!!! Big ? What has Africa made out of it? WWW.KENYAFILMCOMMISSION.COM WHY FILMS Theme: Smart Investments > Good Returns > Why Invest in Films an award-winning filmmaker -James Jaeger in his article “A Radical, Up-side View” •“A movie is the best investment one can make for the up-side potential vs. the risk. •They're better than real estate, blue chip stocks, gold, silver, precious stones, income-producing rental properties, treasuries, international currencies . . . •better than anything, with the possible exception of investing in your own education and spiritual enlightenment. WWW.KENYAFILMCOMMISSION.COM IMAGES OF AFRICA Theme: Smart Investments > Good Returns > 1. POVERTY 2. UNEMPLOYMENT 3. ETC Investing in film industry will generate millions of dollars and create millions of jobs…and change these images that in many cases result from realities in Africa. WWW.KENYAFILMCOMMISSION.COM FILM EARNINGS Theme: Smart Investments > Good Returns > Global Trends in Film Earnings • Films generate income from several revenue streams including public exhibition in theatres, home video, television broadcast rights and merchandising. • Theatrical box office earnings are the primary metric for trade publications in assessing the success of a film, mostly due to the availability of the data compared to sales figures for home video and broadcast rights. WWW.KENYAFILMCOMMISSION.COM FILM EARNINGS Theme: Smart Investments > Good Returns > Global Trends in Film Earnings Worldwide gross Year $2,782,275,172 2009 $2,185,372,302 3 Marvel's The Avengers $1,457,760,486 4 Harry Potter & Deathly Hallows-2 $1,328,111,219 5 Transformers: Dark of the Moon $1,123,746,996 1997 2012 2011 2011 1 Avatar 2 Titanic WWW.KENYAFILMCOMMISSION.COM FILM EARNINGS Theme: Smart Investments > Good Returns > Global Trends in Film Earnings 6 7 8 9 10 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King $1,119,929,521 2003 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest $1,066,179,725 2006 Toy Story 3 $1,063,171,911 2010 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides $1,043,871,802 2011 Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace $1,027,044,67 1999 WWW.KENYAFILMCOMMISSION.COM PRODUCTION BUDGETS FOR FILMS Theme: Smart Investments > Good Returns > Top 5 High Budget Films 1. Pirates of Caribbean 2. Tangled (Disney) 3. Spider Man 3 4. Harry Porter 5. Avatar USD 300 million USD 260 million USD 258 million USD 250 million USD 237 million WWW.KENYAFILMCOMMISSION.COM Return on Investment Performance on a Few selected films in the recent years Feature Film Investment Returns on Investment HALLOWEEN $320,000 $75,000,000 % of returns on Investment 23437.5 RETURN OF THE SECACUS 7 $60,000 $2,500,000. 4167 BENJI $550,000 $45,000,000 8182 NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD $114,000 $40,000,000 35088 GRIZZLY $700,000 $31,000,000 4428 DAWN OF THE DEAD $700,000 $55,000,000 7857 BLAIR WITCH PROJECT $5,000 $150,000,000 3,000,000 MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING $1,500,000 $200,000,000 13333.3 WWW.KENYAFILMCOMMISSION.COM FILM IN NEGERIA Theme: Smart Investments > Good Returns > Where are we in Africa? Nigeria 2010/2011 • Annual revenue for Nollywood is estimated to be around $590m. (Kshs 47.2 billion) • On average, nearly 600 films are produced annually, each selling nearly 50,000 copies. • In 2011, around 2000 movies were produced in Nigeria, averaging roughly 40 Films a week. • Average shooting time is10 days and costing between $10,000 and $15,000. • The film sector in Nigeria is the country’s second-largest employer after agriculture, providing jobs for nearly 1million Nigerians. WWW.KENYAFILMCOMMISSION.COM FILM IN SOUTH AFRICA Theme: Smart Investments > Good Returns > Where are we in Africa? South Africa According to the 2009 economic impact assessment study commissioned by the Cape Film Commission • The South African film industry had a direct annual turnover of more than R2.65-billion • The industry contributed an indirect annual turnover of more thanR3.5-billion to the country's gross domestic product (GDP). WWW.KENYAFILMCOMMISSION.COM KENYA • The total value- added (GDP at basic prices) of the film industry in 2009/2010 amounted to Kshs.71,806.3million, equivalent to 3.6% of the total GDP of Kshs.2,080,003 million. • Among the film industry, the direct contribution to the Kenyan economy amounted to Kshs.1,925.3million (0.093%), while the indirect contribution was Kshs.53,143.6 million (2.56%). “Economic contribution of film and motion picture industry in Kenya, KFC, 2011” WWW.KENYAFILMCOMMISSION.COM KENYA • The industry also employed 4,103 people on permanent basis in 2009. • The total wage earnings in the industry was 2,955.6 million in 2009/2010. • The total number of establishments in the industry were 411 in 2009. • The international impact of the industry in Western countries especially, can be assessed by the increase in the issuance of special permits for film and documentary producers, which was 3180 in 2011. WWW.KENYAFILMCOMMISSION.COM FILM GENRES Theme: Smart Investments > Good Returns > INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES . Film Production ranging from.... • • • • • • Full length feature films Short feature films Animated films and television drama Documentary films TV drama Reality shows WWW.KENYAFILMCOMMISSION.COM WWW.KENYAFILMCOMMISSION.COM Film and Country Branding • Films convert audiences into brand ambassadors/tourists • Destination images greatly influence perceptions & choices • Films provide knowledge of key aspects of country • Country promotion is very well done through film – the case of US. • Films play a key role in promoting investment. WWW.KENYAFILMCOMMISSION.COM Film and Country Branding The following films have presented huge exposure for Kenya • Out of Africa • First Grader • Nairobi Half life (recently screened in 48 theatres across the US) …And many others WWW.KENYAFILMCOMMISSION.COM Film and Country Branding: Selected cases • The New Zealand tourism board looked at the lords of the rings film in terms of promotional price and worked out what the exposure would have cost in commercial equivalent. • Estimated the exposure at US$ 41Million WWW.KENYAFILMCOMMISSION.COM Film and Country Branding: Selected cases Film Location Brave heart Wallace, Scotland Dances with Wolves Kansas The Lord of the rings New Zealand Mission Impossible 2 Sydney Little Woman Orchard Saving private Ryan France Pride and Prejudice Cheshire, UK Miami Vice Miami Captain Corelli's Greece Troy Turkey Impact 300% Increase visitors after release 25% increase compared 7% previous year 10% increase per year 1998 - 2003 200% increase in 2000 65% increase after release 40% increase in American tourists 150% increase in visitors 150% increase in German tourists 50% increase over 3 years 73% increase in tourism PASSING MESSAGES THROUGH FILM Theme: Smart Investments > Good Returns > • • • • • Film images last long in people’s mind. Film characters become “real” to viewers. Images in films are powerful (people shed tears) Films also pick real images (Hollywood signage) AFRICA can tell her story through FILM. WWW.KENYAFILMCOMMISSION.COM