THE 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE EURO ASIA CIVIL ENGINEERING FORUM (EACEF) Theme: Innovations in Civil Engineering for Society and the Environment Jointly organized by National University of Singapore and Universitas Pelita Harapan (Indonesia) Date: 26-28 June 2013 Venue: Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore Call for participation and abstracts Dear colleagues It is time again to think about renewing friendships and making new ones at the biannual EACEF conference. Since the inaugural conference in 2007, this conference series has provided a friendly and conducive platform for Civil Engineering academics in East Asia to meet, interact and exchange ideas with their peers in Europe. The past conferences in Indonesia and Malaysia have been successful in showcasing the work and talent of young researchers and academics drawn from the many and diverse universities in East Asia, and enabled them to interact with their peers in Europe and other parts of the world. Its lively informative sessions have been filled with warm camaderie fostered by an informal atmosphere. EACEF will meet next year in the vibrant city of Singapore for the 4th International Conference. The theme of the conference, 'Innovations in Civil Engineering for Society and the Environment' reflects the central role of civil engineers discipline in creating technologically-based systems for the benefit of society, as well as the need in current times, for innovative thinking to deliver better value and protecting the environment through such engineered systems. Innovative thinking and innovative solutions need not come only from research institutions. Increasingly, collaboration between industry and academia is the source of new ways of designing, constructing and managing complex technical systems in a changing world. EACEF is the right forum for both academics and industry practitioners to learn from each other's experiences, discoveries and innovations. In its quest for modernity, Singapore has continuously had to leverage on skill, creativity and drive to overcome constraints on land and natural resources. The conference will also be an opportunity to visit the sites of some recent infrastructure projects where innovative design and engineering have created truly iconic structures. The Gardens by the Bay and Marina Barrage will provide many interesting lessons for engineers on the way they were conceived, engineered and constructed. The organizing committee invites submissions of one page abstracts (maximum of 500 words) describing original work on innovations and new developments in the following civil engineering sub-disciplines: Structural and construction engineering Geotechnical engineering Civil engineering materials Environmental engineering Infrastructure engineering - transportation, traffic, coastal, offshore, water resources and hydraulic engineering Construction, project and safety management. Participation and contributions from industry practitioners are especially encouraged. Please submit your abstracts through the paper submission and review system ( by 21 December 2012. Following a review by the technical committee, authors of selected abstracts will be invited to submit a full length paper for presentation at the conference. All accepted papers will be published in the EACEF proceedings. Key conference dates 21 December 2012 Abstract submission deadline 17 January 2013 Abstract acceptance 20 March 2013 Full paper submission 24 April 2013 Full paper acceptance 6 May 2013 Early Bird Registration 15 May 2013 Print-ready paper submission / Author registration deadline 26-27 June 2013 Conference days More details of the conference, including registration fees and the technical program are available on the conference website ( ). If you have further questions, please direct them to me through We look forward to meeting you in Singapore for EACEF 2013. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harianto Hardjasaputra (Founder and Executive Director of EACEF) Assoc. Prof. Chan Weng Tat (Chairman, 4th EACEF 2013)