Global Marketplace Exchange Church and Marketplace Re-Formation Conference Conference Report Ver. 3.2 Foothills Conference Centre, Melbourne 5-7 February 2015 Contents About Us .................................................................................................................................................... 2 Operations Team ....................................................................................................................................... 2 Attendance ................................................................................................................................................ 2 Nomenclature ............................................................................................................................................ 2 Revival or Re-formation? ........................................................................................................................... 2 Church and State Re-Formation ................................................................................................................ 3 Conference Template ................................................................................................................................ 3 Template Tool ............................................................................................................................................ 3 2015 Conference Reports .......................................................................................................................... 3 Prayer and Worship Teams ....................................................................................................................... 3 Strategy...................................................................................................................................................... 4 Arts/Ent. Domain ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Business Domain – 1 .................................................................................................................................. 6 Business Domain – 2 .................................................................................................................................. 8 Business Domain – 3 .................................................................................................................................. 9 Church - 1................................................................................................................................................. 11 Church – 2 ................................................................................................................................................ 11 Education Domain ................................................................................................................................... 12 Family ...................................................................................................................................................... 15 Government Domain ............................................................................................................................... 17 Health Domain ......................................................................................................................................... 17 Justice Domain......................................................................................................................................... 20 Media Domain ......................................................................................................................................... 21 NFP/Welfare Domain............................................................................................................................... 22 Sport and Recreation Domain ................................................................................................................. 23 Appendix .................................................................................................................................................. 23 Page 1 of 24 About Us Global Marketplace Exchange (GME) is a coalition of Kingdom Partners (KP) dedicated to glorifying Jesus in every domain of our city and nation (John 17:18-23, Colossians 1:15-20). Kingdom Partners are nodes in the net of the kingdom of God spread across church and marketplace domains. We work by relationship and referral as distinct to independence and competition. Every partner is committed to the success of every other partner under God. GME builds relationships that collaborate in the exchange of ideas, referrals, connectivity, experience, resources and mutual support. GME is a pioneering contributor to Church and Marketplace re-formation to bless our nation under God (Gen 1:28, Psalm 33:12). Operations Team Founder/Director: Capt. Peter Kentley Conference Facilitator: Edmund Koza IT Architecture: Stuart MacLean Learning & Development: Dr Albert Haddad Planning & Logistics: Ian Pattie Contributing Coordinators: Adelaide: Mark Mudri Business: John Lockwood Church: Dr Sean Morris Congress WBN: Peter Njoroge Perth: Ps Margaret Court Prayer: Terry Slater Purpose & Vision: Ps Asoka Perera Quo Vadis: Ken Fish, Los Angeles Strategy: Dr Elijah Low, Dallas Attendance Around 180 leaders attended this first GME conference from all States and Territories of Australia except the NT. These included: ARTS Director of Christian Artists Factory and representatives of Candlelight. BUSINESS Some 40 leaders from key Christian business groups across the nation including: Kingdom Builders, Kingdom Investors, FGBA, ICCC, and Congress-WBN. CHURCH Leaders from Southern Cross Network, International Network of Churches, Casey Pastors Network and apologies from Ps Margaret Court (VLC churches in 23 countries) and many others. EDUCATION Some 30 Christian leaders including principles of two Bible Colleges. Workshop coordinator: Dr Neville Carr. FAMILY Director of Focus on the Family. GOVERNMENT Local parliamentary representatives, VIC Director of Family Voice and some 20 other involved parties. HEALTH President of Vic Branch of the Christian Medical & Dental Fellowship of Australia, and the Director of Medicine with Morality. JUSTICE Vic President of Christian Legal Society, other key lawyers from ADL and CBR. MEDIA CEO of Christian Media Australia NOT FOR PROFITS/Welfare Director of Teen Challenge, ED Delgarno Institute. SPORT Director of Sports Chaplaincy Australia. Appendix - The Bounty Story. Nomenclature In this conference the term “domains” can be read synonymously with parallel terms such as Gates, Cultural Mountains, Sectors or Spheres of Influence. Where a domain of society honours the supremacy of Christ it becomes a King’s Domain or kingdom where “your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt 6:10, Col 1:15-20). Similarly the terms “State” and “Marketplace” are used interchangeably in this conference. Revival or Re-formation? History tells us that revivals are relatively short lived and often leave communities in worse shape than before they began (Matthew 12:4345). Unless there is re-formation where the culture is cleaned up and occupied by kingdom people (Gen 1:28) the culture of the marketplace reverts to disorder and overwhelms the church. Page 2 of 24 Domain Cultural Influence Church and State Re-Formation By this we do not mean a continuation of the reformation started by Martin Luther’s 1517 ninety five theses. That protest is now over with the 1999 Lutheran World Federation and Catholic Church's joint declaration on the doctrine of justification. The re-formation we are seeking comes out of the reality that the western church is losing the battle with culture over the pre-eminence of Christ in our cities and nations (Col 1:15-20). When an army is losing a battle it needs to withdraw and re-form by re-arming, bringing in fresh troops and re-strategising how to win the war. And win we will because it is written: Daniel 7:21-22, Rev 13:7 and 17:12-14. This battle plan of re-formation drives the conference. What is the peak body to which your group must become a respected contributor if it is to bring kingdom influence to your domain? Who, When, Where Nominate a team of three leaders from your domain who will represent your group as conference representatives. Make a plan to determine who, when and where they will meet to catalyse and pursue with clarity and perseverance your: domain objectives convergence objectives proposals to the annual conference. Template Tool PRISM But re-form to what? The answer to this critical question is found in re-discovery of what Jesus meant in the establishment of his “ecclesia” in Matt 16:13-20. The ecclesia of Jesus - P Potential Key Objective: what are you working towards as an organisation? R 1. hear and understand the Great Command, the Great Commission, the Lord’s Prayer and Jesus’ prayer of John 17; Rewards: who wins, outline the benefits, what fruit does the kingdom produce? I Implications: who should be involved and what are the resources and +/- risks? 2. commit to live according to these principles. S 3. commit to work together to provide everyday leadership based on these principles of the Kingdom so as to produce good fruit that lasts (Matt 13:23, John 15:16). Solutions: what is your joint approach to achieving your objective(s)? M Movement: who does what, where and when? 2015 Conference Reports Conference Template Prayer and Worship Teams 20 Year Vision Discover your organisation’s domain purpose in the context of a 20 year vision where we imagine that Christ has returned. What would your domain look like as a King’s domain rather than a secular sphere? Write a 200 word descriptor of this vision as a work in progress. Convenor Observations This conference account is intentionally led by the prayer and worship report to reflect the way the armies of the Lord enter battle. Current Year Objectives What are two current year domain objectives that your organisation is working towards in the context of your 20 year vision? Convergence Objectives What are our two highest priority national objectives that can only be achieved if three of more domains work in collaboration? From the convenor’s perspective this was the best prepared and prayer covered conference in his experience. The time, dedication and passion for prayer was outstanding both before, during and after the event. There were guidance, Page 3 of 24 healing, releasing and reconciliations throughout the conference. Hearty thanks and congratulations to the prayer co-ordinator and every member of this fantastic team. On Friday night the worship intentionally changed the focus from strategy to worship. This was the plan of the conference for a symphony in three movements: Thursday story-telling and support; Friday seeking practical strategy under the leading of the Holy Spirit; Friday night and Saturday strategic feedback, discovery, prayer and worship. From the Heart of God – by Jill Curry There are three things from the conference that I felt came from the heart of God via the hearts of people that we must not lose sight of but continue to address and pray into: 1. The cry from God’s heart on abortion that culminated in the prophetic act of forming an arrow with the blowing the shofar at the head of the arrow. This needs to be taken up by the health sector with others supporting (Ex 2:13, Lev 20:1-4, Jer 1:5, Ezek 16:20.21 &36, Ezek Ch 9, Matt 5:17-21, John 10:10). 2. The cry from the heart of an attendee whose son had been caught up in a homosexual relationship. This needs to be taken up by the family sector with others supporting. 3. The cry from the heart re the importance of putting Israel into its rightful place in God’s perspective of His end-time movements in the earth. The church should be carrying this burden but it is not in a position to do this where it follows replacement theology. We need continuing prayer for a shift in the wider churches understanding on Israel. In the meantime this is carried by those who share this burden. However, some changes will be needed to improve on its ability to: Create cross domain synergistic groups Create strategic objectives Create strategy around those objectives Structure the groups going forward The changes suggested draws upon two successful innovations that uses synergistic cross functional teams: The Bionic Ear and the Convergence research at the Weiss Foundation, Harvard University. Objectives and strategy should not be created within the domains. This became hugely evident in the church domain group where the members got into a huge debate around the objectives. It is not the debate that is concerning, but rather the process that demonstrates that the debate itself doesn’t produce a better outcome. At best you will end up with a compromise set of objectives that will neither inspire nor improve the world and at worst it will undo the unity of the convergence. Objectives and strategy require a cross functional team to develop. For example, a team of doctors could not develop the organ-ona-chip innovation but rather, it needed a cross functional team of doctors, IT, Engineering, and other skills to develop objectives and strategy around its development. Objectives should be compatible with the revelation of the vision the Lord has given for the new earth (Isaiah 65). Otherwise we can end up with a list of problems that needs fixing. Christian need to become known for progressing vision towards a better world rather than just being against policy. Elijah’s proposed structure for conference process are outlined in a separate document. You are invited to click the following link to listen to Dr Low’s insights on a Kingdom basis for long term economic and spiritual development: Strategy Dr Elijah Low Grow World The overall GME was a success at: Bringing a diverse group of Christian leaders together from the domains. Seeding a vision of transforming Australia Page 4 of 24 Arts/Ent. Domain Dee Kaylock CAF Network/Sounds of the Nations It was great to have met with over 40 leaders in the Arts Domain at a National Arts Summit December2014, and I was able to introduce a couple of the vision statements developed from that conversation. I believe in the idea of the exchange and think we need to ensure we get more of those with a Kingdom mindset around the table. I gave the group a choice of 4 Point statements and they chose one to work on (arts and justice). They reworded it to their satisfaction to make it more closely aligned to those gathered around the table without losing the essence. The following is the result and we ended up with 2 streams from the one point. The first stream is Entertainment and refers to artists creating high quality issue based work in multiple mainstream forums. These forums include Theatres, Studios, & broadcast channels. This stream is where the general public come face to face with their humanity, poverty of spirit, and soul (or the flesh). transformational thinking through high quality work Shifting public perception away from helplessness to hopefulness and action re framing the meta narrative through the telling of stories in all art forms Changing the perception of the church from distant charity to active engagement Artists are funded to invest appropriate amounts of time and energy into developing quality work/projects with measurable outcomes. Community Development Empowerment of the marginalised groups within our society. The development of a “culture of others” nurtured and embedded in churches and artists. Community - self determination Healing and restoration of God given identity. Change of conduct in communitytransforming a township, subculture or people group. Belonging - being nurtured and developed which leads to believing and encounter with the Father. The second stream is Community Development and refers to artists engaging with marginalised groups or communities and assisting them in creating platforms to have their story heard and respected. It sits more in a sociological & therapeutic model where the community dreams of a new reality and begins a process of redeeming their identity through life, hope, and wholeness. Both require artistic excellence and engagement and both require the other. A good example is the Choir of Hard Knocks. I – Implications PRISM Community Development Improved sustainability. Education for all stakeholders. Reallocation of time and resources. P – Potential Key Objective Integrating Arts Practitioners into local and global community development at all levels to engage equip and empower people to express their gifts and transform their communities in sustainable ways as an expression of their identity in Gods Kingdom. R - Rewards Entertainment Education through the arts as an expression not a weapon. Artists understood as missionaries into culture. Church restored as patrons. Businesses committing part of their annual budget to measurable cultural/social justice outcomes i.e. Bendigo Bank. S – Solutions Entertainment Church & Businesses partner with artists in development stages Development of a culture of honour. Excellence in processes and product Entertainment Engage mainstream audiences in Page 5 of 24 Community Development Church & Businesses partner with artists in development stages. Must be a relational. Understanding of a long term process. Understanding of transformation and redeeming imagination to envision a different future. Impartation rather than an Import mindset. M – Movement Entertainment & Community Development Artists need to be trained up in both Skills and Spiritual/theological principles Education of the churches in Cultural engagement (speak the language of culture) Networking across all domains - business, Govt, Ed, Media, Health, Justice etc. Identify and establish relationships with likeminded key stakeholders such as church leaders, artists, community based organisations, (Australia Together, Grasstree, Surrender, TEAR) Education of artists through existing organisations: VCA, NICA, CAF, SOTN, CP, Whitely, Tabor, MST, 3 Darts. Identify key funding bodies for seed and development funding. territory they take so that Babylon is utterly ousted (Principle: Matt 12:43-45). Further to this we took some time to describe the enemy that holds this territory. Quite literally the vast majority of Christian business people have no idea what the enemy looks like and as such they are part of the problem. To this end we discussed the concept as portrayed by Jesus in Matt 25, and by the Prophet in Isaiah 58:3-12 whereby there existed a world without the hungry (starvation, disease from malnutrition), the homeless and the naked (destitution, poverty, unemployment, prostitution), strangers (refugees of which there are now many millions), falsely accused (political prisoners, religious prisoners, prisoners as a result of corrupt leaders), the abused (sex slaves, human trafficking, violence, crime, domestic violence, drugs, substance abuse, suicide.) We agreed that this is the kind of society where all of the social and moral infrastructure that the Lord has longed for, for thousands of years, had been ushered into the earth - so that we had a model of the Kingdom of God which could be used as a benchmark for other nations. Isaiah 58 and Australia Business Domain – 1 Dave Hodgson CEO Paladin Group Overall Objective To help Australia achieve her destiny to be a “Sheep Nation” in ten years (Matt 25:53). Broad Description It is critical that business people understand exactly where they are going to contribute to the future of this nation. There can be no vagaries or ambiguity with something so important. They will need to be able to defend and promote their vision to the secular world. They will need to fight to dislodge Babylon which has held dominion and remained largely unchallenged in the marketplace for three thousand years since the days after Solomon in the 10th Century, BC. They will need to defeat this entrenched enemy and replace it with the economy of the Kingdom of God. Above all they will need to OCCUPY the We explored why this has change needs to happen in Australia: because Australia is a very significant nation in the developed world it is the 12th economy on earth it has the 6th most traded currency it is the closest ally to world’s greatest power it is a world leader in sport and many other domains And yet we are only 23 million people. Therefore in order to reach a tipping point to create a change in culture we only need to win over around 6% - in other words less than 1.5 million domain people. There are other countries with small populations which could be change, but they are not as significant as Australia and it would be unlikely that they would be viewed as a benchmark by the larger nations who must also be won over once the “proof of concept” has been established in Australia. We agreed that the “Kingdom of God” simply means “doing things God’s way” and therefore if “Your Kingdom come”, and “Your will be done”, Page 6 of 24 then business people would need to do business God’s way for a Sheep Nation to be developed. Finally to achieve this objective we need people who believe it is doable and that we have no other option – THIS MUST BE DONE. This was agreed in our round table group. PRISM P – Potential Key Objective To create Sheep nation per Matt 25:31-33. R- Rewards If we can build a sheep nation all residents of this nation will benefit - unemployment down to 1%, unfunded liabilities down to zero, homelessness down to zero, domestic violence eliminated, sex slavery and human trafficking eliminated, crime reduced, substance abuse reduced, suicide eliminated, etc. I – Implications The current “Babylonian” system of economics is broken. We all felt a foretaste of this in the 2008 GFC. This failed system is combined with a Western Church built on Greek Philosophy rather than Hebraic roots. Only a re-formation of church and marketplace can usher in the Kingdom foundations of a Sheep nation that prepares the way for the return of Christ. S – Solutions Three objectives to be reached in five years Objective 1) To activate Kingdom Leaders In order to achieve these outcomes we need the support and participation of a significant number of kingdom thinking Business, Professional and Civic Leaders across the domains of the nation. We need to reach a tipping point in the changing of business culture whereby there is sufficient participation to become normal to ensure that business is done God’s way. In other words people prosper in every transaction. This is by far the most crucial stage. Business people have to significantly change the way they do business, the way they structure deals and transactions, the way they apportion profits, the way they formulate, state, and articulate their vision and mission statements and the way they structure the shareholding of their companies. So how can this be achieved? Suggestions from the group: Lecturing at KI Church business groups Conferences Private meetings – one on ones that are missing Social Media Websites Radio, TV Peak bodies and industry groups MOVIES Teach them what it means Show them what it looks like Get them to understand and engage their assignments. To get the Kings to operate righteously. Teach them to work in multiples. To get to know their enemy – mammon, pride, lust for power Do it through TESTIMONY as well as theory. In other words to entirely change their business culture in the marketplace to that of sharing, gleaning, ensuring that everyone prospers. Objective 2) To address the great social and moral problems facing our nation: Unemployment Poverty Homelessness Crime Family breakdown and domestic violence Unsustainable debt Unfunded Liabilities REFUGEES Prison recidivism Sex slavery Suicide Drugs Alcohol and substance abuse And the new buzzword – Radicalisation So how will we do this? In the interests of time we narrowed it down to unemployment, poverty, and homelessness Page 7 of 24 Suggestions from the group Governments have tried to deal with this by raising taxes or cutting expenditure – cannot possibly work when the ratio of workers to non-workers is declining. CREATE ENTERPRISE Entrepreneurial training for the unemployed and the poor. STOP CREATING POOR PEOPLE BY RIPPING THEM OFF IN EVERY DEAL by changing the way we do deals. Margins are too high – farmers get nothing and Woolworths gets rich. Cash cows – develop systems of funding that will provide income to sustain Kingdom initiatives during their early years. faiths that have more than 3 children per couple. Adoption instead of Abortion Christian initiatives to be prevalent KLs to play a big part in keeping alive tuition on the principles of the Kingdom of God. M – “MOVEMENT” Many of the participants want to attend KI to get “activated” and learn how to be part of implementing these changes to culture. Micro funding, which does work in Australia by the way. Possibilities for this Objective To commence the process of bringing vast amounts of water to central Australia with a view to building infrastructure, businesses, cities and towns. This will create prosperity which will deal with our problems of an aging population and a lack of a domestic market. Website address to learn the ways and means of really doing business God’s way, and then teach it to their own groups Unfortunately we ran out of time and not enough emphasis was placed on formulating strategy in these group discussions. Business Domain – 2 Julie Roche GM Shekinah Tours & Conferences PRISM P – Potential Key Objective Objective 3) To increase the population and ensure the new culture of the Kingdom of God is taught and practiced. So how can we achieve this? Suggestions from the group: Immigration – bring in skilled labour. Refugees - bring in the refugees that the Lord is so concerned about. It was stressed this does not refer to people who crash our borders but to genuine refugees who are willing to contribute to society by adopting the principles of the new culture and working towards a common goal. Domestic population growth – reproduction. This would require a culture change towards valuing posterity rather than the here and now and instant gratification. A long discussion was held on how we are ruled by mammon and we are too focused on the costs of raising children rather than the value of having children to perpetuate God’s vision. We are below the fertility rate and need to get above it or lose our culture to competing God at the core of the business - blessing, peace, impacting, flourishing, relationships, family, community, manifestation of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. No separation between God and work life Integrity, abide by the principles of God Key role in alleviating systematic poverty Work is God given Work is good, flourishing in value, meaning and purpose. Importance of identifying the role of coworkers Stimulate our senses Every person finding their place in the Kingdom Leader’s responsibility to mentor workers Example of Singapore Company, grooming the fathers to look after the family Spirit of excellence, put others ahead of ourselves. Page 8 of 24 R – Rewards Business points the way to the Kingdom of God for both non-believers and believers Employees enjoy coming to work, huge impact on families, customers and clients Seeing God's work in our work in abundance with miracles Everyone finds their God given place in God's local and global community People will want to give what they have got. Life and purpose, relationship restored and flourishing, true happiness the Shalom peace. M – Movement I - implications Pride - not giving glory to God Power and Money - abuse, disintegration of values, relationships. Backsliding - turning away from God. Losing their God given vision leading to destruction Personal wilderness People being left behind - intimidation, indifference, resisting change, unbelief, lack of vision and passion. S – Solutions Church and Business - revelation of marketplace with church leadership revelation: Everyone is a disciple in the frontline Co-dependency with church to all domains Business people come together in prayer and stand in the gap focusing on the reign of God. How can Christian Business align with Jeremiah 1:10 NKJV See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant. Live out the principles of the Kingdom in the marketplace Reject ungodly, unfair & unethical practices Build up and plant transparency, justice and righteousness Give something back, add value, be the truth, with staff and customers. Create external interest in business, media, etc. Broaden Kingdom influence to all businesses - iron sharpens iron Encouragement, testimony, accountability, bring correction, fathering Discipling and supporting other businesses encourage businesses in trouble. Transformation starts with us in the secret place. Act of faith - vision for our business Transform our business around Jer. 1:10 Repentance and holistic attitudes Our business becomes an example to others Multiplying Effect – Extend discipling, going out to others, equipping others. Need to have a platform, through our networks and structure with follow up. Business Domain – 3 Rod St Hill Dean of Business Christian Heritage College Key Scripture: Eph 4:11-16* Those who are involved in training, equipping and mentoring Christians called to business are ‘teachers’ whose role is ‘equipping the saints for the work of ministry’ for the purpose of ‘growth of the body (of Christ)’. *While the Greek ties the two titles, ‘pastor’ and ‘teacher’ closely together here, elsewhere they are listed separately (see Rom 12:7 and 1 Pet 5:2). Key Function of Business The key function of the institution of business is production and trade. The meaning of the Hebrew word ‘Canaan’, is ‘merchant’ or ‘traffic’ (Strong’s #3667). ‘The people will curse him who withholds grain, but blessing will be on the head of him who sells it’ (Prov 11:26, NKJV). Business is integral to the Kingdom. Business also needs to make a positive contribution to servicing/developing/growing the community/culture. 20 Year Key Objective By 2035 there will be a conscious, close partnership between pastors, ministers and teachers involved in: 1) training, equipping and mentoring those called to business; Page 9 of 24 2) equipping them for their work of ministry in the business domain; 3) building the church as both the body of Christ and as local churches. These objective are potentially measurable via the National Church Life Survey ( ) or McCrindle Research: ( ). b. Acknowledge the value of employees and other stakeholders; c. Support the vision of the local church priest / pastor / minister; d. Invest in the local community; and e. Fund the issues of society (see Business Domain Group 1 above). I – Implications PRISM P – Potential Key Objective Those called to business will be ‘healthy disciples’ who are functioning in the marketplace following Kingdom principles, evidenced by a culture of honour, and who are discipling others. Healthy disciples are identified by their: Commitment to a culture of honour (see Danny Silk, A Culture of Honour)1; Commitment to their God-given ministry / assignment in the marketplace; Consistent functioning according to the Kingdom system as opposed to the Babylonian system (see Business Domain Group 1 above); Daily dynamic relationship with the Lord, filled with and led by the Holy Spirit; and Fellowship with other Christians of the same heart and passion, e.g. they are engaged in a SEAM group (for Support, Encouragement, and Accountability as they tease out the full meaning and methods of their God-given Mission) R – Rewards 1. Kingdom businesses will support the Holy Spirit do His work in our nation; 2. Advancement of John 17 unity. As more Christians called to business connect with one another they will influence priests / pastors / ministers to understand the role of business in God’s great mission on earth, which is the redemption and transformation of individuals, social institutions (such as business) and social structures (such as the economic and financial system); and 3. Business profit (fruit of labour – see Ps 128:2, Ecc 5:18-20) will be available to: a. Bless the business owner; 1. More businesses belong to the Kingdom, fewer belong to Babylon (Satan) 2. For us personally there is commitment of time, energy and possibly our own financial resources to train, equip and mentor more Christians called to business – it probably requires as many as ten sessions per year for each business person. This implies a shortage of business coaches. S – Solutions Note: Lack of time prevented a detailed analysis of solutions, so the group focused on what could be done over the next year or so. Beginning immediately, we are committed to modelling a culture of honour between ourselves and our own priest / pastor/ minister. As we model a culture of honour, we will be empowered to teach authentically about honour as we train / mentor / equip those who are called to business. In particular, we aim to coach Christians called to business to get over past hurts and concerns in relation to ‘church’ (e.g. the perception or reality of the sacred–secular divide or the hierarchy of occupations in which pastoral and ‘helping’ professions are hierarchically superior to business, politics and other vocational calls). M – Movement 1. We commit in the next year to be discipled by our own pastor / minister, especially in the area of honour. 2. We take ownership of the problem of the Christians called to business who are estranged from the church and will seek to affirm them by: a. Being in fellowship with them; b. Seeking to connect them with other Christians called to business; Page 10 of 24 c. Leading them to accept that theirs is ‘God’s business’; and d. Robustly defending profit as a good thing when earned with justice, kindness and humility and used as per point 3 under the heading Rewards above. 3. We commit, in our varied contexts as trainers, equippers and mentors, to helping business people tease out what the kingdom looks like in their specific contexts. Movement There was no concrete joint commitment from Church pastors or leaders to intentionally activate this process in the near future, although individual pastors are intentionally training and activating their members. We are hoping to touch base with all Pastors in attendance to see if we can reiterate the objective and get greater traction. Church – 2 Church - 1 Rev. Dr John Yates Unbreakable Nets Dr Sean Morris Senior Pastor, Grow Church Context Jesus wants to protect the Church from itself so that his Father can enjoy a fully mature family (Eph 4:13-14). This was the message I was hearing from the Spirit at the GME conference in Melbourne and it involves a call to be at rest and never accuse one another. P – Potential Key Objective Intentional in equipping the members of our churches to be able to share their faith with colleagues in their workplace. Rewards The rewards are the lost get saved, the believers become fruitful, the local Church grows and the Kingdom is advanced. Remember Negative implications if this is not done: Believers are not equipped to engage their world with the hope that is within them The lost within their workplace don't potentially have the opportunity for salvation The believer remains unfruitful The Church doesn't grow The Kingdom of God is not advanced. Almost every major reformation and revival movement has suffered from severe divisions. This is true for the Protestant Reformation, the Welsh revival, the follow up from Azusa Street and so on. When a pastor in Argentina witnessed a great falling away after a city revival he commented; “There were too many holes in the net.” The “net” he was referring to was the relationships between Christian leaders. Given the general lack of unity across the Australian Church a tearing of nets with a great loss of fish is the probable future of any significant move of God. This can be prevented. Solution Intensity An intensification of spiritual warfare is coming that will stretch every relational strain in the Church to breaking point. Satan is about to try to flood the church with lies, blasphemies and a torrent of accusation (Rev 12). Whatever the cost, when the people of God suffer together under satanic attack and refuse to accuse one another, no matter what, the victory of the kingdom of God is assured. Such maturity requires a new vision of Jesus. Implications Preaching on topic in Sunday Services Seminars focused on training the believer in how to share their faith at work Simple framework outlining activities to enable to engagement of colleagues at work Focused prayer for workplace colleagues Commitment to build relationally with those in your sphere of influence. Page 11 of 24 imposed at the outset. More work needed to be done on the prior understandings of key challenges in the field, as had been indicated pre-conference. Looking To Jesus “Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfector of faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Heb 12:2). Jesus’ faith has been perfected so that he is completely rested with his Father sharing the one throne of God (Rev 22:1, 3). This rest was achieved through the suffering of the cross, where nothing could break the relational connection between Father and Son (Heb 13:13). Today we are called to sit at rest with Jesus in the heavenlies (Eph 2:6). His seat bears all the weight of responsibility concerning his kingdom and leads us into perfect peace (Isa 26:3; 2 Cor 5:10; Heb 4:16) Supernatural Nets Whilst the disciples still contended over who of them was the greatest the “nets” into which Jesus would supernaturally send lost souls “were breaking” (Luke 5:6). After the death and resurrection of Jesus the apostles understood that greatness with God only comes through mutual sacrificial service and “the net was not torn.” (John 21:11). The network of relationships where brothers and sisters resolve to suffer together without striving for superiority is unbreakable. “When the net is at rest in the love of the Father it will never break.” Conclusion The only striving we need to be committed to is the striving to enter God’s rest (Heb 4:11). Such perfect rest comes only as “we look to Jesus” resting at the right hand of power (Heb 12:2). In a place of such exalted rest we will never accuse one another, the nets will not break and the catch will not be lost. Education Domain Neville Carr with Gordon Preece, Dawn Penny and Paul de Mare After some inconclusive discussion about a key objective, the group divided into a schools and a tertiary sub-group. Several factors militated against a unified approach and outcome: b) Too much time on Friday was spent outside domain groups (testimonies particularly), leaving a mere three and a half hours over the day for serious work. There was also a very strong awareness of ‘culture wars’ in education between secular and Kingdom world views. This neglects creation theology, that God’s Spirit is the Creator, and works through common grace among non-Christians made in God’s image and working in various institutions and spheres, including education. c) The education sector has a wide range of services on offer. All professions and trades carry within them both an educational and training function, whether through the TAFE, VET or university providers – not to mention U3A. Many professional groups offer inservice education or professional development for members (e.g. Australian College of Educators, CEO Institute), alongside similar programmes run internally by companies. Adult Education Associations, financial service or banking groups, health and rehab agencies provide education programmes for interested parties. Media outlets (e.g. Times Education Supplement) and TV networks offer a plethora of online educational programmes and services (e.g. radio for the visually impaired,, Teacher Vision, etc). Sports clubs and AA run drug and alcohol education programmes. Corporates employ chaplains or consultants to inject moral values education and counselling services for employees. Marriage education groups exist in most cities. How to bring about a gospel influence across such a broad field over the next 20 years requires a wider range of skills and experience and a longer period of careful research and prayerful reflection than such a conference allowed or intended. However a productive start was undoubtedly made. Even from the twin perspectives of schools and Bible Colleges that were the focus of the group discussion, much more time was needed. Time did not permit proper discussion of Christian Higher Education providers, as well as Bible Colleges, such as CHC, Tabor, Alphacrucis, Avondale, Vose, Wesley Institute, Malyon, Ridley, a) This was the first time we’d come together for such an enterprise. A fairly demanding, nonnegotiable agenda and reporting format were Page 12 of 24 Sheridan, even ACU. Through the faculties other than ministry or explicit theology, these institutions are engaged in equipping the saints for the work of the ministry in the marketplace, arguably more so than Bible Colleges and seminaries. Regarding Christian schools, there is an argument that since around 90% of teachers in those schools were educated in the public university system, their worldviews may not be (and usually aren’t) a clear, biblical, Christian worldview. One suggested strategy for addressing this gap is to resource and provide greater professional development by the Christian Higher Ed institutions for teachers in both Christian and non-Christian schools on worldview and what it means to teach a Kingdom of God world view. PRISM P - Potential Key Objective Abraham sought to teach his children and grandchildren to ‘keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice’, and thereby bring about the promises God had made to him (Gen 18.19). Jesus himself described a fulfilling life in terms of knowing God and his Son (John 17.3). The desire of God for his people, Jesus said, was for us to love God with heart, soul, mind and strength and our neighbour as our self (Mark 12.30f). Paul saw the goal of his ministry as presenting ‘everyone mature in Christ’ (Col 1.28), taking ‘every thought captive in obedience to Christ’ (2 Cor 10.5), and equipping the saints ‘for the work of service,’ and ultimately for Christian ‘maturity’ (Eph 4.12f). The author of Hebrews identified maturity as having one’s ‘faculties trained by practice to distinguish good from evil’ (Heb 5.14). In light of such texts, a key purpose for Christians in education might be to create curricular and instructional strategies and programmes which help learners and teachers in the many and varied educational and social contexts, to: 1. 2. know God and make him known in a postChristian and secular-pluralistic age and culture distinguish good from evil, take every thought captive in obedience to Christ, and pursue justice and right conduct 3. 4. equip others for the work of service as Christ’s ambassadors in every sphere of life grow in maturity, godliness and wisdom. As mentioned at the outset, if we’d had a wider representation of educational leaders from additional strands of education (formal, informal and non-formal), we might easily have generated a different statement of purpose than this one. The starting point for the schools sub-group was Genesis 18:19: “In a pluralistic society to encourage the people of God to have intentional dialogue on Christian Education in schools and the wider community.” The concept of “Christian education” needs to be unpacked more - is it teaching the tenets of our faith, the values coming out of these, or a biblical world view? Is it applying Christian doctrine, beliefs and values within each subject or discipline? R - Rewards Society and the environment benefit because God’s beneficent rule restores order and harmony to an otherwise distorted and selfdestructive world – e.g. marital conflict, child abuse, ethnic tensions, inequity, greed, deception, fraud, global warming and deforestation, rape, war, etc. Individual Christians are released from the oppressive weight of clericalism and parochialism, whereby their skills and gifts are released for ministry in their various spheres of public life – e.g. priestly, prophetic and pastoral role of parents in the home, of workers in factories, offices, schools, etc. Their lives become letters of Christ, ‘known and read by all’ (2 Cor 3.2f). The schools sub-group added, ‘each person should know they are unique, valued and loved and have a purpose in life, beyond themselves. Spirituality will be released if we are intentional about forming relationships based on trust and invitation’. Church attendance increases as deeper connections are made through educational structures (sermons, small groups, pastoral visits, etc) between faith and experience (Sunday-Monday). Theological institutions attract a wider range of enrolees who sign up for programmes that empower them as parents, workers, community organisers, Page 13 of 24 journalists, bankers, etc., to apply the gospel to their particular callings. I - Implications All believers are called to know Christ and to make him known, both of which involve lifelong learning and teaching responsibilities. Pursuing righteousness and justice involves careful observation of the balance of power and wealth in local and global contexts, advocacy on behalf of and cooperation with the oppressed or powerless, as well as the inevitable opposition from existing power-brokers and gatekeepers. Christians in educational agencies (e.g. schools, TAFE colleges, Adult Education organisations) will no doubt meet with opposition as they develop credible alternatives in curricula and pedagogies which place God at the centre of all learning, and build theological links between faith, reason and morality in all subjects and disciplines2. Even within educational structures of the church – theological and bible colleges, church schools, missionary training institutions, for example – attempts to change historical patterns of instruction, not to mention the centuries-old divinity curriculum (OT, NT, Church History, Dogmatics, Philosophy), will be a challenge for curriculum innovators! Especially in public institutions we need to equip Christians to place the question of God within a pluralistic context as of public significance, confident that the truth of the Gospel can win through. We can no longer presume on Christendom. But like Paul in Acts 17 in Athens, we can seek, and often succeed in getting a second, sympathetic hearing. A further challenge will be to redefine theological education or ministry formation in terms of its core biblical function of equipping, which is an educational function. The schools sub-group added: The schools are controlled by DET, and currently there is a restricted space in schools for Christian Education, with DET happy to remove it, if they could overturn legislation. Domains will need to 2 A recent inaugural address by the Vice Chancellor of ACU (Melbourne), Professor Greg Craven makes this same connection, while acknowledging a debt to Cardinal Newman’s classic book, ‘The Idea of a University’: work together (‘convergence’), to counter this. Christian politicians and parents will need to speak out or join school councils - to exercise influence (our opponents are doing this already!). Churches should express support, otherwise this space will disappear. People of God need to move into positions of influence in each domain, including media, to influence opinion (what other faiths and atheists are doing). Christians will become more active in communities, fulfilling their God-given mandates, joining school councils/bodies of influence, and being intentional about building relationships with nonChristians. But such a radical change has enormous implications for current missional and educational strategies in mainline denominations and church-based agencies. There will be opposition from non-Christian groups, secularists, atheists, lobby groups, particularly in a time where compromise seems the preferred route rather than standing up for one’s beliefs. S - Solutions One possible starting point could be with what is already known to be happening in particular educational spheres – e.g. bible and theological colleges (e.g. ANZATS, AJMS conferences), Christian and church schools, educational agencies with denominational and crossdenominational programmes in schools or universities (e.g. Youth Works, ACCESS Ministries, Scripture Union – in schools; AFES, Student Life, Campus Crusades, SCM, Navigators, Newman Society – universities). A theological colleges Lausanne Occasional Paper 40 on Marketplace Ministry has a section on theological education to equip the laity for their work in the world. The Lausanne & Theology of Work groups have also had meetings with Asian & US theological educators in 2013 & 14. The Kern Family Foundation is funding much of this. We can build on these rather than reinventing the wheel. Gordon Preece is meeting with Brendan Roach to discuss some forms of cooperation between Ethos and them; and also with Tim Meyer of MST. vernance/office_of_the_vicechancellor2/the_idea_of_an_australian_catholic_univ ersity Page 14 of 24 Movement in the area of equipping laity in colleges can begin with a topical talk, an elective and then a regular course, which can be melded into a wide range of subjects at the core of the curriculum. This can take a decade or more, but it’s the model used at Macquarie School of Applied Finance, and to some extent at Ridley. The Macquarie Christian Studies Institute, though now defunct, is also worth examining3. Ethos is publishing an edition of Zadok Perspectives on Education & Inequality in June to which Neville Carr, Gordon Preece & others in our group will contribute. This is in cooperation with the Melbourne Anglican SRC which Gordon chairs, which will be reporting to Synod in October regarding this issue. A significant step forward overall might involve bringing together the principals (e.g. Christian schools, bible colleges) or heads of such groups, to begin a status review process that focuses on the key purpose statement above. This might involve some research into the ideological, social and moral impact of these institutions on the structures of Australian society and on its spiritual and moral condition. Such a process could evoke a new synergy within the Church and erode the old silo mentality across different Christian agencies. Once again, such solutions reflect the composition and span of competence of group participants. M - Movement There may be a willingness among a few from the education group, but hopefully from a more representative cohort outside the conference and Melbourne, to arrange an initial meeting: 4. with high profile Christian educationists and academics (seeking advice as to government policy, trends in education – e.g. Profs Barry McGaw, Kevin Donnelly) 5. with leading journalists with education portfolios (e.g. The Australian, etc.), also those with an anti-Christian bias (e.g. Philip Adams) 6. with heads of agencies working on campuses (e.g. AFES, Campus Crusades) 7. with domain group leaders who are interested in accessing educational skills and resources, for the purpose of equipping their own cohorts for achieving key purposes 8. with pastors, as they search for more effective ways of achieving the latter. The School sub-group made several suggestions: 1. Identify the churches that have equipped and released their congregation to serve the community, building relationships with nonChristians; 2. Ask these churches to share their model with other churches, meeting with Heads of churches. 3. Create resources to assist churches to empower, equip and release their congregations to be people of God in each setting, building relationship with nonChristians. ACCESS’s training institute (AMTI) is developing a Community Service diploma to equip folk to be released into the community. Child safe courses are being developed. 4. Consider how media can influence and impact society. Family 1. with such groups as principals of bible and theological colleges, Christian and church schools across Australia Brett Ryan ED Focus on the Family 2. with heads of agencies working in government schools via SRI, Chaplaincy, Prayer Groups in Schools Introduction 3. with Christian professional associations (e.g. Nurses, Lawyers, Medics) The value and importance of the family is diminishing; divorce rates on the rise, drug/alcohol abuse and antisocial behaviour more evident, single parenting families increasing 3 Gordon has forwarded useful information here and was Director of MCSI previously. Page 15 of 24 and mental health issues occurring at unprecedented levels can all be attributed to the state of families across the nation. We need to create a culture within our language and actions to see the well-being and health of the family unit restored as God originally intended. This is singly the most important institution that requires immediate and urgent attention (both inside and outside the four walls of the church) to ensure the other domains reach their God given objectives and potential. Decrease stress/increase health (spiritually, physically, emotionally) Academic / creativity improvement Decrease drug/alcohol dependence and other addictions Decrease on government dependency support/”handouts” – ‘poverty’ mentality Empowering people. I – Implications Multiple definitions of “what is the family?” Multiculturalism Lack of “ownership” – who is responsible? Self? Parent abdication Measure success Inadequate Education - lack of teaching Poor positive role model Message forum Require finical support / sponsorship Top Convergence Objective Skills – human, equipment. To celebrate and restore the importance and value of the family. S – Solutions Top Three Domain Objectives 1. To celebrate and restore the importance and value of the family 2. To create an environment of being informed and equipped in how to have healthy relationships; 3. To create an environment of being informed and equipped in how to be more effective in parenting. “Back to the table” – series of community service advertisements (CSA’s 30-60 second) to encourage families to turn technology off and return to the family meal table and reengage with one another with meaningful conversation. M- meet E – eat A – all participate L – love/ learn / laugh / listen Viral campaign via social media, regional TV, Christian TV, churches, parachurch /other NFP Aim for 1-2 meals together per week to increase over time Create website – helpful content To see this achieved will require the intentional collaboration and multifaceted approach of multiple domain leaders - religion, business, media, government, NFP/welfare and education. PRISM P – Potential Key Objective To celebrate and restore the value of the family. R – Rewards Strengthen relationships as follows: Strengthen relationships Build healthy identity / self esteem Increase productivity - $, quality, national economic improvement, increase employment Decrease antisocial behaviour – crime, vandalism, domestic violence, sexual promiscuity, teenage pregnancy, STD’s M – Movement Intergenerational support/legacies – practical support, economic, social, spiritual Outward focus – attitude of generosity Builds stability/order/security Launch March 2015 CSA’s, utilise connections with organisations such as COACH, CAP, Mainly Music, MOPS, Kids Hope, Chaplaincy, Access, SU, CMN, ACCTV. Develop website – launch March 2015 Page 16 of 24 App- Conversation starters – “How to start a conversation with your kids/spouse?” Seek financial support to ‘buy’ air time, Billboards, literature/postcards Government Domain Group Synopsis P – Potential Key Objective Human flourishing. R - Rewards The Common good I - Implications Diminishes those against human flourishing. S - Solution Normalising Christian political engagement. M - Movement Everyone doing their own part (Eph 4:16), cultural and political change effected. Prime Objective What would this look like in 20 years? • Majority of Christians engaging with their MPs with regards to current issues. • Increased percentage of Christian members of political parties and elected to Parliament • Churches proactively engaging with politicians to develop relationships through initiatives such as prayer support, issuespecific conferences, shared policy development/knowledge sites • Increased Christian worldview in the Media with positive and strong coverage of Christian events (especially during Easter and Christmas) and Christian advocacy even sought by the Media. • Communication strategies in place to provide “Issues/ Fact Sheets” to stakeholders. • Politicians regularly invited and attend church/Christian events i.e. inductions for politicians, Church openings. • Maximum attendance at events such as the National Day of Prayer and the church service at the opening of Parliament. • Public acknowledgement of people who have contributed to Australia’s Christian heritage. Health Domain To normalise Christian political engagement. In order to work towards this goal we should focus on promoting the theology of political engagement (Matt 28:19) to help change current mindsets in institutions such as churches, schools, and Bible colleges. Educating Christians in their rich heritage and the apologetics of current issues will be vital to encourage increased Christian involvement. Additionally, the development of advocacy skills and how to argue in methodical and intellectual ways will be of great importance. Motivation to act and become more politically engaged will be a result of initiatives supporting leadership development, committee engagement, mobilising Pastors and/or connecting with MPs. Jason Ong and Clement Lo Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship of Australia The conference provided strong support and future backing for Dr Lachlan Dunjey of Medicine with Morality. The need to bring correction to the abortion laws, especially in Victoria, came up many times during the conference with specific reference to Ezekiel 9 and 16:20. The main aim of CMDFA is to equip Christian health workers to integrate their faith into their practice. Part of our strategy is to commission health care workers for apostolic mission and to build prayer groups for Kingdom work in each major hospital in Victoria. The effects of everyone playing their part cannot be understated. Page 17 of 24 preferred major party as No.2 to a Christian party as No.1, they still don’t use their vote this way. Dr Lachlan Dunjey Foundation principle. I saw the main purpose of this specific meeting was to develop a way ahead for transformational change in our nation and to spearhead/catalyse this by cooperation between domain leaders and church leaders – recognising that it is not happening just through the latter. Biblical basis we are created in the Image of God. R – Rewards PRISM P – Potential Key Objective The main issue of progressive moral degeneration of our nation away from our “Christian” heritage. Permission for evil is progressively given and is progressively becoming mandatory in practice (permission becomes compulsion) with progressive loss of freedom in being able to speak against it (becomes labelled as discrimination and “hate-speech”) or even uphold what we believe to be foundational truth. At stake here is our freedom to believe, to speak of what we believe and to teach what we believe – even with our children. Increasing restriction for Christians is forecast as well as being discriminated against and marginalised. Medicine is on the frontline of these battles: the preservation of what it means to be human and created in the Image of God manifest in the intrinsic value of all human life, marriage and family designed by God; freedom to believe, and freedom to practice medicine in accord with our conscience. The institutional church has failed to: Christian organisations have taken action and we thank God for the opportunity to be involved alongside wonderful organisations like Family Voice Australia, Saltshakers, Endeavour Forum, Australian Christian Lobby, Australian Family Association, and Christian political parties – CDP, Australian Christians, DLP and Family First. realise the threat have a voice have a political voice in highlighting evil agendas, support those who do have a voice teach Christian responsibility in voting including how to use the preferential voting system to counteract evil. Even when Christians say they understand preferential voting and understand that they do not lose their first preference if they put their In this age of rapid scientific and technological change to preserve traditional medical ethics consistent with the absolute values in God’s design for mankind. Ethical medicine to be at the forefront of these challenges. This includes the preservation of liberty for medical professionals to hold these values so that they can practise medicine according to their conscience. The recovery of truly informed consent especially with respect to the currently disputed and hushed risks of abortion. Ethical medicine as a clear voice for truth in public health and society and the preservation of this liberty. The preservation of marriage as between male and female and the importance of the family unit as being the basis of a healthy society. I – Implications Christian doctors need to join together in defence of what we believe to be fundamental ethics because of the severity of the attack on the future of medicine that includes: the progressive devaluation of what it means to be human the threat to liberty of conscience in practice the pressure to conform medicine to the demands of consumers and government. Further, we need to be involved in professional organisations that have influence. We need to be at the top of our many domains within medicine. CMDFA to continue to be strong in being, and further develop, an Ethical Voice. Page 18 of 24 S – Solutions 1. Awaken the “Sleeping Giant”. This need hasn’t changed over the last 20 years. We can change the direction of our country in just four years if Christians wake up to: a. the dangers facing us – the Chronicle of Shame and where we should be going b. the need for corporate grief (Ezek 9) and the need for passionate prayer – the church in Victoria needs to weep! c. for spiritual awakening (more than good works, programming, events, feel good congregations) d. to be a Voice - and sometimes to clear the moneychangers out of the temple e. the need to teach God’s people how to vote. This is as a Christian responsibility to increase the 2% impact to 10%. Is this possible? Probably not until persecution and discrimination against Christians is more rampant. Will we wake in time? Very doubtful. Am I saying we are beyond revival? Can pastors be revived in this critical sense of Christian responsibility? Maybe not – maybe the change has to come through the lay church – is that what we are trying to do with this marketplace connection? f. Encouragement of church professionals in their work and organisations. g. Identifying and then writing to Christians within their domains, informing them of our prayers and support for them to be a Voice for righteousness within their domain h. How? Blogging, preaching, website promotion, networking (TCN, Transforming Sydney) BUT, the church including Christian doctors do not commit. 2. Political a. Clapham strategy to existing MPs by formation of teams. Dream: To have a team of people/doctors full time or half-time to target/educate/mentor/pastor MPs and other significant people in matters of national ethics, medical ethics in particular, public health and health of the family. c. Appoint people to run for parliament and mentor and encourage them. d. Private member’s bill every year to repeal section 8 on abortion. 3. Professional a. Build the capability to defend the critical areas of liberty of conscience, truth in public health, informed consent and all human life in all areas of dependency and disability from fertilisation to life’s natural end: abortion; euthanasia; physician assisted suicide; destructive embryo research; cloning; embryo selection and eugenics including Down Syndrome genocide; sex-selective abortion and abortion for minor easilycorrectible abnormalities; babies accidentally born alive after abortion procedure and left to die; after-birth abortion (infanticide); and we could add chimeras – mixing of human and animal genes – and cyborgs – integrating bioengineering for enhancement. b. Influencing current professional organisations by participation, encouraging those already involved and encouraging others to be involved. c. Getting Medical Defence organisations onside re: Liberty of Conscience in practice and informed consent particularly with respect to abortion risks including post-abortion syndrome, breast cancer and prematurity with its own risks e.g. cerebral palsy. These are basically insurance organisations but have taken a role in preventive education. d. Work towards formation of competing professional organisations as in USA with the American Association of ProLife Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American College of Paediatricians. e. Mentoring a new generation of doctors f. Increasing our public voice in ethical issues and a specific voice in matters of public health in society g. Within individual practices – promote the conversation with declarations on the wall etc. M – Movement – Make it happen Re: 1) Waken God’s People b. Continue to make submissions, give evidence Activate Pastors via GME – further develop Medicine with Morality – Increase exposure of also open to Allied Health practitioners: Page 19 of 24 Involve Media and web people to achieve this Re: 2) Political Private members bill every year to repeal S8 – every year highlighting the evils in the bill contact Activate pastors to be political and Teach people how to use preferential voting system. Justice Domain Andrea Tokaji with Mark Mudri and Derrick Toh Fighting for Justice Foundation – ACT Christian Legal Society Victoria Summary of Group Discussion Re: 3) Professional Further activate Medicine with Morality, increase mass with letter to all members, develop structure, use media person, contacting US orgs re Facebook sharing, employ a secretary when financially able, handover to younger doctors To walk in the righteousness of the Lord for the sake of executing justice through encouraging and enabling Kingdom lawyers nationally with a global focus to: ensure freedom rules of law religious freedom that protection of the dignity of all people is upheld with integrity. Influencing professional organisations, encouraging Christian doctors participation and encouraging those already involved – mentoring breakfasts and IMPACT conferences Action Within individual practices – join the conversation, declarations on the wall Clapham strategy to existing MPs by formation of teams. Transform/strengthen the health domain from within by Christian involvement at the highest levels. 1. He laments over injustice – especially the poor and needy, 2. The day is ripe for judgement of those who oppress the poor and the needy, 3. God relents when the righteous cries out 4. The sovereign Lord reveals His plans to His saints, 5. God hears the cries of the righteous and sets a plumb line of justice and righteousness among His righteous. Immediate Convergence Objectives 1. 2. 3. Waken God’s people/combined Domains voice to awaken the church and have it onside Introduction Make abortion unthinkable – first incremental step Repeal S8; then the 24 amendments in order of priority (contact Dr Eamonn Mathieson and Doctors in Conscience and Drs Clement Lo and Jason Ong of CMDFA Vic) Preserve/re-instate Liberty of Conscience – repeal Victorian Section 8. Lachlan Dunjey 0407 937 513 Influence culture within Legal/Justice profession by coming into line with God’s call to us in the Book of Amos: Influencing culture Advocates International Let’s do a “Nehemiah Stocktake” – identify the stakeholders Catalyst – Katya (Russian speaker) IBA conference Alliance Defence Freedom Utilise Advocates International model to replicate within Australia nationally. Discussion Battle for the culture at law school - provide Christian internship opportunities Create a central point of view for Christian students Page 20 of 24 Challenges for the legal profession – provides support for Christian lawyers Nationally through network Recognition of Christian foundation – find CJ Organised more to do pro-bono / mentoring in an organised way – Mobilise Christian lawyers Nationally for matters that arise case by case Composition Run 3rd Australasian Legal Conference with CPD CLS organise to provide to church re legal issues Developing a mentoring programme Vocational day / Career’s Day for lawyers Top Convergence Objective Mobilising Christian Lawyers to assist in various matters, particularly in religious freedom, antitrafficking matters. Timelines Establish admin support team within 6 weeks Set up accreditation of Conference prior to Conference Austral-Asia Conference in 18 months National Network set up post- conference Conclusions Top Three Domain Objectives 1. Austral-Asia and National accredited Christian Lawyers Conferences within next 18 months. Impact Legal /Justice culture by creating Kingdom identity, by being a Godly influence within our Domain, by ensuring we are coordinated and resourced, to be able to assist Churches, NGO’s and Law Students, while determining to be a catalyst for all His Kingdom blessings. Actions 2. Establish Christian National network to support, capacity build and mobilise practitioners. Stay in communication to establish core team. 3. Support Christian law students with internships, career expos with Christian legal options and ongoing mentoring Media Domain Nathan Brown CEO Christian Media Australia Domain Objectives 1. To Unite Christians in Media and the Arts, and Foster a Community with a Culture of ‘Christlike’ Servant Leadership in all that we do. 2. To Serve Christians in Media and the Arts, and Develop a Culture of Excellence and Value in all that we do. 3. To Represent Christians in Media and the Arts, and Provide a Significant Platform for Policy and Regulatory Influence for our Community, as well as Cultural Influence through our Community. 4. To Connect Media Leaders with Christian Leaders, and Community (& Government) Leaders in the Mission of Redeeming Culture and Restoring Humanity. 5. To Communicate the Hope of Jesus in any way we can. 6. To Influence Culture: We long for the Page 21 of 24 redemption and transformation of Australian lives and culture. PRISM I - Implications “No Choice” mantras - cultural groups, big Business, Pro drug lobby groups – alcohol lobby groups - i.e. AHA, Liquor Industry. P – Point Key Objective To see the redemption and transformation of Australian lives and culture. R – Rewards Empower the church to engage To present the Christian world view as credible Empower believers to be a voice of influence Church growth Grow the church Unity of the body S – Solutions Rite of passage – the people who should be for reduction are: law enforcement, emergency services, hospital and medical staff, families, victims of violence and other crime, government. S - Solutions I – Implications enforcement and impacts individuals and the community. Professionalise the Christian media Train Christian Communicators for secular media Engage the church with media Supply reduction Demand reduction Community and Family education: cognitive, affective and judicial domains world view paradigm investigation and recalibration Faith/Philosophical/Ethical elements. Cultural Change: Role Modelling through community, individuals, institutions, bureaucracy, media and education. M - Movement M – Movement, make it happen We did not reach this during our session. However strategic initiatives are underway with and through Christian Media Australia. NFP/Welfare Domain Shane Varcoe – Dalgarno Institute Neil Meyer – Teen Challenge Healthy Business support Demand reduction must include inventory of cultural values/worldview Cultural inventory questions What are your values? What informs those values? What paradigm is that predicated on? Who or what is the ‘final authority’ in this construct? Is that ‘final authority’ something that can be applied society wide? PRISM Action - Initial Objectives P - Potential Key Objective Research Reduce the use of Drugs and Alcohol in our communities: Resilient families don’t use drugs Resilient Communities don’t need drugs! To produce an evidence based paper on community resilience, its sources and influences Investigate/uncover extent and origins of selfmedication/hedonism (boredom v meaning) and who is the final authority. R - Rewards By reducing demand for drugs and alcohol we reduce harms, increase productivity, reduce Government costs, reduce family and community violence; deliver better physical health outcomes, reduce mental health issues, reduces law Who needs to contribute to the formation of education and legislation? – Page 22 of 24 beware ‘Trojan horse’ or ‘thin end of wedge’ processes that use ‘death’ or ‘compassion’ only to pass or produce one dimensional data or laws that can later be used to manipulate perception to manufacture a specious consensus. These methods need to be identified and stopped from outset i.e. medical marijuana, advertising/propaganda etc. Education built on best practice and evidence delivered through Schools, institutions and Media Law makers, Medical practitioners, politicians, community, church all need to be on board to bring about social change Produce Paper Each team member is to craft and submit evidence based research data as to what creates resiliency in either individuals or family/community from their specific sector, i.e. those working with homeless, AOD Recovery sector, Christian Faith promoters, Media groups, Medical and Legal (if involved) To have the paper published and promoted in academic, legal and political circles. I – Implications Churches will have to let go of people. Churches will have to buy into an unencumbered model of ministry. Religious people and institutions will try and laden the ministry, avoid the work of the holy spirit in mission and legalise/professionalize the ministry of sports chaplaincy. S – Solutions The best roads forward are to respond to where God is moving, tell the local church, help the local church, empower the local church, partner with other agencies to propagate the Sports Chaplaincy urban chaplaincy model. M - Movement Start movement, empower the local church to reach its sports communities, train local people through everywhere across the sports and through denominations, agencies, regions and churches. Have a very lean core, empower the network to grow the network through the Centre Bounce Team strategy. Sport and Recreation Domain Cam Butler ED Sports Chaplaincy Australia 2035 Vision for Sports Chaplaincy Australia, based on where God is moving in sport in Australia. PRISM P – Potential Key Objective We will have many thousands of men and women serving as pastoral carers in sports club and communities around Australia. The church and sport will come alive to each other and see each other as valid partners not people competitors. R - Rewards Aussie sport will win through having community builders in their clubs. Churches will win because they will see a valid, effective urban form of ministry in the community and it will shape other outbound ministry within the church Appendix Snapshot Illustration: Mutiny on the Bounty The English ship Bounty, commanded by the Lieutenant William Bligh, journeyed to the South Pacific in 1787 to collect plants of the breadfruit tree. Sailors signed on gladly, considering the voyage a trip to Paradise. Having no second-in command, Captain Bligh appointed his young friend Fletcher Christian to the post. The Bounty stayed in Tahiti about 6 months and the sailors, led by happy-go-lucky Fletcher Christian, enjoy paradise to the full. When time came for departure some of the men want to stay behind with island girls. Three men were flogged for trying to desert. The mood on the ship darkened and on 28 April 1789. Fletcher Christian staged the most famous mutiny in history. Bligh and his supporters were set adrift in an overloaded lifeboat. The mutineers abroad the Bounty began The community will win because they will see quarrelling about what to do next. Christian the practical and valid expression of grace returned to Tahiti where he left some of the and mercy en masse in their community mutineers, kidnapped some women and took through the role of sports chaplains. some slaves and travelled 1000 miles to uninhabited Pitcairn Island. There the little group Page 23 of 24 quickly unravelled. They distilled whiskey from a native plant. Drunkenness and fighting marked their colony. Disease and murder eventually took the lives of all men except for one, Alexander Smith, who found himself the only man on the island surrounded by an assortment of women and children. Then an amazing change occurred. Smith found the Bounty’s neglected Bible. As he read it he took its message to heart and began instructing the little community. He taught the colonists the Scriptures and helped them obey its instructions. The message of Christ transform the lives of the group. Twenty years later in 1808 the Topaz landed on the island and found a happy society of Christians living in prosperity and peace, free from crime, disease, murder and mutiny. Later the Bible fell into the hands of a visiting whaler who bought it to America. In 1950 it was returned to the island where it now resides on display in the church in Pitcairn as a monument to its transforming message. Morgan R.J, 1997 On This Day Thomas Nelson, Nashville. Page 24 of 24