Which Math Class Should I Take Next Year?

Which Math Class
Should I Take Next
What math class can I take
next year?
O Choices for Algebra 2 students:
O PreCal
O Advanced Quantitative Reasoning
O Statistics (seniors only)
O AP Statistics
O Algebra 3 (seniors only)
O This course examines trigonometric
functions and extends the applications of
algebraic functions.
O To succeed in this course, students must
memorize the Unit Circle and all trig
identities. This information will be needed
daily from the beginning of the year through
February. The following slide shows this
important information:
Advanced Quantitative
O Type of class –
O Student learning done in groups. A wide range of
topics and types of math will be examined most of
which you will be fairly familiar with. Analytically
O What will it prepare you for –
O AQR “prepares students for a range of future
options in non-mathematics-intensive college
majors or for entering workforce training
O Prereq is Alg 2
Statistics / AP Statistics
O Type of class –
O Not similar to other math classes you have
taken, a lot of reading, writing, and analysis
of data (compared to other math classes)
O What will it prepare you for –
O Regular stats will prepare you to do well in
college stat classes.
O AP Stats will prepare you for the AP exam
which, with a high enough score, could place
you out of college Stats
Algebra 3
O This course is for seniors only and is
designed for those whose average is below
80 in Algebra 2.
O It reinforces Algebra 2 material by projects
and activities and introduces topics from
College Algebra.
O This course is listed on transcripts as
Independent Study in Mathematics.
What classes will be required
in college if I study…..
O Depends on your major
O Almost all majors require at least some math
courses (core classes that every student
must take)
O All typically require a statistics class
O Which ones require precal
O Any of the Sciences (chem, biology, computer
science, environmental science, physics, math)
O Business
O Engineering