Advanced Dispute Resolution Workshop TP Minds Africa 23 November 2015 Presented by: Dr. DN Erasmus & Prof A Venter WORKSHOP CONTENT 1. Tax Administration 2. Technical considerations 4. Case Study 3. APAs & MAPs TAX ADMINISTRATION TAX ADMINISTRATION CONSTITUTION DETAILED TP GUIDANCE/ REGULATIONS DOMESTIC TP LEGISLATION TAX ADMIN FRAMEWORK AUDIT PROCEDURE ADMIN CONSTITUTION FOUNDATION OF LAW AND PROCEDURE All law and conduct must conform Sets out fundamental rights Determines administrative justice International law and interpretation TAX ADMIN FRAMEWORK ADMINISTRATIVE JUSTICE PRINCIPLES DETERMINES FAIR AND VALID CONDUCT BY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS GIVES EFFECT TO FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS AUDIT ADMIN PROCEDURES LAW, REGULATIONS OR REVENUE AUTHORITY SERVICE CHARTER PROTECTS THE TAXPAYER’S RIGHTS WHAT TO EXPECT DURING AN AUDIT PARAMETERS FOR CONDUCT AND SERVICE DELIVERY DOMESTIC TP LEGISLATION SPECIFIC SCOPE AND POWER POWER TO ADJUST INCOME SCOPE OF TP LEGISLATION ONUS ARM’S LENGTH REQUIREMENT OR ANTIAVOIDANCE ADJUSTMENT DETAILED GUIDANCE OR REGULATIONS OECD GUIDANCE DOMESTIC RULES NO DETAILED GUIDANCE TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS Intangibles Guidance Case Law Management Fees INTANGIBLES – GUIDANCE INTANGIBLES – OECD PAR 6.38 ANALYSIS CONTEXT: No reimbursement ISSUE: Extent of the ability of the marketer to share in benefit from activities CRITERIA: Substance of the rights of the parties EXAMPLE: COMPARABLE RETURN EXAMPLE: ADDITIONAL RETURN LONG TERM, SOLE RIGHTS BENEFIT THROUGH SALES AND MARKET SHARE • COMPARABLE: DISTRIBUTOR WITH SIMILAR CIRCUMSTANCES • • LOW RISK EXAMPLE TERM/LENGTH • • • • EXTRAORDINARY EXPENDITURE DECREASED PRODUCT PRICE OR DECREASED ROYALTY RATE WILL NOT OBTAIN EXPECTED BENEFIT WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION HIGH RISK EXAMPLE PROTECTION LEVEL OF EXPENDITURE INTANGIBLES – OECD PAR 6.38 ANALYSIS BENCHMARK: Level of marketing investment: 2% of sales Period: 10 years Protection: sole rights EXPECTATION: marketing investment of R100 000 will generate sales of R 5 million This will be achieved over 10 years if sole distribution rights are obtained. EXAMPLE: COMPARABLE RETURN • Contracts of no less than 10 years: sufficient opportunity to gain benefit through sales • Contracts with the at least sole distribution rights: Allowed the necessary market share to be developed to obtain the expected benefit • Contracts with an expectation of marketing Investment of no more than 2% of sales LOW RISK EXAMPLE EXAMPLE: ADDITIONAL RETURN • Contracts of less than 10 years: at risk of not generating R 5 m in sales due to time constraints • Contracts with non-exclusive rights: insufficient protection to develop the expected market share. • Contracts with an expectation of investment of more than 2% of sales: risk of lower profit HIGH RISK EXAMPLE INTANGIBLES – CASE LAW SONY ERICSSON CASE DHL CASE GLAXO CASE BMW CASE LG ELECTRONICS CASE INTANGIBLES – EXAMPLE STAGE 2: SPLIT THE COMBINED PROFITS STAGE 1: DETERMINE COMBINED TRANSACTIONAL PROFITS ROYALTY 1. Excess Profits 2. Attributable to Brand STEP 1: INTANGIBLE EARNINGS (EXCESS PROFITS) FORMULA: Profit after Tax LESS: capital charge (Capital employed x WACC) = Economic Value add (EVA) (page 36) STEP 2: BRAND EARNINGS (Brand contribution to excess profits) FORMULA: Intangible earnings (STEP 1) X Role of Brand (35%) (page 36-40) Brand Earnings Total average 3,3% of revenue (page 15 and 39) STAGE 1: DETERMINE COMBINED TRANSACTIONAL PROFITS STAGE 2: SPLIT THE COMBINED PROFITS ROYALTY LICENSEE PROFIT STEP 1: INTANGIBLE EARNINGS STEP 2: Intangible earnings x Role of Brand Excess Profit: Intangibles Earnings Excess Profit from other Intangibles (65%) Excess Profit from Brand specifically (35%) Brand Earnings Normal Profit TRANSACTIONAL PROFITS TO BE SPLIT (BRAND EARNINGS) STAGE 1: DETERMINE COMBINED TRANSACTIONAL PROFITS STEP 1: INTANGIBLE EARNINGS STEP 2: BRAND EARNINGS Brand Earnings STAGE 2: SPLIT THE COMBINED PROFITS ROYALTY STEP 1 Benchmarking (CUPs) AL royalty range (0,25% - 1,6%) STEP 2 Brand Strength Index (Position Brand in royalty range (2% max rate) (CONTROVERSIAL) Determine the licensor’s portion by using benchmarking: 1% (30% of the full 3,3% brand earnings) SERVICES - GUIDANCE OECD AND BEPS DOMESTIC LAW UN MANUAL MAPs & APAs MAPs & APAs Settlements APAs MAPs SETTLEMENTS When to consider a settlement? Key success factors ADVANCED PRICING ARRANGEMENTS (APA) Timing Criteria in regulations Implementation Risks MUTUAL AGREEMENT PORCEDURES (MAPs) Double Tax Agreements: Section 25 and Section 9 MAPS and Domestic Remedies Triggers Procedure Arbitration CASE STUDY MANAGEMENT FEES TRADEMARK COMPANY ZZ SUBSIDIARY Z KENYA SUBSIDIARY Z MALAWI SUBSIDIARY Z ZIMBABWE PENALTY SUBSIDIARY Z BOTSWANA SUBSIDIARY Z TANZANIA