WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GAT~ERING SERVICE * P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 ~1-94 JANUARY 1994 WINGS NEWSCAST TIME: 29:05 I~ airing the stories as modules, you may wish to read the SUGGESTED INTRoS: 1. (6:53) LAID-OFF LEVI STRAUSS WORKERS FIGHT BACK. I~/outcue: [fades up on crowd chantJ "boycott levis" ••• [~ades out on c r ovrd singingJ "We're gonna boycot~ levi's jeans - whoo!". On tape: Fuerza Unida [FWEHRsah oohNEEdah] organizer Irene Reina; reporter Maria Gilardin. Suggested Intro: FOUR YEARS AFTER THEIR JOBS WERE EXPORTED, TEXAS GARMENT t~ORKERS ARE DEMANDING FACE TO FACE NEGOTIATIONS WITH LEVI STRAUSS PRESIDENT BOB HAAS. MARIA GILARDIN [muh-RYE-uh gil-AR-din] REPORTS FOR WINGS: ... 2. (5:14) THE oAS [ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES] TREATY ON VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN; In/Out: "FIRE - Feminist International Radio Endeavour •.• RFPI [Radio ~o,~ PeacE! International], Box 88, Santa Ana, Costa Rica." On tape~ Linda Poole, Executive Secretary, Inter-American Commission o~ Women; interviewer~ Maria Suarez [SWAHRehs]. Intro: A TREATY BEI NG DEVELOPED FOR THS ORGANIZATION OF ArlERICAN STATES WOULD REQUIRE COUNTRIES TO TAKE POSITIVE ACTIONS TO PROTECT WOMEN FROM VIOLENCE. HERE'S AN UPDATE FROM WINGS: 3. (3:06) W.R. GRACE CLAIMS PATENTS ON INDIA'S HERBAL PESTICIDE. In/Out: "A national symbol o~ India has be2n ••. V~ndana Shiva's remarks were r2corded by Mar~a Gilardin and edi ted by Frieda Werden. " Intro: THE LATEST CORPORATE GOLD RUSH IS TOWARD PATENTING PROPERTIES OF PLANTS - EVEN PLANTS THAT HAVE BEEN IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS, LI KE NEEH: .•• 4. (5:36) SHRINKING Wol"IEN'S ROLES Ii\! UZBEKISTAN. In/Out: "Uzbekistan : a Cerrt r a I Asian Republic .•. I'm I"iarsha Albert -rOt- L\lIi~GS. ON TAPE: Helen Fomina, Tashkent journalist; Natasha oreahova, translator. Interviewer: Sue Supriano. RESTRICTIVE ATTITUDES TOWARD WOMEN ARE SURFACING IN IRAN'S NEIGHBOR, UZBEKISTAN, ACCORDING TO THIS REPORT FROM WINGS: ... 5. (6:41) U.S. PROSPECTS FOR CEDAW [U.N. CONVENTION ON THE ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMENJ. "On United Nations Human Rights Day .•. Billie Heller was interviewed ·for WINGS by Jean Freer. A MAJOR EMBARRASSMENT FOR THE UNITED STATES MAY SOON END WITH THE RATIFICATION OF CEDAW (SEE-daw], TH~ U.N. CONVENTION ON THE ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN. A LOBBYIST TOLD THE STORY TO WINGS: HALF-HOUR PROGRAMS YOU MISSED IF YOU DON'T YET SUBSCRIBE TO WINGS !~EEKLY~ #50-93 FARMER REVOLT IN INDIA. Hundreds o~ thousands a~ Indian ~armers have taken nonviolent di~ect action to protest the intellectual property clauses o-f GATT - the General Agreement on Tari~-fs and Trade - 8.: the -practices of the tt-ansnational seed company Cargill. Many peop~e learned a~ GATT & intellectual property ~rom Vandana Shiva - a physicist who abandoned India's nuclear energy program to work ~or the p~otection o~ li~e. Cindy Du~-fy gives a ~eport and interviews Dr. Shiva on the ideas and events behind the movement. DIANIC PRIESTESSES, PARTS I, II, & III. I. # 4 7 - 9 3 ~ Things priestesses do u •• II II including ~reeing abused elephants. II. #51-93: F~unders of contempor~ry goddess worship: Z. Bud~pest; Re-~ormed Congregation o~ the Goddess. III. #52-93: Shekh~na Mountainwater, a singing ephroditic priestess. Seri~s produced by Frieda Werden. COPIES OF THESE HALF-HOURS ARE $9 EACH OR 2 ~OR $16.50. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA * (512)416-9000 #2-94 CANADIAN PORNOGRAPHY DECISION TIME: 28:45 In February 1992, the Canadian Supreme Court announced a decision ·o n the regulation oT pornography that diTTered radically Trom the views OT the United States Supreme Court. Attorney Kathleen Mahoney, who successTully argued in "Butler" Tor a Teminist, harms-based interpretation OT pornography law, and won a similar interpretation in the Kiegstra hate-speech cases, explained the Court's reasoning at the University oT Chicago Law School's February 1993 conTerence "Speech, Equality, and Harm." Her talk was recorded by Lee Ann Lodder and edited Tor WINGS by Rose Imperato. #3-94 IS THIS OK WITH YOU? (NEW APPROACHES TO HARASSMENT AND DATE RAPE) TIME: 29:09 In a discussion with Maria Suarez, producer oT F.I.R.E. (Feminist International Radio Endeavour), Dr. Laurien Alexander, dean oT Antioch College, describes the student-originated policy on verbal consent Tor sexual actiVity, and the press's reaction to it, and Frieda Klein explains her research on sexual harassment in the workplace. Suarez has an international human-rights perspective. (F.I.R.E. is heard daily on shortwave. For schedule and Trequencies, write Radio Tor Peace International, PO Box 88, Santa Ana, Costa Rica.) WINGS: WOMEN ~S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERI NG SERVICE * P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #2-94 CANADI AN PORNOGRAPHY DECISION TIME: 28:45 In February 1992, the Canadian Supreme Court announced a decision on the r egu lation OT pornog rap hy t hat d i TTered radi ca lly Trom the vi e ws oT the United States Supreme Court. Attorney Kathleen Mahoney, who successTully argued in "Butler" Tor a Teminist, harms-based interpretation oT pornography law, and won a similar interpretation in the Kiegstra hate-speech cases, explained the Cou rt ~s reas o ni ng a t the Univers ity OT Chicago Law School's February 1993 conference "Speech, Equality, and Harm." Her talk was recorded by Lee Ann Lodder and edited Tor WINGS by Rose Imperato. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.o. Box 33220 , Austin TX 78 76 4 USA * (512)416-9000 #3-94 IS THIS OK WITH YOU? (NEW APPROACHES TO HARASSMENT AND DATE RAPE) TIME: 29:09 In a discussion with Maria Suarez, producer oT F.I .R.E. (Feminist International Ra dio Endeavour ), Dr. Laurien Al exander, dean oT Antioch College, describes the student-originated policy on verbal consent Tor sexual act iv i t y , a nd t he p r es s~ s r e a c tion t o i t, and Fri e da Klein expla~ns her . research on sexual harassment in the workplace. Suarez takes an lnternatlonal human- r i g ht s pers pe ctive. (F.I.R.E. is heard dail y on shortwave. For schedule and frequencies, write Radio for Peace International, PO Box 88, Santa Ana , Costa Rica.) WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #2-94 CANADIAN PORNOGRAPHY DECISION TIME: 28:45 In February 1992, the Canadian Supreme Court announced a decision on the r e g u l a t i o n 0+ po r nograp hy t hat di TTered radi cally Trom the views oT the United States Supreme Court. Attorney Kathleen Mahoney, who successTully argued in "But l e r " To r a Teminist , harms-based interpretation OT pornography law, and won a similar interpretation in the Kiegstra hate-speech cases, explained the Cou rt ~s reas oning at t he University oT Chicago Law School's February 1993 conference "Speech, Equality, and Harm. II Her talk was recorded by Lee Ann Lodder and edited Tor WINGS by Rose Imperato. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P. O. Bo x 33220 , Aust in TX 78764 USA * (512)416-9000 #3-94 IS THIS OK WITH YOU? (NEW APPROACHES TO HARASSMENT AND DATE RAPE) TIME: 29:09 In a discussion with Maria Suarez, producer OT F.I.R.E . (Feminist International Radio Endeavour), Dr. Laurien Alexander , dean aT Antioch College, describes the stUdent-originated policy on verbal consent for sexual activity, and the press's reaction to it, and Frieda Klein explains her research on sexual harassment in the workplace. Suarez takes an international human-rights perspective. (F.I.R.E. is heard daily on shortwave. For schedule and frequencies, write Radio for Peace International, PO Box 88, Santa Ana, Costa Rica.) WINGS: WOMEN~S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P .O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #4-94 AFRO-CAR IBBEAN TRADITION TIME: 27:32 Dr. Eulalia Bernard, Tounder oT the ATro-American Studies Class a t the Uni ver s i t y oT Cos t a Ri c a, ha d just r e t u r ne d Trom t he Sec ond International Conference of C ribbean Women Writers i n Trinidad when she gave talked with Sue Supr iano. I n t hi s ha l T-hour she gi ve s Sue a s ho r t course i n both the history of Caribbean Central America and the ATrican-based Caribbean values that were discussed at the conTerence, and concludes with one oT her poems. WINGS: WOMEN~S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. Bo x 33220 , Aus t in TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #4-94 AFRO-CARIBBEAN TRADITION TIME: 27:32 Dr. Eulalia Bernard, Tounder oT the ATr o-American Studies Class at the University oT Costa Rica, had just returned Trom the Second International ConTerence oT Caribbean Women Writers in Trinidad when she gave talked with Sue Supriano. In this halT-hour she gives Sue a short course in both the history OT Caribbean Centra l America a nd the ATrican-based Caribbean values that were discussed at the conference, and concludes with one of her poems. WINGS: WOMEN~S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICEP. O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA * (512)416-9000 #4-94 AFRO-CARIBBEAN TRADIT ION TIME: 27:32 Dr. Eulalia Ber n rd, founder of the Afro-American Studies Class at the Univers ity oT Costa Rica, ha d j us t r e t u rned Trom the Second International Conference of Caribbean Women Writers in Trinidad when sh gav~ talked with Sue Sup r i a no . In this ha lT-hour she gives Sue a short course in both the history of Caribbean Central Americ and the African-based Ca ribbean values that were discussed at the conference, and concludes with one of her poems. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.o. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #4-94 AFRO-CARIBBEAN TRADITION TIME: 27:32 Dr. Eulalia Be rnard, Tounder oT the ATro-American Studies Class at the University of Costa Rica, had just returned Trom the Second Interna t i o nal ConTere nce OT Caribbe a n Women Writers in Trinidad when she gave talked with Sue Supriano. In this halT-hour she give s Sue a s hor t c ourse in both t he history oT Caribbean Central America and the ATrican-based Car ibbean values that were discussed at the conference, and concludes with one OT her poems. WINGS: WOMEN~S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA * (512)416-9000 #5-94 FEBRUARY 1994 WINGS NEWSCAST TIME: 28:37 1. (4:54) ISRAELI SUPREME COURT RULES ON WOMEN~S PRAYERS. In/Outcue: IlIn December 1988••• I~m Frieda Werden. II On tape: Shulamit Magnus, Jewish Studies, Stan~ord U. Source: Interview by Martha Shelley, courtesy Gussie Gunn, KPFA. Suggested Intro: THE ISRAELI SUPREME COURT SAYS THE GOVERNMENT MAY CONTROL HOW WOMEN PRAY AT THE "WAILING WALL" IN JERUSALEM. HERE'S THE STORY FROM WINGS: 2. (5:49) UN HONORS SUDANESE WOMEN'S UNION. In/Out: CmusicJ ••• "distributed by the United Nations." On tape: Fatima Ibrahim, 1st woman, Sudan Parliament. Reporter: Diane Bai ley. Intro: THE SUDANESE WOMEN'.S UNION IS BANNED BY THE GOVERNMENT BUT CONTINUES TO FIGHT AGAINST SEXISM. WINGS SENT THIS REPORT: ••• 3. (5:44) CANADA'S REPORT ON REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY. In/Out: Il I n 1989, Dr. Patricia Baird••• Women's International News Gathering Service." On tape: Gwynne Basen, lobbyist, National Action Commission on the Status o~ Women. Interview: Kate Frohlich, CKUT-FM. Intra: BRITISH SCIENTISTS SAY THEY CAN TAKE EGGS FROM AN ABORTED FEMALE FETUS, FERTILIZE THEM, AND PLANT THEM AS PREGNANCIES IN ADULT WOMEN. THIS TRICK WILL NOT BE POSSIBLE IN CANADA, IF LEGISLATORS AGREE WITH THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON NEW REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES. FRIEDA WERDEN REPORTS: ••• 4. (4:30) UNICEF'S ORAL REHYDRATION PROGRAM. In/Out: "In December 1993, UNICEF announced••• I'm Meredi th Phi 11 ips report ing -fOt- WINGS." On tape: Dr. Sha-fikah Nasser, Proof. oT Community Medicine, consultant to UNICEF. Interview: Frieda Werden. Intra: UNICEF ESTIMATES THREE MILLION INFANTS HAVE BEEN SAVED SO FAR BY A WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN TO PROMOTE ORAL REHYDRATION. ONE OF THE WOMEN WHO SHAPED THE PROGRAM IS SHAFIKAH NASSER. MEREDITH PHILLIPS EXPLAINS: ••• 5. (6:05) SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN THE AUSTRALIAN NAVY. Intro: "As the U.S. Navy ••• Rose Imperato edited it -for WINGS." On tape: Margo Kingston, Canberra Times; announcer, Rachel Petro; interviewer, Ruth Barney. Intra: IT USED TO BE SAID THAT HAVING WOMEN ON A SHIP IS BAD LUCK - ON HER MAJESTY'S AUSTRALIAN SHIP "SWAN," THE BAD LUCK HAPPENED TO THE WOMEN! HERE'S MORE FROM WINGS: ••• HALF-HOUR PROGRAMS YOU MISSED IF YOU DON'T YET SUBSCRIBE TO WINGS WEEKLY: #2-94 CANADIAN PORNOGRAPHY DECISION. The Canadian Supreme Court weights the harm o-f pornography and hate speech more heavily than -free speech. Kathleen Mahoney success-fully argued in the IlButler and IlKiegstra" cases. #3-94 IS THIS OK WITH YOU? (NEW APPROACHES TO HARASSMENT AND DATE RAPE) Dr. Laurien Alexander, dean aT Antioch College, discusses the studentoriginated policy on verbal consent -for sexual activity. Frieda Klein studies sexual and racial harassment in the workplace. #4-94 AFRO-CARIBBEAN TRADITION. Dr. Eulalia Bernard, -founder o-f ATroAmerican Studies at the University oT Costa Rica, discusses the history o-f Caribbean-coastal Central America and its A-frican-based values. #'-94 CROATIAN PEACE MOVEMENT. Aida Bagic, 29-year-old -feminist activist from Zagreb describes working Tor peace in a nationalist environment. COPIES OF THESE HALF-HOURS ARE $9 EACH OR 2 FOR $16.50. SPECIAL FOR MARCH (WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH): 4 FOR $28. WINGS: WOMEN~S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE ll * P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 ~-94 CROATIAN PEACE MOVEMENT TIME: 28:33 When war broke out in ~ormer Yugoslavia, it ~ragmented the nation's young ~eminist movement but gave rise to spontaneous peace demands ~rom mothers o~ soldiers. The ~eminist and peace movements today tread a di~~icult path, trying to avoid direct con~rontation with nationalism while preparing the grou nd ~ or ~ u t ure p e ac e ~ul coexistence. In January 1994, Jeanne Carstensen of Feminist International Radio Endeavour interviewed Aida Bagic [bah-ZHEEKJ, a ~eminist peace activist ~rom Zagreb. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA * (512)416-9000 ~-94 CROATIAN PEACE MOVEMENT TIME: 28:33 When war broke out in former Yugoslavia, it fragmented the nation~s young feminist movement but gave rise to spontaneous peace demands ~rom mothers of soldiers. The feminist and peace movements today tread a difficult path, trying to avoid direct con~rontation with nationalism while preparing the ground for future peaceful coexistence. In January 1994, Jeanne Carstensen of Feminist International Radio Endeavour interviewed Aida Bagic [bah-ZHEEKJ, a feminist peace acti vist from Zagreb. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #6-94 CROATIAN PEACE MOVEMENT TIME: 28:33 When war broke out in ~ormer Yugoslavia, it ~ragmented the nation's young feminist movement but gave rise to spontaneous peace demands from mothers of soldiers. The feminist and peace movements today tread a dif~icult path, trying to avoid direct confrontation with nationalism while preparing the ground for future peace~ul coexistence. In Januar y 1994, Jeanne Carstensen o~ Feminist International Radio Endeavour interviewed Aida Bagic [bah-ZHEEKJ, a ~eminist peace activist ~rom Zagreb. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 ~-94 CROATIAN PEACE MOVEMENT TIME: 28:33 When war broke out in ~ormer Yugos lavia, it fragmented the nation's young feminist movement but gave rise to s po nt a ne ous peace demands ~rom mothers o~ soldiers. The feminist and peace movements today tread a di~~icult path, trying to avoid direct confrontation with nationalism while preparing the ground ~or ~uture peace~ul coexistence. In January 1994, Jeanne Carstensen of Feminist International Radio Endeavour interviewed Aida Bagic [bah-ZHEEKJ, a feminist peace activist from Zagreb. WINGS: WOMEN~S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVI CE * P . O. Box 33220, Aus t in TX 78764 USA (5 12 ) 4 16- 9000 #7-94 WOMEN~S VOLUNTARY LABOR TIME 29:07 Calculations OT gross domestic product st ill Tail to count the vast amo u nt o~ work p roduc ed by vo l unte e r s. In t his wittily produced program, Barbara Hurley, a volunteer a t 3CR rad i o in Melbourne, a nal y ze s s eve ral w omen~ s c o nt ri butions t o voluntary e ndeavour s i n community social, a rtist ic, and medical services. #8- 94 J ENNI FER HARBURY IN GUATEMALA: LI FE ON THE VOLCANO TIME 28:58 JenniTer Harbury, a Harvard-educated attorney Trom Texas, Tirst t ravel ed to Guatemala to gat her e v i dence To r immigrat ion cases, and t hen li ved with the URNG guerrillas on the volcano. She married a res istance commander who d isa ppeared - apparentl y into a clandestine military torture p rogram. In her search Tor "Everardo," Harbury conTronted the government on its human rights v i o lat i ons . Her book "Bridge oT Courage" was published in 1993. This program was produced Tor WINGS by Carol Stall. LISTENERS MAY ORDER COPIES OF WINGS PROGRAMS FOR $ 9 US DOLLARS EACH, BY SENDING A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO WINGS, P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA. WINGS: WOMEN ~S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #7-94 WOMEN~S VOLUNTARY LABOR TIME 29:07 Calculations oT gross domestic product still Tail to count the vast amount oT work produced by volunteers. In this wittily produced p rogram, Barbara Hurley, a volunteer at 3CR rad io in Melbourne, analyzes several women's contributions to voluntary endeavou rs in community social, a rt i s tic , and medical services. #8-94 JENNIFER HARBURY IN GUATEMALA: LIFE ON THE VOLCANO TIME 28:58 JenniTer Harbury, a Harvar d-educated attorney Trom Texas, Tirst traveled to Guatemala to gather evidence Tor i mmi g r a ti o n cases, and then l i ve d with the URNG guerrillas on the volcano. She married a r e s i s t a nc e commander who disappeared - apparently i nt o a clandestine military torture program. In her search Tor "Eve r a r do ," Harbury conTronted the government on i ts human rights violat ions. Her book "Bridge oT Courage" was published in 1993. This program was produced Tor WINGS by Carol Stall. LISTENERS MAY ORDER COPIES OF WINGS PROGRAMS FOR $9 US DOLLARS EACH, BY SENDING A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO WINGS, P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220~ AUST IN TX 78764 USA (5 12) 416-9000 #10-94 AUNT JEMI MA AND ELI ZA TIME: 29:04 Edith Wil s o n wa s a n Afr ica n-American a c t r e s who portrayed Aunt Jemi ma ~Otthe Quaker Oats Company ~ or more tha n 2 0 years . Dr . Be ver l y Robin s o n ~ a ~olklire scholar and t eacher~ o r i g inal l y came t o sco~~ at t he Aunt J em ima stereotype a nd decided instead to r e c l aim the c haracte r a s a pow er~ u l ima ge o~ a loving and resource~ul ~emale . In her r e s e arch s he lear ned t hat Wilson was descended ~rom the r e al El i z a. whom Ha rr i et Be echer St o we descr ibed i n t he abol itionist novel "Unc le Tom~s Cabin." Rob inso n~ s t alk was rec or de d i n Los Angeles in 1993 by Jude Mc Gee and edi ted ~or WINGS by Frieda Werde n. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (5 12 ) 4 16 - 9 0 0 0 #9-94 BREAST CANCER SURVIVORS TIME: 28:36 li THE BREAST CANCER EPIDEMIC & NUCLEAR RADIATION: WOMEN'S ACTION FOR THE ENVIRONMENT" was a c o n ~e r e n c e February 19 & 20, 1994, in Austin, Texas. A pane l o f breast cancer survivors and women who work with survivors had ~our speakers: ALPHA THOMAS, President, Dallas Rainbow Chapter oT the National Or ga n i z a t i o n for Women and co-founder of Umoja Hermanas, a support group for lesbians OT color; NKENGE TOURE, Washington DC member OT the National Black Women~s Health Project, co-founder OT the International Council on ATrican Women, and a radio producer ~or PaciTica; JEANMARIE MARSHALL, of the Women's Community Cancer Project, Cambridge, Massachusetts; BEVERLY RHINE, Vice Pr e s i de nt and Chairperson, Women of Color Breast Cancer Survivors' Project in Compton, California. I JEMIMA AND ELILA I 1 ME:. : "L'i: {)"t Edi t h Wilson iean-American a ct res s who portrayed Aunt Jemima for the Quaker Oats L f or more than 20 years. Dr. Be ver ly Robinson , a ~olklife scholar a nd teac her, origl na ll y came to scoff a t the Aunt J emi ma st~ reotyp~ and decided instead to reclaim the c haracter as a powerTul image of a l OVi ng and resource~ul female. In her research she lear ned t ha t Wil s o n was descended fr om the t-eal Ell za ~ whom Harr iet Beecher St owe descr i bed in the abolitionist novel "Uncl e Tom"s Ca b i n . " Rob inson~s t a l k was r e c orded in Los Angeles in 1993 by Jude McGee and edited Tor WINGS by Fr i e da Wer den . WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O . Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA * (512)416-9000 Congratulations to Maria Gilardin of T.U.C. Radio in San Francisco for earning the DAWN - Davenport Award for Women's News . Her story "Cast-off Garment Workers Buttonhole Levis Execs" aired on KZYX-FM, philo California in December & was the lead story in January's WINGS newscast. #11-94 MARCH 1994 WINGS NEWSCAST TIME: 29:22 1. (4:55) GOVERNOR ANN RICHARDS' "NUKE-GATE." In/Outcue: "Tuesday, March 8 ... Frieda Werden reporting." On tape: Protesters Jean Morey, Nita Hyman, Jody Dodd, Erin Rogers. Suggested Intro: THE IDEA THAT LOW-LEVEL NUCLEAR WASTE IS FUELING THE BREAST CANCER EPIDEMIC MOBILIZED PROTESTERS IN TEXAS TO A RADICAL ACTION. FRIEDA WERDEN REPORTS FOR WINGS: . 2. (5:54) HOW TO GET RADIOACTIVE POLLUTION OUT OF YOUR BONES. In/Out: "Dr. Rosalie Bertel, an epidemiologist from Canada ... Meredith Phillips reporting for WINGS." On tape: Bertel. Tape source: Laura Flanders. Intro:SIMPLE METHODS ARE TO HELP DE-CONTAMINATE THE BONES OF CHILDREN AFFECTED BY CHERNOBYL CAN HELP OTHERS WHO'VE INGESTED RADIOACTIVE ELEMENTS IN THEIR WATER & FOOD - A PROBLEM THAT AFFECTS MORE OF US THAN ANYONE LIKES TO THINK. LISTEN TO THIS: 3. (6:19) WOMEN PUT PRESSURE ON BHUTTO. In/Out: "WINGS' reporter in .. . News Gathering Service by Nafisa Hoodbhoy in Karachi, Pakistan." On tape: Anis Haroon, Women's Action Forum; Zora Yusuf, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. Intro: A WOMAN WITH POWER IS OFTEN AFRAID TO USE IT ON BEHALF OF OTHER WOMEN. SOME ORGANIZATIONS IN PAKISTAN ARE PRESSING PRIME MINISTER BENAZIR BHUTTO TO PROVE SHE'S NOT ONE OF THOSE. HERE'S THE STORY FROM WINGS: 4. (5:28) A CRY FOR JUSTICE IN ARGENTINA. In/Out: "In the mid-1980s, Argentina's President ... this is Teresa Taylor." On tape: Laura Bonaparte , trans . Patrick Rice. Tape source: Ana Sisnett. Intro: MURDERERS , RAPISTS & TORTURERS WALK THE STREETS, PARDONED BY THE GOVERNMENT WITHOUT A TRIAL; THE MOTHERS OF THE PLAZA DEMAYO ARE STILL DEMONSTRATING IN ARGENTINA. A FOUNDING MEMBER OF THE GROUP IS SUING ALL THE PRESIDENTS OF THE REPUBLIC WHO TURNED THEIR BACKS ON JUSTICE. TERESA TAYLOR REPORTS FOR WINGS: ... 5. (5:03) SUFFRAGE DEBATES IN NEW ZEALAND. In/Out: "Sarah Ayton of PlainsFM sent WINGS. .. on September 8, 1893." On tape: actors from docudrama" Celebrating the Past, Challenging the Future." Intro: TO HONOR WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH [MARCH], WE'RE GOING TO TIME TRAVEL MORE THAN 100 YEARS AND EAVESDROP ON THE DEBATES OVER WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE IN THE PARLIAMENT OF NEW ZEALAND: .. . HALF-HOUR PROGRAMS YOU MISSED IF YOU DON'T YET SUBSCRIBE TO .WI NGS WEEKLY (may be ordered for $9 each or 2 for $16.50 - subscribers get 13 for $99): #10-94 AUNT JEMIMA & ELIZA. Dr. Beverly Robinson re-evaluates an AfricanAmerican actress and character stigmatized in the '60s by the NAACP. #9-94 BREAST CANCER SURVIVORS. From "The Breast Cancer Epidemic & Nuclear Radiation": Alpha Thomas of Umoja Hermanas lesbians of color; Nkenje Toure, National Black Women's Health Project; Jeanmarie Marshall, Women's Community Cancer Project; Beverly Rhine , Women of Color Breast Cancer Survivors' Project. #8-94 JENNIFER HARBURY IN GUATEMALA: LIFE ON THE VOLCANO. A Harvard-grad lawyer searches for her husband, a disappeared resistance commander. #7-94 WOMEN'S VOLUNTARY LABOR. Australian documentary analyzes several women's contributions to community social, artistic & medical services. i-HOUR PROGRAM FED ON U.S. PUBLIC RADIO SATELLITE MARCH 1 - CASSETTES $10: DAWN OF WOMEN'S NEWS -Roundup of 1993 news themes by Frieda Werden. Showcases the DAWN award winner & 8 other stories. If you have an hour available to air it, contact WINGS. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * * P.O. BOX 33220 AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (5 12 ) 4 16 - 9 0 0 0 #12-94 OUTLOOK FOR WOMEN IN TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TIME: 27:52 Asha Kambon~ Social A~~airs O~~icer o~ the United Nations Economic Commission on Latin Ameri ca and the Caribbean, is based in her country o~ birth~ Trinidad and Tobago. In this conversation with Sue Supriano, Kambon explains women's experiences in this oil-producing nation with one of the world"s highest high literacy rates, which is now suf~ering From economic decline. Topics include growth of the informal economy, single parents and extended families , sexuality, tolerance, influences from the U.S., and a growing epidemic of fami ly violence. WINGS: WOM EN ~ S I NTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERI NG SERVI CE * * P.O. BOX 33220 AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #12-94 OUTLOOK FOR WOMEN IN TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TIME: 27:52 _ Asha Kambon~ Social Affairs Officer of the United N~ti~ u~ E~c~om i k ~~~~~:~i;rn~~~~g:~~ ~::~~~~ r~~~~r: ~:~~g;::~i g~~~ rr~~BH~ n§ai~ ~ g~~ ~t~~m~~R explains women's experiences in this oil-producing nation with one o~ the world"s highest high literacy rates, which is now suffering from economic aecline. Topics include growth of the informal economy, single parents and extended families~ sexuality, tolerance, influences from the U.S.~ and a growing epidemic of family violence. WINGS ~ WOMEN~S I NTERNAl -rONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVI CE W ING S ~ WOMEN' S INTERNAT!ONAL NEWS GATHER! NG SERVICE P . O. BOX 33220 * AUSTIN TX 78764 USA * (512 )416-9000 #1 3- 94 S ILICONE IMPLANT SURVIVORS TIME: 28 :41 In Aus t r al i a a5 in t he U.S .~ t he med i cal p ro+ession is l a r gely i n den ial a bo ut the hea lth probl e ms caused by br east impl a nt s. a nd most in ~ o t-ma t i on come s +r om g rassroots ne t wo r ks Or survivor s. Th is d~cume n tary b y Ra che l Pet ro o f 3CR r a dio Melbourne c o vers three w ome n ~ s e xper l e nc•• . U.S. c o ntac ts : 1-800-887-6828 ~ o r upda t e s o n settl ement with m anu~ac turQ t~. "·\ -) ') ~"" 4 7 l1 A) " N'" - '1 W ~ . . . . - """ .. ",I,. ..:' - , \ T"or ';h.1CJlii:i.Omen 'is Health Ne two , k (NWHN;' r n Wa s, \i ng ton DC, t o ~o ntac t sup po rt g ro~ps. Pa~ke ts 0+ in+o can be obtai ned +r om NWHN ( $5). Boston wome n ' s HealthoDok Lo llectlve ($10)~ a nd Pu b l ic Citizen i n W~ sh ingto n ~$6). #14-94 THE ZAPATISTA UPRISING: A HUMAN RIGHTS PERSPECTIVE Sus a n ne Rumsey, a Canadian wi th the Interchurch Committee on Huma n Rights in Lat in Ame r i c a was one aT the Tirst human rights researchers to enter the comba t are a aT Chi a pas, Mexico~ aTter the beginning aT the Zapatista upris i ng on January 1. In an interview Feb. 12 wi t h Cindy DUTTy oT CFRU radio, Rumsey discussed what she saw and the relationship between the uprising a nd t he No rt h Ame r ica n Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). WINGS: WOMEN 'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P. O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #14-94 THE ZAPATISTA UPRISING: A HUMAN RIGHTS PERSPECTIVE Susanne Rumsey~ a Canadian with t he Interchurch Committee on Human Ri g hts i n Latin America was one o~ the Tirst human rights researchers to enter t he c omba t area aT Chiapas, MeXico, after t he beginning of the Zapatista up r i s i ng o n J a nua r y 1. In an interview Feb. 12 with Cindy DUTfy of CFRU r a dio, Rumse y d i scuss e d what she saw and the relationship between the uprising and the Nort h American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) . WINGS: WOMEN~S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #14-94 THE ZAPATISTA UPRISING: A HUMAN RIGHTS PERSPECTIVE Susanne Rumsey, a Canadian with the Interchurch Committee on Human Rights in La t i n America was one of the fit·st human rights researchers to enter the combat area aT Chiapas, Mexico, after the beginning aT the Zapatista upr ising on J a nua r y 1 . In an interview Feb. 12 with Cindy DUTTy oT CFRU ra d io~ Rums ey discussed what she saw and the relationship between t he upr isi ng a nd t he No r t h American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) . WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P . O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #14-94 THE ZAPATISTA UPRISING: A HUMAN RIGHTS PERSPECTI VE Su s a n ne Rumsey~ a Canadian with the Interchurch Commit tee on Human Ri g hts in Lat in America was one of the f i r s t human r ights researchers to ent er t he c ombat area of Chiapas, Mexico~ aTter the beginning o f the Zapatista up r ising on J a nu a r y 1. I n an interview Feb. 12 with Cindy Duf~y aT CFRU radi o , Rumsey d iscussed what she saw and the relationship between t he up r-is ing a nd the North Ameri c a n Free Tr a de Agreement (NAFTA) . WINGS : WOMEN' S INTERNAT I ONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVI CE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #15-94 THE PAMPERS BOYCOTT TIME: 27:55 Procter & Gamble, a U.S.-based transnational corporation, processes cellulose for disposable di apers and sanitary napkins in Taylor County, Florida. Joy Towles Cummings, an ag r icultural scientist born and raised in the area. describes the hazardous pollution of the water and soil by organochlorines (like dioxin) Trom the 1950s-model mill, and the danger Taced by activists who are speaking out and filing s uits. On CFRU Radio (in Guelph, Ontario, Canada), Cummings told producer Cindy DUTfy about a boycott oT four P&G products: Pampers, Luvs, Depends, and Always. The book Duffy mentions is "Soap Opera" by Alecia Swasy. WINGS: WOMEN)S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #15-94 THE PAMPERS BOYCOTT TIME: 27:55 Procte r & Gambl e , a U.S.-bas ed transnational corporation, processes cellulose for d isposabl e diapers a n d sanitary nap kins in Taylor County, F lori da. J o y Towles Cumm ings , a n ag ri c u l t u r a l scientist born and raised in the area. de s c r i be s the ha z a r dou s po l l u t i o n of t he water a n d soil by organochlorines (like dioxin) from the 1950s-model mi ll, and the danger faced by activists who are s pe a k i ng out and filing suits. On CFRU Radio (in Guelph, Ontario, Canada), Cummings told producer Cindy Duffy about a boycott of four P&G p r o duc t s : Pamper s, Luvs, Depends, and Always. The book Duffy ment ions i s "Soap Opera" by Alecia Swasy. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #15-94 THE PAMPERS BOYCOTT TIME: 27:55 Procter & Gamble, a U.S.-ba sed transnational corporation, processes cellulose for disposable di apers a n d san i t a ry napk ins in Ta yl or County, Florida. Joy Towles Cummings, an agr icultural scientist born and raised in the area, describes the hazardous p o lluti o n o f the water and soil by organochlorines (like dioxin) Trom the 1950s-model mill, and the danger faced by activists who are speaking out a nd filing suits. On CFRU Radio (in Guelph, Ontario, Canada) , Cummings told producer Cindy Duffy about a boycott of f our P&G products: Pampers, Luvs, Depends, and Always. The book Duffy mentions is "Soap Opera" by Alecia Swasy. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #15-94 THE PAMPERS BOYCOTT TIME: 27:55 Procter & Gambl e, a U.S.-based transnati onal corporation, processes cellulose for disposable diapers and sanitary napkins in Taylor Cou nty , Florida. Joy Towles Cummi ngs, a n ag r i c u l t u r a l s c i e nt i s t born and raised in the area, describes the hazardous pollution of the water and soil by organochlorines (like dioxin) Trom the 1950s-model mill, and the danger faced by activists who are speaking out and filing suits. On CFRU Radio (in Guelph, Ontario, Canada), Cummings told producer Cindy Duffy about a boycott of ~our P&G products: Pampers, Luvs, Depends, and Always. The book Du-ffy mentions is "Soap Opera" by Alecia Swasy. WINGS: WOMEN" S INTERNATI ONAL NEWS GATHERI NG SERVI CE P . O. Bo x 3 3220 , Au s ti n TX 7 3 7 6 4 USA * (5 12 ) 4 16-9000 # 16- 9 4 APRIL 1994 WI NGS NEWSCAST Anc ho r : Fr ie d a Wer d e n TIME: 29 :09 t , ( 6 : 0 5) EXPERIE NCING NORPLANL In/Gu t : "I g o t t he NOI-p l ant p ut i n t o my arm on Mar c h 4 ... t he Women " s Inter na tional New s Ga ther i ng Ser v ice . 'i ON TAPE: My is ha Ty e s , t e ena g e Nor p lant u s e r- ; Oak l a n d Yo ut h Ra d i o r e por te rs o n KPFB-FM, Rosar i o S a l ina , Chr i sti na Pe r e s, Su g g e s t e d Intr o: I N THE THREE YEARS S INCE NORPLANT WAS APPROVED IN THE U. S . , THERE HAVE BEEN SEVERAL AT TEMPTS TO MANDA TE THIS BI RTH CONTROL DEV IC_ FOR WELFARE RECIPI ENTS OR CONVICTED CHI LD ABUSERS . BUT NOF:PLANT I S NOT FOR EVERYONE, AS I'1YI SHA -rYES [mahYEEs hu h ty- E:"1Z] FOI3'.j[) OUT: • . . 2 . (5 : 59 ) THEY TAt',E THEIR DAUGHTERS TO vJORK. I n /Ou. t : " [k ids ' l a u g r1t e r" an d bell t- i nging] 19 9 4 is t he s e c ond yea r .• • I n Ne l"l Yo rk C i t y ~ I ' m \.Jee ne. Ca breros- Sud . ON TAPE: Un doc ument e d Ch i nes e wor-ke r-s wi t h t t-ans lat i o n ; ;) 0 Ann L u m~ Ch ine se St aff & Wo r kers As sociati on; Ri nal do Gue rr e l-o , Exe c u t ive Di r e c t o r- , Ce nt e r fo ~- Immi g ra n t s ' Rig ht s . Int r a : "TAkE YOUt<: DAUGHTER TO ~'! Qi?i< DAY" I S A FESTl VAl FOR MIDDLE AND UPPER CLASS FEMIN ISTS~ BUT I T SEEMS IRON I C FROM THE PERSPECTTVE OF THE MOST EXPLU I TED WORKERS. HERE' S FRIEDA W ~ DE N OF II E WI NGS: . . . ...::. . ( 6: 3 5) TFd BUTE TO MARI J A GI MBUTAS . " l~ i ng s ha i l s t Il e p a ss i nq of U 1f:? tr i bute wa s p r o cuc e d b y J ea n Ft-ee r- . On t a p e : Ma r- i j a CMARI A] Gi mtru t 2.s . a r c ha e o l o g i s t ; a dmi r e r s Dr . Erne st ine El s t e r ; Gl or i a Or e ns te i n ; Mi r i a M Ro b b i ns - De xt er ; St ar Go o dy; Susan Git t li n Emme r ; Mart ha Wo lfor d . I n~r o: " 7N OLD EUROPE, WHERE THE GODDESS WAS WORSHI PPED, THERE WAS A PARTNERSH I P II BETWEEN WOMEN AND MEN FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS , TI L ARMED INDO-EUROPEANS ARR I VED ON HORSEBACK TO I MPOSE THE PATRIARCHAL IDEAL. THIS POPULAR THEORY AMONG FEMI Ni ST II SCHOLARS I S BASED ON THE WGRK OF A VERY SPECIAL AR C ~ I A EOLDGI ST . WHO DI ED EARLIER THI S YEAR: •• • 4 . ( 5 : 1) 5 - o r 8: 59 i nc lud i ng n e;d s t o r v i CENT ENAf<:Y OF l1JO i'1EN'oS L{ {~ S I'o !::": T DA U_ I n/Out : " [ mus i c - ' do o doo dOO'] y o u ' r e list en i ng to •. • o nl y 5 9 '1. o f \\lh 20t. -Ute a verage me n ' s coa c h i s p 2 i d [CUT HERE I F US I NG AS A DI SCRETE MODULE J . On t ~pe : Di ana Me ye r", host o f " Wome n ' s Sp or-t s ," wi th c u t s f ~- o m [sp el l i ng s u ric e r t a i n J Ak i Hi ll , f r om J a p an ? he a d c oac h Or e g o n State Uni v e r =lt y; An ne tte Mo l l el· s chem . Swe d i s h pl a y er ; Ni kk i Cr l mml n , sen ior pl aye r . i nt r a: ALL 0 JER THE WORLD. MEN 'S SPORTS GET MORE RAD IO AND °rv AI RT I ME THAN ALL THE REP ORT I NG ABOUT WOMEN PUT . TOGETHER; BUT NOW WOMEN"S SPORTS ARE Sl ART I NG TO GET A Li TTLE MORE T I M ~ OF THEIR OWN. WINGS SENT THI S 11"EM ON THE l 00TH ANN I VERSARY OF WOMEN IN BASKETBALL: . . . M Ej~ ~S A M A -r E U f~ BOX1.i'iG. I n / Ou t : ne be l l t-i nqsJ take Y(Ju. ~" s ~?a t s . . . Tor "'I i n g s ~ I ' m loose i mp e r at o Lscr- e a mi ng ends ]." On Tc\pe : <;tmb i enc.e .: a~_( d i e rl c e mem ber ; Li s a Ho l e w y n e~ wi nne r . I n t ra : l H ~ LOCAL NEWS P ~PER WOULDN'T SEND A REPORTER - THEy SAI D l-JOi'lEWS BDX ING 1"'; ~ 03W T A REAL o::iPOr:~ I . BUT I F 1°1 Vj ;:l S t~ ' T 5 . (3 :45 ) WO BEFORE, IT WILL DE NOW. ROSE IMPERATO REPOR TS FOR WINGS : HALF- HOUr.: F'I,:OGRAMS YOU Mi SSeD I F yCJLJ DOW T YET S UB:'iCfd Eo ::. TO W ,<J i::: :Lv (AVAILABLE FOR $9 EACH) : # 15-94 : THE PAMPERS BOYCOTT # 14-9 4 : THE Zf:;P toH I STA UPF.:I S I NG: A HUr-IAI'-i F: l b H T ~J F'Ei <Sf-'ECTIVE . # 13 - 9 4 : S IL I CONE I MP L ~ N T SURVI VOkS . # 12- 9 4 : OUTLOOK FOR WOMEN IN TRINI DAD & °t OBAGO WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. Box 33220~ Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #17-94 FEMINIST BUDDHISTS TIME: 28:51 Buddhism is a religion without a male god in ~act~ it has no god at all. But that doesn't mean it has no patriarchal tradition. In discussion with Sue Supriano, Sandy Boucher explains how Buddhism discriminates on the basis D~ sex,and how practicing Buddhist ~eminists, mainly Trom the U.S., are re-shaping this traditional Asian religion. A revised edition o~ Boucher's book "Turning the Wheel" is being issued in paperback by Beacon Press OT Boston. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #17-94 FEMINIST BUDDHISTS TIME: 28:51 Buddhism is a religion without a male god in Tact, it has no god at all. But that doe sn' t mean it has no patriarchal tradition. In discussion with Sue Supriano, Sandy Boucher explains how Buddhism discriminates on the basis o~ sex,and how practicing Buddhist Teminists, mainly Trom the U.S., are re-shaping this traditional Asian religion. A revised edition OT Boucher's book "Turning the Wheel t t is being issued in paperback by Beacon Press oT Boston. WINGS: WOMEN~S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (5 12 ) 4 16- 9000 #18-94 BENAZIR BHUTTO, THE PHOENIX TIME: 28:58 Benazir Bhutto is the Tirst prime minister OT Pakistan ever to regain ower aTter being ousted - a victory the more remarkable where women are normally absent Trom all Torms oT public liTe. Reporter NaTisa Hoodbhoy ~xP1ains how Benazir has become and r ema i ne d the leading political Tigure not nly in the country but also in her highly political Tamily, where her brother l hi C ~:; urtaza is emerging as a rival. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #18-94 BENAZIR BHUTTO, THE PHOENIX TIME: 28:58 Benazir Bhutto is the Tirst prime minister OT Pakistan ever to regain ower after being ousted - a victory the more remarkable where women are normally absent Trom all Torms oT public liTe. R porter NaTisa Hoodbhoy xp1ains how Benazir h s become and remained the leading political Tigure not n1y in the country but also in her highly political Tami1y, where her brother urtaza i s emerging as a rival. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #18-94 BENAZIR BHUTTO, THE PHOENIX TIME: 28:58 Benazir Bhutto is the Tirst prime minister oT Pakistan ever to regain ower aTter beina ousted - a victory the more remarkable where women are orma11y absent Trom all Torms oT public liTe. Reporter NaTisa Hoodbhoy explains how Benazir has become and remained the leading political figure not only in the country but also in her highly political family where her brother Murtaza is emerging a A r i va l . ' WINGS: WOMEN~S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #18-94 BENAZIR BHUTTO, THE PHOENIX TIME: 28:58 Benazir Bhutto is the first prime minister OT Pakistan ever to regain power after being ousted - a victory the more remarkable where women are normally absent from all Torms oT public liTe. Reporter NaTisa Hoodbhoy explains how Benazir has become and remained the leading political ~igure not only in the country but also in her highly political Tamily , where her brother Murtaza is emerging as a rival. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #18-94 BENAZIR BHUTTO, THE PHOENIX TIME: 28:58 Benazir Bhutto is the Tirst prime minister o~ Pakistan ever to regain power after being ousted - a victory the more remarkable where women are normally absent from all forms of public life . Reporter NaTisa Hoodbhoy explains how Benazir has become and remained the leading political ~ igure not only in the country but also in her highly political fam ily, where her brother Murtaza is emerging as a rival. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA * (512)416-9000 #19-94 LIBYAN WOMEN'S RESISTANCE TIME: 29:03 President Muammar Qada~~i has cultivated an international reputation as a liberator o~ Libyan women, but a Libyan anthropologist says the reality is quite different. Dr. Sadika ai-Arabi talked on "Everyday Reslstance to the State Among Libyan Women!' at the Middle Eastern Studies Association o~ North America's conference in November 1993. Nawal el Saadawi also comments. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #19-94 LIBYAN WOMEN'S RESISTANCE TIME: 29:03 President Muammar Qada~fi has cultivated an international reputation as a liberator o~ Libyan women, but a Libyan anthropologist says the reality is quite different. Dr. Sadika aI-Arabi talked on "Everyday Resistance to the State Among Libyan Womenll at the Middle Eastern Studies Association of North America's conference in November 1993. Nawal el Saadawi also comments. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #19-94 LIBYAN WOMEN'S RESISTANCE TIME: 29:03 President Muammar Qadaffi has cultivated an international reputation as a liberator o~ Libyan women, but a Libyan anthropologist says the reality is qUite different. Dr. Sadika ai-Arabi talked on "Everyday Resistance to the State Among Libyan Womenll at the Middle Eastern Studies Association of North America's conference in November 1993. Nawal el Saadawi also comments. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #19-94 LIBYAN WOMEN'S RESISTANCE TIME: 29:03 President Muammar Qadaf~i has cultivated an international reputation as a liberator of Libyan women, but a Libyan anthropologist says the reality is qUite dif~erent. Dr. Sadika aI-Arabi talked on "Everyday Resistance to the State Among Libyan Women" at the Middle Eastern Studies Association of North America's conference in November 1993. Nawal el Saadawi also comments. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #19-94 LIBYAN WOMEN'S RESISTANCE TIME: 29:03 Muammar Qadaffi has cultivated an international reputation as a libet-ator o~ Libyan women, but a Libyan anthropologist says the reality is quite different. Dr. Sadika ai-Arabi talked on "Everyday Resistance to the State Among Libyan Women" at the Middle Eastern Studies Association of North America"s conference in November 1993. Nawal el Saadawi also comments. Wi~§§i W§~~N~§ INf~NN~TI~NAL P.U. Bgx 3~1~O~ ~u~~l n NEWS GATHERING SERVIce TX 7~!~4 U~~ ~ t§!~}~!2=9B0g !~@=94 §8 §~N §~!~FtNI fH~ ~R!vATE bIF~ OF WA~ Target Broadcast Date: around U.S. Memorial Day, May 30 TIME: 29:08 Denial, a component o-f wat-, is born in the -family. Reading -from "A Chot-us of Stones: The Private Life o-f War," -feminist theorist &: writer Susan Griffin draws the connection, telling a personal tragedy and that o-f civilians killed by Allied bombing o-f Dresden, Germany. Gri-f-fin has held a MacArthur Foundation Grant -for Peace &: International Cooperation. Among her 14 books are "Woman and Nature" and "Pornography and Silence." Music: "Exorcism" by Harold Siletski. Program concludes with Gri-f-fin talking to the producer, Piera Paine. WINGS: WOMEN~S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #20-94 SUSAN GRIFFIN: THE PRIVATE LIFE OF WAR Target Broadcast Date: around U.S. Memorial Day, May 30 TIME: 29:08 Denial, a component o-f war, is born in the family. Reading from "A Chorus of Stones: The Private Life of War." feminist theorist &: writer Susan Gri-f-fin draws the connection, telling a personal tragedy and that of civilians killed by Allied bombing of Dresden, Germany. Grif-fin has held a MacArthur Foundation Grant -for Peace &: International Cooperation. Among her 14 books are "Woman and Nature" and "Pornography and Si lence." Music: "Exorcism" by Har-o Ld 5i letski. Program concludes with Gri-ffin talking to the producer, Piera Paine. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA * (512)416-9000 #20-94 SUSAN GRIFFIN: THE PRIVATE LIFE OF WAR Target Broadcast Date: around U.S. Memorial Day, May 30 TIME: 29:08 Denial, a component o-f wat-, is born in the family. Reading from "A Chorus of Stones: The Private Li-fe of War," -feminist theorist &: writer Susan Gri-f-fin draws the connection, telling a personal tragedy and that of c i v i l i a ns killed by Allied bombing of Dresden, Germany. Griffin has held a MacArthur Foundation Grant -for Peace &: International Cooperation. Among her 14 books are IIWoman and Nature" and "Pornography and Silence." Music: "Exorcismll by Harold Siletski. Program concludes with Gri-ffin talking to the producer, Piera Paine. WI NGS: WOMEN' S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVI CE P.O. Bo x 33220 , Aus ti n TX 7 8 764 USA * (51 2) 4 16-90 00 #21-94 GO AND LISTEN Fr a n Pe avey i s a s o c i a l c ha ng e act i vi st who ha s a doct o r a te i n innovatio n theory an d t e c h no l OGI c a l ~orecastinG but lear ned most ly ~r o m li st e n i ng to r'I I-~ j " I~ J ,.~ '::)' •.,"., -, 1'1r-l ,.....,'-,,.- ... r-v .,\ , - i" "-1 (." l·- T\', v /'l 1"'1 r'::, ,'::. p ,::.1 "1 'j- ,." :::, .,I ,"." 'I c, ,-I 1'- j.::, t: j.'", I""l"' " \/ t n +- rn r::, t" YI t ("I (") .:::; 1;:.j v ia .~ ::•• ••..1 . _' •• , .~ . " , ~I! 0:::: ~ :. \ \•. 1\::. 1..1,,: . 1 ._._ . 1 OM • , . .. , . .. . • ••• <... ... ,... (J r" 'l' \ .. . , •• \ •• • , . . . . - .. ~ .... . ._ •• ,' ' " . , . _ ., _ . -:: • •• ' - ' • • • • ._ . ~~ei2~~~:~tR~ ~:~ :7:~~~: . a2~e:~~ ~-~:: ~~~~n :s2~~n:~g~~r:~~s ~c ~? ~~~ ; t ~e:~: ~ , ~n t:.ItJo b 0::1. o k ~:; '::i'.1'- F! E: y I....:i.·f E~ ' ~:; C! r'a c c;~ : IVII...'.::::; i n q ::i C)n th(,:~ E: ~,"..::::. (.:;\nc (:;~ (] ·F ~:.; 0 c: :i..:).1 Ch .::\ Iic.:),::~ ;:,1n d " H ,:;~ ",\ I'" t F'e)}, :i. t :i. c:: ~::; . ! , I n t, I:? I·"\/ i E';'.,)c., L1Y F' I'- :i.(.::.)d i::X ("',) C:,' I" ci t? n D.n c! ':31...1. (.,", UI·..I.P 1'- i a no" Cc)nt .;.;x c t II II ad d r e s s : Dov e s ~ 3 181 Miss i on St . #30 , San Fr a nci s c o CA 94110 USA . WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE PO BOX 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 MAY/JUNE 1994 WINGS NEWSCAST (Program #22-94) 1. SLOUCHING TOWARD BEIJING. (5:48) In/outcues: "In an upset election ... from the UN Radio program "Women." AFTER NEG~ECTING WOMEN'S EQUAL RIGHTS AT HOME, THE UNITED STATES HAS LOST ITS RIGHT TO MONITOR WOMEN'S RIGHTS AROUND THE WORLD AS A MEMBER OF THE UNITED NATIONS COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN. HERE'S MORE FROM WINGS: 2. RADIOACTIVITY PROBLEMS IN IRELAND. (4:15)In/out: "It was as a result of wanting to know why ... this is the Women's International News Gathering Service." Tape source: Donna Hoffman, Dublin. Script: Meredith Phillips. LIKE THE TOBACCO INDUSTRY, THE NUCLEAR INDUSTRY DENIES ITS PRODUCT CAUSES SIGNIFICANT HEALTH PROBLEMS - BUT CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE IS GROWING, AS IN THIS NEW STUDY FROM IRELAND: I : 3. WOMEN AND THE SOUTH AFRICAN ELECTIONS. (6:35). In/out: "The African National Congress's massive Reconstruction & Development Programme ... via Peacenet. I'm Frieda Werden reporting ." Tape source: Women on the Line. Suggested intro: THE STRUGGLE FOR WOMEN'S EMANCIPATION HAS LONG PARALLELED THE STRUGGLE FOR RACIAL EMANCIPATION IN SOUTH AFRICA. HOW DID WOMEN FARE IN THE CHANGEOVER TO A NEW GOVERNMENT? HERE'S A REPORT FROM WINGS: 4. STATES RESIST ABORTION FUNDING FOR INCEST AND RAPE PREGNANCIES. (3:21) In/out: "This is a story about a 20-year-old ... for WINGS, I'm Natalie Bell in Oklahoma City." Suggested intro: AFTER CONGRESS MODIFIED THE HYDE AMENDMENT THAT FORBID PUBLIC FUNDING FOR ABORTION, PRESIDENT CLINTON ISSUED AN EXECUTIVE ORDER TO EXTEND MEDICAID FUNDS TO ABORTIONS FOR VICTIMS OF RAPE AND INCEST. BUT THE STATES, WriICH INDIVIDUALLY ADMINISTER THE MEDICAID PROGRAM, HAVE IN MANY CASES REFUSED TO RELEASE THE FUNDS. NATALIE BELL REPORTS FOR WINGS ON WHAT HAPPENED IN THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA: 5. TRIALS OF RU-486. (7:05) In/out: "Several U.S. anti-abortion groups ... and myself, Rachel Petro." Tape source: Women on the Line. Suggested intro: THE SO-CALLED FRENCH ABORTION PILL, RU-486, IS BEING TESTED INTERNATIONALLY FOR THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, AND COMING UNDER CRITICISM FROM PRO-LIFERS AND FEMINISTS ALIKE. HERE'S A STORY FROM WINGS: WINGS has moved to new and permanent headquarters in Austin, but our mailing address remains the same. If you're not a subscriber to the WINGS WEEKLY service, you're missing 40 incredible programs a year; such .. as: ".'.. " #18-94 BENAZIR BHUTTO, THE PHOENIX, with Nafisa Hoodbhoy. #19-94 LIBYAN WOMEN'S RESISTANCE (to the Qadaffi state) #20-94 GO AND LISTEN (social activists Fran Peavey & Tovah Green tell about their unique travel and organizing experiences in former Yugoslavia and India) #21-94 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF WAR. Susan Griffin reads and discusses the chapter on "Denial" in her recent book - relating the family rejection of her grandmother to the bombing of Dresden in World War II. Produced by Piera Paine. Non-subscribers can order WINGS half-hours like these for $9 each or 2 for $16.50. Much better deal when you subscribe - $99 a quarter $7.62 each, postpaid. Make a place in your schedule for WINGS soon. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE PO BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA * (512)416- 9000 #23-94 WOMEN & THE ZAPATISTA UPRISING IN MEXICO Lourdes Arizpe, a Mexican sociologist and development specialist talks with Cindy Duffy about the political e cology of the militant Zapatista movement that has arisen in the state of Chiapas since the introduction of the North American Free Trade Agreement. Arizpe says 2/3 of the zapatista army are women, because women immigrants to the rain forest are cut off from all other sources of opportunity. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE PO BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA * (512)416-9000 #23-94 WOMEN & THE ZAPATISTA UPRISING IN MEXICO Lourdes Arizpe, a Mexican sociologist and development specialist talks with Cindy Duffy about the political ecology of the militant Zapatista movement that has arisen in the state of Chiapas since the introduction of the North American Free Trade Agreement. Arizpe says 2/3 of the Zapatista army are women, because women immigrants to the rain forest are cut off from all. other sources of opportunity. WINGS : WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE PO BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA * (512)416-9000 #23-94 WOMEN & THE ZAPATISTA UPRISING IN MEXICO Lourdes Arizpe, a Mexican sociologist and development specialist, talks with Cindy Duffy about the political e c o l ogy of the militant Zapatista movement that emerged in the state of Chiapas when the North American Free Trade Agreement was introduced . Arizpe says 2/3 6f the Zapatista a rmy are young women~ because women immigrants to the rain forest are cut off from all sources of opportunity. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE PO BOX 33220 , AUSTIN TX 78764 USA * (512)416-9000 #23-94 WOMEN & THE ZAPATISTA UPRISING IN MEXICO Lourdes Arizpe , a Mexican sociologist and development specialist, ta,lks with Cindy Duffy about the political ecology of the militant Zapatista movement that emerged in the state of Chiapas when the North American Free ·Trade Agreement waS introduced. Arizpe says 2/3 of the Zapatista a rmy are young women~ because women immigrants to the rain forest are c ut off from all sources of opportunity . WINGS: WOMEN~S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #24-94 RIANE EISLER: THE PARTNERSHIP MODEL - part I TIME: 28:38 #25-94 RIANE EISLER: THE PARTNERSHIP MODEL - part II TIME: 28:38 Riane Eisler~s book "The Chalice and the Blade" theorizes, based on the work o~ archaeologists like Marija Gimbutas, that ~rom about 6,000 to 3,000 years ago most Europeans lived not under the patriarchal Dominator Model but in a participatory society she calls the Partnership Model. Part I o~ this interview explores the pre-historical record; Part II considers a return to the Partnership Model today. Interviewers are Colombian ~eminist peace activist Maria Isabel Casas and Jeanne Carstensen, a producer at F.I.R.E. (Feminist International Radio Endeavour - which is a program on Radio ~or Peace International shortwave out o~ Costa Rica). WINGS: WOMEN~S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.g. BOX ~ ~~~ O~ A U~ T I N TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #26-94 WESTERN NATIONS CONFRONT F.G.M. TIME: 29:07 Bills to criminalize Female Genital Mutilation have been introduced in the U.S. and Australia, and the U.S. has recognized the threat of F.G.M. as a ground for granting refugee status. Other Western nations are taking different approaches. Is F.G.M. child abuse? a cultural practice? torture? sexism? Voices: Peggy Norman, Oregon state coordinator of the U.S.'s National Organization for Women; Frieda Werden, intervieNer; Rachel Petro, host of "Women on the Line"; Munira Adam and Mirium Idris, Female Circumcision Community Education Project, Melbourne; Nicky Marshall, Ecumenical Migration Centre; Dalal Smiley, reading a statement by African f eminist immigrants; Judy Burke, Women LaNyers Against Female Genital Mutilation. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #26-94 WESTERN NATIONS CONFRONT F.G.M. TIME: 29:07 Bills to criminalize Female Genital Mutilation have been introduced in the U.s. and Australia, and the U.S. has recognized the threat of F.G.M. as a gr ound f or gr anti ng r efug ee status. Other Western nations are taking different approaches. Is F.G.M. child abuse? a cultural practice? torture? sexism? Voices: Peggy Norman, Oregon state coordinator of the U.S.~s National Organization for Women; Frieda Werden, intervieNer; Rachel Petro, host of "Women on the Line"; Munira Adam and Mirium Idris, Female Circumcision Community Education Project, Me lbourne; Nicky Marshall, Ecumenical Migration Centre; Dalal Smiley, reading a statement by African feminist immigrants; Judy Burke, Women Lawyers Against Female Genital Mutilation. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #26-94 WESTERN NATIONS CONFRONT F.G.M. TIME: 29:07 Bills to criminalize Female Genital Mutilation have been introduced in the U.S. and Australia, and the U.S. has recognized the threat of F.G.M. as a ground for granting refugee status. Other Western nations are taking different approaches. Is F.G.M. child abuse? a cultural practice? torture? sexism? . Voices: Peggy Norman, Oregon state coordinator of the U.S.'s National Organization for Women; Frieda Werden, intervieNer; Rachel Petro, host of nWomen on the Line"; Munira Adam and Mirium Idris, Female Circumcision Community Education Project, Melbourne; Nicky Marshall, Ecumenical Migration Centre; Dalal Smiley, reading a statement by African feminist immigrants; Judy Burke, Women LaNyers Against Female Genital Mutilation. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #26-94 WESTERN NATIONS CONFRONT F.G.M. TIME: 29:07 Bills to criminalize Female Genital Mutilation have been introduced in the U.S. and Australia, and the U.S. has recognized the threat of F.G.H. as a ground for granting refugee status. Other Western nations are taking different approaches. Is F.G.M. child abuse? a cultural practice? torture? sexism? Voices: Peggy Norman, Oregon state coordinator of the U.S.~s National Organization for Women; Frieda Werden, interviewer; Rachel Petro, host of "Women on the Line"; Munira Adam and Mirium Idris, Female Circumcision Community Education Project, Melbourne; Nicky Marshall, Ecumenical Migration Centre; Dalal Smiley, reading a statement by African feminist immigrants; Judy Burke, Women Lawyers Against Female Genital Mutilation. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN IX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #27-94 NAOMI WOLF: FIRE WITH FIRE TIME: 29:05 Naomi Wolf, author of hot-selling books "The Beauty Myth" and "Fire With Firell talks with Jude McGee, feminist interviewer from KPFK-FM, Los Angeles. The discussion ranges from firearms to women's electoral progress to "victim feminism" and praise for the lIinner bad girl." Edited for distribution by Frieda Werden. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA * (512)416-9000 #27-94 NAOMI WOLF: FIRE WITH FIRE TIME: 29:05 Naomi Wolf, author of hot-selling books "The Beauty Myth li and "Fire With Fire" talks with Jude McGee, f eminist interviewer from KPFK-FM, Los Angeles. The discussion ranges from firearms to women's electoral progress to "victim feminism" and praise for the "inner bad girl." Edited for distribution by ~~;~ri~ Werden. WINGS: WOMEN 'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERI NG S ERVIC~ * P.O. Box 33220~ Austin TX 7876 4 USA (512)416-9000 #28-94 COUNTING WOMEN 'S UNWAGED WORK A bill (H. R. 966) has been introduced in the U.S. Congress to ca lculate hours a nd monetary values for several kinds o f unwaged work done mainly by women~ and add the resulting figure to the Gross Domestic Product . Other countries including Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, have actually b~g u h implementing such a count. Yet the mandate to count was near ly canceled by the United Nations Commission on the Sta tus o f Wome n l a st March. Margaret Prescod from Wages fo r Housework explains in thi s intervi e w wit h Frieda We rden . WINGS: WOMEN' S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. Box 332 2 0 , Austin TX 78764 USA * (512)416-9000 #28-94 COUNTING WOMEN'S UNWAGED WORK M~U~~b~ ~~ ~~h~taf~6ta~fiisb~Sp ~Qt~9i ~c ~~ n~e ~~~u~wl ~ ~~QQ~ ~f:§~g~~ ~~~~~tg~9 women, and add t he resulting figure to the Gross Domestic Pro duc t . Other countries including Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, have actually begun implementing such a count. Yet the mandate to count was nearly canceled by the United Nations Comm ission on the Status of Wome n last March. Margaret Prescod from Wages f o r Ho us e wo r k explains in this interview with Frieda Werden. NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! Story #1 is best aired beTore August 6. IF YOU HAVE OTHER WINGS SHOWS WAITING TO BE AIRED, USE THIS ONE FIRST. ===== ============ == WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA * (512)416-9000 #29-94 JULY 1994 WINGS NEWSCAST TIME: 29:09 1. (4:00) THE POPULAR UPRISING IN MEXICO. In/Outcue: "It's been said .•• I'm Frieda Werden, reporting." On tape: woman leader Trom MIR - an urban squatter organization in the state OT GuanaJuato CGWAHN-ah-HWAH-toeJ. Translator: Eduardo Vera. Suggested Intro: PEOPLE WHO HAVE LOST FAITH IN THE MEXICAN ELECTORAL PROCESS ARE GATHERING TO CONSIDER A NEW CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. A LEADER OF THE URBAN POOR TALKED TO FRIEDA WERDEN OF WINGS: ••• 2. (6: 11> NOW'S POSITION ON U.S.WELFARE REFORM. In/Out: "Recognizing prejudices as ••• This is Tammy Gomez, reporting ~or WINGS. On tape: Martha Davis, staTT atty, NOW-LDEF; Gloria Woods, Pres. Michigan State NOW. Tape source: Lone Star Audio Visual (they have cassettes oT most sessions at the national con~erence - call 210-222-1011). Intro: MUCH VENOM FROM THE UNITED STATES PSYCHE HAS BEEN CODIFIED IN THE WELFARE LAWS. THE NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN IS TRYING TO CHANGE ATTITUDES ABOUT WELFARE INCLUDING THE ATTITUDES OF ITS MEMBERS. TAMMY GOMEZ CGO-mehzJ REPORTS FOR WINGSi •.. 3. (5:13) BRAZILIAN WORKERS' PARTY (PT) - EXPECTING TO WIN IN OCTOBER. In/Out: "We are a country where the 49% oT our wealth is concentrated in the hands oT 1% .•• edited Tor WINGS by Meredith Phillips C10 seconds OT music - optional'" iT omitted, story is 5:03." On tape: Dulce Maria Pereira, International Department, P.T. Tape source: Julia Scott, Women on the Line. Intro: A FRANKLY SOCIALIST LABOR PARTY IS EXPECTING TO WIN BRAZIL'S NATIONAL ELECTIONS IN OCTOBER. A WOMAN LEADER EXPLAINS THE PARTY'S SUCCESS IN THIS STORY FROM WINGS: ••• 4. (6:50) CUBAN DISSIDENT WRITER MARIA ELENA CRUZ VARELA. In/Out: "You , cannot Tight hate with hate ••• This is the Women's International News Gathering Service." On tape: Translator/interviewer Estrella Quiroga, Cruz Varela by phone. Tape source: KMUD-FM. Intro: THE WORLD IS HOLDING ITS BREATH WAITING FOR CHANGE TO COME TO CUBA. A WOMAN WHO SENT SOME SUGGESTIONS TO FIDEL CASTRO SAY8 SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHEN THE CHANGE WILL COME, BUT 8HE KNOWS HOW SHE WANTS IT TO FEEL: ... 5. (5: 31) SW I 8S WOMEN'S RET I REMENT AGE/WOMEN'S FRAUENTRAM . I ntro: "Wom,en in Switzerland are up in arms ..• this is Marion Canute reporting." On tape: Voicer about Swiss women's retirement controversy, Tollowed by report with sTx & interview. On tape: Rose Trocke. Tape source: Swiss Radio International. Intro: WOMEN IN SWITZERLAND ARE STANDING UP FOR THEMSELVES THESE DAYS - AS WE HEAR IN TWO STORIES SENT BY WINGS. HERE'S FRIEDA WERDEN: * ** *IF *YOU*LOV*E *WIN*GS,*PAY* YO*UR*BIL*L! * * * * * * * * * * * * * WINGS will make stations a special *********** * * * WE NEED * * * price on *** * * MONEY * * ** ta pe s * * * * * * * * RIGHT NOW. THANK YOU! * * * * * * * * as premiums. ** ****** ~undraising 3L! #?S-94 ~-94 ;/ WINGS: WOMEN~S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * P.O. Box 33220, Aust in TX 78764 USA (5 12 ) 4 16- 9000 U.S. WOMEN POLITICAL PRISONERS: PART I TIME: 29:03 U.S. WOMEN POLI TICAL PRISONERS: PART II TIME: 29:06 Kiilu and Tamu Nyasha, producers o~ "A Luta Continua" ~or KPFA-FM, interviewed three women political prisoners in January ~94: Linda Evans, convicted o~ participating in the Resistance Conspiracy protesting U.S. imperialism; Ida Robinson, who helped hijack a plane to Cuba; and Dylcia Pagan oT the Puerto Rican independence movement. All are serving long sentences. The y talk about their politics and lives, in the old days and now, and about the ~ailings oT the U.S. penal system in dealing with women and their chi 1dren. Listeners may write prisoners, but must include prisoner numbers in the address: Ida Robinson #03323-097, Linda Evans #19973-054, and Dylcia Pagan #88971-024 can all be reached at Unit A, 5701 8th St., Camp Parks, Dublin CA 94568 USA. (Another Tamous political prisoner just trans~erred to the same unit is Marilyn Buck, #00482-285.> Listener copies o~ Parts I & II may be ordered ~or $15 (or $9 ~or one part o~ their choice). ** * * * * * * * * * * * I F YOU LOVE WINGS, PAY YOUR BILL! * * * * * * * * * * * * WINGS will make stations a special ************ * * * WE NEED * * * price on *** * * MONEY * * ta pe s ** * * * * * * * * RIGHT NOW. THANK YOU! * * * * * * * * as ***** *** ~undraising premiums. WINGS: WOMEN~S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA * (512)416-9000 #28-94 #29-94 U.S. WOMEN POLITICAL PRISONERS: PART I TIME: 29:03 U.S. WOMEN POLITICAL PRISONERS: PART II TIME: 29: Ki i Iu a nd Tamu Nya s ha, p r o duc e r e o-f "A Lu ta Cant i nua " Fo r I(PFA-FM, WI NGS : WOMEN' S I NTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERI NG SERVICE P. O. BOX 33220 , AUSTI N TX 78764 USA PHONE /F AX (5 12) 4 16 - 90 0 0 ~ 32 -9 4 ACUPUNCTURE FOR ADDI CTI ON TI ME : 28:23 Chinese me d i c i ne ha s e ntere d t he U. S . p r i so n s ystem i n t he for m of acupu nc t ure a n d he rbs fo r tr e a t i ng a d d ict i o ns. Th e me t ho d wa s i nt r oduce d i n Dade Cou nt y , Fl o r i da , p ri s o ns , by J a ne t Re no , now At t o r ne y Gene r a l o f t he Un i t e d Sta tes, a n d is now u s e d in seve ra l s ta tes wi th f e de r al s u p po rt. Mu i n Da l y, a n acu pu nctu ris t t reat i ng p r iso ne r s i n Cali f or n i a , ta l ks wi t h Sue Su p r ia no. ~ 3 3 - 9 4 RITA MAE BROWN ON DOLLEY MADI SON TIME: 2 7: 43 TiCjRGET fU R Dr:J TE FOr? TH I S PROGRr:J1'1 I S WEEk:' OF r:JUGUST 2 6 La ngua ge adviso r y: " o u t o n he r ass " Augu s t 26 , 19 94 , is t he 7 4 t h a n n i ve rsa r y of U. S . wome n wi n n i ng t he Co nst i tut ional ri gh t to vo t e i n na t i o na l electi o ns. Bu t i t ' s bee n 2 0 0 ye a r s si nce Dolley Ma d i son as ke d he r ne w hu sban d J ame s , t he Co ngre s sma n who dra ft e d t he 8 i ll o f Ri g h t s , to " r e me mbe r t he la dies. " Do ll e y t"la d i s on became the 4 th Fi rst Lady o f t he U. S . S he 's t he fa vor ite First La dy o f Hil l a ry Ro dh a m Cl i nto n - a nd o f the we l l - k nown l e s b i a n a ut hor Rita Ma e 8 rown , who ha s now wr i t t e n a n h i s t o r i c al no vel a bo u t Dol l e y , a n d ta l ks he r e wi t h J ude McGe e . LI STENERS MAY ORDER CASSETTES OF MOST WI NGS SHOWS BY SENDI NG $ 9 CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO WINGS. WINGS : WOMEN' S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERV ICE P.O . BOX 33220~ AUSTIN TX 78764 USA PHONE/FAX (512)416-9000 #34-94 INTERNATIONAL FEMINIST BOOKFAI R TIME: 28: 33 From July 27-31, 1994, 23,000 visito rs a t tende d the 6th International Feminis~ Bookfalr ,in Mel bourne, wh ich i ncluded a s pec ia l f o c us o n wri ting a nd puoll Indl genous~ Asian, and Paci~ic women. Rachel Petro interviewed three participants: LILLA WATSON is an abori ginal f emini s t fr om t he Murri region ?f Aust ralia, who writes a bou t a bo r i g I na l terms of reference. CHRYSTOS ~s a NatIve American lesbian poet. URVASHI BUTALIA c o-founded India;s fi rst ~ e m l n l s t puolishlng house, Kali for Women. Augus t 2 6 , 1994 , i s t he 74t h a n n i versar y o f U. S . women win n ing t he Co ns t i t u t i o nal r i ght to vot e i n na ti o nal el ections. Bu t i t's be e n 2 0 0 y e a r s s i nce Doll e y Ma di s o n as ke d he r ne w hu s ba n d J ame s , t he Cong r e s s man who drafte d t he Bi l l 0 1= Rig ht s , to "re membe r t he l ad i e s . " Dol l e y Ma d i s on be c ame t he 4t h F i rst La dy o f the U. S . S he ' s t he fa vo r i te F i r s t La dy o f Hi l l ary Ro dham Cl i nt on - a n d of t he we l l -k nown l e s bi a n a ut ho r Ri t a Ma e Br own, who ha s no w wr i t t e n a n h i sto r ica l novel abo u t Do l l ey , a n d t a l ks he r e wi t h J u de McGe e . LI STENERS MAY ORDER CASSETTES OF MOST WI NGS SHOWS BY SENDI NG $9 CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO WINGS . WINGS : WJ'1EN'S INTERNATI()\jAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O . BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA * PHONE/FAX (512)41 6-9000 #35-94 PCPULATIQ\J CO'lTROL IN BRAZIL ("RE1l-lINKING PCPULATIO'l" #1) TIME: 27:33 The newwi sdom on population , brought bY feminists t o t he lJ\J 's Sept ember 1994 Third International Conference on Population and Development, is t hat educat ing women is t he key to reducing bi rt h rat es . But the old wi sdom - pushing st erilizat ion and bi rth control in t he name of populat ion control - i s still OPerant . Thi s program, adapted from the documentary ser ies "Rethinking Populat ion," cover's effects of population control policy on women in Brazil , and Brazilian feminists' work to change t he sYst em . If YOU normally air WINGS in an al l-woman space, YOU should know that t his program incl udes male voices and was produced bY a male, Steven Rosenfeld (though edited and nar rated bY women) . I f YOUwant to complain - or give WINGS a~Y ot her kind of feedback (we love t o hear f rom stations about anyth~ng) , YOU can cal l us toll-free f rom the U. S. or Canada at 1-800-798-9703. Stations outside t hi s region, please drop us a line . #36-94 1l-lE U.S. MIDWIFE SHORTAGE: INAMAY GASKIN TIME: 28:20 Ina MaY Gaskin, author of "Spiritual Midwi fe rY ," is a leader of t he U. S. midwives ' movement . Slie st arted del iver ing babies 23 years ago on a remote col lect ive farm" and lat er founded the Midwives' Alliance of North Amer ica . In t oday' s program, produced bYCarol St al l , Gask in says t hat compared to other count r ies t he U.S. has onlY about 5%as many midwives as we need. Impediment s to increasing t hat number include 189al harassment, st at e laws , insurance companies , and l it t le attent ion t o midwives in nationa l heal t hcare planning, Gaskin a"lso notes si gns t hat t he mi dwives' approach to bi rthing as a nat ura l process is catching on. WI NGS: WOMEN' S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHER I NG SE RV ICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512 )416-9000 #37- 94 BLOODROOT. Pa r t I - Dreami ng UP a .Femi ni s t Res t aurant 29 :02 #38- 94 BLOODROOT, Part II - Poet r y . and Polit ic s of the St oma ch 29: 08 Blo odroot i s a f emi ni st vegetu r ian co l l ectivA restaurant and books t ore on t he s hor e of Long Is l and Sound . I n the ir 18 years t oget he r , t he owne r s have s e l f - publ i s hed three cookbooks - mos r r-ecenr l v, "The Perenn ial Pol it i ca l Pal at e . " I n the ir i ntervi ew wit h Ruth l:ddy of v.1?KN-FM , Se lma Mi r i am, Be t sy Bevan & Noe l Fur y tell how they 've i i ved out th ei r ' 70s pol it i cal i dea ls . Par't I I i nc l udes an e r oti c list of s easona -I vegan recipes . Addr es s on t he t ape : bloodroot . 85 Ferr i s St . , Br i dgepor t CT 06605 USA. Phone : (203)576- 9168 . I -I'lL: <-b.LL Ina May Gaski n, author of "Spiritual MidwiferY, " is a leader of the U.S. midwi ves ' movement . She started deli veri ng babies 23 years aoo on a remot e co11 ecti ve farm, and 1at er fo_nded the Midwives ' Alli a~ce of North America. In t oday's program, Pt~uced bYCarol St al l , Gaskin says t hat cOffiParedto ot her count r ies the U.S. has onlY about 5%as manY midwives as we need. IllP8diments t o increasing that number include legal harassment , state laws , insurance companies , and li ttl e attention to midwives in national heal thcare planning. Gaskin also notes Si9iS that the midwives' approach t o bi rth ing as a natural process i s catching on. WEEKLY SUBSCRIBERS: The phone number of Acupuncture and Recovery Treatment Services, mentioned on WINGS program #32-94 is (415)281-9646. If the message says "that voice mail is not available, " Just dial again later. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA • (512)416-9000 #39-94 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S NEWSCAST (SEPT/OCT 1994) TIME: 29:08 Format: MONO Dolby: B 1. (4:36) FUNDAMENTALIST MUSLIMS REJECT POPULATION CONFERENCE . In/Outcue: "The UN Conference on Population ... Nafisa HoodbhoY writes for the newspaper DAWN and reports for WINGS from Karachi." On tape: Muslim fundamentalist women demonstrators, women reporters. Suggested Intra: MUSLIM FUNDAMENTALISTS AROUND THE WORLD DEMONSTRATED AGAINST LAST MONTH'S INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON POPULATION, SAYING IT WAS A FIRST WORLD PLOY TO LIMIT THE NUMBERS AND POWER OF ISLAMIC PEOPLE. FUNDAMENTALIST WOMEN DEMONSTRATORS TALKED TO FEMINIST REPORTERS FOR THE FOLLOWING STORY FROM WINGS: 2. (5:06) WOMEN REVISE CLINTON HEALTHCARE PLAN. In/Out: "The national healthcare plan ... For WINGS, I 'm Kimberly Frazier-Booth in Boston." On tape: JudY Norsegian, Massachusetts Women's Healthcare Coalition; Hillary Rodham Clinton; Mary McKendry, Second Opinion/Aetna Insurance; Anna Kuperman, International Socialist Organization. ADDRESS ON TAPE: Healthcare for All, 30 Winter Street, Boston MA 02108 USA. Intro: THE NEW ENGLAND WOMEN 'S HEALTHCARE COALITION HAS DRAFTED A VERSION OF THE CLINTON HEALTHCARE PLAN THAT TAKES MORE NEEDS OF WOMEN AND THE POOR INTO ACCOUNT. HERE'S THE STORY FROM WINGS: ... 3. (5:17) WOMEN IN THE POLISH PARLIAMENT FIGHT FOR ABORTION RIGHTS. In/Out: "S i nce democracy came to Po1and, women have... . " On tape: Members of Po 1ish Parliament Izabela Jaruga-Novatska, Magdena Nowakowska, Lidia Bladek, Danuta Waniek; tr§nslator Elka Charren. Interview recorded at W.A.T.E.R. (Women's Access to Electronic Resources, Austin, Texas; engineer, Elaine Jacobs) . Suggested Intro: AFTER THE FALL OF COMMUNISM IN POLAND, THE INFLUENCE OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH LED TO THE OUTLAWING OF ABORTION. MEREDITH PHILLIPS REPORTS ON EFFORTS BY WOMEN IN PARLIAMENT TO RE-LEGALIZE ABORTION & PROMOTE SEX EDUCATION: ... 4. (6:12) DISABLED FEMINISTf& ABORTION. In/Out: Now here's Pat Chadwick [IF USING MODULES YOU MAY SKIP THE 3-SECOND ANCHOR INTROJ ... in future editions of WINGS." On tape: Feminist disabled rights activists Corbett O'Toole, Marsha Saxton & Karen Schneiderman. Producer/ narrator: Pat Chadwick. Intro: DISABLED WOMEN ARE CHALLENGING THE FEMINIST MOVEMENT TO REALLY SEE THEM, LEARN FROM THEM, AND DEAL WITH THEIR CONCERNS. PAT CHADWICK REPORTS FOR WINGS: . 5. (6: 33) BLACK LATINAS MEET IN PERU. In /Out: "[sung] At ravesando [1 i ne is sung twice] fuego y agua." On tape: singer Susana Baca; reporter, Mary Louise Stone; Cecilia Ramirez, coordinator; Sueli Carnero, president Black Women's Institute, Sao Paulo; Sheila Walker, Director, Center for African & African-American Studies, Univ. of Texas at Austin; Liliana Garrido, Peruvian radio producer. Intra: AFRO-PERUVIAN WOMEN RECENTLY HOSTED THE FIRST SEMINAR ON BLACK WOMEN AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN LATIN AMERICA. MARY LOUISE STONE COVERED THE MEETING FOR WINGS: .. . WINGS : WOMEN' S I NTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERI NG SERVICE P.O. Box 33220, Au st in TX 78764 USA ~ (512)41 6- 9000 #40- 94 RAD IATION CAUSES CANCER: ROSALIE BERTELL TIME: 28: 14 Ta rget broadcast dates : Oc tober (Breast Cancer Awarenes s Mon th ) Us i ng mat h, epi demi ol ogi st Rosa l i e Be rte l l has fo und proof l in kin g t he breas t cancer epi demic and nucl ear f a l l out , and l eukemi a t o x- rays. Dr . Berte l l is Pr es id ent of t he Inte rnat i onal I nst i t ut e of Concern f or Publi c Hea l t h in Toronto , Canada , and editor in chi ef of "Int ernat i onal Perspect i ves i n Publ ic Heal th " Journal. She says t oo much bl ame i s put on ind iv i dua l s fo r their own cancer s and not enough on pol l ute rs. And she warn s t hat mammogr ams can cause cance r as we l l as f i nd i t . Berte l l ta l ked wi t tl Laur a Flanders fr om the Women ' s Des k of Fa irnes s & Accur acy in Repor t in g, dur i ng a February 1994 conf erence on "The Br east Cance r Epi demi c and Nucl ear Radi ati on. " Tra nscr i pts of her tes t i mony and ot hers ' are avai l able f rom Foundat i on f or a Compass ionate Society, 227 Congress Avenue , Aust i n TX 78701 USA. (512)473- 8335 women ·s program on BBC's Radio Cymru - the We l s h- l anguage station heard al l ~cr.Q ~S Wales. Wb i1e in the U. S. to l ear n more about women ' s radio . theY t ol d W 1 N u ~ producer Fr l eda Werden about their work , We l s h politics and culture . and the We l s h language - whi ch is mak ing a comeback . (Rec orded Septembe r 1994 in the studios of WATER - Women ' s Access to Elect ronic Resources .) WINGS: WOMEN' S INTERNATIONAL NE WS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 , or e-ma i l : wings@ igc .apc .org #42 -94 WEL SH RADIO WOMEN TIME : 28 :5 2 Gwenan Thomas and Catrin Davie s are r esearchers and producers of the women ' s program on BBC's Radio Cymru - the We l sh- l anguage s tation heard all acros s Wales. While i n t he U.S . to learn more about women ' s r adi o, theY t old WINGS producer Frieda Werden about t he i r wor k, We l sh politics and cul ture , and the Welsh language - whi ch is making a comeback . (Recorded September 1994 in the studios of WATER - Women ' s Access to Electronic Resources .) WINGS : WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERV ICE P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (51 2)416-9000 , or e-mail : wi ngs@i 9c . 8Pc . or g #42-94 WELSH RADIO WOMEN TIME : 28:52 Gwenan Thomas and Catrin Davies are researchers and producers of the women ' s program on BBC's Radio Cymru - the Welsh-language station heard all ac ros s Wales . While in the U.S . to learn more about women's radio . they t ol d WINGS producer Frieda Werden about their wor k. Welsh politics and culture , and the Welsh language - whi ch is making a comeback . (Recorded September 1994 i n t he studios of WATER - Women 's Access to Elec tron ic Resources. ) WINGS ~ WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. Box 33220. Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-~000. 01' e--mail : wings@igc.8Pc,Org #42- 94 WEL SH RADIO WOMEN Gwenan Thomas and Catrin Davies are researchers and producers of the women ' s program on BSC's Radio Cymru - the We l s h- l anguage s tation hea rd all acros s Wales . Whil e in the U.S . to learn mo re about women ' s radio , they t ol d WINGS producer Fr ieda Werden about their work, Welsh poli tics and culture . arld the Welsh language - which is making a comeback . (Recorded September 1994 i n the studios of WATER - Women ' s Access t o Electronic Resources .) WINGS : WOMEN' S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. Box 33220 , Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 . or e-mail : #42-94 WELSH RADIO WOMEN TIME: 28 :52 Gwenan Thomas and Catrin Davies are r esear cner s and producers of the women 's pr ogr am on SBC's Radio Cymru - the We l s h- l anguage station heard al l ac ross Wales . While i n the U.S. to learn more about women ' s rad io . t heY told WINGS producer Frieda Werden about t he i r work, Wel sh politi cs and culture , and '+- h r"'\ 1. 1r'\. 1 ,-.. h 1 ,...._ ;-.0. 1_ _ ,.." . . L-...! ,..,, !.-. .! ..... .-vo., ,..,, I .! ..... _ l-.. _ _ I ~ I n ._-J _.-J r ' __ l 1 "l. r'\ r-\I . • J WINGS : WOMEN' S INTERNAT IONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. Bo x 33220 , Aust in TX 787 6 4 USA * (5 12)4 16 - 9000 ¥3 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN ' S NEWSCAST ~ or NOVEMBER 1994 TIME: 28: 4 9 1. ( 4 : 05) INTERVENTION IN BOSNIA. I n/Out c u e : " Go r da na Kne zevic is ... I ' m #~- 9 4 Ro s e I mperato ~ o r WINGS . " On t ape: Gordana Kne)! e v i c [gohr -DA-nuh K' NEEZ- uh- vi t c h J, deputy editor , Oslo bojene [A HZ- I aw - baw-DJEN-yehJ . Fi el d Rec o rding: Frieda Werden . Su ggested Intra : U.N . AMBASSADOR MADELEINE ALBRIGHT RECENTLY DELIVERED A SH IPMENT OF NEWSPRINT FROM THE U. S . TO AN EMBATTLED DAILY NEWSPAPER IN SARAJEVO . THE DEPUTY EDITOR OF THE PAPER APPRECIATED THE GIFT, BUT HAD HOPED FOR MORE FROMTHE U. S . ROSE IMPERATO REPORTS FOR WINGS: ... 2. (6 :24) THE CHINESE/ ENGLISH LEXICON PROJECT. In/Out : "Shd ron Hom [HAHmJ teaches l a w at City Univers ity o~ New York . .. Reporting ~ o r WINGS, th is i s Lisa Hayes ." Field Recordi n g : Fri e da Werden . Intra : WHEN THE FOURTH WORLD CONFERENCE ON WOMEN TAKES PLACE IN BEI JI NG NEXT FALL, CH INESEAND ENGLISH-SPEAKING FEMINISTS WILL HAVE HELP IN COMMUN ICATING. LISA HAYES REPORTS ON THE LEXI CON PROJECT: ... 3. (6 : 18) "FIRE EYES. " In/Ou t : "Soraya Mire is a 3 3-year--old So ma l i ... ~ o r WINGS , I 'm Melan i e West ." On t ape: Kiilu Nyasha o ~ KPFA-FM interviews Mire . Intra : WHI LE ALICE WALKER WAS MAK ING HER FILMON ~ilmmaker FEMALE GENITAL MUT ILATION , A SOMALI FI LMMAKER WAS ADDRESS ING THE SAME SUBJECT FROM HER OWN PERSPECT IVE. FROM WINGS, HERE'S AN INTERV IEW WITH THE DIRECTOR OF "FIRE EYES, " SORAYA MIRE ( s o- RAH- yah me e - RAY ] : ... "Fi re Eyes" is d i s t. r i but.e d by Filmmakers ' Library , New Yor k . 4. (5:51> DISABILITY AND REPRODUCT IVE HEALTH. In/Out : "In the United States , the . .. This i s the Women 's Inter-national News Gather-ing Service ." On tape : Pa t Chadwick , repor ter ; Marsha Saxton , ~ounder , Pr-oject on Women & Di sabil ity, Boston ; Ca thy Martinez, Wor-Id Institute on Disab ility, Oakl and , Cal i ~or-nia ; Co r- be t t O'Toole , disabi lity & women activis t ; Karen Schneiderman , No rthwestern University . Intra : AMONG THE MYTHS ABOUT DISABLED WOMEN IS THAT THEY DON'T HAVE SEX. PAT CHADWICK REPORTS FOR WI NGS ON DISABILITY AND REPRODUCTI VE HEALTH : . . . 5. (4 :22) BREAST CANCER AND RADIATION . In/Out : "A new internat iona l alliance , . " l ' m Frieda Werden reporting . " On tape : Bella Abzug , breast ca ncer survivor ; Vladimir" Chernousenko , Chernobyl cleanup leader [MALE VOICEJ ; Rosali e Bertel , Canadian epidemiolog ist ; Nkenje Toure , Nat ional Black Women 's Health Project . Intra : IN THE LAST 4 0 YEARS, THE U. S . BREAST CANCER RATE HAS GROWN FROMONE IN 2 0 TO ONE IN 8. NOWSCIENTISTS LINK THE EPIDEM IC TO NUCLEAR RADIATION. FRIEDA WERDEN REPORTS FOR WINGS : . .. RECENT HALF-HOURS AVA ILABLE FROM WINGS $9 pe r prog ram : # 8-93 FEMALE CI RCUMCIS ION: Dr. Nahid Tou bi a of Sudan. # 40-94 RADIATI ON CAUSES CANCER: Dr. Rosa l i e Berte l l , Ca na di an e pidemio l ogist. #4 1-94 TWO- SPIRITED WOMEN. Ya ko Mye rs , Bo nni e Blac kwo l f , Mars ha Gome z from Ind ige nous Wome n' s Ne t wo rk a ddress homophob i a . #42-94 WELSH RADIO WOMEN. Gwenan Thomas & Cat r i n Dav i e s f rom BBC Ra di o Cymru * * * S*UBSC*RIPT*IONS* ARE* $99* A Q*UART*ER F*OR *13 HA*LFH*OURS*. * * * * ORDER NOW- WE NEED YOUR MONEY . WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA * (512)416-9000 #44-94 HUMAN GENOME DIVERSITY PROJECT - AN INDIGENOUS VIEW TIME: 28:44 Debra Harry o~ the Northern Paiute tribe explains indigenous objections to th~ proposed~Hum~n Genome Diversity Project, which would collect genetic materlal ~rom 742 dlsappearing peoples around the world. Maria Suarez (~rom the :hortwave p~ogram FIRE) notes related issues brought up by women at UN summlts. Intervlewer and editor: Frieda Werden • . Cassettes may be ordered ~rom WINGS ~or $9 US (check or money order ). Add $ 1 ~or a copy o~ Debra Harry's 6-page detailed analysis of HGDP. #45-94 RACE, LAND &SOVEREIGNTY TIME: 29 :01 I n JulY 1993, the US Senat e f'atif i ed t he I nternat i ona l Convent io n on t he Elimination of all Forms of Rac i a i Discrimination. To ur ge cornc l t ance wit h t his and at her covenant s , Tne Wa r 1d Counc il of Chu rches & Na t i ana 1 Counc i 1 of Churches held Hearings on Raci sm as a Vi olat ion of Human Ri ght s, in Oa kl and, California, Octobe r 11 and 12, 1994. This program has four spea ke rs f rom th e Land &Sovereignt y panel: PATRICIA CUMMI NGS on sac r ed sites; MILILANI TRASK on Hawaiian native sovereignty; MAGGIE ESCOBEDO-STEELE on the arbitra ry nat ure of borders; and SHEBA HAvEN on land reparat ions for des cendant s of s l aves . The panel was reco rded by Sue Supr iano and edi ted by Lise Hayes. Inquir ies about written testimonY should gO to Northern Ca l iforni a EcumenicalCouncil, 942 Market , St r eet , San Franc isco CA 941 02 /( [11 5)434-0670. #46-94 SARAJEVO UNDER SI EGE TIME: 27 : 24 Gordana Knezevic i s the deput y edito r of IOsl oboJene " - t he mu l ti cul t ur al dai 1y newspaper of Sar aJevo, Bosn i a. I n Augus t, she t ouI"ed the U. S. t o rekindle Journal is ts' interest i n ex-Yugoslavia . I n Au st in, Sh8 addressed t he local chapter of Texas Press Women . The speech wa s recorded bY Fri eda Werden and edit ed and scriPted fo r WINGS bY Ros e Imperat o. WINGS PROGRAMS ON CASSE TTE ar e $9 eac h (check or money orde r dr awn on US bank ) from WINGS, P.O . Box 33220, Aust i n TX 78764 USA. We are unable t o ac cep t cr edit card orders. WINGS: THE NEXT GENERATION KO-OP- FM WATER: TRAINING &PRODUCTION I'd like to pay tribute to all the brilliant new repo rte rs and edi t ors who have been working with WINGS t his year in Au s ti n. You 're get t ing f am'i l i er wi th some of their names: Ro se Impe r at o, Ca rol Sta ll, Me re dit h Phi llips, Li sa Hayes, Melanie West . Ginger Webb, Tammy Gomez, Ter esa Tayl or, Jenny Wong, . . Many of them are from the Women ' s Co l l ecti ve of Aus tin KO-OP Radi o, a new station expected to gO on-ai r i n Decembe r . (IF ANY ON~ READI NG THI S HAS PROGRAMS YOU'D LIKE TO HAVE AIRED ON KO-OP-FM, SEND THEMCASSETTES C/O WI NGS. ) Some reporters had prev ious ra dio exper i ence , but man y have been lea rn in g on the Job here or been trai ned at our s i ster faci li t y WATER (Women's Acces s to Electronic Resources), a t r a i ni ng and producti on cente r comp l et e wi th gues t quarters, created bY the Foundat i on fOI'"' a Compas s i onat e Soc i et v . /\ - Il •••••I••t ••• ;~ I For more information about pr oduc in g and t rai ni ng at WATER, ehone ()\~J)J/ (5 12)444-167 2 or wr i te WATER , 109 W. JOHANNA ST., AUSTIN TX 78784 USA . \~~'-~/ WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P. O. Box 33220, Aust in TX 78764 USA * (51 2) 416-9000 ~ #47-94 GENERATIONS OF RESISTANCE: HAIDA ELDER LAVINAWHITE TIME : 28 :58 The Hei da are a sovereign tribe l iving on what the Canadians call QJeen Charlotte Is land. As an elder, Lavina White bel ieves in shar ing and gentleness, but sees that t hese values common to indi genous People have encouraged white people to take advantage of t hem. Si nce becoming t he f i rst woman elected to lead her people, she has become very outspoken - as she recounted in two speeches before t he Indigenous Women s Network conference in 1994 . 1 Producer : Agnes Patak, KMUD-FM . #48-94 PALESTINIAN WOM N& THE LAW TIME: 29:05 Rana Nashishibi is a Palest inian pol itical act ivist and psychologist who has been working on a women and the law project. She tel ls inte rviewer Frieda Werden wtlere Palesti nian women stand wi th respect to t he complex web of MuslimSharia personal law, Jordanian labor law , ott oman land law, British emergency law , and Israel i mil it ary lawst i l l being invoked under t he new political arrangement in the West Bank and Gaza. Editor: Carol Stal l. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA • (51 2)416-9000 WI wi #47-94 GENERATIONS OF RESISTANCE: HAIDA ELDERLAVINAWHITE TIME: 28:58 The Ha ida are a sovereign tribe li ving on what the·Canadians cal l Queen Charlot te Is land. As an elder, Lavina Whit e bel ieves in shar ing and gentleness, but sees t hat t hese va lues common to ind igenous peopl e have encouraged whi te people to take advantage of t hem. Since becoming t he first woman elected to lead her peop le, she has become very outspoken - as she recounted in t wo speeches before t he Indigenous Women 's Network confererce in 1994. Producer: Agnes Patak, KMUD-FM. #48-94 PALESTINIAN WOMEN&THE LAW TIME: 29: 05 Rana Nashishibi is a Palest inian pol itical acti vist and psychologist who has been working on a women and t he lawproject . She tel ls int erviewer Frieda Werden where Palestini an women stand with respect to t he complex web of Musl im Sharia Personal law, Jordanian labor law, Ottoman land law, Brit ish emergency law, and Israel i mi l it arY law st i l l being invoked under the new pol it ical arrangement in t he West Bank and Gaza . Edit or: Carol Stal l. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. Box 33220, Aust in TX 78764 USA • (51 2)416-9000 • wings@i gc #47-94 GENERATIONS OF RESISTANCE: HAIDA ELDERLAVINAWHITE TIME: 28:58 The Haida are a sovereign tri be l iving on what t he Canadians call Queen Charlotte Island. As an elder, Lavina White beli eves in sharing and gentleness, but sees t hat t hese values common to ind igenous peopl e have encouraged white PeOPle to t ake advantage of them . Since becoming t he f irst woman elect ed to lead her people, she has become very outspoken - as she recount ed in t wo SPeeChes before t he Ind igenous Women's Network conference in 1994 . Producer: Agnes Patak, KMUD- FM . #48-94 PALESTINIAN WOMEN& THE LAW TIME: 29:05 Rana Nashishibi is a Palesti nian polit ical acti vist and pSYchologist who has been working on a women and t he law project . She te l ls int erviewer Frieda Werden where Palestinian women stand wi th respect to t he complex web of Muslim Sharia Personal law, Jordani an labor law, ottoman land law , British emergency law, and Israel i mi l itary law sti l l being invoked under t he newpol it ical arrangement in t he West Bank and Gaza. Editor: Carol Stal l. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE * * P.O. Box 33220~ Austin TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #49-94 EXPORTING LIVES: FILIPINA MIGRANT WORKERS & DOMESTIC VIOLENCE TIME: 28:20 Hundreds o~ thousands o~ Filipinas work in other countries and send wages home; this ~eeds their ~amilies and helps the Philippines to pay gigantic ~oreign debts. But the country does little to protect its migrant workers, many o~ whom have also been victims o~ domestic violence at home. Producers: Radyo Womanwatch and Kalakasan Hotline, Manila; translated ~or AMARC. Additional in~o scripted & read by Frieda Werden, over music ~rom the cassette "Pagandoy sa Kagawasan" (Women's Studies Resource Center, Davao City, 1991>. #50-94 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S NEWSCAST for DECEMBER 1994 TIME: 28:33 .> ' \ I ) .) ,) 1. ( 5:: ~j 8 ) VANDANA SHIVA ON GATT. Lrrr'Du icue: "('1 ·sp ecia. l,.ion o-F t.hl'" l.J. Congt"ess U~ Womerl' s I nts r- r1at i ona l 1\lews Sel~ v ic e On t a~~e: Van clana ta lks to r"lc'lt-i"'l C:::,il cu-",jin, S'uggested lrit r o s FREE TRADE IS GIVING PEOPLE ~3" II M THE WORLD OVER A COMMON ENEMY. FROM WINGS, WE HAVE A LEADING INDIAN ENVIRONMENTALIST'S COMMENTS ABOUT GATT: , . .. 2. (5: :;56) HOW BUSINESS VIEWS SEXUAL HARASSMENT. Lri/'Ou t : "(..) [,<Jod::inq VJoman ..... l' rn F :I. av i ,,:it. F'Dt (?nza LCO :l n·;:::. c J. i ilk i ng ]" {in 1:epes I<B.te E{Ltt:l. e t", Ame ri can Huma nagement Assoc i at i on, a n d her act ing tr oupe. lnt r er; A VERSION OF 1"·'I.::l9 c,- 2: i ne sUI'-v e ~/ THE NEXT STORY AIRED ON THE BUSINESS PROGRAM "MARKETPLACE" WINGS SENT IT BECAUSE IT SHOWS THAT FINANCIAL COERCION IS THE BASIS OF CORPORATE CONSCIENCE: 3. ( 5 : 3 2 ) SEX ISI'1 IN SOUTH AFRICA'S PARLIAMENT. LnrOut:» " [S".UI"lg J 1\/1::0 5 :i. si kel eli CANe anthem] • • . ANC member of the South African Parliament, Then j iwe r tt h i ns.t.o .. Sources "~\Jc.lmen on thE: L.:i. ne . II I n t r a: SOUTH - j e l c/ !? F:a.c h ,::;· l Lo p ate. .. 11 ;:.. AFRICAN WOMEN IN PARLIAMENT ARE FACING RIDICULE FOR SEEKING NON-SEXIST CONDITIONS - THEIR MALE COMRADES SAY NO SUCH SOCIETY EXISTS ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. RACHEL PETRO REPORTS: .. , . 4. (4~47) THE UN-MUZZLING OF SINN FEIN [:::;/-111'-.1 F{.YYl·.[::I, Lrir'Ou i:: 1l[I;1uit~H" ,"".t: ,-u rnmi n l;I ./ s· i n~,} i 1"19 J iV!,,}.,...g2l. I·- e t Th<::"t c:: he;? r" . .. .. I nt e 1"\.1 i. t~I.., .1 by F:a.c: hF:? 1. FF:::t r"rJ 0+ " 1,-1) C1me n C)n t . h f~ L_ii'll:;:' .. u Or: t Ci{./f2: [.)0 c:i i e (VIc: [ ·iLi. i nnes·::; ~I l1il::?'I1'1b(;;~ r ~ f.:; inn F:'e i n e >:: I::~C L\ t i \/ E.~ J nt: r o s II FOR MANY YEARS, MEMBERS OF THE IRISH REPUBLICAN ARMY AND THEIR ASSOCIATED POLITICAL PARTY SINN FEIN HAVE BEEN FORBIDDEN TO SPEAK ON IRISH OR ENGLISH RADIO, OR TO TRAVEL. WITH THE PEACE PROCESS, THE BANS ARE BEING LIFTED. RACHEL PETRO REPORTS: .... 5. (Li :: liS') EAST AFRICAN WOMEN PREPARE FOR BEIJING. I n ./Out ;· ;'Tn SF2 p tE m t H? I·· J .:L 90:.;;£1· .. .. .. +D r- ('J I I\I [; ~:;" t h ::. <;-:, i ~"; Ei :i. n~} "-'2tOO l.>Jf:? b b .. " Or: i ape: Sp E?B.k (?of" s:; -F I'"o ru a c: (J n ..Fe ,.- E' ric; ("2 0 n IfJumE' n " E ri v i I'"0 llin E,' rit; :.:, DE:·: v e :l. op ment; hE':!. d i n l..Ig E:\ n d ,::i .. ,90urcr:::',:' F~' I'- a b hc::\ B1"'1<0\ ,.,. d\AJa. ..i • Lrit: roi TEN YEARS AFTER THE LAST UN DECADE FOR WOMEN CONFERENCE IN KENYA, WOMEN'S ISSUES IN EAST AFRICA HAVE EXPANDED TO INCLUDE ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT. HERE'S GINGER WEBB FROM WINGS: . .. WINGS: WOMEN"S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA PHONE/FAX (512)416-9000 E-MAIL: Pat-ts II & III or our series presenting women's testimonies on RACISM AS A VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE U.S., based on hearings sponsored by the World Councilor Churches & National Councilor Churches in Oakland, Calirornia, in October 1994. Recorded by Sue Supriano. Editor: Frieda Werden: The rirst program in this series was WINGS #45-94 RACE, LAND & SOVEREIGNTY. #51-94 RACISM & SURVIVAL. TIME: 28:55 Speakers relate the very disparate survival rates between white people and people or color in the U.S. to lack Or childcare, barriers to prenatal care, poor access to health and social s e r v i c e s , hate crimes based on sexuality, and cuts in Indian AIDS services. #52-94 RACISM & DISABILITIES. TIME: 29:04 Topics include mental health injustices against non-English-speakers, the • nexus OT racism and able-ism, disabilities due to racist working conditions in Tactories and Tields, and disabilities due to pesticide and herbicide spraying aTTecting workers, their children, animals, and Toragers who use wild plants and animals ror Tood and craTts. ErTects are not limited to the U.S.