Methods for a Single Categorical Variable – Goodness of Fit The analyses completed up to this point in the semester were for a single categorical variable with only _____ possible outcomes of interest. For instance, in the bone density example, the possible outcomes were whether the postmenopausal woman was diagnosed with low bone density or not. For the drug example, the possible outcomes were whether an adult experienced relief or not. In this set of notes we’ll consider categorical variables which have ________________________ two possible outcomes of interest. Example: Melanoma is a rare form of skin cancer that accounts for the great majority of skin cancer fatalities. UV exposure is a major risk factor for melanoma. Some body parts are regularly more exposed to the sun than others. A random sample of 224 men diagnosed with melanoma was classified according to the known location of the melanoma on their body (head/neck, trunk, upper limbs, lower limbs). Question: 1. Identify the single categorical variable of interest. Step 0: Defining the research question Is there evidence to suggest that melanoma does not occur equally on the body (head/neck, trunk, upper limbs, lower limbs)? Step 1: Determining the null and alternative hypotheses H0: Melanoma occurs equally on the body Ha: Melanoma does not occur equally on the body What would the hypotheses look like if we used symbol notation? Phead/neck = Ptrunk = Pupper limbs = Plower limbs = 1 Questions: 2. If melanoma does occur equally on the body, how many men would you expect to see having melanoma for each part of the body? Body part Head/neck Trunk Upper Limbs Lower Limbs Men with Melanoma Expected 3. A statistician would argue that we must allow for some slight variations in the number of men with melanoma over the various parts of the body because we should not expect the numbers to come out exactly at the expected number for each part of the body. Do you agree? Explain. Previously, we’ve used a “reference” distribution (predictable pattern) to determine what values seem likely or unlikely/surprising to occur assuming an infant has no preference, a person can’t hear, the new drug isn’t more effective, etc. For this example, we have four outcomes that we’re interested in (head/neck, trunk, upper limbs, lower limbs) and must therefore, compare all four simultaneously to determine what outcomes seem likely or unlikely/surprising to occur assuming that melanoma does occur equally on the body (the null hypothesis). One possible simulation of 100 trials for this scenario is given below. 2 Questions: 4. Looking at the above simulation, what outcomes seem unlikely/surprising to occur? Is it the same for each body part? 5. The data below shows the breakdown of melanoma by part of body collected from the 224 men. Part of body Melanoma Cases Expected Cases Total Head/Neck Trunk Upper Limbs Lower Limbs 36 139 17 32 224 56 56 56 56 224 Do you think there is evidence that the number of men with melanoma differs depending on the part of body under consideration? Explain. 3 Since it is not an easy task to determine whether there is a significant difference overall, we need a method which will take into account all four parts of the body at once. We can use what’s called the Chi-square test to accomplish this. The Chi-square test looks at how close the observed data is to what would be expected (under the null hypothesis) and then finds the probability of observing results at least as extreme results (total differences) as was observed. Step 2: Checking the assumptions, finding the test statistic and p-value Test statistic = observed - expected 2 expected Once the test statistic has been computed this gives us an indication of how big of a difference there is overall between what was observed and what was expected. 36 - 56 + 139 - 56 + 17 - 56 + 32 - 56 2 Test Statistic = 56 2 56 2 56 2 56 = 167.6071 Questions: 6. What would the value of the test statistic be if what was expected matched the counts observed? 7. Therefore, the bigger the test statistic the _________________________ the difference there is between what was observed and what was expected. 4 Once we have the test statistic, we can determine how unusual/surprising it is to observe assuming the null hypothesis (equal distribution, i.e. all 0.25) is true. The results for a simulation with 1,000 trials is given below. The estimated p-value is going to be the probability of our observed test statistic and the values which are more extreme, i.e. larger! p-value = # dots at 167.6071 and larger = 1000 Step 3: Reporting the conclusion in context of the research question 5 In order to find the exact p-value, we’ll have to use what’s called the Chi-square distribution. We will again use JMP to do this. Thus, we must first enter the observed data into JMP as follows. Next choose Analyze Distribution (like we did for confidence intervals). Put Part of Body in the Y, columns box and Count in the Freq box as shown below. Click OK, and you should get the following output. Next, click on the little red arrow next to Part of Body and choose Test Probabilities. Then enter the hypothesized probabilities as shown below. 6 After clicking Done you should get the following output. You’ll want to use the test statistic and p-value given for the Pearson Chis-square test (circled above). Question: 8. Give the values for the test statistic and p-value for this scenario. Warning: Make sure the Chi-square test is valid! Recall that the chi-square distribution is used to approximate p-values. This approximation may not be very good with small sample sizes. One rule of thumb suggests that most (at least _______) of the expected counts should be 5 or more; otherwise, the chi-square approximation may not be reliable. Note: We already found the expected counts back in Question 2 and all 4 were greater than 5. 7 Let’s look at the formal hypothesis test now. Step 0: Defining the research question Is there evidence to suggest that melanoma does not occur equally on the body (head/neck, trunk, upper limbs, lower limbs)? Step 1: Determining the null and alternative hypotheses H0: phead/neck = 0.25 ptrunk = 0.25 Ha: Two or more differ pupper limbs = 0.25 plower limbs = 0.25 Step 2: Checking the assumptions, finding the test statistic and p-value Expected Counts: Head/neck 224(0.25) = 56 ≥ 5√ Trunk 224(0.56) = 56 ≥ 5√ Upper Limbs 224(0.25) = 56 ≥ 5√ Lower Limbs 224 (0.25) = 56 ≥ 5√ All expected counts are ≥ 5√ so the condition for the Chi-square has been satisfied. Test Statistic = 167.6071 p-value = 0.0001 Step 3: Reporting the conclusion in context of the research question There is evidence (since 0.0001 < 0.05) that melanoma does not occur equally on the body (head/neck, trunk, upper limbs, lower limbs). 8 Example: A drug company is interested in investigating whether the color of their packaging has any impact on sales. To test this, they used five different colors (blue, green, orange, red, and yellow) for the boxes of an over-the-counter pain reliever, instead of the traditional white box. The following table shows the number of boxes sold over the first month. Blue 310 Green 292 Orange 280 Red 216 Yellow 296 Total 1394 Research Question – Is there evidence that the number of boxes sold is not equally likely for the different colors? Step 0: Define the research question Is there evidence that the number of boxes sold is not equally likely for the different colors? Step 1: Determine the null and alternative hypotheses H0: Ha: Step 2: Checking the assumptions, finding the test statistic and p-value Step 3: Reporting the conclusion in context of the research question 9 Example: A Gallup poll asked 1010 adults ages 18 and over about their ideal weight. The survey found that 112 interviewees thought that they were currently under their ideal weight, 180 thought that they were at about their ideal weight, and 718 thought that they were over their ideal weight. The National Health Interview Survey estimates, based on people’s actual body mass index (computed from both weight and height), that 1.8% of the U.S. adult population is underweight, 36.7% has a healthy weight, and 61.5% is either overweight or obese. Step 0: Defining the research question Do the self-perceptions of the adults from the Gallup poll differ from the reality of the weight distributions in the United States? Step 1: Determining the null and alternative hypotheses H0: Ha: Step 2: Checking the assumptions, finding the test statistic and p-value Step 3: Reporting the conclusion in context of the research question 10 Example: The Frizzle fowl is a striking variety of chicken with curled feathers. In a 1930 experiment, Launder and Dunn crossed Frizzle fowls with a Leghorn variety exhibiting straight feathers. The first generation (F1) produced all slightly frizzled chicks. When the F1 was interbred, the following characteristics were observed in the F2 generation: Frizzled 23 Slightly Frizzled 50 Straight 20 Total 93 The most likely genetic model for these results is that of a single gene locus with two codominant alleles. Under such a model, we would expect a 1:2:1 ratio in the F2 generation. Step 0: Defining the research question Is there evidence the codominant model of inheritance for this feather phenotype is not appropriate? Step 1: Determining the null and alternative hypotheses H0: Ha: Step 2: Checking the assumptions, finding the test statistic and p-value Step 3: Reporting the conclusion in context of the research question 11