Essay Two: Ad Analysis

English 109
Essay Two: Ad Analysis
Drawing on Kilbourne’s and/or Davis’s essays, write an essay in which you analyze one print ad
from a magazine. Your main task is to answer the following question: What strategies does the
ad use to persuade consumers to buy the product?
In your essay, you need to incorporate the ideas of Kilbourne or Davis (you can use both authors’
ideas if you wish). For example, as discussed in Kilbourne’s essay, does your ad promise to give
us a wonderful, vibrant life, a sense of empowerment, better relationships, etc.? Does your ad
reflect one or more of the cultural myths discussed in Davis’s essay? You will not address all of
these authors’ ideas in your essay, of course. The author you use will depend on your ad. Also,
it’s perfectly fine (and good!) to come up with your own ideas that are not addressed by the
authors’ essays.
Be sure to address the following questions in your essay:
 Who is the target audience (specific context) for the ad?
 What are the main claims or messages of the ad? Be sure to think also about the less
obvious messages of the ad (subtext).
 What shared cultural beliefs or assumptions does the ad tap into (cultural context)?
***When addressing these questions, be sure to support your claims with specific evidence from
the ad. Also, although you need to address all of the above questions in your essay, where you do
so is up to you. In other words, you will decide how to organize the points of your analysis.
In addition, remember to consider the following questions about specific aspects of the ad’s form
and design:
 What is the central image in the ad? What specific details (people, objects, locale) are
emphasized? What are the surrounding images? What is significant in the placement of
these images? (content, framing, composition, see p. 176)
 What text is included (ad copy)? How is it displayed? How does it relate to the other
graphics or images?
 What is the effect of focus, color, lighting, texture, angle, and vantage point? (see p. 176)
 Is there any symbolism embedded in the images?
***Some of these questions about form and design may not apply to your ad. Include the aspects
that do apply. Avoid answering the questions in a list format; work on incorporating these
aspects of form and design into your main arguments about the ad. In other words, how do these
details of form and design relate to and support the ad’s efforts to get people to buy the product?
In your essay, begin with an introduction that captures the reader’s attention and that provides an
introduction to your topic. You should also give us a brief overview of the ad you plan to
analyze. Finally, include a clear thesis statement that explains the main strategies your ad uses to
sell the product. Your thesis statement should be the last sentence of your introduction.
In your body paragraphs, conduct your analysis of the ad that supports your thesis statement.
Remember to include specific details when describing your ad (help us see it!), and be sure to
incorporate information from Kilbourne’s or Davis’s essay throughout your essay. For example,
if you want to use one of Davis’s myths in your analysis of an ad, you will need to explain
Davis’s ideas and then explain how your ad uses the myth to sell the product. You will need to
document the information you use from Kilbourne and/or Davis using in-text citations and a
References page.
Finally, include a conclusion that restates your thesis in different words, comments on the
significance of your topic, and leaves the reader with something interesting to think about.
Your essay should be 3-4 pages, not including the required title page or references page, and
must be typed as a Microsoft Word document, with formatting according to the APA style guide,
6th edition. The APA requirements include:
Title page with proper formatting
Running head with page numbers and title
One-inch margins on all sides
Double-spacing for entire essay
Time New Roman 12-point font
Correct in-text documentation when citing from the advertising essays
References page with proper formatting
***In addition, please be sure to eliminate extra line spaces between paragraphs.
Your essay will be graded on the following criteria: Effective introduction with thesis statement,
development of ideas, organization, style, length requirement, use of source material (advertising
essay(s)), APA format and documentation, and grammar/mechanics. Please review the Essay
Two Revision Checklist; this is the same checklist that I use when grading your essay. Essay
Two is worth 15% of your course grade.
Essay Two Rough Draft:
Essay Two Final Draft:
Due Tues., Feb. 18 (bring two typed copies to
Due Tues., March 4 (submit final draft to Turnitin
on Blackboard by beginning of class)