Reflexive verbs

Reflexive verbs and morning routine
- Communicate about your own morning routine
- Describe someone’s morning routine in present tense and
past tense
• What is a reflexive verb? How do you know
when you see one?
• Give 2 examples of reflexive verbs in French
Vocab review
• Translate:
se maquiller
se laver
se promener
se raser
se parfumer
se lever
se coucher
Reflexive pronouns
• What are they?
Remember the song?
What are they doing?
• Look at the picture and say what the persons
are doing. Use reflexive verbs.
Qu’est-ce qu’elle fait?
Elle se maquille
Qu’est-ce qu’il fait?
Il se promène.
Qu’est-ce qu’ils font?
Ils se brossent les dents.
Qu’est-ce qu’il fait?
Il se lave les mains.
Et toi, qu’est-ce que tu fais le
D’abord je_________,
ensuite je____________,
puis je_____________.
Past tense: passé composé
Let’s try to remember!
1. What are the 2 main components of passé
composé ?
2. What are the 2 auxiliary verbs we can use?
3. How do you know which auxiliary verb to use?
4. What is the past participle of –ER verbs? –IR
verbs? –RE verbs
• I spoke French.
J’ai parlé français.
• I went to the movies.
Je suis allé(e) au cinéma.
• She danced.
Elle a dansé.
How do we conjuagate reflexive verbs
in past tense?
• Look at these exemples and find the rule! You have 2 minutes to
write the rule!
SUBJECT+ _____+_____+_____
Je me suis levé(e).
Tu t’es promené(e).
Elle s’est couchée.
Il s’est lavé.
Nous nous sommes levés.
Vous vous êtes promenés.
Ils se sont couchés.
Reflexive verbs
• To conjugate a reflexive verb in past tense:
Ex: Je me suis promené(e)
The past participle agrees with the subject
(if there is no DO)
• You will add agreement (masc/fem,
sing/plural) to the past participle when the
reflexive does not take a direct object:
– EX: Je me suis lavée. (I am a girl)
– BUT: Je me suis lavé les mains. (I washed my
hands – hands is a direct object)
What is a direct object?
• Direct objects are the people or things in a sentence
which receive the action of the verb.
• To find the direct object in a sentence, ask the question
Who? or What?
I see Pierre .
Je vois Pierre .
Who do I see? Pierre .
I'm eating the bread
Je mange le pain .
What am I eating? - Bread .
• Some reflexive verbs are also REGULAR verbs
(non-reflexive)– watch out! They are only
reflexive when the action is performed upon the
• EX: laver –
elle s’est lavée; elle a lavé le chien
(*If it’s part of your body, it’s reflexive)
• When making a past tense reflexive NEGATIVE,
follow this pattern:
– Subject, NE, reflexive pronoun, form of être, PAS,
past participle
– EX: je ne me suis pas lavé (e)
•Qu’est-ce qu’ils ont fait
ce matin?
Qu’est-ce qu’elle a fait?
Elle s’est maquillée.
Qu’est-ce qu’il a fait?
Il s’est promené.
Qu’est-ce qu’il a fait?
Il s’est lavé (les mains).
Et toi, qu’est-ce que tu as fait ce
• Write 4 sentences about what you did this
morning. Use reflexive verbs.
• Share with the class.
• Listen! I will ask you questions about your
classmates’ daily routine.
Qu’est-ce que Mr Bean a fait ce matin?
1. Watch the video:
2. Take notes about what you see in French.
3. Write as many sentences as you can to describe
what Mr Bean did.
Useful words we don’t know:
Sonner: to ring
Se cogner: to hit something
S’étirer: to stretch
• New verbs:
S’ennuyer: to be bored
Se passer: to happen
S’asseoir: to sit down (« assis » is the past
Stop here for today
Dice game
In groups of 3-4
1 judge, the others are players
Throw the 2 dices (1 with verb, 1 with subject)
Conjugate the given verb with the given
subject in past tense
• The judge gives you the point if it’s correct.
• When time is over, the person with the most
points wins.
Dice Game
• If one dice shows:
• And the other shows: se maquiller
You will conjugate the verb « se maquiller » with
the subject « je »: je me suis maquillé(e).
What if one dice shows « tu » and the other one
« se laver »?
Tu te laves.
Ok! Let’s play!
Your comic strip
• Take out the comic strip you made last week
about your daily routine.
• Change your sentences to past tense. (no
need to write, just in your head)
• Share orally with a classmate.
• Switch.