Emerging Biometric Applications Expectations meet Reality An Emerging Technology What are Biometrics? The term biometrics refers to a science involving the standard analysis of biological characteristics. A biometric is a unique, measurable characteristic or trait of a human being for automatically recognising or verifying identity. Who are you? No, who are you, really??? Authentication Methods in Network & Internet Security Something you know Passwords PINs Mother’s maiden name Something you have ATM card Smart card Digital certificate Something you are Biometrics Positive identification Never lost or stolen Biometric Techniques Identification of all the biometric methods, both mainstream and ‘esoteric,’ known to the group. Consider methods that relate to non-humans and also combinations of methods. Biometrics Innate Iris Retina Ear Fingerprint Palm / hand Face (visual & heat) Skin detail / veins DNA / Blood / Saliva / anti-bodies Heart rhythm Footprint Lips Behavioral Gait Signature Typing style Mixed Voice Body odour Why Biometrics? “Biometric identification (e.g., fingerprints, face and voice) will emerge as the only way to truly authenticate an individual, which will become increasingly important as security and privacy concerns grow.” - Gartner Group 26th April 2000 How do Biometrics Work? Enrollment: Add a biometric identifier to a database Fingerprint, Voice, Facial or Iris Present biometric Capture Process Store IDENTIFIED Match Compare Verification: Match against an enrolled record Present biometric No Match DENIED Capture Process Fingerprint Image Identification Randomness Accuracy v. Affordability v. Acceptability Affordability >> 0 1 2 3 4 Accuracy >> Courtesy, Veridicom Corp. Benefits for the Consumer Benefits of Biometrics Biometrics link a particular event to a particular individual, not just to a password or token, which may be used by someone other than the authorized user Business Scenarios The password problem Remote access Who is using our fee-based website? Challenge-response tokens Too many physical-access devices Protecting the single-sign-on vault Password Rules (an obligatory cartoon) How Do You Remember Passwords? The Password Problem They’re either too easy or they’re written down somewhere! Users forget them! Help Desk has to sort out the mess! Password Survey Every user requesting password reset received survey 50% response “No recriminations” policy Source - CCH The Password Problem Thinking up new passwords Good passwords are bad for users 46 39 12 3 % Easy Not Too Hard Hard V. Difficult The Password Problem Write it Down 47 28 8 16 % of respondents Never Occasionally Often Always The Password Problem User Overload No of Pswds 57 36 % 1-3 4-6 7-9 7 The Password Problem User Impact Password Resets 4 62 29 % Zero 1-2 3-6 >6 5 The Password Problem Wait Time Wait Time 18 54 1 18 7 1 % < 30 min 30 - 60 1 - 2 hrs 2 - 4 hrs 4 - 8 hrs > 1 bus. Day The Password Problem Impact on Productivity Work Impact 14 41 25 % No affect minor significant Unable to work 17 The Password Problem Who Knows your Password? Sharing pswds 62 32 51 % Never Occasionally Often V. Often The Password Problem Other's Passwords How Many Passwords do you Know? 75 16 % None One 2 or 3 > 3 81 The Password Problem Resets per Year 4 62 29 5 % of respondents Zero Source: CCH 1-2 3-6 >6 The Password Problem Identifiable costs Lost productivity Flow-on productivity losses Support team Management and infrastructure US research - $340 per incident* Anecdotal – some incidents over $AU10,000 *BioNetrix Corp - www.bionetrix.com/inserts.pdf Choosing Technologies and Partners Privacy Concerns and Ethics Criminal stigma 3rd party use of data Sold or given for other than intended purpose Provided to law enforcement Unauthorized access Identity theft “Tracking” of actions through biometrics Religious objections - “Mark of the Beast” Australian Privacy Act NPP 4 – Data Security An organisation must take reasonable steps to protect the personal information it holds from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Privacy Policy Recommendations 5 basic principles Notice – disclose ALL data captured Access –anyone can view their stored data Correction Mechanism Informed Consent – no 3rd-party involvement Reliability & Safeguarding Who would use Biometrics Strong identification and authentication Medium – high data security Non-repudiation (I didn’t do it!) Who would use Biometrics The last metre Fee-for-service web sites e-Commerce transaction verification Selecting Biometric Technologies User / environment considerations Cooperative/non-cooperative users Overt/covert capture Habituated/non-habituated Attended/unattended Public/private Indoor/outdoor Possible interference User lifestyle/occupation Compatibility with existing/legacy systems Selecting Biometric Technologies Technology factors Cost Accuracy Ease of use Public acceptance Long term stability Existence/use of standards Barriers to attack Track record of vendor/product Availability of alternate sources Scalability Technology Comparison Iris Face Finger Signature Voice Accuracy Very High Medium High High Medium Ease of Use Medium Medium High High High Barrier to Attack User Acceptability Long Term Stability Interference Very High Medium High Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Very High High High Medium High Medium Medium Coloured Contacts Lighting Aging, Glasses, Hair Dryness Changing Dirt, Signatures Age, Race Noise, Colds, Weather Accuracy False rejection rate Measures how often an authorized user, who should be recognized by the system, is not recognized. I am not recognised as me! False acceptance rate Measures how often a non-authorized user, who should not be recognized by the system, is falsely recognized. You are pretending to be me! Matching vs. NonMatching Prints Non-matching prints d Matching Threshold Matching prints False non-matches False matches FRR vs. FAR FAR / FRR are loosely inverse Error Rate FAR = FER = Equal Error Rate FRR FAR Threshold Failure to enroll rate (FER) Measures how often users are unable to enroll a biometric record Selecting a Biometric Solution Biometrics Institute Recently incorporated Impartial tester Education source Government & industry funded www.biomet.org support@biomet.org “Introduction to Biometrics” 1-day course September 25th What problem are we solving? If biometrics is the answer, what’s the question? Reference Sites Health Health Technologies (Australia) Patient Records Capital Coast Health (NZ) Access security & SSO e-Commerce (Australia) e-Contracts Big Sky Contracting Social Security States of New Jersey, Virginia, Connecticut Social Welfare systems Banking & Finance ING Direct (Canada) On-line banking ABN AMRO (Australia) Network Security Pt Makindo (Indonesia) Network Security On-line Trading Government Network Security and ID systems Defence – Stratcom US GSA – Govt-wide Smart Card Program What are some of the products? Biometric Scanning Devices 5th Veridicom Sense Fingerprint Scanner Veridicom ‘Combo’ Fingerprint & SmartCard Scanner Secugen EyeD Mouse II Scanner Sensar Iris Scanner PC Video Camera Phoenix Keyboards Telex Microphones SAF/2000 SAF/NT System requirements Versions Hardware Client environment Data Flow During Login 1. Client displays NRIgina.dll SAFserver Biometric device 2. Client accepts username passed to SAFserver 3. SAFserver advises login method 4. Client collects biometric BSP 9x/NT client Login Server 5. Summarized biometric passed to SAFserver for confirmation 6. SAFserver determines validity of biometric 7. If user is valid, SAFserver passes user password to client 8. Client passes username and password to login server to complete the login NMAS Modular interface to NDS Choice of biometric method & supplier Multiple & graded authentication Free starter pack Enterprise Edition Graded Authentication Veridicom Protector Suite Logon Protector – secure log-on based on fingerprints and smart cards FileDisk Protector - strong on-line encryption in a virtual disk Password Protector – PasswordBank for applications and Internet access PKI Protector – En/decrypt email and www user authentication using PKI More Information SAFLINK Corporation http://www.saflink.com/safnmas http:// www.saflink.com/ Biometric Consortium http:// www.biometrics.org International Computer Security Association http:// www.icsa.net Biometrics in Human Services Newsletter http:// www.dss.state.ct.us/digital.htm Biometric Technology Today http:// www.sjb.co.uk The International Biometric Society http:// www.tibs.org The Connecticut Project http://www.dss.state.ct.us/digital.htm Human Identification in Information Systems http://www.anu.edu.au/people/Roger.Clarke/DV/HumanID More Information International Biometric Industry Association http://www.ibia.org/ BioAPI Consortium http://www.bioapi.org/ Biometric Digest http://biodigest.com Association for Biometrics (Europe) http://www.afb.org.uk National Biometric Test Centre http://www.engr.sjsu.edu/biometrics/ Biometrics Research http://biometrics.cse.msu.edu/ International Biometric Group http://www.biometricgroup.com/ Biometrics Scanning, Law & Policy http://www.pitt.edu/%7Elawrev/59%2D1/woodward.htm And for a Negative View… Biometrics http://www.666soon/biometri.htm Fight the Fingerprint http://www.networkusa.org/fingerprint.shtml Give Passwords the Finger!