GENERAL CONTEST GUIDELINES, Journalism cum Language Arts

Enclosure No. 1 Contest Guidelines
November 16, 17, 27 and 28, 2015
The competition in the Individual Writing Contest is designed to showcase the competencies of
campus journalists, demonstrate their holistic journalistic skills and proficiency through media
exposure, immersion and press conferences, and promote free responsible journalism.
Only learners from schools with publications are allowed to compete in the various individual
contests of the DSPC.
The following will be strictly implemented and complied with:
A. General
1. Should there be questions and assistance needed, the participants can only raise
their concerns to the assigned proctor. The proctor shall refer them to the concerned
EPS for appropriate response to their queries and concerns.
2. Contestants should not put any identifying mark on the contest entry or answer sheet.
3. The top seven winners per medium shall be recognized and the points they will garner
will be included in the computation of the overall scores.
4. Any violation of the stipulated guidelines will be grounds for disqualification of the
5. The decision of the members of the Board of Judges in all aspects of the contest shall
be deemed final and irrevocable.
B. Specific
1. Sports Writing:
a. The Division Technical Working Group (DTWG) shall orient and provide final
instructions to the campus journalists before the contest proper. A one-hour
lecture will be done before the actual contest that shall include pre and postgame conferences.
b. A pre-game conference shall be conducted for the introduction of players,
coaches, and tournament officials. Consequently, a post conference shall be
held for further interview and data gathering.
c. Contestants shall be made to watch an actual game where they can gather
appropriate data and/or interview officials and athletes before and after the
d. Contestants may be asked to write a news article, a feature or an editorial.
2. Copy Reading & Headline Writing:
a. The contestants shall use the standard copy reading symbols and follow
directions given in the contest piece.
b. The contestants will also provide two headlines for the article that they have
edited and include the appropriate printer’s directions.
Editorial Cartooning
Only pencils with erasers shall be used.
The cartoon must reflect the elements of editorial cartooning.
The cartoon should be, at all times, compliant with the professional and
ethical standards of media.
1) Participants should be at the contest venue thirty (30) minutes before
the orientation.
2) The photojournalists are allowed to use any Digital Camera (point and
shoot only) with a maximum of 16 megapixels. Contestants who shall
bring high-end cameras will not be permitted to join the photo
3) The student contestant should bring his own camera cable for
uploading of pictures.
4) Cellular phones, extra digital cameras, extra storage card or any
additional materials/equipment are not allowed in the contest area.
Memory Card Loading
The contestants will load the storage card in front of the
Photo Shoot
1) After announcing the contest theme/topic, the first shot (control shot)
by all contestants should be focused on one subject as determined by
the examiner/proctor.
2) Every contestant is given one (1) hour to take picture, which does not
include the loading and unloading of the storage card in front of the
3) During the actual photo shooting, the advisers, trainers, and parents of
the contestants are NOT allowed in the venue.
4) The contestants are allowed to take Ten (10) photos, but only six (6)
shots (including the control shot) will be submitted as official entries.
5) Five (5) best photos and control shot will be uploaded by the
contestant to the DTWG assigned laptop/desktop for judging.
6) Captions per picture should be encoded by the contestant upon
uploading of the photo to the laptop/desktop.
A. The group contest is open to Elementary and Secondary schools.
B. The top seven (7) winners in each section per medium (English and Filipino) will be
announced. However, the points garnered by each publication shall be added only to
Group Contest – Newspaper Category.
C. The decision of the members of the Board of Judges in all aspects of the contest shall be
deemed final and irrevocable.
D. The School Paper shall be submitted in paper-based format (print) in six (6) copies.
E. The different SECTIONS/ CATEGORY to be judged for the group contests are as follows:
1. News Section/ Pahinang Balita
2. Editorial Section/ Pahinang Editoryal
3. Feature Section/ Pahinang Lathalain
4. Sports Section/Pahinang Pampalakasan
5. Science and Technology/ Pahinang Agham at Teknolohiya
6. Layout and Page Design Category/ Kategoryang Pag-aanyo at Disenyo ng Pahina
F. The technical specifications for both Elementary and Secondary levels are as follows:
1. No. of pages: minimum of 12 and maximum of 20
News Section – at least 3
Sports Section – at least 2
Feature Section – at least 3
Editorial Section – at least 2
Science and Technology Section – at least 2
2. Process:
3. Paper stock: Book paper or C2S 60lbs -70 lbs
4. Color:
Front and back cover in full color
Inside pages in black and white
5. Size: 9” x 12” (Elementary)
12” x 18” (High School)
G. Each Section will be judged according to the guidelines/criteria set for the section/category.
H. After a thorough evaluation by a set of judges, the top ten entries for each medium shall be
sent to the region as entries of the division to the RSPC.
I. No school is allowed to submit its school paper entry(ies) directly to the Regional Office.
J. Failure to comply with the set guidelines in evaluating school papers will be a ground for
A. The competition in collaborative publishing is designed to encourage teamwork among
campus journalists and simulate the workplace of an editorial department in a publishing
B. The division shall choose one team for English and another for Filipino, both at the
Elementary and Secondary levels.
C. All contestants are required to attend the orientation before the actual competition.
D. Once the contest has started, members of each team shall no longer be allowed to go back
to their quarters nor report to their respective advisers.
E. A mini press conference will be held to become the basis for the actual writing of the
editorial, feature and news articles. Either a video of a sports event will be shown or
coverage of an actual sports event shall be attended by the sports writers. Pictures of the
mini press conference shall be taken by the photojournalists and editorial cartoons will be
produced while the rest of the teams are doing write-ups, lay-outing and editing.
F. Sports writers and photo journalist must be ready to watch an actual game where they shall
gather appropriate data and/or conduct interview before and after the game. A pre-game
conference shall be conducted for the introduction of the players, coaches, and tournament
officials. Consequently, a post conference shall be held for further interview and data
The team will be given two (2) hours for data gathering and writing and another two (2)
hours for lay-outing and editing.
Each team will be required to bring a maximum of (4) laptops installed with either
PAGEMAKER or IN DESIGN and Photoshop (for the secondary level) and Microsoft
Publisher (for Elementary) for the lay-out of the group’s final output. The laptops will be
checked by the DTWG for any other official application and pre-written documents or
references therein.
The host district will provide a scanner for the editorial cartoon.
Mobile phones and other electronic gadgets shall not be allowed except for digital camera
and laptops with disabled internet connection.
Each group will be required to convert their output into pdf format, print and submit it to the
contest committee. The collaborative publishing team shall submit both hard and soft
copies of their entries. They should ensure that no identifying marks about their school,
division or region can be found on their output.
The output of the contest is an A4-size four-page publication. The output will be uploaded
to the designated computer by the DSPC DTWG for judging.
The top (7) seven teams shall be recognized and the points they will garner will be included
in the determination of the overall scores.
The decision of the members of the Board of Judges shall be deemed final and irrevocable.
A. General Guidelines
1. There shall be a separate day for the conduct of the script writing and
broadcasting for each medium.
2. Each team shall have seven (7) members for each of the English and Filipino
categories. The members shall not participate in any of the individual contests.
3. Individual awards include best anchor and best news presenter, while group
awards include best in technical application, best infomercial and best script.
4. In getting the overall results for best radio production, accumulated points from
the individual and group awards shall be considered.
5. The decision of the members of the Board of Judges in all aspects of the contest
shall be deemed final and irrevocable.
6. Any breach or violation of the stipulated guidelines shall be valid grounds for
B. Scriptwriting
1. The students will be given 1 ½ hours to prepare a script for a 5-minute radio
broadcast that includes an infomercial, which may depict health, environment,
politics and social issues, and four (4) news articles, which may be based on press
releases, raw data, or any other option given by the DTWG. The news presenter
shall write his/her own script. The infomercial shall have a maximum length of
(1) minute and shall use the language that the group is competing in. Another 30
minutes will be allotted for the printing of the output.
2. Each team may use up to three laptops and an inkjet printer in preparing and
printing of the script. The team should ensure that the laptops they will use for the
contest should not contain any document that they may use as reference or model
during the conduct of the contest. All laptops should be submitted to the contest
committee for inspection. Each team is required to bring its own extension wires
and other equipment, such as CD player for rehearsal.
3. Once the script writing has commenced, the contestants will no longer be allowed
to leave the contest rooms. For personal necessities, a member of the contest
committee shall accompany them to the rest rooms.
4. The script should not bear any information that may identify the school but it
should include the names of the members of the team with their job
assignment/contribution (i.e. anchor, news presenter, etc.)
5. Scripts should be:
Encoded using Arial font size 12
With directorial instructions in capital letters
Double-spaced with normal margin
Printed in a letter-sized bond paper (8.5 “x 11”)
6. Each team should submit four (4) copies of the script. Three (3) will be submitted
to the judges and one (1) for the chairperson. The team may print extra copies for
their own use.
C. Broadcast Simulation
1. A broadcast room for the presentation shall be unidentified in the testing center or
contest venue. Only the contestants, judges and the members of the contest
committee shall be allowed inside. The student broadcasters shall be concealed from
the judges all throughout their presentation.
2. The organizers/host region shall commission an independent sound system provider
to ensure quality audio output. The technical operator shall only set the sound system
before the simulation. A jack/auxiliary cord will be provided for the CD player, laptops
and other sources of sound effects, except mobile phones.
3. Except for the volume meter, contestants/technical director shall not be allowed to
change, adjust and manipulate the main control board during their presentation.
4. Mobile phones and reference books shall not be allowed in the contest area.
5. In case of power failure, the affected team shall be allowed to perform again.
6. Loudspeakers shall be set up outside the broadcast room.
7. The order of presentation will be identified through drawing of lots by the directors
before the script writing.
8. Each team shall be given eight (8) minutes: two (2) minutes of which for preparation,
five (5) minutes for the actual broadcast and one (1) minute for exit. Provide running
time shall be applied.
9. The organizers shall provide a wall clock or a timer, which will serve as the official
time that can be seen by the contestants and the judges. There will be an official time
10. A yellow flaglet shall be raised to signal the team that they have one (1) minute left for
preparation. The green flaglets shall then be raised to signal the team to start. The
yellow flaglet shall be raised again to warn the team that they only have one (1)
minute remaining and followed by the red flaglet to indicate that their time is up.
11. The entire production schedule shall be governed by the zero (0) or perfect score for
the time scoring requirement.
12. The contestants shall leave the broadcast room right after their presentation.
1. The scores of each of the seven Top Performing Schools per level (elementary &
secondary) shall be added to identify the Top Five Performing Schools of the DSPC. The
sum of the scores of each school is ranked from highest to lowest.
2. The total scores of the Top Seven Schools in the secondary/elementary level is the sum of
all the scores by each school in both group and individual contests. The sum of the scores
of each school is ranked from highest to lowest.
Best Team Readers Contest (Grades II, III, VI, VIII)
1. There will be 23 teams in each grade level in the elementary level representing the 23
districts and 45 teams in the secondary level representing the 45 secondary schools.
Participants from the private schools may join the contest: one (1) team per level per
2. The team is composed of three students in each grade level who were declared winners in
the District/School level contest.
3. Each team in will be given a set of five books written in English/Filipino. Comprehension
and Vocabulary questions will be taken from these books/stories.
4. The team will be given an hour to read the books/stories. Coaches will not be allowed to
interact with their teams during the reading time.
5. At a designated time, the teams will be convened in the contest proper venue.
6. A quiz master will ask comprehension and vocabulary questions.
7. The five teams with the highest scores will be declared first, second, third, fourth and fifth
8. In case of a tie, clincher questions will be asked.
Best in Story Retelling Contest (Grades II, III, VI, VII)
1. There will be 23 contestants in each grade level representing the 23 districts for elementary
level and 45 contestants in the secondary level representing the 45 secondary schools.
Contestants from the private schools are encouraged to join.
2. The contestants in each grade level will choose a story to retell from a set of five books.
3. They will be judged according to their ability to recall, analyze and give insights to the story
and retell it with proper expression and interpretation.
4. A contestant is given 10 minutes to read the story silently then retell it before the judges.
5. The first five contestants with the highest points will be recognized.
Best in Oral Interpretation (Grades II, III, VI, VII)
1. In Oral Interpretation, there will be 23 contestants in each grade level representing the 23
districts and 45 contestants in the secondary level representing the 45 secondary schools.
Contestants from the private schools may join the contest.
2. The contestants will be asked to read aloud a story identified by the judges. The story will
be taken from the five story books used by the Best Team Readers. They will be graded
according to their ability to read orally with accuracy and fluency, correct oral interpretation,
voice projection, audience impact and level of confidence.
3. A contestant will be given ten minutes to read the story silently before he/she is asked to
orally interpret it.
4. The first five contestants with the highest points will be recognized.
SPELLING CONTEST (Grade IV (English) and Grade II (Filipino)
Each district shall be represented by two spellers. Spellers from private schools may also
join the spelling contest, one contestant per private school. Each speller will be assigned a
The contestants shall undergo an elimination round. In the elimination round, all Spellers
1-23 will occupy Room 1 and Spellers 24-43 will proceed to Room 2. Simultaneously, the
contestants will be asked to spell 10 words (paper and pencil test). For each item, the contestants
will be asked to answer within 15 seconds before proceeding to the next test item. All contestants
with scores 7 and up will proceed to the Semifinal Round. Note: All scores will go back to zero in
the semifinal round.
In the Semifinal Round, each contestant shall have a marker and a whiteboard to write on
the word to be spelled. (The marker and white board will be provided by the contestant.) At the
same time, the spellers will be asked to spell a word. After 20 seconds, the contestants will be
asked to stop writing and show their answers to the verifiers. Each time a contestant correctly
spells a word, he/she gets a point. After letting them spell 10 words, the scores are tallied. All
contestants with 8 points and above qualify for the final round.
The Final Round is a knock-out round. All qualifiers to this round will be made to spell a
word at the same time. They are to write their answers on the white board in 15 seconds. If the
contestants meet difficulty in giving the correct spelling of the word, they may raise their hands and
ask for the meaning of the word or an illustrative sentence using the word. The clock starts ticking
when everything is already cleared.
A contestant that commits an error will automatically be disqualified to go on with the
round. This process goes on until only one contestant is left and adjudged winner of the spelling
contest. The last five remaining contestants will be recognized.
The decision of the judges is deemed final.
During the Spelling Contest
The pronouncer should pronounce the test words in the test list. During the final round, if a
word has two or more acceptable pronunciations, the pronouncer should give at least two of the
pronunciations. If a word seems to offer unusual difficulty for contestants, it should be:
a. briefly defined; and
b. used in an illustrative sentence
The answer-verifiers should stay at the back of the room while the pronouncer is
pronouncing the word so as not disturb the spellers. They should refrain from talking. If a speller
gets the correct answer, the verifier only raises his/her hand to signal the scorer that the spelled
word is correct.
BEST WRITER CONTEST (Grades V, IX, English and Filipino)
There will be 23 contestants in this contest, one contestant from each district and 45
contestants in the secondary level, one from each secondary school. Interested contestants from
private schools may join the contest, one contestant per private school.
The contest shall be done in three rounds: Elimination, Semi-Final and Final Rounds.
All contestants will write an essay of not more than 100 words in this round, excluding the
title. The topic shall be given on-the-spot. After 30 minutes, the outputs will be collected and
The Top 15 contestants will proceed to the Semi-Final Round. In this round, the 15
contestants will again write an essay on a topic to be given on-the-spot. It should not be less than
100 words, excluding the title. After 30 minutes, the essays will be graded. Only the Top 10
essayists will proceed to the final round.
During the Final Round, the 10 essayists will develop an essay around a topic to be given
on-the-spot. It should not be more than 200 words, excluding the title. After 40 minutes, the
essays will be collected, graded and ranked.
The essays will be judged based on these criteria:
The contestants’ knowledge and depth of understanding about the issues being
addressed will be demonstrated by the quality of their essays.
a. Does the essay have a creative approach to a topic or story? (30 points)
b. Do vocabulary and word usage enhance the essay? (5 points)
c. Is the reader left with a “finished” feeling? (5 points)
CONTENT (40 points)
a. Is the main idea well developed throughout the essay? (25 points)
b. Is the essay well organized? (10 points)
c. Is the point of view consistent throughout? (5 points)
The competition is designed to promote good writing as well as serious thinking.
The clarity of presentation and quality of writing will also figure in the score.
a. Are spelling, capitalization, and punctuation correct? (5 points)
b. Are the sentence structures correct? (5 points)
c. Is the paragraphing appropriate? (5 points)
d. Is the essay consistent in tense? (5 points)
The Top 5 essayists will be de declared winners.
The decision of the judges is final.
QUIZ (Grade VI, X) – English and Filipino
There will be 46 contestants, two (2) contestants from each district and 45 contestants in
the secondary level, one from each of the 45 secondary schools. Contestants from the private
schools may also join this contest, one contestant per level per school.
The English Quiz will be done in two rounds: the elimination and final rounds.
Elimination Round. A paper and pencil test of 40 items will be simultaneously administered
to the contestants. The test will be answered in 40 minutes. After 40 minutes, the test papers will
be collected, checked and graded. All contestants with scores 30 and above will proceed to the
Final Round. In case, no contestant gets a score of 30 and above, the required score will be
lowered until at least 15 contestants qualify for the next round. For the next round, all scores will
revert back to zero.
The qualifiers will be called for the final round. An English test of 40 items will be given to
the qualifiers. After 40 minutes, the test papers will be collected, checked, graded and ranked.
The five highest scorers will be recognized.
Corrections, queries and clarifications must all be directed to the contest committee for
The decision of the committee is final.
EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING (Secondary Level, Grade 10)
1. There will be 45 contestants representing the 45 public secondary schools. Interested students
from the private schools may also join the contest.
2. The speaking order shall be drawn during the briefing.
3. All speakers shall be confined in an identified area, far enough for them not to hear the ‘onboard’ contestant.
4. Speakers shall be given 5 minutes to prepare his/her speech. They may take note during the
preparation phase. They are not allowed to bring with them any material or equipment except,
paper and pencil.
5. Each speaker will deliver his speech in 2-5 minutes. A 30-second window period shall be
allotted for each speaker. He/she will be reminded of the time he/she has consumed.
6. Criteria for judging:
30% - Oral Delivery (Grammar and usage, diction, intonation, enunciation, and
vocal variety)
10% - Physical Delivery (Stance, use of gestures, facial expressions, eye contact,
and stage presence)
40% - Content (Clear main message, supporting examples, and outstanding
speech value)
20% - Organization (Sound opening, body, and conclusion)
7. The top 5 contenders will be awarded.
8. The decision of the judges is final.
STORY WRITING (Grade 8-10, three members per team)
1. There will be 45 teams competing for the best story in this contest representing the 45
secondary schools. Writers from the private schools may join the contest.
2. Each team shall be composed of three students enrolled in Grades 8, 9 and 10.
3. The writers will be given a theme to work on and from which to develop the story.
4. After the briefing, the writers will be given two hours to write their story.
5. Late entries will not be accepted for evaluation.
6. The decision of the judges is final.
1. Use 12-point Times New Roman.
2. Double space text.
3. Mark a new paragraph by indenting the first line; do not leave an empty line between
4. Use a 1” margin on all sides.
5. Do not number the first page.
6. Put the story’s title, centered in all CAPS, approximately one-third of the way-down the page
from the top margin. Drop four lines then begin the story.
7. Type “THE END” in all caps when the story is finished.
Teachers, English and Filipino)
1. There will be 23 contestants representing the 23 districts and 45 secondary school teachers
representing the public secondary schools. Interested teachers from the private schools may also
join this contest.
2. Participants must use the suggested stories detailed in Enclosure 3 – one for the qualifying
round and another for the finals, if they are short listed. All participants must prepare to proceed to
the final round.
3. Participants must stay at the competition venue until the competition ends and must remain silent
when another participant is delivering his/her story.
4. Participants are allowed to read a part of the story text or keynote when delivering the story, but
not to totally devote his/her time in reading the story. The two suggested stories will also be used
by Filipino teacher-contestants using Filipino language as the medium of delivery.
5. Participants are encouraged to improvise and tell the stories in their own style. As such, the
teacher-contestants shall construct big books out of the short stories suggested in
Enclosure 3.
6. Participants may opt to use actions, minimal props or costumes, at their own expense, to help to
bring their stories to life.
7. A green flag will be raised by the timekeeper as a sign for the participant to start delivering the
8. Each participant has a maximum time of 5 minutes to deliver his/her story.
9. On the last minute, the time keeper will raise the green flag up as a warning for the participant
that the time is up.
10. 15 seconds will be given as a tolerance time right after the time is up.
11. The tolerance time will be a consideration for score deduction. Thus every second past the
tolerance time, a point will be deducted from the score.
12. Scoring criteria:
Matter (40%)
Story substances
b. Performance (60%)
Interaction (stage act, including eye contact, costume, equipment)
Expression (including body language)
Punctuality of time
11. Every rule has to be followed. Disqualification is necessary for every participant who doesn’t
abide by the rule.
12. The top 5 winners will be recognized.
13. The decision of the board of judges is final.
Each district/secondary school will choose its Most Outstanding English/Filipino Teacher.
Private school teachers may also join the contest.
The basic requirements for the search are the following:
Must be a regular permanent teacher. (Appointment paper, service record)
Must have taught English/Filipino as a learning area for the last three years.
(Certification from the principal)
He/She must have undergone a school and district/school search. (Fully
documented, merely designating an entry to this search will disqualify him/her from joining
the search.)
Each entry will be judged based on the following criteria:
1. Dedication and Competence in Teaching (English/Filipino)
1.1 No. of years as English/Filipino teacher (10)
1.2 Performance rating for the last three years (5)
1.3 NAT (English/Filipino) for the last three years (10)
2. Outstanding Contributions in the Field of Education as an English/Filipino
2.1 Introduced and tried out innovative teaching approaches in
English/Filipino (5)
2.1 Prepared and utilized instructional and assessment materials to
improve English/Filipino teaching and pupils’ performances (5)
2.3 Prepared and utilized teaching devices/apparatuses (5)
2.4 Conducted researches and published creative outputs to improve
English/Filipino teaching-learning process (5)
2.5 Put-up a functional Library Hub/Corner (5)
2.6 Served as School Moderator/Paper Adviser (5)
2.6 Compiled and utilized results of ECARP activities (e.g. Phil-IRI,
EGRA-ARATA, Read-a-thon, Literacy) (5)
3. Leadership capabilities
Involvement in co-curricular activities
3.1 as Trainor/Coach/Adviser in English/Filipino Competitions (5)
3.2 as Facilitator in Seminars/Trainings in Teaching English/Filipino (5)
3.3 as Demonstration Teacher in Teaching English/ Filipino /emergent &
Beginning Reading/ Pedagogy Enhancement, etc. (5)
3.4 Awards received for the last five years (5)
4. Professional advancement
4.1 Education (5)
4.2 Seminars/Trainings attended (5)
1. Model of moral and integrity in public and private life (5)
2. Good human relations in school and community (5)
Enclosure No. 2. Criteria in Judging the Most Outstanding English/Filipino Teacher
Most Outstanding English/Filipino Teacher
1. Dedication and Competence in Teaching (English/Filipino)
1.1 No. of years as English/Filipino teacher (5)
1-2 years
- 1 pt.
3-4 years
- 2 pts.
5-6 years
- 3 pts
7-8 years
- 4 pts
9 years & more
- 5 pts
1.2 Performance rating for the last three years (5)
- 1 pt
Very Satisfactory
- 3 pts
- 5 pts
1.3 NAT (English/Filipino) for the last three years (10)
- 1 pt
- 2 pts
- 4 pts
- 6 pts
- 8 pts
- 10 pts
2. Outstanding Contributions in the Field of Education as an English/FilipinoTeacher
2.1 Introduced and tried out innovative teaching approaches in English/Filipino (5)
Two (2) points for each innovative teaching approach introduced and tried out
MOV: Certification from school head indicating how the approach has
been used Photocopies of model plans utilizing said approach/es
2.1 Prepared and utilized instructional and assessment materials to improve
English/Filipino teaching and pupils’ performances (5)
One (1) point for each instructional/assessment material such as (Workbooks,
modules, multi-level exercises, summative and formative notebooks, compilation of
poems, essays, short stories, spelling notebooks, etc.)
MOV: Photocopies of instructional/assessment materials accompanied
with brief description
2.3 Prepared and utilized teaching devices/apparatuses (10)
One (1) point for each teaching device or apparatus used in teaching
MOV: Individual photo of each device or apparatus
2.4 Conducted researches and published creative outputs to improve
English/Filipino teaching-learning process (5)
Maximum of Three (3) points
Started with the research (with permit from the Division Office)
- 1 pt
Conducted and approved research
- 3 pts
MOV: Copy of approved research
Maximum of Two (2) points
One (1) point for each published/approved creative output
(Hymn, Articles, Short Stories, Poetry, etc)
MOV: Copies of the creative outputs
2.5 Put-up a functional Library Hub/Corner (5)
One (1) point for each of the following criteria
Presence of a Book Shelf, at least 10 Magazines, at least 20 different Big
Books, List of Reading materials, Newspaper/Newsletter, Dictionary,
Thesaurus, Comic Books, Liwayway, Bannawag, etc.)
MOV: Photos, Video Clip
2.6 Served as School Moderator/Paper Adviser (5)
MOV: Copies of School Publication (Two (2) points for each issue)
2.6 Compiled and utilized results of ECARP activities (e.g. Phil-IRI, EGRAARATA, Read-a-thon, SReA, SReYA) (5)
One (1) point for each MOV
3. Leadership capabilities
Involvement in co-curricular activities
3.1 as Trainor/Coach/Adviser (5)
Organized and advised the school English/Filipino Club (Speech, Drama,
Reading and other related clubs)
Coordinated English/Filipino activities (school program,
school/district/division competitions such essay writing, declamation,
spelling, quiz bee, poetry contests and the like)
Trained and coached pupils during English/Filipino Competitions
(One point per involvement)
MOV: Certification from the principal, Certificate of
Recognition/Attendance, Photos
3.2 as Facilitator in Seminars/Trainings in Teaching English/Filipino (5)
Served as facilitator, emcee, resource speaker, discussant in seminars
and trainings
(One point for each involvement)
MOV: Certificates of Recognition
3.3 as Demonstration Teacher in Teaching English/Filipino/Emergent and
Beginning Reading/ Pedagogy Enhancement, etc. (5)
Three (3) points for each demonstration teaching in the
MOV: Certificates of Recognition
3.4 Awards received for the last five years (5)
One point for each school, district and division award (Top 3 Awards)
Two points for each regional, national and international award (Top 5
MOV: Certificate of Recognition
4. Professional advancement
4.1 Education (5)
- 5 pts
Finished Academic Requirements (Postgraduate) - 4 pts
- 3 pts
Finished Academic Requirements (Graduate)
- 2 pts
With Graduate Units
- 1 pt
MOV: Transcript of record
4.2 Seminars/Trainings attended related to Teaching English/ Filipino (5)
- 5 pts
- 4 pts
- 3 pts
- 2 pts
- 1 pt
MOV: Photopies of Certificates of Attendance
Candidate may present several certificates and accumulate points to get the
1. Model of moral and integrity in public and private life (5)
2. Good human relations in school and community (5)
C. Important: As added MOV, contestants are required to submit a 10-minute video clip
detailing the classroom of the candidate, a feature on how she manages and handles her
class and how she teaches English/Filipino.
Enclosure No. 3 Pieces for the Story Telling Contest
The Golden Crab (For the Secondary Level)
Ang Ginintuang Alimango
Once upon a time there was a fisherman who had a wife and three children. Every morning he used to go
out fishing, and whatever fish he caught he sold to the King. One day, among the other fishes, he caught a
golden crab. When he came home he put all the fishes together into a great dish, but he kept the Crab
separate because it shone so beautifully, and placed it upon a high shelf in the cupboard. Now while the old
woman, his wife, was cleaning the fish, and had tucked up her gown so that her feet were visible, she
suddenly heard a voice, which said:
'Let down, let down thy petticoat, let thy feet be seen.'
She turned round in surprise, and then she saw the little creature, the Golden Crab.
'What! You can speak, can you, you ridiculous crab?' she said, for she was not quite pleased at the Crab's
remarks. Then she took him up and placed him on a dish.
When her husband came home and they sat down to dinner, they presently heard the Crab's little voice
saying, 'Give me some too.' They were all very much surprised, but they gave him something to eat.
When the old man came to take away the plate which had contained the Crab's dinner, he found it full of
gold, and as the same thing happened every day he soon became very fond of the Crab.
One day the Crab said to the fisherman's wife, 'Go to the King and tell him I wish to marry his younger
The old woman went accordingly, and laid the matter before the King, who laughed a little at the notion of his
daughter marrying a crab, but did not decline the proposal altogether, because he was a prudent monarch,
and knew that the Crab was likely to be a prince in disguise. He said, therefore, to the fisherman's wife, 'Go,
old woman, and tell the Crab I will give him my daughter if by tomorrow morning he can build a wall in front
of my castle much higher than my tower, upon which all the flowers of the world must grow and bloom.'
The fisherman's wife went home and gave this message.
Then the Crab gave her a golden rod, and said, 'Go and strike with this rod three times upon the ground on
the place which the King showed you, and tomorrow morning the wall will be there.'
The old woman did so and went away again.
The next morning, when the King awoke, what do you think he saw? The wall stood there before his eyes,
exactly as he had bespoken it!
Then the old woman went back to the King and said to him, 'Your Majesty's orders have been fulfilled.'
'That is all very well,' said the King, 'but I cannot give away my daughter until there stands in front of my
palace a garden in which there are three fountains, of which the first must play gold, the second diamonds,
and the third brilliants.'
So the old woman had to strike again three times upon the ground with the rod, and the next morning the
garden was there. The King now gave his consent, and the wedding was fixed for the very next day.
Then the Crab said to the old fisherman, 'Now take this rod; go and knock with it on a certain mountain; then
a black man will come out and ask you what you wish for. Answer him thus: ''Your master, the King, has sent
me to tell you that you must send him his golden garment that is like the sun.'' Make him give you, besides,
the queenly robes of gold and precious stones which are like the flowery meadows, and bring them both to
me. And bring me also the golden cushion.'
The old man went and did his errand. When he had brought the precious robes, the Crab put on the golden
garment and then crept upon the golden cushion, and in this way the fisherman carried him to the castle,
where the Crab presented the other garment to his bride. Now the ceremony took place, and when the
married pair were alone together the Crab made himself known to his young wife, and told her how he was
the son of the greatest king in the world, and how he was enchanted, so that he became a crab by day and
was a man only at night; and he could also change himself into an eagle as often as he wished. No sooner
had he said this than he shook himself, and immediately became a handsome youth, but the next morning
he was forced to creep back again into his crab-shell. And the same thing happened every day. But the
Princess's affection for the Crab, and the polite attention with which she behaved to him, surprised the royal
family very much. They suspected some secret, but though they spied and spied, they could not discover it.
Thus a year passed away, and the Princess had a son, whom she called Benjamin. But her mother still
thought the whole matter very strange. At last she said to the King that he ought to ask his daughter whether
she would not like to have another husband instead of the Crab? But when the daughter was questioned she
only answered:
'I am married to the Crab, and him only will I have.'
Then the King said to her, 'I will appoint a tournament in your honor, and I will invite all the princes in the
world to it, and if any one of them pleases you, you shall marry him.'
In the evening the Princess told this to the Crab, who said to her, 'Take this rod, go to the garden gate and
knock with it, then a black man will come out and say to you, ''Why have you called me, and what do you
require of me?'' Answer him thus: 'Your master the King has sent me hither to tell you to send him his golden
armor and his steed and the silver apple.'' And bring them to me.'
The Princess did so, and brought him what he desired.
The following evening the Prince dressed himself for the tournament. Before he went he said to his wife,
'Now mind you do not say when you see me that I am the Crab. For if you do this evil will come of it. Place
yourself at the window with your sisters; I will ride by and throw you the silver apple. Take it in your hand, but
if they ask you who I am, say that you do not know.' So saying, he kissed her, repeated his warning once
more, and went away.
The Princess went with her sisters to the window and looked on at the tournament. Presently her husband
rode by and threw the apple up to her. She caught it in her hand and went with it to her room, and by-and-by
her husband came back to her. But her father was much surprised that she did not seem to care about any
of the Princes; he therefore appointed a second tournament.
The Crab then gave his wife the same directions as before, only this time the apple which she received from
the black man was of gold. But before the Prince went to the tournament he said to his wife, 'Now I know
you will betray me to-day.'
But she swore to him that she would not tell who he was. He then repeated his warning and went away.
In the evening, while the Princess, with her mother and sisters, was standing at the window, the Prince
suddenly galloped past on his steed and threw her the golden apple.
Then her mother flew into a passion, gave her a box on the ear, and cried out, 'Does not even that prince
please you, you fool?'
The Princess in her fright exclaimed, 'That is the Crab himself!'
Her mother was still angry because she had not been told sooner, ran into her daughter's room where the
crab-shell was still lying, took it up and threw it into the fire. Then the poor Princess cried bitterly, but it was
of no use; her husband did not come back.
Now we must leave the Princess and turn to the other persons in the story. One day an old man went to a
stream to dip in a crust of bread which he was going to eat, when a dog came out of the water, snatched the
bread from his hand, and ran away. The old man ran after him, but the dog reached a door, pushed it open,
and ran in, the old man following him. He did not overtake the dog, but found himself above a staircase,
which he descended. Then he saw before him a stately palace, and, entering, he found in a large hall a table
set for twelve persons. He hid himself in the hall behind a great picture that he might see what would
happen. At noon he heard a great noise, so that he trembled with fear. When he took courage to look out
from behind the picture, he saw twelve eagles flying in. At this sight his fear became still greater. The eagles
flew to the basin of a fountain that was there and bathed themselves, when suddenly they were changed into
twelve handsome youths. Now they seated themselves at the table, and one of them took up a goblet filled
with wine, and said, 'A health to my father!' And another said, 'A health to my mother!' and so the healths
went round. Then one of them said:
'A health to my dearest lady,
Long may she live and well!
But a curse on the cruel mother
That burnt my golden shell!'
And so saying he wept bitterly. Then the youths rose from the table, went back to the great stone fountain,
turned themselves into eagles again, and flew away.
Then the old man went away too, returned to the light of day, and went home. Soon after he heard that the
Princess was ill, and that the only thing that did her good was having stories told to her. He therefore went to
the royal castle, obtained an audience of the Princess, and told her about the strange things he had seen in
the underground palace. No sooner had he finished than the Princess asked him whether he could find the
way to that palace.
'Yes,' he answered, 'certainly.'
And now she desired him to guide her at once. The old man did so, and when they came to the palace he
hid her behind the great picture and advised her to keep quite still, and he placed himself behind the picture
also. Presently the eagles came flying in, and changed themselves into young men, and in a moment the
Princess recognized her husband among them all, and tried to come out of her hiding-place; but the old man
held her back. The youths seated themselves at the table; and now the Prince said again, while he took up
the cup of wine:
'A health to my dearest lady, Long may she live and well!
But a curse on the cruel mother, That burnt my golden shell!'
Then the Princess could restrain herself no longer, but ran forward and threw her arms round her husband.
And immediately he knew her again, and said:
'Do you remember how I told you that day that you would betray me? Now you see that I spoke the truth. But
all that bad time is past. Now listen to me: I must still remain enchanted for three months. Will you stay here
with me till that time is over?'
So the Princess stayed with him, and said to the old man, 'Go back to the castle and tell my parents that I
am staying here.'
Her parents were very much vexed when the old man came back and told them this, but as soon as the
three months of the Prince's enchantment were over, he ceased to be an eagle and became once more a
man, and they returned home together. And then they lived happily, and we who hear the story are happier
Mabuting Barkada at Masamang Barkada
Two parrots had built their nest on a molave tree. The female parrot laid two eggs in the nest. After
sometime, the eggs hatched. Two chicks came out of them. The parent birds took good care of them. After
few weeks, the young birds were able to fly for some distances. The father bird said, “We have taken good
care of our young ones. We have fed them well too. They have played together. They have learned to fly.
Now they can take care of themselves. Let us slowly leave them to decide on their own.”
Every morning the parent birds flew out to fetch food for the young birds. Then they returned in the
evening with food for their young children. This was the way their lives went on for a while.
A hunter saw this behavior of these birds. He learned that the old birds went out in the morning. He
decided to catch the young birds after the old birds would go away in the morning. As planned he caught the
young birds.
The young birds tried their best to free themselves from the clutches of the hunter. One of the two
young birds escaped from the hunter. The other bird was taken in a cage by the hunter to his house.
“I caught two birds. But I lost one parrot,” said the hunter to his children. And he further added to his
children, “Keep this parrot safely in the cage and play with this parrot.”
The hunter’s children played with the parrot. Very soon the parrot in the house of the hunter learned
to speak few words. The children said to their father, “Dad, our parrot has learned to say a few words.”
The other parrot flew away. It had escaped from the hunter. It flew for some time. Then it came to a
hermitage. Some holy men lived in the hermitage. They did not do any harm to the young parrot. The young
parrot stayed there. It listened to their talk. It learned to say a few words.
A certain traveler was walking near the hunter’s hut. He was tired. He sat next to the hut. He heard
the parrot speak.
It said, “Fool, why have you come here? I will cut your throat.”
The traveler was very sorry to hear such bad words. He got up immediately. He left the place in a
hurry. Then he walked for some time and reached the hermitage. The parrot was sitting on a tree near the
The parrot spoke, “Welcome, traveler. Welcome to this hermitage. We have a lot of good fruits in
this forest. Eat whatever you like. The holy men will treat you well.”
The traveler was surprised.
He said to the parrot. “I met a young parrot near a hunter’s hut. It spoke badly. I left the place
immediately. Now I have met you. You speak so well. Your words are kind and gentle. Both you and the
other birds are parrots. Then why is there a difference in your language?”
By this statement, the parrot in the hermitage guessed that the other parrot was none other than its
The hermitage parrot said, “Traveler, the other parrot is my brother. But we have lived in two
different places. My brother has learned the hunter’s language. But I have learned the language of holy
people. It is the company that shapes your words and deeds.”
Good company helps you learn good things. Bad company makes you learn bad things.#
The Magic Swan (Elementary Level)
Ang Mahiwagang Gansa
THERE WERE ONCE upon a time three brothers; the eldest was called Jacob, the second Frederick, and
the youngest Peter. This youngest brother was treated shamefully by the other two. If anything went wrong
Peter had to bear the blame and put things right for them. He had to endure all this ill treatment because he
was weak and delicate and could not defend himself against his stronger brothers. One day, when he was in
the woods gathering sticks, a little old woman came up to him and he told her all his troubles.
'Come, my good youth,' said the old dame, when he had finished his tale of woe, 'isn't the world wide
enough? Set out and try your fortune elsewhere.’
Peter took her words to heart and left his father's house early one morning. But he felt very bitterly parting
from the home where he had been born, and where at least he had passed a happy childhood. Sitting down
on a hill he gazed once more fondly on his native place.
Suddenly the little old woman stood before him and, tapping him on the shoulder, said, 'So far so good, my
boy. What do you mean to do now?'
Peter was at a loss what to answer, for he had always thought fortune would drop into his mouth like a ripe
cherry. The old woman, who guessed his thoughts, laughed kindly, and said:
'I'll tell you what you must do, for I have taken a fancy to you. I am sure you will not forget me when you
have made your fortune.'
Peter promised faithfully he would not, and the old woman continued, 'This evening, at sunset, go to yonder
pear tree growing at the crossroads. Under it you will find a man lying asleep, and a beautiful large swan will
be fastened to the tree close to him. Be careful not to waken the man, but unfasten the swan and take it
away with you. Everyone will fall in love with its beautiful plumage, and you must allow anyone who likes to
pull out a feather. But as soon as the swan feels as much as a finger on it, it will scream. Then you must say,
"Swan, hold fast." The hand of the person who has touched the bird will be held and nothing will set it free,
unless you touch it with this little stick, of which I make you a present. When you have captured a whole lot
of people in this way, lead your train straight on with you. You will come to a big town where a princess lives
who has never been known to laugh. If you can only make her laugh your fortune is made. Then I beg you
will not forget your old friend.'
Peter promised again that he would not, and at sunset he went to the tree the old woman had mentioned.
The man lay there fast asleep, and a large beautiful swan was fastened to the tree beside him by a red cord.
Peter loosed the bird and led it away with him without disturbing its sleeping master.
He walked on with the swan for some time and came, at last, to a yard where some men were busily at
work. They were all lost in admiration of the bird's beautiful plumage. One forward youth, who was covered
with clay from head to foot, called out:
'Oh, if I'd only one of those feathers how happy I should be!'
'Pull one out then,' said Peter kindly. The youth seized one from the bird's tail. Instantly the swan screamed,
and Peter called out, 'Swan, hold fast.' And do what he would the poor youth could not get his hand away.
The more he howled the more the others laughed, till a girl who had been washing clothes in the neighboring
stream hurried up. When she saw the poor boy fastened to the swan she felt so sorry for him that she
stretched out her hand to free him. The bird screamed.
'Swan, hold fast,' called out Peter, and the girl was caught also.
When Peter had gone on for a bit with his captives, they met a chimney sweep, who laughed loudly over the
extraordinary troop, and asked the girl what she was doing.
'Oh, dearest John,' replied the girl, 'give me your hand and set me free from this young man:
'Most certainly, I will,' replied the sweep, and gave the girl his hand. The bird screamed.
'Swan, hold fast,' said Peter, and the sweep was added to their number.
They soon came to a village where a fair was being held. A traveling circus was giving a performance and
the clown was just doing his tricks. He opened his eyes wide with amazement when he saw the remarkable
trio fastened to the swan's tail.
'Have you gone raving mad, Blackie?' he asked as well as he could for laughing.
When the bird screamed, Peter called, 'Swan, hold fast!'
'It is no laughing matter,' the sweep replied. 'This wench held me tightly as if I were glued to her. Do set me
free, like a good clown, and I shall do you a good turn someday.'
Without a moment's hesitation the clown grasped the outstretched hand. The bird screamed.
'Swan, hold fast,' called out Peter, and the clown became the fourth of the party.
Now in the front row of the spectators sat the respected and popular mayor of the village. He was much put
out by what he considered nothing but a foolish trick. So much annoyed was he that he seized the clown by
the hand and tried to tear him away, to hand him over to the police.
Then the bird screamed, and Peter called out, 'Swan, hold fast,' and the dignified mayor was caught fast as
the others were.
The mayoress, a long thin stick of a woman, enraged at the insult done to her husband, seized his free arm
and tore at it with all her might. The only result was that she too was forced to join the procession. After this
no one else had any wish to aid them.
Soon Peter saw the towers of the capital in front of him. Just before entering the city, a glittering carriage
came out to meet him. In it was a young lady as beautiful as the day, but with a very solemn and serious
expression. No sooner had she perceived the motley crowd fastened to the swan's tail than she burst into
loud laughter, in which she was joined by all her servants and ladies-in-waiting.
'The princess has laughed at last!" they all cried with joy.
She stepped out of her carriage to look more closely at the wonderful sight and laughed again over the
capers of the poor captives. She ordered her carriage to be turned round and drove slowly back into town,
never taking her eyes off Peter and his procession.
When the king heard the news that his daughter had actually laughed, he was more than delighted and had
Peter and his marvelous train brought before him. When he saw them he laughed till the tears rolled down
his cheeks.
'My good friend,' he said to Peter, 'do you know what I promised the person who succeeded in making the
princess laugh?'
'No, I don't,' said Peter.
'Then I will tell you,' answered the king. 'A thousand gold crowns or a piece of land. Which will you choose?'
Peter decided in favor of the land. Then he touched the youth, the girl, the sweep, the clown, the mayor and
the mayoress with his little stick, and they were all free again and ran away home as if a fire were burning
behind them. Their flight gave rise to renewed merriment.
Then the princess felt moved to stroke the swan, at the same time admiring its plumage. The bird
'Swan, hold fast,' called out Peter, and so he won the princess for his bride. But the swan flew up into the
air and vanished into the blue horizon. Peter now received a duchy as a present and became a very great
man indeed. He did not forget the little old woman who had been the cause of all his good fortune and
appointed her as head housekeeper to him and his royal bride in their magnificent castle.
Ang Matalinong Usa at ang Duwag na Tigre
There was a dense forest on the sides of a mountain. Many kinds of animals lived in the forest.
A deer was eating grass and leaves with her two young ones. The young ones wandered happily
here and there. The deer followed her fawns. The young ones entered a cave. The deer was frightened. It
was a tiger’s cave. There were bones of dead animals all over the cave. Fortunately, the tiger was not inside
the cave at the time.
The deer was trying to lead her young ones out of the cave. At that time she heard a loud roar. She
saw the tiger at a distance. The tiger was coming towards the cave. It was dangerous to go out of the cave
She thought of a plan. The tiger had come closer to the cave.
The deer raised her voice and shouted, “My deer young children do not weep. I shall capture a tiger
for you to eat. You can have a good dinner.”
The tiger heard these words. He was disturbed. He said to himself, “Whose is that strange voice
from the cave? A dangerous animal is staying inside to capture me. I shall run away to escape death.”
So saying, the tiger began to run away from there as fast as possible.
A jackal saw the running tiger. “Why are you running in great fear?” the jackal asked.
The tiger said, “My friend, a powerful and fierce animal has come to stay in my cave. The young
ones are crying for a tiger to eat. The mother is promising to capture a tiger for them. So, I am running away
in great fear.”
The cunning jackal was now sure. The tiger was a coward.
It said to the tiger. “Do not be afraid. No animal is fiercer or stronger than a tiger. Let us go together
to find out.”
But the tiger said, “I do not want to take a chance. You may run away. I will be left alone to die. So,
I will not come with you.”
The jackal said, “Trust me. Let us tie our tails together. Then I will not be able to leave you.”
The tiger agreed unwillingly to this proposal. The jackal tied their tails in a knot. Now they walked
towards the cave together.
The deer saw the jackal and the tiger coming together.
She again raised her voice. She shouted towards her children standing inside the cave, “My dear
children, I had requested her friend, the clever jackal, to capture a tiger for us. Now look the jackal has
captured a tiger for us. He has tied the tiger’s tail to his tail. This is to prevent the tiger from escaping. You
will soon have the tiger for our dinner.”
The tiger heard this. He was shocked. He was sure now. The jackal cheated him.
So, the tiger decided to escape from the terrible animal standing inside his cave. He started
running. He forgot about the jackal. He dragged the jackal over rocks and thorns.
In the mad escape the jackal was caught between two rocks. The tiger pulled with all his might. His
tail got cut. The jackal was killed in this incident. The tail-less tiger ran away to another part of the forest.
The deer and her young ones left the tiger’s cave. They joined their herd safely.
Presence of mind and intelligence can save from dangerous situations.#