Teaching Module

Ethics in Science
A Guide for Future Science
Supported by:
Ukleja Center for Ethical Leadership
College of Business Administration, CSULB
Ethics in Science
A Guide for Future Science
Implemented in:
SCED 475, Science Teaching, K-8
Required course for Multiple Subject
Credential Program, CSULB
Ethics in Science
A Guide for Future Science
Created by:
William J. Straits, Assistant Professor
Dept. of Science Education, CNSM, CSULB
Teaching Module Goal 1
 Future primary grades teachers will learn
how to screen the children’s literature they
will use in their future classrooms for
messages of prejudice (i.e., those biased
against, race, gender, sexual preference,
etc.) and to seek texts that offer science rolemodels for students that include examples of
the great many women and people of color
that have and continue to contribute to
Teaching Module Goal 2
 Additionally, future upper-grades/middle
school teachers learn how to engage their
students in respectful discussion of
controversial science/social issues such as
stem cell research and global warming helping students to understand the
underlying the science processes and
different points of view regarding these
contemporary controversies
Teaching Module
 Discussing equity in science education Selecting appropriate children’s literature
 Modeling a middle school activity - Engaging
children in considerations of ethics in
 Developing successful science ethics
instruction - Scaffolding for productive
student discussions.
Ethics in Science
A Guide for Future Science
Module Component 1
Selecting Children’s Literature
 Pre-read
Show cover of Shel Silverstein’s, The
Giving Tree. Ask, do any of you know this
book? If you do, write a few sentences
telling me what you think about it. If you
don’t know this book, write a few
sentences telling you what you expect
from this book.
Selecting Children’s Literature
 Read aloud
Read using female voice for for female
character (tree) and age-specific, male
voice for male character (boy). Use
emotion to emphasize sadness in the
female character.
Selecting Children’s Literature
 Post-read
Have teacher-candidates imagine that
they were a tree and write, from a tree’s
perspective, what they think about the
Selecting Children’s Literature
 After sharing in groups - convene
whole class discussion. Topics may
Banned books
Society’s disregard for nature
Prejudice in children’s literature
Selecting Children’s Literature
 Changes in textbooks - 1970 to today.
Today’s texts are much more inclusive
Teachers helped to bring about this
 Screening Children’s Literature
Screening Children’s Literature
 Stereotypes
 Tolkenism
 Who’s doing what? Where?
 Standards for success
 Relationships - family/friends
 Hero?
 Loaded words
Adapted from:
Screening Children’s Literature
 Most importantly think about your kids.
Does a book promote or hinder a
student’s connection to (science)
 It is vitally important that students - ALL
STUDENTS - have science role
Science Role Models
 Divide class into 5 groups. Ask each
group to list as many scientists they
can think of who are:
African Americans
Pacific Islander/Asian Americans
White Men
Science Role Models
 Teachers must be and provide these
role models.
 Model enthusiasm for science learning.
 Use Children’s Literature to present
other role models.
Science Role Models
 Read excerpts from, Girls Think of
 Exclude the name of the invention as you read.
 Have students raise hand when they think they
know the invention.
 “What do all of these inventors have in
 They are all women, creative people, problemsolvers, etc.
Adapted from: Ansberry & Morgan, 2005
Ethics in Science
A Guide for Future Science
Module Component 2
Engaging Students in
Considerations of Ethics in
 Host a Peanut Pageant
 Each student is given a peanut, decorating
materials, and a “Contestant Fact Sheet.”
 After “pageant” segue into exploration of the
anatomy of seeds.
 “One of the most important parts of the seed is
the cotyledons. To see them you have to dissect
your peanut…”
Adapted from: Straits & Grizzard, 2007
What We Think Our Science Controversies
 Create with your group members a
comprehensive list of ethical, science
issues that face our society today.
 Then identify the top 5 issues that are
important for today’s your adolescents
to be thinking about.
Ethics in Science
Topics for Research
Testing on Animals
 Which purposes are justified?
 Education
 Biomedical Research
 Cosmetics
 Which organisms may be used?
 Plants vs. animals
 Invertebrates vs.
 Mammals vs. non-mammals
Other ethical issues in science
 Cloning
 Genetic profiling
 Stem cell research
 Genetically modified
 Overpopulation
 Pollution and waste
 Deforestation
 Gloabal warming
 Alternative energy
Ethics in Science
Cross-Curricular Connections
 Language Arts
 Calculating the extent of
 Debates
animal sacrifice for specific
 Persuasive Writing
 Letters to organizations,
 Social Studies
corporations, and political
 Historical context of animal
 Information Arts
 Uses of animals in other
 Research of ethical issue(s)
 Critical and careful use of
 Ethics as a cultural
Internet sources
Engaged Students
Samples of sixth grade
students’ written work
I decided to research products that I use
everyday to see if they animal test. Animal
testing costs over 136 billion dollars a year and
kills 25 to 50 billion animals also a year…. The
product I use most is Crest toothpaste made by
Procter and Gamble…. I found that most of all
Procter and Gamble products are animal
tested…. After I researched the products I use I
think I will change some of the products I use
and I am now inspired to make a change and
help stop animal testing. I now strongly disagree
with animal testing and dissection for all
purposes except for medical use. I never really
paid attention to the products that I buy and
animal testing until now.
The fact is that we kill millions of plants,
animals, and organisms every day. By
breathing you are killing microscopic
organisms that float in the air. If you walk
outside you are probably going to step on a
blade of grass, an insect, or on countless
other things. The sad truth is that we can not
live without killing something. Which is worse
to kill a bug by stepping on it, or to kill a
bunny, so that you could make a scientific
breakthrough, that could save millions of
lives? It all depends on where you draw the
I for one think that the “treat others how
you wish to be treated” statement applies
to humans and animals alike. I also believe
it is wrong to kill or harm animals just for
the sake of our own beauty…. The next
time you buy something make sure you are
not paying for animals to be hurt.
Remember you have the power to stop it.
You can go with the flow and not think
twice or you can save lives. Their fate is in
your hands. You decide between life or...
Do you care?
Ethics in Science
A Guide for Future Science
Module Component 3
Science & Ethics Discussions
 Strategies
 Resources
 Topics
Science & Ethics Discussions
 Case Study Approach
Sex and Vaccination, Zavrel & Herreid
 Reading/Discussion Worksheet
How to Have a Successful Science and
Ethics Discussion, Chowning 2005
Strategies for leading discussions
 Interrupted Case Method
 Gather information, respond to questions,
engage in discussion
 Get more information, additional questions, and
further discussion, etc.
 Structured Controversy
 Gather information, make case for/against an
 Switch roles, present case against/for the issue
 Role Play
 play the role of a stakeholder in a:
 Panel Discussion
 Mock Court
Key Components
 Background Information
 Multiple Perspectives
 Protocols for Discussion
 Meaningful Follow-up
Nat’l Science Teachers Assn.
 Journals
 The Science Teacher
 Journal of College Science Teaching
 Books
 Clones, Cats, and Chemicals
 Start with a Story
 Decisions Based on Science
 Events-based Curricula
 Oil Spill
 Earthquake
 And several others
Other Resources
 Online
Woodrow Wilson Biology Institute
Biological Sciences Curriculum Study
 In the News
 At the Movies
Our Science Controversies
 Energy
 Health
 Environment
 Sex/Reproduction
 Solar Energy
 Hybrid Vehicles
 Nuclear Weapons
 Nuclear Development
 Energy Conservation
 Nuclear Waste
 Drug use
 Organic Foods
 Euthanasia
Cure for Cancer
Water Conservation
Global Warming
Habitat Protection
Greenhouse Effect
Reduce, Reuse, and
 In vitro fertilization
 STDs
 Genetic Screening
Fertility Treatments
Stem Cells
Ethics in Science
A Guide for Future Science
Module Evaluation
Evaluation of Ethics Module
 Pre/Post survey
 During the 1st and 14th weeks of the
semester students were asked:
Describe the criteria you might use in
selecting children’s literature to
incorporate into your science instruction.
Which topics are important to include in
the K-8 science curriculum?
Evaluation of Ethics Module
 Pre-instruction survey
 No students offered considerations of prejudice
as a criteria for reviewing children’s literature
 Post-instruction survey
 9 (of 22) students added consideration of
 “[Teachers should] make sure [selected children’s
books] are inclusive of all cultures and gender.”
 “Diverse people [should be represented] in [selected
children’s] books.”
 “[A teacher should] look for literature that illustrates
multi-cultural kids.”
Evaluation of Ethics Module
 Pre-instruction survey
 No students stated that contemporary, ethical/
controversial science topics were important to
include in the K-8 science curriculum.
 Post-instruction survey
 10 (of 22) students included contemporary,
controversial science topics. Such as:
 “Ethical issues that are grade appropriate.”
 “Energy conservation, Global warming”
Ethics in Science
A Guide for Future Science
Module Resources
 Ansberry, K. R. & Morgan, E. (2005). Brainstorms:
From Idea to Invention. In, Picture Perfect Science
Lessons: Using Children’s Books to Guide Inquiry.
(pp. 279-293). Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.
 Chowning, J. T. (2005). How to have a successful
science and ethics discussion. The Science
Teacher, 72(8), 46-50.
 Straits, W. & Grizzard, G. (2007). The Peanut
Pageant: Engaging Students in Contemporary
Science Controversies. The Green Teacher, 81,
 Zavrel, E. & Herreid, C. F. (2008). Sex and
Vaccination. Journal of College Science Teaching,
 Clarkeburn, H. Downe, J. R. & Matthew, B. (2002). Impact of
an ethics programme in a life science curriculum. Teaching
in Higher Education, 7(1), 65-79.
 Pirofski, K. I. (2001). Race, gender, and disability in today’s
children’s literature. Retrived Oct. 30, 2008, from EdChange
Multicultural Pavillion Web site: http://www.edchange.org
 The National Academy of Engineering (2006). Part 1:
Creating Your Own Ethics-in-Science Lessons. Retrived Oct.
27, 2008, from http://www.onlineethics.org/ CMS/edu/
precol/ scienceclass/lessonplans/part1.aspx
 Zeidler, D. L., Sadler, T. D., & Howes, E. V. (2005). Beyond
STS: A research-based framework for socioscientific issues
in education. Science Education, 89(3), 357-377.
Additional Websites
Children’s Literature
Utilized in Module
 Silverstein, S. (1964). The Giving Tree. New York,
NY: Harper Collins.
 Thimmesh, C. (2002). Girls Think of Everything:
Stories of Ingenious Inventions by Women. New
York, NY: Houghton Mifflin.
Thank you