B2L7 The Fight over the Golden Apple

B2L7 The Fight over the Golden Apple
Before reading:
Class: _____ No. _____ Name: ____________
Listen, Sing & Feel!
by Bread
If a picture paints a thousand words,
The words will never show
the you
If a face could
Then where am I to go?
Tomorrow and today,
If the world
a thousand ships,
And when the world was through,
Then one by one the stars would all go out,
You’re all that’s left me too.
And when my love for life
revolving spinning slowly down to die,
Introduction: a Contest Sparking off the Trojan War
The king of Sparta
Troy because Paris, the prince of Troy,
Helen, the queen of Sparta. However,
Language Highlight:
1. It is easy for us to see that….
2. … Helen’s beauty was seen as the cause of…
3. Neither Paris’s passion nor the king’s anger
alone burned...
It is a contest among three goddesses that
4. the seeds of destruction had already been
5. … as a result of a contest
Body 1: Story of the Golden Apple of Discord—the key event resulting in a famous war
Language Highlight:
1. This is exactly what happened with the…
Three goddesses, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite liked to
when there were disagreements. This time, they were fighting
. To avoid being blamed, Zeus had
Paris make the difficult choice. To win the name of “the fairest,” the three goddesses
promised Paris
 Hera offered him
Europe and Asia.
 Athena offered him great
… the Trojan War, which actually started…
To avoid being blamed, …
Zeus had Paris make the difficult choice for him.
To win the golden apple, …
promised Paris all that a man could…
offer him great battle skills
Idioms and phrases:
 Aphrodite offered him Helen, the
in the world.
Paris chose Aphrodite, for he had already lost his heart to Helen at first sight.
Body 2: The Trojan War
Aphrodite helped Paris take Helen to Troy. The
Spartan king waged
war on Troy, which continued for
years. Despite having won many battles,
the Spartans could never
Troy. Then, Athena,
, provided the Spartans with a key to winning the
final victory—the Trojan
The Spartan soldiers,
, which
was later considered
by the Trojans, crept out at night
and ushered in the Spartan army to
a successful surprise
the greatest war in Greek mythology.
Conclusion: Resonating with the Title—A Human War for a Battle among Goddesses
As in many Greek myths, humans in the Trojan War were like
in the
hands of gods and goddesses. That’s probably the reason many Westerners believe that
humanity can’t control their destiny.
Language Highlight:
1. Aphrodite, having won the contest, helped…
2. … as she had promised
3. Athena, who was still angry about…
provided them with the key…
the key to winning
What began with an apple must end with a horse.
… a big wooden horse, which the Trojans considered a gift
of peace.
8. , bringing an end to…
9. Idioms and phrases:
Language Highlight:
1. As in many Greek myths, …
2. it seems that…
Behind-the-Scene information: Let’s learn more about Greek and Roman Mythology. Listen to stories below and jot down at least 3 key messages for each topic.
1. Apple of Discord
2. The Trojan War
3. Zeus
4. Hera
5. Aphrodite
6. Athena
7. Paris
8. Helen
9. Eros and Psyche
10. Narcissus
11. Sisyphus
12. Zeus and Europa
13. Achilles’ Heel
14. Pandora’s Box
15. Play Cupid
Post-reading: A Picture Painting a Thousand Words (optional)  As a BONUS (plus 2 points)
Be an illustrator and draw a picture of gods/goddesses playing a game of “Trojan War” with chesspieces of humans.