Saturn - mrflanagansscienceclass

Created By: Susan Bishop & Gabrielle
What are the main differences
between Saturn and Earth
a. Earth is the third planet from the sun and
Saturn is the sixth planet.
b. Saturn is the second largest planet in the
solar system.
c. Saturn is colder than Earth.
What is the atmosphere like on
a. 75% hydrogen, 25% helium with water, ice
and methane.
b. orange and faded clouds in the atmosphere
c. has the fastest winds in the solar system
What types of material is Saturn made
a. It has a core of mostly ice and heavy rock
b. It also is filled with helium and iron
c. the lower parts are made of liquid hydrogen
and liquid metallic hydrogen.
How does Saturn compare to the size
of Earth? How about the sun?
a. The diameter of Saturn is 120,536 km.
b. Saturn’s area is 83 times the area of the
c. Saturn’s volume is 764 times the volume of
What color is Saturn?
a. Pale yellow with hints of orange.
b. Colors come from upper clouds.
c. Has a banded pattern in atmosphere.
How far is Saturn from Earth?
• a. 1.2 billion km away.
• b. They are both 1.67 billion km around.
• c. Same side as the sun.
How did Saturn get it’s name?
• a. After the Roman god Saturnus.
• b. Equivalent to the ancient greek god Kronos.
• c. Greek astronomers call these objects
planets asteres.
How many moons does Saturn have?
a. 60 moons.
b. 52 are official.
c. The moons are not the biggest in the solar
How long would it take to get to
a. Pioneer 2 took almost 6 years and 5 months.
b. Voyager 1 took 3 years and 2 months.
c. Voyager 2 took over 4 years.
What does the surface of Saturn look
a. Has no surface.
b. Just gas.
c. Ice chunks that are 10 meters long.
Are there any geographic features of
a. There are no geographic features.
What have we done to explore Saturn?
a. They discovered Saturn’s largest moon in
b. They successfully landed and took pictures
of the surface.
c. They found evidence of surface features.
When was Saturn discovered? By
a. It existed for thousands of years.
b. Discovered by the Ancient Greeks.
c. Saturn was the most distant of the 5 planets.
What are the temperatures like on
a. -150 AC.
b. 11,700 AC.
c. -93 AC.
What is time like on Saturn?
a. The equator is tilted 23 degrees.
b. It gives the planet four seasons.
c. There is no time on Saturn.
What are the seasons like?
a. Seasons are much longer.
b. Takes Saturn 30 years to orbit.
c. When the rings face the sun, it shades the
planet and it is winter.
How long does it take Saturn to orbit
around the Sun?
a. 29.45 years.
b. 10,759 days.
c. Saturn orbits the sun further away than earth.
What is the mass of Saturn?
a. 5.6846A.
b. 10km.
c. 95 times mass of Earth.
What is the volume of Saturn?
a. 8.2713 A.
b. 10 to the 14th cubic km power.
c. You can fit 764 Earth’s inside the volume of
What is Saturn’s distance from the
• a. 1.4 billion km.
• b. The average distance is 1,433,449,370 km.
• c. 891 million miles.
What is the diameter of Saturn?
a. 120,536 km.
b. 9.44 times that of earth.
c. Polar diameter is 108,728km
Does Saturn have any rings?
a. 3 main rings
b. 5 dusty rings
c. 12 rings
Could Saturn support human life? Why
or why not?
• no because the surface is just made out of gas
Interesting facts
a. Saturn is the least dense planet in the Solar
b. Saturn is a flattened ball.
c. Saturn has 60 moons.