Application Form (part 1, 2 and 3)

EU Grant Scheme for Sustainable
Tourism Projects by Enterprises:
Application Form
Catherine Rolé
Implementation Executive
Tourism and Sustainable Development Unit
Office of the Prime Minister
Operational Programme I – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013
Investing in Competitiveness for a Better Quality of Life
Aid Schemes part-financed by the European Union
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Co-financing: 85% EU Funds; 15% National Funds
Investing in your future
Getting Started
 All sections need to be filled in and the format of the application must
not be altered
 Application forms must be accompanied by the relevant information
 Only type-written forms will be accepted
 The relevant documentation must be read prior to completing the
application form
 The application form and any attached documents will be treated as
confidential throughout the project evaluation process
 Enquiries should be sent to
Section 1
The Applicant
Who can apply?
Information to submit:
 Name
 Telephone Number
 Address
 VAT Number
 Locality
Successful applicants will be referred to as the Beneficiary
Registered companies and Partnership that are registered
with MFSA need to hand in their registration number while
filling the application form
Sole traders that are not registered with MFSA can still
apply and since they are not registered, they do not need
to submit the MFSA number
Associations registered with the Voluntary Organisations
Commission must submit:
 Statute
 Resolution letter to the Commissioner requesting
 Written consent from the whole committee of the
 Last authenticated annual report
 Last audited annual accounts
Position and contact details of signatory of the
Application form
 The person legally responsible for the enterprise, usually
represented by the owner/managing director of the
 Contact details of the signatory are required
 In the case of Networks:
 the signatory should be the owner/managing director of one of the
enterprises forming part of the network (lead partner)
 the signatory must be identified in the network agreement and
accepted by all members
Contact Details of Project Manager
Project Manger:
 The person who will be responsible for the project’s
implementation on a day-to-day basis
 It is strongly advised that this person is different from the
signatory of the application form
 The Project Manager must be aware of all the details
related to the project
 The Project Manager must be easily accessible to discuss
the project with the IB and respond to any queries that may
arise throughout the term of the project
 If the person changes, the IB should be immediately
informed in writing of the new contact person
State Aid
Projects submitted must be an investment project, where
investment is defined as :
an investment in tangible and/or intangible assets
relating to the setting-up of a new establishment, the
extension of an existing establishment, diversification of
the output of an establishment into new additional
products or a fundamental change in the overall
production process of an existing establishment
State Aid
As outlined in EU law, national governments cannot finance
private entities directly since this will lead to unfair
competition. However, the EU also recognises the fact that
some sectors need more help than others. As a result it
created a number of exemptions from the general rule.
The tourism industry is one of these sectors.
In order to get financial aid enterprises need to fall under
the State Aid regulation, which develops a framework of
financing these projects.
General Block Exemption
Activities falling within the General Block
Exemption Regulation include the following:
 Accommodation
 Food and beverage service activities
 Travel agency, tour operator reservation service and related
 Creative, arts and entertainment activities
 Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities
State Aid Block Exemption need to satisfy a very
important condition:
Assistance from the Scheme to an independent,
private enterprise, must not result in the applicant
having received in excess of €200,000 in State Aid
(including any public funding deriving from this or
any other sources of the Structural Funds or any
other State Aid), for a rolling period of 3 years
Activities falling under the DeMinimis Block Regulation
 English Language Schools
 Retail Outlets
 Marketing Intervention
Applicant entities, falling under the DeMinimis
Regulation are required to submit the completed State
Aid Declaration.
DeMinimis State Aid
in the scheme
For the purpose of the scheme, the IB has come
to a decision to provide a maximum public cofinancing to these enterprises of €150,000 in
order to further reduce the risk of these
beneficiaries breaching this regulation
The enterprises falling under the DeMinimis
should inform the project leader of any form of
state aid this enterprise is receiving
The special case of associations
The projects submitted by associations for co-financing
under the Scheme must clearly have State Aid implications
It is the applicant’s responsibility to obtain and provide this
information in the application form. Applicants are advised
to contact the State Aid Monitoring Board for any
Contact Details:
State Aid Monitoring Board
Ministry of Finance, the Economy and Investment
Maison Demandols
South Street
Tel: 21252757
Fax: 21233739
Applicant Description
The applicant must provide a background description of
the enterprise and its operations
This should include:
1. The main lines of business
2. Organisation structure of the enterprise
3. Organisation structure in case of group of companies
1. The main lines of business
In the application, the applicant should provide a
description of the main lines of business, including:
 the aims and the objectives of the company applying
 the services and/ or products offered by the
 how the project proposal will fit within the above
two points
2. Organisational Structure of the
It is important that the project is managed by a stable
enterprise structure. The applicant must indicate how the
project, if approved, will be managed.
Therefore the applicant must describe which department or
persons within the organisation will be carrying out which
tasks. This is important to show that the applicant has the
capacity to implement the project and also to meet the
administrative requirements.
3. Organisational Structure of the group of
Should the applicant form part of a group of companies, the
organisational diagram of this group should be included in
the application form
Section 2
Contact Details
All members of the networks should hand in their contact
details. It is very important that all members of the
network enter such information as the IB may need to
contact any of the network members.
Applicant Description
The applicant must provide a background description of
the enterprise and its operations
This should include:
1. The main lines of business
2. Organisation structure of the network
3. Organisation structure of group of companies
In this case the reason why such a network was formed
must be outlined
1. The main lines of business
In the application, each member of the network should
provide a description of the main lines of business
 The aims and objectives of the company applying
 The services and/or products offered by the company
 How the project proposal fit within the above two
2. Organisational Structure of the
It is important that the project is managed by a stable
network structure. The applicant must indicate how the
project, if approved, will be managed
Therefore the applicant must describe which members or
persons within the network will be carrying out which
tasks. This is important to show that the applicant has
the capacity to implement the project and also meet
the administrative requirement.
3. Organisational Structure of the group of
Should the applicant form part of a group of companies, the
organisational diagram of this group should be included in
the application form
Network Agreement
The members of the network must enter into an
agreement between them to determine who will be doing
what and who will be leading the company
In this agreement, the applicants should also state why
the network was created to implement this project
Section 3
The Project
Project Name
The applicant is expected to give the project a name
which should reflect the nature of the project
This name will be used as a reference to the project
during project evaluation and implementation
Project Description
Applicants must outline the following in their project
1. A general description of the project being proposed
2. The aims and results of the project being proposed
3. A list of activities that will be financed through the
1. General description
A general description of the project being proposed must be
given in order to explain better the main aims and
objectives of the project
This description will be used as a summary of the project for
information and reporting purposes
2. Aims and results of the project
The applicant must provide a detailed description of
the aims that the project should achieve. These must
relate to tourism in Malta and how the sector will be
effected by the project.
The applicant must indicate what results the project is
expected to have. It is important to ensure that these
results can be attained
3. List of activities
The applicant is requested to submit a list of ALL the
project activities that the applicant wants financed
through the scheme
Project Duration
The applicant is required to submit the proposed start and end
dates of the project
Applicants may choose to start their project activities prior to the
conclusion of the evaluation procedure
However, it is important to note that this should be done as from
February 2011 and it will be done at their own risk and knowing that
the funds may not be allocated to their project
In all cases the IB will issue permission in writing to the applicant
allowing works on the project to commence
For infrastructural works & purchase of equipment applicants must
wait for a site visit by the IB before commencing
Project Location
Information on the project location is necessary to ensure
that the applicant has jurisdiction to implement the
proposed project in that site
 A document proving ownership must be submitted
with the application form
If the site is leased:
 The applicant must submit an authentic copy of the
leasing contract and/or agreement
 Provide a letter from the owner authorising his/her
consent for the work to be done
Location Address
Should the project proposed be implemented in a
different address from the one stated in section
1, the applicant should state this address
It is very important to give the location where the
project will be implemented as site checks will
be conducted prior and during the
implementation of the project
Heritage sites
Project interventions that have any impact on heritage sites or
heritage artefacts would require the endorsement of the
Superintendence for Cultural Heritage and in the case of
heritage buildings, a related MEPA permit application
The following documentation must be attached to the
 Information on the restorer to be utilised
 Status report
These documents need to be
 Methodology
endorsed by the Superintendence
 Budget
of Cultural Heritage
Project Interventions
Project activities must fall under one or more of
the specified intervention areas:
 Product Upgrade and Investment in Equipment
 Investment in Environmental Friendly Measures
 Investment in Information and Communication
 Investment in Entrepreneurship
 Investment in Marketing
Project Interventions
Taking a catering establishment as an example:
Increasing accessibility of the establishment
Product Upgrade and Investment in equipment
Buying a POS system
Investment in ICT
Website development
Investment in Marketing
Project Manager
Enterprises can opt to appoint an external Project
Manager to ensure the implementation of the project.
However, only small and medium sized enterprises are
eligible for the funding of such a project manager
The maximum project management costs refunded by the
scheme must not supersede 5% of the project eligible
Description of Project Interventions
Applicants need to explain each intervention area
through the following questions:
1. Provide a detailed description of the activities to be
carried out
2. Identify which supplier/s will carry out the above
3. Give the details of the other two quotations submitted
1. Detailed description of the activities
Applicants are requested to give a detailed description on
the activities to be carried out under each intervention
It is important to give as much detail as possible so that
evaluators understand what the activities consist of and to
show their relevance & importance to the tourism industry
2. Identifying suppliers
The applicant has to attach 3 quotations from 3 different
suppliers for each activity, selecting the cheapest
The quotations submitted must specify in detail the
works that will be carried out, hours dedicated to the
project, etc.
The selected supplier is required to submit a report
pertaining to the works involved with every receipt sent
for the reimbursement process
Product upgrade &
Investment in equipment
Developing the tourism sector through the investment in
products that enhance the quality of the enterprise and
investment in equipment
Indicative activities
 Physical upgrading activities which aim at enhancing the
enterprise product
 Purchase of equipment which will ensure an enhanced
product offer
 Development of the tourism product so as to increase the
quality of the product
Investment in
Environmentally Friendly Measures
To promote the use of environmentally friendly measures
to ensure sustainable tourism development
Indicative Activities
Activities leading to EMAS or eco-certification or Travelife
Sustainability System
Implementation of responsible tourism
Air and noise pollution prevention
All activities related to enhance waste and water
management systems
Activities related to environmentally related Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR)
Investment in ICT
Stimulate the use of ICT in the enterprise so as to increase
competitiveness, innovation and efficiency
Indicative activities
 Purchase of ICT tools which enhance tourism products and
 ICT tools which are created specifically for the enterprise
 Implementation of innovative ICT tools which will help the
development of innovation in the sector
Investment in Entrepreneurship
Diversify the tourism sector by aiding enterprises with
project ideas in the early stages of development
Indicative activities
Research identifying ways of adapting sustainable tourism
practices in an enterprise’s operations
Studies relating to innovative development of the tourism
products and services available
Studies focusing on how to address the seasonality issue
Design new products/project ideas for the Maltese islands
Conversion of existing properties of historical value into
accommodation establishments or attractions
Investment in Marketing
Increase the economic contribution of the tourism industry
through the channelling of investment towards various
marketing interventions
Indicative activities
Overseas large scale marketing campaigns
Creating a long term marketing strategy
Implementing existing marketing strategy
Website development including e-Business activities
Investment between traditional and new forms of marketing
Activities providing a platform for local crafts
Design costs related to advertisements and promotional
Production of audio visual material and promotional tools to
target potential tourists
Project Timeline
The applicant must show a detailed timeline identifying
the different phases of the project
The applicant must also divide the implementation of
activities into phases
The quarter and year for each activity will have to be
given for the following two milestones:
 Implementation of activities
The submission of receipt to the project team
Importance of the Project Timeline
The Project Timeline is a crucial factor in the evaluation of
the project. It will impact on particular evaluation criteria
and on the implementation of the project.
Failure to adhere to the stated timeline may result in loss
of funds.
Applicants are also advised to take changes in suppliers and
delivery delays into consideration whilst planning their
project timeline as these may affect the timely completion
of the project.
Commitment to the Project
Preparatory work may have been undertaken in
developing the proposal for financing under the scheme
This will be considered as proof of the applicant’s
commitment towards the projects being submitted
Such preparatory work may include any preliminary
studies and/or professional fees resulting in specialised
consultative studies related to the project design
Commitment to the Project
So as to ensure proof of the preparatory work, the
applicant should:
 Outline costs in the application form
 Attach the original receipts to the application form
 Attach copy of the preparatory work done to the
application form
Consultancy fees for assistance in filling in the application
form and MEPA permit fees are not considered as an
indicative commitment