Post-distribution monitoring: winter food, fuel and NFI distributions in

Post-distribution monitoring: winter food, fuel and NFI distributions in the Kabul Informal Settlements
1. Date
11. Have any members of the family migrated away
from Kabul over the winter?
□ Yes
□ No
12. If yes, what was the reason for migrating?
2. Interviewer’s name
□ Employment
□ Insecurity
□ Education
□ Health
□ Other:_____________
13. How long does it normally take your household
to consume a 50 kg bag of flour?
3. Interviewer’s organization
4. Camp name
5. Interviewee name (optional)
6. Head of household name (optional)
7. Is the interviewee the head of the household?
□ Yes
□ No
8. Total number of people
In family
0 – 5 years
6 – 15 years
14. What fuel does your household normally use for
heating in winter?
□ Wood
□ Coal
□ Diesel
□ Manure
□ Rubbish
□ Other:_____________
15. Did your household receive any food or nonfood items from any organization over winter?
□ Yes
□ No [go to 16]
Did your household receive any food items?
□ Yes
□ No
Did your household receive fuel?
□ Yes
□ No
Did your household receive any clothing,
tarpaulins or blankets?
□ Yes
□ No
16. If no to 15., on what date did you arrive in this
16 – 45 years
46 – 60 years
[Record answer and end interview]
Greater than 60 years
9. Typical source of income (type of work) for the
In summer
In winter
10. Typical monthly income for the household:
In summer
In winter
17. Were you informed about the timing and the
type of distribution?
□ Yes
□ No
18. What role did camp elders play in the
□ Responsible for the distribution to the camp
□ Provided limited assistance only
□ No role [go to question 24]
19. If the camp elders were involved in the
distribution of items, were they fair?
□ Yes
□ No
20. Did any agency come to your camp and promise
assistance but not deliver it?
□ Yes
□ No
22. Who supervised the distribution of the food, fuel
or NFIs? (i.e. was it staff from the organization
distributing items, or the camp leaders, or both,
or someone else?)
21. Were you told who to complain to and how to
complain if you were not satisfied with the aid
or its distribution?
□ Yes
□ Staff from the distributing organization
□ Staff from another NGO
□ Camp elders
□ Don’t know
□ Other:________________________________
□ No
23. Were you informed about the timing and the type of distribution?
□ Yes
□ No
24. Please tell me how many days in the past 7 days has your household has eaten the following food types?
Source codes: 1 = Own production; 2 = Purchase on cash; 3 = Purchase on credit; 4 = Bartering; 5 = Gifts/Charity;
6 = Collecting wild foods; 7 = Food aid (Gov, NGO/WFP)
No. of days
Cereals (Bread, wheat, rice, maize, etc)
Tubers (Potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc)
Pulses (Beans, lentils, peas, etc)
Meat, off all type, fishes and eggs
Dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese, other milk prod)
Sugar, honey
Oil, fats
25. How many meals did household members eat yesterday? [1 = 1 meal; 2 = 2 meals; 3 = 3 meals; 4 = 3+ meals]
Children 6 – 18 years
Children 5 years and under
26. In the past 7 days, if there have been times when you did not have enough food or money to buy food, how
often has your household had to:
[0 = never; 1 = one day; 2 = two days; 3 = three days; 4 = four days; 5 = five days; 6 = six days; 7 = seven days]
Rely on less preferred and less expensive foods
Borrow food, or rely on help from a friend or relative
Limit portion size at mealtimes
Restrict consumption by adults in order for small children to eat
Reduce number of meals eaten in a day
27. Was the quality of the food items acceptable?
□ Yes
34. Did you give away, exchange or sell any of the
□ No
□ Yes
28. Was the quantity of the food items acceptable?
□ Yes
35. Would you have preferred to receive food, an
equivalent amount in cash, or a combination of
both (if all packages had the same value)?
□ No
29. At what time would you prefer to have received
food assistance:
□ Earlier
□ At the same time
□ Food
□ Later
□ Cash
□ Combination of food & cash
30. How long will your current cereal stock last?
□ No
36. Did anyone that you know of in the settlement
not receive food?
31. How much flour do you have remaining from the
□ Yes
37. Did anyone that you know of in the settlement
receive food that didn't need it?
□ Yes
If none, after how many weeks did it run out?
32. How much does your household usually spend
on food each week:
In winter
□ No
38. Did you have any difficulties with
collecting/receiving these items from the
distribution point?
□ Yes
In summer
□ No
□ No
39. Can you name the organizations that provided
you with food over winter?
1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
33. On average, how much did your household
spend each week on food this winter?
3. ____________________________________
40. At what times did you receive firewood or coal
over the most recent winter?
1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
41. At what time would you prefer to have received
fuel assistance:
□ Earlier
□ At the same time
□ Wood
□ Coal
□ Diesel
□ Manure
□ Rubbish
□ Other:_____________
43. Was the quality of the fuel acceptable?
□ No
□ Yes
□ No
What did you use once your fuel ran out?
□ Wood
□ Coal
□ Diesel
□ Manure
□ Rubbish
□ Other:_____________
45. How much did your household spend each week
during winter on fuel?
□ Later
42. What is your preferred fuel for the heating
equipment in your shelter?
□ Yes
44. Was the quantity of the fuel acceptable?
46. On average, how much did you spend per week
on fuel this winter?
47. Did you have enough fuel to stay warm this
□ Yes
□ No
48. Did you give away, exchange or sell any of the
□ Yes
□ No
49. Would you have preferred to receive fuel, an
equivalent amount in cash, or a combination of
both (if all packages had the same value)?
□ Fuel
52. Did you have any difficulties with
collecting/receiving these items from the
distribution point?
□ Yes
□ No
53. Can you name the organisations that provided
you with fuel over winter?
□ Cash
1. ____________________________________
□ Combination of fuel & cash
2. ____________________________________
50. Did anyone that you know of in the settlement
not receive fuel?
□ Yes
3. ____________________________________
□ No
51. Did anyone that you know of in the settlement
receive fuel that didn’t need it?
□ Yes
□ No
Non-food Items
54. At what times did you receive clothing, blankets
or tarpaulins over the most recent winter?
61. Did you give away, exchange or sell any of the
□ Yes
1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
55. At what time would you prefer to have received
□ Earlier
□ At the same time
□ Later
56. At the time of distribution, was the quality of
the clothes, tarpaulins or blankets acceptable?
□ Yes
□ No
57. At the time of distribution, was the quantity of
the clothes, tarpaulins or blankets acceptable?
□ Yes
□ No
58. Are the items still in good/functional condition?
[Ask to inspect the items]
□ Yes
□ No
59. Did your family have enough clothing, blankets
and tarpaulins before winter started?
□ Yes
□ No
60. What were the three most important NFIs that
you received?
1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
□ No
62. Would you have preferred to receive NFIs, an
equivalent amount in cash or a combination of
both (if all packages had the same value)?
□ NFIs
□ Cash
□ Combination of NFIs & cash
63. Did anyone that you know of in the settlement
not receive NFIs?
□ Yes
□ No
64. Did anyone that you know of in the settlement
receive NFIs that didn’t need them?
□ Yes
□ No
65. Did you have any difficulties with
collecting/receiving these items from the
distribution point?
□ Yes
□ No
66. Can you name the organisations that provided
you with NFIs over winter?
1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
Thank the interviewee for their time and
responses, and end the interview.