My University

It is difficult to find the region where more national
projects, than in Krasnoyarsk Krai are developed in
Russia. Here "growth points" in the industry, an energy
drink, science and education are defined. For
training of the highly qualified specialists capable to
work in any region of our country including in severe
conditions of the North, in 2006 in Krasnoyarsk the
Siberian federal university was created. Four largest
Krasnoyarsk higher education institutions were its part.
Representatives of large business, policy, scientists are
a part of the Board of trustees of SFU. The chairman
of the board — the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry
The institute of pedagogics, psychology and sociology is created in January,
2008 as a result of merger of psychology and pedagogical faculty of Institute
natural and the humanities, engineering and pedagogical faculty of
Polytechnical institute and chair of a vocational education of Institute of
non-ferrous metals and gold.
In April, 2010 the structure of Institute of pedagogics, psychology and
sociology in addition included faculty of informatization of social systems of
Institute of town planning, management and regional economy.
Due to the transition to a two-level education system
(bakalavriat+magistratur) for improvement of quality of training of bachelors
and masters within the directions realized in IPPS, in November, 2013
restructuring of divisions of Institute of pedagogics, psychology and sociology
is carried out. Within restructuring merger of Department of pedagogics of
the higher school and Chair of information technologies of education, with
formation of Chair of information technologies of training and continuous
education is carried out. Departments of psychology of development it is
merged into Chair of mental health, with formation of Department of
psychology of development and consultation. The laboratory of
psychological consultation, diagnostics and correction of Department of
psychology of development was given the status of independent structural
unit of Institute of pedagogics, psychology and sociology.
From the moment of formation of Institute of pedagogics, psychology and
sociology, it is headed by the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, the
corresponding member of Russian joint stock company — Smolyaninova
Olga Georgiyevna.
Today the Institute of pedagogics, psychology and sociology is one of the
SFU leading institutes in the field of humanitarian preparation. Annual release
of experts, bachelors and masters makes more than 200 people which
preparation is carried out on seven letting-out chairs: Department of the
general and social pedagogics, Department of psychology of development
and consultation, Department of sociology, Chair of information
technologies of training and continuous education, Department of
engineering and computer graphics, Department of pedagogics of a
vocational education, Chair of social technologies.
Besides the structure of Institute of pedagogics, psychology and sociology
includes Educational and organizational department, Office of sociology
and public relations and the Center of retraining and professional
The institute of pedagogics, psychology and sociology conducts training of
bachelors in the following directions:
Applied informatics
Advertizing and public relations
Pedagogical education
Psychology and pedagogical education
Vocational education (on branches).
Masterpodgotovka of masters is carried out according to five programs:
Educational management
Management of educational innovations
Social and pedagogical maintenance of individual educational routes
Management of human resources
Psychological consultation.
Besides, at Institute of pedagogics, psychology and sociology it is possible to get
second higher education in the direction