East Lake High School Guidance Presentation INFORMATION NIGHT INTRODUCING…. Mrs. Harris – Last Names A-D harriskee@pcsb.org Mrs. Kopacz – Last Names E-K kopacza@pcsb.org Mr. Morris – Last Names L-Ri morrisr@pcsb.org Mrs. Liguori – Last Names Ro-Z liguoril@pcsb.org SCHOOL COUNSELORS The School Counseling World in 2015 ….. - High volume of students - Many dif ferent hats - Busy peaks throughout year Contacting us by email first is preferred due to limited phone access during the student day Parent appointments are encouraged We value each child we are responsible for no matter the numbers GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 24 credits 2.0 GPA 4 English 4 Math (must include Alg 1, Geometry) 3 Science (must include Biology) 3 Social Studies (World History, US History, Govt, Economics) HOPE 1 credit F.A. 1 online class Must pass FSA Reading Must Pass Alg 1 EOC (399+) or PERT (97+) ONLINE COURSE Students must complete a full course online. If it’s a two semester course, both semesters must be completed If it’s a one semester course, one semester must be completed. Students can do this with Pinellas Virtual or Florida Virtual. We recommend Pinellas Virtual REGISTRATION FOR NEXT YEAR Will start the week of February 9 through English classes Parent signature required on course selection sheet Engineering Business Performing Arts Scholar - AVID/Bio Med Foreign Language Electives: Spanish, French, German, Chinese Please speak to your current academic and academy elective teachers to help choose the best classes for next year 9 TH GRADE ONLY – QUALIT Y POINT CHANGES Honors Courses - .5 weight AP Courses – 1.0 weight BRIGHT FUTURES Florida Academic Scholars 1290 SAT OR 29 ACT Community Service 100 hrs 3.5 GPA ( w e i g h te d ) 2 years of the same foreign language Florida Medallion Scholars 1170 SAT OR 26 ACT Community Service – 75 hours 3.0 GPA ( w e i g h te d ) 2 years of the same foreign language GOLD SEAL 3 0 h o ur s o f c o m m unit y s e r vic e 3 cre di ts i n Ca re e r Te c h n ic al P ro g ra m Test Scores SAT Reading 440 Math 440 ACT English 17 Reading 19 MATH 19 PERT Reading 106 Writing 103 Math 114 3.5 GPA in Career & Technical Program 3.0 weighted GPA in core classes It can only be used at postsecondary institutions that of fer an applied technology diploma, technical degree education program (Associate in Applied Science or Associate in Science) or a career certificate. BRIGHT FUTURES BREAKDOWN • Volunteer hours must be pre-approved by counselors ahead of time • Student needs to fill out forms for each place he/she volunteers • It does not need to be non-profit • Due the last week before he/she graduates EXAM EXEMPTIONS Attendance Requirement – no more than 4 days (excused or unexcused in any one given class) Grade Requirement – As and Bs Exam Exemption form will be given to those students who qualify. Must be signed by an administrator and returned that same week in order to exempt. If the student qualifies to do so, he/she can exempt up to 3 final exams (exceptions may occur with specific courses such as state EOC courses and/or if a student exempted the 1 st semester of the same course). PSAT SCORES Score Report breaks down each student’s scores and skills Access Codes will allow students to: Search for colleges Get a personalized SAT study plan Take a personality test to find majors and careers See their AP Potential https://quickstart.collegeboard.org Please email liguoril@pcsb.org if your student does not have their access codes. AP CAPSTONE What is AP Capstone? It is an innovative program that helps students stand out in the college admission process. Helps students develop critical analytic, research, and problem solving skills needed to succeed in college and in life AP CAPSTONE AP Seminar Starting 2015-2016 school year For 10 th and 11 th Grade Students Students learn to explore a topic or issue from multiple perspectives, evaluate strength of an argument, and make logical, fact-based decisions. AP Exam Score is determined by: Team Project and Presentation, Individual Research-Based Essay and Presentation, and End of Course Exam AP Research Starting the 2016-2017 school year Must have completed AP Seminar the previous year Students will complete an independent research project and submit an academic thesis paper, present their findings, and orally defend their work. AP Score is based on paper, presentation, and oral defense. AP CAPSTONE AP Capstone Diploma Given to students who earn scores of 3 or higher on the AP Seminar AND AP Research exams AS WELL AS on 4 additional AP Exams of their choosing (at any point while in high school) AP Seminar and Research Certificate Given to students who have earned a level 3 score on their AP Seminar and AP Research exams only. SPC OPTIONS Dual Enrollment 11 th and 12 th Grade Part-time (up to 3 classes) Student can potentially earn up to 42 college credits Early College -11 th and 12 th Grade -Full Time -Graduate with a high school degree and AA degree (60 college credits) Early Admission -12 th Grade only -Full Time -Graduate with up to 30 college credits Potential students with an unweighted 3.0 GPA get notified in December of their Sophomore Year by SPC and invited to information sessions to learn more about these programs. Students must also receive passing PERT scores before entering the program. THE NEW FSA The FSA will be replacing the FCAT Jennifer Anderson, the English Department Head, is going to present with a little more information. THANK YOU! We appreciate your attendance and attention tonight. We hope our presentation helped you and/or your student. If you have further questions, please contact your student’s counselor after this evening.