Chen Jie,Lou Jian-Ling, Ye Yan-Lin Peking University, China August 17, 2012 The halo nucleus Neutron loosely bound 11Be Sn=0.504 MeV Larger radius rms= 2.91 fm Parity inversion: intruder state 10Be core + 1 valance n 10Be Core excited to 2+ PRC 85 (2012) 051303R 0 d3/2 1 s1/2 ⑳ 11Be (1/2+ gs ) 0 d5/2 inversion ⑧ 0 p1/2 0 p3/2 0 p1/2 1 s1/2 0 d5/2 0 p1/2 2+ 0 s1/2 0+ × 1s1/2 PRL 108, 192701 (2012),10Be(d,p) S~0.71(5) 2+ × 0d5/2 PLB 461, 22-27 (1999) 11Be(p,d) S~16% PRL 84, 35(2000) 11Be 1n removal Reaction, momentum distribution S~22% 12Be = 11Be + n Intruder state [6]F. C. Barker, J. Phys. G 2, L45 (1976). Normal state 12Be • disappearance of conventional magic number: N=8 • Isomeric state: 02+ 331(12) ns Two decay modes: E2 decay: 130 keV and 2.11 MeV gamma-rays E0 decay: internal conversion: negligible e+e- pair creation 511keV gamma 17(2)% isomer 83(2)% Physics Letters B 560 (2003) 31–36; Physics Letters B 654 (2007) 87-91. 0 d3/2 1 s1/2 0 d5/2 ⑳ 12Be (0+ gs ) ⑧ 0 p1/2 0 p3/2 0 s1/2 Normal 0 p1/2 (0s)4(0p)8 0ћω 1 s1/2 0 d5/2 Intruder state (0s)4(0p)6(1s0d)2 2ћω 01+ G.S 02+ Isomer Inutruder normal intruder norm al reference No data: no data or no calculation Not: Intruder state is not dominant Dominant: Intruder state is dominant Uncertainty: no d-wave, could not make sure d p F.C.Barke 33 34 32 56 2 42 Dominant dominant J.Phys.G 36,038001,2009; J.Phys.G 2, L45,1976 H.T.Fortune and R.Sherr 53 15 32 25 7 68 dominant Not Phys.Rev.C 74,024301,2006; J.Phys.G 038002,2009; Phys.Rev.C83,044313,2011. C.Romero-Redondo Three –body model ? 10- 13-19 1513 23 68 ? Not Phys.Rev.C 77,054313,2008. G.Blanchon pp-RPA 25 18.5 0 19 Not M.Dufour 74 p Isomer s 58 s d G.S dominant dominant Phys.Rev.C 82,034313,2010. NCSM 16 59 no Not No data Nucl.Phys.A 836,242,2010. Knock -out reaction 68 32 no dominant No data Phys.Rev.Lett 85,266,2000; Phys.Rev.Lett 96,032502,2006. no 60 dominant Not Phys.Rev.lett 108,122501,2012. Charge exchange reaction no no 25 no Transfer reaction 0.28 no no 0.73 no no uncertainty dominant ~0.20 no no 0.32- no 0.95 no uncertainty uncertainty Phys.Rev.C 88,044619,2013 Phys.lett.B 682,391,2010. Ground state:transfer reaction could not give the clear result, are no conflict with others Isomeric state:transfer reaction contradict with Charge-exchange Knock-out experiment(2ћω) 78 MeV/u 12Be+9Be(s wave) Phys.Rev.Lett 85,266,2000. don’t distinguish (1s1/2)2 and (0p1/2)2 configurations ------gamma rays not sensitive to the (0d5/2)2 configuration--------10Be+n fragments 39 MeV/u 12Be+12C(s p d wave) Phys.Rev.Lett 96,032502,2006. 4 NaI detectors: detect the first excited state of 11Be at 320keV(0p1/2) Demon: detect n, n+10Be reconstruct the excited state of 11Be at 1.78 MeV(0d5/2) Discriminate isomeric states from ground state 12B(1+)(7Li, 7Be)12Be( 2ћω) Phys.Rev.Lett 108,122501,2012. Gamow-Teller transition Selected rules: Δ L=0, Δ S=1 , Select p-wave(normal). Clearly distinguish the first two 0+ states of 12Be. 01+ 25(5)% 02+ 60(5)% --intruder states are dominant for ground state(01+), but not for isomeric state( 02+) 11Be(d,p)12Be reaction(0ћω) Phys.Lett.B 682,391,2010. Two annular DSSD Phys Rev C 88,044619,2013 Select s-wave(abnormal) Identify the excited states of 12Be 01+ 0.28 , 02+ 0.73 Intruder state dominate Phys.Rev.C 85,051303(R),2012. 1. 01+ :normalization, unsure deuterium content 2. 02+ : Mix with 2+ state. separate them incorrectly Normalization factor for beam. Incident energy is about 2.8 MeV/nucleon Target thickness: 1.0 mg/cm^2 No 0-degree detectors due to higher beam intensity Thick target and Gamma detectors to discriminate the excited states of 12Be. 01+, SF = 0.15~0.25; 02+ , SF = 0.32-0.98. (1) For 01+: no coincidence with 12Be Larger background (2)For 02+ Larger C.M angles (3)target :H Percent(larger) (4) No elastic scattering data For 11Be+d and 12Be+p G.S SF = 0.15 ~ 0.25 Isomeric: SF = 0.32 ~ 0.95 . OPs of entrance channel (11Be+d) and exit channel (12Be+p) affect SF extraction largl Goal of the proposed experiment Main goal: Investigate the intruder s-wave strength in the ground state and low-lying excited state of 12Be via the d(11Be,p) transfer reaction at 20-30 MeV/u. 20-30 MeV/u : to get the highest beam intensity 1. SF is independent of the incident energy in large energy range 2. reduce the effect of complicated reaction mechanism 3. beam production rate times reaction cross sections 4. 55MeV/nucleon 12Be+p elastic scattering data exist The New ideas Decrease the background Coincident measurement of 10-12Be and light-charged particles remove the effect of proton in CD2 target Compare the elastic scattering data of 11Be+p to 11Be+d to get the proton content in CD2 target. New technique to separate 02+, measure Smaller angles data implantation-decay-detect gamma( stopping and decay) Measure the elastic scattering Channel at the same experiment Kinematics Experimental Setup NaI Tele1 Annular DSSD Tele0 Tele2 Beam Beam : Primary beam: 13C Energy: 57.7 MeV/u Intensity at F3: 1.5*10^4pps Purity: 90%--93% Contamination: mainly 9Li Energy dispersion: 2% Intensity: 800 enA Secondary beam : 11Be On zero Tele: 2.0*10^4pps Energy: 27 MeV/nucleon Beam time: 10 days Beam 11Be 10Be 9Li 8Li 11Be 9Li Elastic scattering Data of 11Be+p and 11Be + d Extract Optical potential for the Entrance channel of transfer reaction 11Be elastic and inelastic scattering on proton PID on the zero degree telescope Energy spectrum for 11Be cut 10Be on Tele0 cut 11Be on Tele0 Kinematic loci for protons in coincidence with 11Be on Tele0 Solid angle---Geant4 simulation 1 60 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 65 70 75 80 85 90 ADWA method: Provide the OP Of entrance channe Systematic is good. Need normalization Factor Provide by D.Y.Pang and J.Chen [1] 38.3 MeV/nucleon PLB 2008, 658: 198-202 [2] 49.3 MeV/nucleon PLB 1997, 401: 9-14 [3] 63.7 Mev/nucleon PLB 2004,596: 54-60 with core excitation Without core excitation Provide by A.M.Moro DCE: dynamic core excitation G0: OP-N Gaussian potential fitting deuteron 3s1 phase-shifts BX: deformed n+10Be (particle-rotor model of Nunes et al) CDCC: Continuum discreted coupled channel XCDCC: Extended CDCC 11Be elastic and inelastic scattering on deuteron Energy in DSSD / artificial unit PID on the zero degree telescope energy spectrum for 11Be cut 11Be on Tele0 11Be cut 10Be on Tele0 10Be Energy in SSD/MeV Energy/MeV Provide by D.Y.Pang and J.Chen Global JLM potential can reproduce the Angular distribution of 11Be+d DWBA: provide 11Be+d OP [1] PRC 83, 064619 (2011) [2] JPG 39 (2012) 095101 Provide by A.M.Moro Need more discussion Angle of deuteron(degree) Energy of deuteron(MeV) Angle of 11Be(degree) nergy of deuteron(MeV) Counts H in CD2 target (9.5%) Angle of Deuteron(degree) OP of the exit channel We need 51 MeV/nucleon data 100 Experimental data at 55 MeV/nucleon CH89 V = 0.70 d/dR 80 Curve 1 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 c.m(degree) Curve 1: Optical model fitting Curve 2: 12C+p OP Physics Letters B 343 (1995) 53-58; Using CH89 systematic OP to refit the Angular distributions to get the exit channel OP Transfer reaction Counts/500 keV Proton coincident with 12Be Isomeric mixed with 2+ and 1Mean=-2.14MeV Sigma=0.65Me Mean=0.22MeV Sigma=0.5MeV G.S 12Be Energy(MeV) Q-value Angle(degree) Experimental Setup NaI Tele1 Annular DSSD Tele0 Tele2 Beam NaI(Tl) + PMT High-voltage affects gain Gain varies with time Peak channel Peak channel varies with time 2340 2330 2320 2310 2300 2290 2280 2270 2260 Open chamber Open chamber 80 130 180 Time(File number) 230 280 Counts/10keV Counts/30keV Before Resolution become better after 11Be beta-decay Isomeric state(E0 decay was used) E0: 83% 511 keV e+e- pair creation T1/2 = 331 ns E2: 17% 130 keV and 2100 keV S. Shimoura et al., Physics Letters B 560 (2003) 31–36; S. Shimoura et al., Physics Letters B 654 (2007) 87-91. Counts/ 30 keV Gamma+ proton + 12Be Mean= 528keV Sigma= 24.8keV Energy(keV) Half-life of isomeric state Counts/100ns Proton(around 2MeV in Q_value)+ 511keV gamma T ½ = 331 (12) ns PLB 560 (2003) 31–36; PLB 654 (2007) 87-91. T1/2 = 350(50) ns T (ns) Differential cross sections and SF Isomeric state Ground state 27A MeV (DWBA) 5A MeV (DWBA)[1] 2.8 A MeV (DWBA)[2] G.S 0.14+0.04-0.04 0.25+0.03-0.07 Isomer 0.24+0.08-0.08 0.73+0.27-0.40 0.15~0.25 0.32~0.95 Fresco input file is provided by D.Y.Pang [1] ]Phys.lett.B 682,391,2010. [2] Phys.Rev.C 88,044619,2013 Error: 68% confidence G.S SF is in consistent with previous results Isomeric state ‘s SF is inconsistent 01+ G.S Inutruder 02+ Isomer normal intruder G.S Isomer reference norm al (1) G.S: only get s-wave SF, could not get d-wave and p-wave content. Consistent with s other d experimental p s d p results within error bar 42 Dominant dominant J.Phys.G 36,038001,2009; Isomeric state: very small s-wave SF from experiment, small content from J.Phys.Gd-wave 2, L45,1976 F.C.Barke (2) 33 34 32 56 2 theory, might dominate. H.T.Fortune and so intruder 53 15 states 32 25 7 not 68 dominant Not Phys.Rev.C 74,024301,2006; J.Phys.G R.Sherrconsistent with other experimental results with error bar 038002,2009; Phys.Rev.C83,044313,2011. C.Romero-Redondo Three –body model ? 10- 13-19 1513 23 68 ? G.Blanchon pp-RPA 25 18.5 0 19 Not M.Dufour 58 74 dominant Not Phys.Rev.C 77,054313,2008. dominant Phys.Rev.C 82,034313,2010. NCSM 16 59 no Not No data Nucl.Phys.A 836,242,2010. Knock -out reaction 68 32 no dominant No data Phys.Rev.Lett 85,266,2000; Phys.Rev.Lett 96,032502,2006. no 60 dominant Not Phys.Rev.lett 108,122501,2012. Charge exchange reaction no no 25 Transfer reaction 0.28 no no 0.73 no no uncertainty dominant 0.15~ 0.25 no no 0.32- no 0.95 no uncertainty uncertainty Phys.Rev.C 88,044619,2013 0.14 no no 0.24 no no D-wave? Our result no Not Phys.lett.B 682,391,2010. Summary OP for 11Be+d are extracted from the same experiment Global OP including 11Be density can reproduce angular distribution Core excitation of 11Be is important the effect of H percent in CD2 target are removed New experimental technical to detect isomeric state implant----stop-----decay get the angular distributions in smaller C.M system DWBA method is used to extract the s-wave SF G.S : SF = 0.14+0.04-0.04, not in conflict with other experimental results Isomeric state: SF = 0.24+0.08-0.08, Consistent with other experimental result ADWA calculations for these three sets data More theoretical calculations to explain our results Intruder state Normal state Collaborators Chen Jie, Ye Yanlin, Li Zhihuan, Li Qite, Ge Yucheng, Jiang Dongxing, Hua Hui, Yang Zaihong, Sun Yelei, Tian zheng yang,Li Jing, Jiang Wei, Zang Hongliang Aoi, Ong Hooi Jin, Eiji Ideguchi, Tetsuya, Mana, Suzuki, Tran Trong Jenny lee, Wu Jin, Liu Hongna, Wen Chao Pang Danyang A.M.Moro Test Results for PKU silicon detector 5.486 MeV 缺一张环形硅的测试图。 detected by Energy spectrum of 241Am detected by400 um Annular DSSD 5.443 MeV Energy spectrum of 300 um DSSD 241Am Energy resolution is about 0.5—0.6% (FWHM). Energy resolution is about 0.7—0.8% (FWHM). Dead layer is about 0.6 um silicon layer equivalence . Provide by J.Chen Time resolution of NaI(Tl) detector OUT NaI ADC N568B trigger FOUT 60Co Plastic CFD CFD delay and trigger stop TDC start Time resolution of NaI(Tl) detector is about 1.7ns(FWHM). The time signal will be recorded in the experiment, which will be used to identify the delayed gamma events. Give the uniform SF at different incident energies. The decay from Ex = 2.68 MeV to 02+ , which can not be distinguished from the direct population 02+ , can be ignored. 0.4% 99.6% The gamma decay probability is proportional to Er3, only 0.4% 1- state will decay to 02+ . eq. 3C-16 of the Bohr Mottelson textbook. Provided by Pro.Aoi-san Therefore, we can reach our preliminary physical goal with the thick target. TOF (ns) From Target CD2 From silicon detector TDC: Common-stop mode Proton: Most are from 0-degree silicon detector E(MeV) PID in 0-degree telescope 10Be 11Be PID with !(time cut) 12Be 4He DSSD Energy DSSD Energy PID without proton-time cut 11Be 10Be 12Be 8Li SSD1 Energy PID with time cutCtarget DSSD Energy DSSD Energy SSD1 Energy PID with proton-time cut 4He SSD1 Energy SSD1 Energy Carbon background Without Carbon background ΔE ΔE With Carbon background Energy/MeV Energy/MeV