WORLD HISTORY…THE SOUNDTRACK Here is your opportunity to express yourself through song. You are to select 1 song for each historical figure. Songs should reflect accomplishments (good or bad), personality traits, or professions. You are not allowed to use artists that share their name. You are also not allowed to give me songs with explicit lyrics, or very suggestive material. A good rule of thumb is if it can’t be played on the radio, don’t use it. Songs cannot be repeated. Artists cannot be repeated. Groups will be graded for completion of the assignment along with an opportunity for extra credit compared to other groups. Using Youtube, students are to get into 2-3 large groups and find a song. Youtube songs and videos must be school appropriate and must be an active link. No student parodies of songs. All hyperlinks and explanations will be placed on this paper and emailed to me with the names of the group and period. EXTRA CREDIT CHANCES TO RECEIVE EXTRA CREDIT FOR EITHER OR BOTH CHOICES, YOU MUST SUBMIT SONGS NOT YOUTUBE LINKS Students can turn in their own individual assignments for extra credit. Songs selected cannot be from their group or class. Songs must already be an audio file and submitted through flash drive or CD. For extra credit students must select 4 individuals from each pool (12 total). THE CHOICES 80’s Heavy 50’s/60’s 60’s/70’s Metal, not Rock and Motown death or Roll speed metal (Songs must be from that decade) Extra credit will cap out at 50 points. If you choose to do more, you can be remembered as an immortal Old School Rap (80’sEarly 90’s) Country (Not my favorite, but I guess some people like it) Show Tunes (Musicals) THE IMMORTALS (Students that created a themed album for every pool) BRITTANY WEST ’13; BRIANNA WILLIAMS ‘17 POOL A Historical Figure Joan of Arc (Example) Song/Artist Roar/Katy Perry Explanation I chose Roar because just like the song, Joan was quiet and not heard, but then she became a large voice for the French Link Historical Figure Song/Artist Explanation Oliver Cromwell Lorenzo de Medici Cesare Borgia Cardinal Mazarin Cosimo de Medici Grand Canal Dennis Diderot War of the Roses Peter the Great Mary Tudor Reynald of Chatillon Ali Galileo Martin Luther Link Historical Figure Song/Artist Explanation Link Historical Figure Song/Artist Explanation Link Historical Figure Song/Artist Explanation Link POOL B Historical Figure Rats Guy Fawkes Leonardo Da Vinci Leo X Pope Urban II Hussein Zheng He Montesquieu Catherine the Great False Dmitri’s Anne of Cleves Rurik Ibn Sina Nicholas Copernicus Lucrezia Borgia Song/Artist Explanation Link Historical Figure Song/Artist Explanation Link Historical Figure Song/Artist Explanation Link Historical Figure Song/Artist Explanation Link Historical Figure Song/Artist Explanation Link POOL C Historical Figure Assassins Louis XIII Michelangelo Julius II Catherine de Medici Mehmet II Richard the Lionheart Voltaire Henry VIII Ivan IV the Terrible Pierre Bayle Vladimir the Great Al-Razi Johannes Kepler John Calvin Song/Artist Explanation Link Historical Figure Song/Artist Explanation Link Historical Figure Song/Artist Explanation Link Historical Figure Song/Artist Explanation Link Historical Figure Song/Artist Explanation Link POOL D Historical Figure Saladin Elizabeth Tudor Sixus IV Alexander VI Louis XIV Suleiman the Great Hongwu Isaac Newton Catherine of Aragon Boyars John Locke Anne Boleyn Kublai Khan Tycho Brahe Genghis Khan Song/Artist Explanation Link Historical Figure Song/Artist Explanation Link Historical Figure Song/Artist Explanation Link Historical Figure Song/Artist Explanation Link Historical Figure Song/Artist Explanation Link