Preston School Board Meeting November 20, 2013 Superintendent

Preston School Board Meeting
September 17, 2014
Superintendent Report
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you
want to go far, go together.
Mission & Vision Statements
 Mission: To provide all students with the academic and
social knowledge and skills needed for life-long success
in a changing world.
 Vision: The Preston School District believes that in the
partnership with parents and the community our schools
will provide appropriate opportunities for all learners to
reach their academic and social potential in a safe and
supportive environment
Jr. High Highway Access
 ITD Proposal:
 *
 State will pave the driveway and install the
 The 30 day termination clause is modified to show
that as long as the driveway is required by federal
State will not terminate.
District will convey to State a 100 x 100
permanent easement.
 SMART Goals: Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Result Based,
 Goals – Indicators – Tasks
 Example
 Goal: Improve School Leadership & Decision Making
 Indicator IE09: The principal challenges, supports, and monitors the
correction of unsound teaching practices.
 Tasks: Principal performs an informal walkthrough observation of
each classroom every 3 weeks. Principal reports to superintendent
each week regarding classrooms visited and comments given to
teachers. Teachers are evaluated using the evaluation tool Danielson
Framework for Effective Teaching. Principals pass teacher
evaluation course via Teachscape.
Strategic Plan
 I. College and Career Readiness
1. 7 year plan (6th grade – 12th grade class schedule).
2. Provide career exploration at jr. high level.
3. Participate in Bridgerland 7th Grade Career Exploration Day.
4. Strengthen PTE (Professional/ Technical Education).
5. Clear Dual Credit plan to fill general education requirements.
5 Year Strategic Plan (Cont.)
 II. Quality Education and Learning Opportunities
 K -12 vertical alignment.
 Increase rigor in high school classes to meet college level
 EOC’s ... End of Course Assessments, common curriculum for
common courses.
 Common curriculum for common courses to close gap in rigor
between classes.
 Character Education.
5 Year Strategic Plan (Cont.)
 III. Quality Personnel
 Help high school teachers become adjunct professors. Work
with higher education to provide students general education
course instructors.
 Common preps and regular professional development.
 Proactive recruiting of new teachers.
 Strengthen new teacher mentoring programs.
5 Year Strategic Plan (Cont.)
IV. School and Community Public Relations
 Aggressively communicate dual course offerings.
 Communicate PTE offerings.
 Communicate via various means... texts, emails,
Facebook, twitter, website, and newspaper (weakest
 Proactively communicate budget and financial
5 Year Strategic Plan (Cont.)
 V. School Environment and Facilities
 1. 5 Year Facility Levy - $4,000,000
 2. Technology Bundle – Security Cameras, upgraded telephones,
wireless in buildings, etc.
 3. Remodel Bundle – Update older high school classrooms, update
pod configuration at Oakwood, etc.
 4. New Construction Bundle – Bigger multipurpose room at
Pioneer, improve elementary cafeteria, add air conditioning
where lacking, etc.
Partial Schedule List
The following Concurrent Enrollment Courses are offered at PHS:
High School Course
College Course
College Algebra
Math 1050 College Algebra
Math 1060 Trigonometry
AP Calculus A&B
Math 1170 Calculus I
Intro to College Statistics A&B
Math 1153 Intro to Statistics
Concurrent English 12A
ENGL 1101 English Composition
Concurrent English 12B
ENGL 1110 Intro to Literature
Economics (Concurrent)
CFS 1120 Personal Economics
Concurrent Am. Government A&B
POLS 1101 Intro to Am. Government
Concurrent US History A
HIST 1111 US History I
Concurrent US History B
HIST 1112 US History II
Online/Independent Study Options: Despite the many class options available at PHS, natural
limitations prohibit the type and number of courses offered. Independent study and online courses
provide students the opportunity to make up lost credits, take courses not currently offered at PHS,
or to take Concurrent or AP classes not offered at PHS.
School Resource Officer
 High School English Teacher – Part-time officer. Only
considered police officer when on duty. If District
requests he become full-time officer, he could be
considered a police officer during school
emergencies. District would have to offer token
Education Foundation
 Minigrant Awards:
 Jill Durrant – “Advanced Choir Musical” - $500.00
 Sara Crane – “Fractions – Eat Them Up” - $130.00
 Alisa Huskinson – “Expanding Expression Tool – EET” - $251.90
 Oct. 8th, 5:00 pm: Next Ed. Foundation Meeting
 Ed. Foundation Board: Joy Christensen, Julie Westerberg, Sara Kelley,
Karen Child, Kelly Keller, Kamille Kunz, Joel Wilson
FCHS Open House
Oct. 2nd or 3rd
Invite past graduates & parents
Invite community
Speakers (School Board, FCHS Principal, past FCHS
ISBA Training
 Jan. 21, 2015
 6:00 pm
 Training Topic: Levy Election
 ISBA Regional Training: Sept. 24, 2014:
Pocatello/Chubbuck School District Office, 6:30 pm
 ISBA Conference: Boise, Nov. 12th – 14th
Board Member Assignments
Brian Jensen – May 2015 Election
Joy Christensen – May 2015 Election
Fred Titensor – May 15 Election
Jody Shumay – May 2017 Election
Chad Womack – May 2017 Election
Ed. Foundation – Joy Christensen
Interview Committee – Brian Jensen, Fred Titensor
Budget Review – Chad Womack
5 Year Strategic Plan – Jody Shumway
FCHS Graduation – Brian Jensen, Joy Christensen
Teacher Pay Proposal
 The Idaho State School Board issued a letter regarding the tiered licensure proposal. This
is the proposal to raise teacher pay for beginning teachers at $40,000. Some concerns my
superintendent's group is expressing are:
 1. What happens to veteran teachers who may be already making more than this proposal?
 2. What happens to teacher employment rights and due process issues if a teacher is
released from their position?
 3. Will funding be available if the state goes down this path?
 I spoke with the superintendent in the Meridian School District who sits on the committee
developing this plan. She is convinced that funding will be made available and legislators
are on board.
 I also have contact with a state representative from Bingham County who said there is no
way this proposal will be passed if goes before the legislature.
 There appears to be a lot of work left to do on this issue. Please email me your concerns
with this plan so that I can share your voice with decision makers in Boise.