grad-report-final - An

An-Najah National University
Faculty of Engineering
Smart Speed Hump
Osama FadelRiahi
Supervisor :
Dr. Ahmed Masri
Presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor
degree in Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering
We would like to gratefully and sincerely thank Dr. Ahmed
Masri for his guidance, understanding and motivation during
the whole project, which contributed a lot in the completion of
our task. We feel the deepest gratitude for his true interest,
mentorship and encouragement.
Additionally, we would like to thank every single individual
who helped or contributed in the accomplishment of this
assignment, our instructors, friends, classmate and family thank
you all for your support.
Table of Contents
Table of Figures ............................................................................................................2
Disclaimer: ...................................................................................................................3
Abstract: ......................................................................................................................4
1.Introduction: .............................................................................................................5
2.Constraints and standards: ..........................................................................................6
3.Methodology: ............................................................................................................7
3.1.Speed detectors (sensors) ................................................................................... 11
3.2.Solenoid: .......................................................................................................... 12
3.3.Transmitter & Receiver: ...................................................................................... 16
3.5.Motivation signs and speed indicators:................................................................. 18
3.6.Physical structure: ............................................................................................. 19
3.7.Microcontroller: ................................................................................................ 21
3.8.Power consumption: .......................................................................................... 22
4.Project's Safety: ....................................................................................................... 25
4.1.Shape of the smart hump: .................................................................................. 25
4.2.Signs:................................................................................................................ 26
4.3.Colors: .............................................................................................................. 26
4.4.Functionality: .................................................................................................... 26
5.Flow charts:............................................................................................................. 27
5.1.Ultrasonic radar system: ..................................................................................... 27
5.2.Capacitive proximity speed detection system: ....................................................... 28
6.Future work:............................................................................................................ 29
6.1.Self power generation: ....................................................................................... 29
6.2.Removable hump............................................................................................... 30
6.3.More sophisticated and accurate radar ................................................................ 30
6.4.Smart brake system ........................................................................................... 30
8. References: ............................................................................................................ 32
Table of Figures
Figure 1 : humpperformance ......................................................................................... 7
Figure 2 : performance in special cases ........................................................................... 8
Figure 3 : real dimensions .............................................................................................. 8
Figure 4 : performance with slow vehicle ........................................................................ 9
Figure 5 : performance with fast vehicle ........................................................................ 10
Figure 6 : distance between sensors ............................................................................. 11
Figure 7 : Capacitive proximity sensors.......................................................................... 12
Figure 8 : solenoid components.................................................................................... 13
Figure 10 : solenoid speed test circuit ........................................................................... 15
Figure 11 : transmitter & receiver ................................................................................. 16
Figure 12 : working principle at special cases ................................................................. 17
Figure 13 : speed detector camera................................................................................ 18
Figure 14 : motivation signs ......................................................................................... 18
Figure 15 : hump performance with several vehicles....................................................... 19
Figure 16 : real dimensions .......................................................................................... 20
Figure 17 : Arduino UNO R3 ......................................................................................... 21
Figure 18 : 12VDC regulator ......................................................................................... 22
Figure 19 : hump dimensions ....................................................................................... 25
Figure 20 : motion converter........................................................................................ 30
This report was written by student(s) at the ( Electrical&Telecom )
Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, An-Najah National
University. It has not been altered or corrected, other than editorial
corrections, as a result of assessment and it may contain language as
well as content errors. The views expressed in it together with any
outcomes and recommendations are solely those of the student(s). AnNajah National University accepts no responsibility or liability for the
consequences of this report being used for a purpose other than the
purpose for which it was commissioned
Humps are established to force drivers to drive at low speed in certain
places to reduce accidents, however, they cause serious damage to
vehicles, affect patients and pregnant and make an obstacle for
emergency conditions. Not forgetting to mention that they increase the
fuel consumption of vehicles badly.
In this project we will design a smart hump in a way that guarantees:
human safety by reducing accidents, vehicle's stability for committed
drivers and providing better and safer means for emergency conditions
by hiding any obstacles those can face. This will be achieved using our
smart hump which senses the vehicle's speed, checks whether it exceeds
the limited speed and bumps the vehicle if so. This bump also will sense
emergency cases approaching it and maintains a straight way for them.
In this report, inclusive analysis and study about every single aspect
related to the project is written in details to provide the reader and
those who the project concerns any information needed to make the
picture clear and help understanding the concept behind the project.
Speed humps are rounded structure in roads that are mainly installed to
force drivers to drive at a low speed in order to guarantee safety by
reducing accidents due to speeding.
Statistics show that more than 1.3 million people die in road crashes
each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day.[1]
According to that, speed humps largely played a role in controlling
vehicles speeds especially in residential areas.
However, they have lots of disadvantages and side effects on special
cases and committed drivers that were inspected and can be dangerous
in some cases and need to be avoided.
Main drawbacks observed are:
- They form an obstacle to emergency cases such as ambulance,
police cars, firefighters and other special urgent cases that really
need to travel fast and therefore they would lead to bad
consequences on community and environment.
Recent studies in Illinois state showed that in order to experience
the minimum impact on patients in an ambulance car, driver has
to travel at a speed of 5 MPH (8 Km/H) and which causes a high
delay in arrival and thus risking patient's life.[2]
- It has been observed that speed humps increase the fuel
consumption because they force vehicles to reduce their speeds
extremely and raise it again.
- Continuous vibration caused by speed humps affects vehicles
badly by shortening its life and also increasing maintenance costs.
- Negative effects on passengers who suffer from osteopathy and
joints diseases.
The aim of this project is to eliminate the drawbacks of speed humps
while maintaining the main reason they were implemented to function.
This is to be done by implementing a smart hump that doesn't affect
committed drivers and emergency cases and at the same time limits the
vehicles speed and consequently reducing accidents.
2.Constraints and standards:
The lack of equipment, resources, financial support and non
existing previous studies and measurements on the project since it
is a new idea; all have constrained the development and progress
of this project. So, several models were considered and studied
intensively by our team to come out with the most efficient design
using available resources and equipment.
Since it is a traffic-matter project, it must guarantee safety as a
premium concern and it must follow strict standards in order to
be accepted by municipalities. Regarding that, safety aspect was
taken into consideration aside with many other pre-defined
standards and measurements, these aspects have required all
formulas and dimensions to be calculated precisely.
A lot of standards have been used as the dimensions of the hump,
colors, safety rules, warning signs, standard vehicles weight and
sizes of wheels.[3][4]
The basic idea of the project is to sense the speed of the vehicle
travelling in a certain place, determine wither it is fast or slow
according to a speed limit defined by the municipality or the
authority responsible of that region, if it is slower than this limit
the hump will move flexibly with vehicles wheels following
straight road structure so that driver will not feel it. However, if it
is travelling faster than the limit the hump will be maintained as
any fixed hump installed in road forming an obstacle to these
speedy drivers.
Figure 1 : humpperformance
Moreover, for special cases such as ambulance, the hump system
has a sensitive receiver that detects a signal coming from a special
transmitter attached to those particular vehicles and
consequently the hump will facilitate their movement by allowing
them to pass without forming any obstacle even if they were
travelling faster than the speed limit, and that does achieve one of
the most important reasons the smart hump was implemented
Figure 2 : performance in special cases
The hump's structure consists of two solid plates connected
together in a pyramidal shape with the standard dimensions of
any common speed hump, with a width of 30.5cm and height of
6.5cm and standard colors to be obvious to drivers.[3][4]
Figure 3 : real dimensions
When a "slow" vehicle steps on the smart hump the weight of this
vehicle will stress the solid plates down compressing springs and
expanding the hump with the road level and thus the driver will
not experience any obstacle, and after the wheels cross the plates
springs will be released forcing the plates back to their position.
Figure 4 : performance with slow vehicle
On the other hand, when a "fast" vehicle approaching the smart
hump, sensors will detect it notifying the microcontroller which
will transmit a high pulse to a push solenoid attached to a strong
rod locking the movement of the plates and therefore the hump
will stay high acting as any common speed hump.
Figure 5 : performance with fast vehicle
| P a g e 10
Speed detectors (sensors)
The system senses the vehicles speed using two proximity sensors
planted under the road with a certain distance between them so
that when the vehicle wheel passes through the first one, a timer
is started by the microcontroller and when it passes through the
second, the microcontroller stops counting and calculates the
speed of the vehicle by dividing the fixed distance between the
two sensors over time taken.
Figure 6 : distance between sensors
Instead of using push buttons to sense the speed as was proposed
previously, we used capacitive proximity sensors.
These sensors have many advantages over push buttons; the main
one is that they can be installed under the ground layer of the
hump because their sensitivity ranges from 1-10 mm.
Furthermore, these types of sensors have the ability to be
detectable for only a certain type of objects or materials.
Capacitive proximity sensors generate an electrostatic field and
reacts to changes in capacitance caused when a target enters the
electrostatic field. When the target is outside the electrostatic
field, the oscillator is inactive. As the target approaches, a
capacitive coupling develops between the target and the
capacitive probe. When the capacitance reaches a specified
threshold, the oscillator is activated, triggering the output circuit
to switch states between ON and OFF.
Following this principle the change of capacitance caused by a
standard car wheel when it approaches the sensor can be
calculated and set as the sensitivity of the sensor. This allows the
speed detectors to only sense and work on vehicles wheels and
thus reducing errors or misdetection.
| P a g e 11
Figure 7 : Capacitive proximity sensors
Another device that we have designed in our project is the
solenoid. It is maybe considered as the most important and
sensitive part in our project, since it is the responsible for the
transformation of the electrical control pulses coming from the
arduino to a mechanical motion in order to control the movement
of the hump automatically when pre sensing high speed
A solenoid is an electromagnetic device that contains a hollow
helical inductor and a ferromagnetic material that forms the lock
which moves out or in depending on the pulse received, i.e. high
or low pulse. The principle this solenoid works with is simple, the
end of the Ferromagnetic material is attached to a rigid strong
Diamagnetic material and when current flows inside the inductor
an electric field is induced and generated inside the turns of the
inductor which produces a magnetic force causes the
Ferromagnetic material to move to the center of the solenoid and
| P a g e 12
which pushes the attached Diamagnetic material to move outside
the solenoid forming the lock which prevents the hump's
movement and flexibility causing it to stay high regardless any
stress exhibited on it. Meanwhile, the Diamagnetic material and
due to the pushing force applied on it causes an elastic spring to
stress down. This elastic spring is responsible for pushing back the
two attached materials to their original position when the current
stops flowing. This is illustrated is the following figure:
Figure 8 : solenoid components
We see how the design of the solenoid should be strongly
dependant on the properties of the spring. The spring should be
strong enough to be able to push back the Ferromagnetic and the
lock pressing it to their respective positions whenever the current
stops flowing. This implies that the magnetic force the
Ferromagnetic material experiences must be larger than the
spring's force in order to be able to press it fully storing the
needed energy to push it back taking into account the weight and
other properties of this object.
Assuming the ferromagnetic material weight isFm = 0.2 Newton.
Thus, the spring should store enough energy to be able to push
back that material; this implies that we should choose a spring to
exhibit larger force than that due to electromagnetic field
produced by the coil and the weight of the ferromagnetic material
together. According to Hooke's law for the spring's force Fs = -k*x,
| P a g e 13
we need a pressing distance of at least x = 1cm in order to store
enough energy in the spring, knowing the force and distance
needed we could easily determine the factor K or the elasticity of
the spring and which leads us to the right decision choosing the
optimum spring for that purpose:
K = Fs/x = 0.2/1cm = 2 N/m
We mentioned that the applied magnetic force Fg produced by
the solenoid on the moving material should be larger than Fs, this
states that Fg should be at least = 0.2 Newton for equilibrium,
taking Fg = 0.4 Newton which is double Fs would be more than
enough to stress the spring.
So, according to the next equation:[5][6]
Fg = (N*I)2 µOA/(2 g2)
*µO = 4π*10-7
*F is the force in Newton
*N is the number of turns
*I is the current in Amps
*A is the area in m2
*g is the length of the gap between the solenoid and the piece of
I and N are the variables to control in order to produce a force
Fg>Fs+Fm, if I = 1 Amperes and N = 200 Turns knowing that the
applied voltage was 12 volts, the resulting energy will be 12
Again, concerning the reliability of our project, the lock should be
fast enough such that the hump could make its decision -based on
the speed detection- easily and flexibly before a vehicle arrives at
its edge regardless its speed. So, calculating the lock speed was
extremely sensitive and essential, this was done using the circuit
in the figure below.
| P a g e 14
Figure 9 : solenoid speed test circuit
When a High pulse is transmitted to the solenoid the
microcontroller initiates a timer, once the lock passes through the
laser beam it cuts the line of sight of the laser with the receiver
and the latter signals the microcontroller to stop the timer, this is
the time needed for the lock's operation and which was 10ms.
It is extremely essential to state here that accurate solenoids with
specifications that conform to our calculations are nearly
impossible to design by hand and need to be manufactured
according to specifications based on the calculations we have
made because solenoid is a critical and important component in
our project and must have high quality and meet our proposed
The lack of such components and their manufacturers in our
country was a major constraint to us. So, to demonstrate the idea
of the hump’s lock particularly and the prototype in general an
alternative should take place.
To fairly and effectively simulate the lock’s idea, the choice fell
upon the Servo motor! There are strong types of servos and these
types of motors are relatively small, cheap and can be acquired
easily. Besides, their speed and angle can be controlled easily
from by the microcontroller.
| P a g e 15
Transmitter & Receiver:
In this section we will come to describe the procedure of detecting
urgent cases and in which the hump will be attained low and
straight forward regardless of the speed of these special cases
vehicles letting them pass smoothly without any obstacles.
Up to now, the detection of vehicles approaching the hump -in the
perspective of the microcontroller- was based on their speed only,
however, it defers somehow with the urgent cases since these
vehicles speed no more concerns us because they do really need
to travel fast most of the time without getting to reduce their
This implies that another detection method for these vehicles is
needed. Wireless transmitter/receiver could be thought of as one
of the cheapest, simplest and most convenient methods to be
implied for this task. Using a 1 channel wireless remote control
can do the job; it is a simple normal car remote control as can be
seen in the picture.
Figure 10 : transmitter & receiver
The transmitter will be attached to an ambulance car for example
and the receiver will be modified to be connected to the
microcontroller input pins, programming it to interrupt its
operation and attain the hump low and in straight forward state
whenever the receiver detects signals coming from the
| P a g e 16
Figure 11 : working principle at special cases
The range of detection for most of these modules varies from 50100 meters. They commonly use Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)
modulation technique and the receivers dissipate power of
maximum 22.5 mW.
Violation detector (Radar system):
Radar system was emulated and implemented using a cheap
sensor which is the Ultrasonic sensor.
Ultrasonic sensors work on determining the time interval between
sending a sound signal and receiving its echo whenever this signal
is reflected from an object. Knowing the time interval and the
speed of sound in air which is 343.2 meters/second helps us
calculating the distance an object is away from the sensor.
Installing the sensor on the sideway and using the above principle,
a vehicle’s speed can be calculated by subtracting two different
distances over their respective time intervals.
When a vehicle is travelling with a speed greater than the allowed
speed, a camera mounted somewhere on the street facilities will
take a snapshot to that vehicle and the system will send a
violation to its address automatically.
| P a g e 17
Figure 12 : speed detector camera
Motivation signs and speed indicators:
These are simple, cheap and impressive features that express to
drivers their driving state i.e. fast or slow (committed) in a sweet
display.For example, if a driver is driving fast the display show an
angry face and the hump is lighted with red otherwise, a smiley
face is displayed and the hump is lighted with green.
Leds get signals from microcontroller to light either green or red
after checking the speed of the vehicle by the radar system which
was explained in the previous section.
Figure 13 : motivation signs
| P a g e 18
Physical structure:
As was detailed previously, the smart hump will detect the speed
of a vehicle using two proximity sensors and signals the solenoid
to lock the hump if the vehicle's speed was above the allowed
limit. But what if there was two vehicles travelling next to each
other one with high speed and the other with low speed?
To solve this problem, the smart hump was designed as separated
fragments, each fragment corresponds to its own sensors such
that if a speed y vehicle travels on part of the road only the
fragment corresponding to that part and which the vehicle's
wheels step on will be maintained high while other fragments will
work separately sensing other vehicles travelling on their
corresponding lanes.
This is illustrated in the figure below:
Figure 14 : hump performance with several vehicles
| P a g e 19
Each fragment is made up of a plate with width > width of wheels
and which is estimated to be 50cm. Additionally, each fragment of
the smart hump is programmed to sense push buttons from
neighbouring fragments in order to detect the speed of a vehicle
travelling non-straight.
Distance between the first and the second sensor was assigned
after measuring the least distance that can separate two axes
corresponding to a certain vehicle's wheels such that these type of
vehicles will not pass through the two sensors at the same time
falsifying the microcontroller and thus affecting the operation of
the hump.
The least mentioned distance was found to be 100cm[8], so the
distance between the two sensors should be less than 100cm but
at the same time it shouldn't be so small allowing one single
wheel to pass through the two sensor together. Moreover, after
calculating the speed of the solenoid operation which was 10ms,
assuming a vehicle is travelling at a speed of 140KmpH it would
run a distance of 38cm in 10ms, meaning that distance should be
larger than 38cm so that the solenoid will take enough time for
proper operation. This adds another constraint to the distance,
therefore, reasonable value for this distance is estimated to be
50cm demonstrated in the following figure:
Figure 15 : real dimensions
| P a g e 20
Finally, it must be taken into account that the hump has to
tolerate heavy weighted vehicles.
According to international standards the maximum weight a
vehicle's wheel can exhibit on road structure is
3265Kg.[9][10]Thus, the hump's structure and the solenoid lock
should be designed such that they can put off such heavy weights.
The microcontroller acts as the brain of our system, it outputs set
of instructions to other components whenever it receives a signal
from its inputs.
Microcontroller’s family contains a wide range of devices; each
has its own properties and characteristics. This provides a wide
selection of microcontrollers to use in our project. However, we
are not concerned with sophisticated microcontrollers since the
functions needed to be performed by the microcontroller are
basic logical functions and this enables us to choose a cheap,
available and tiny device.
In building the model of the project, we made use of the arduino
Uno R3 board as the microcontroller for experimental tests since
it was available and easy to handle.
Figure 16 : Arduino UNO R3
| P a g e 21
Power consumption:
As a matter of economicalfeasibility, power consumption of the
whole system should be studied intensively especially that it is not
an on-demand operating project but a permanent-operating
project so it has to be fed with power supply peripherally as long
as it is installed to remain standby anytime. This fact may draw
attention of decision makers and people interested in applying the
project about the question: Will the project be feasible in terms of
power consumption? To provide an answer to this question, the
power plan and consumption are covered entirely in this section.
Power source:
The analysis in the above sections showed the calculation of how
much each component in the project dissipatespower, they can be
summarized as follows:
* Solenoiddissipates 12 W when operating.
* The microcontroller (arduinoUno R3), dissipates 250 mW.
* Wireless receiver module, dissipates 20-25 mW.
The system is fed mainly from the electrical power lines of local
distributers. In this case, only a step down transformer and
regulator (220V AC-12V DC) circuit is needed for operation, the
circuit is illustrated in the figure below:
Figure 17 : 12VDC regulator
| P a g e 22
However, humps could exist sometimes in areas far apart from
power sources and it would be inconvenient to feed them from
power lines, in such cases, it is required to use alternative power
sources to feed the system, one proposed solution is renewable
sun energy using the solar cells.
The solar system mainly consists of cells and batteries. The
decision of the cells shape and size depends on the power needed
to feed the project and the area intended to be installed in since
the sun energy varies from one geographical area to another.
Based on these facts, our decision of choosing the suitable size of
the solar cells will be dependent on the amount of the preestimated power needed to be fed to our project's components
for optimum operation and the area to be installed in.
The components of our system can be classified as either eventoperating or permanent operating components. Event-operating
components -like the solenoid- are parts of the project which only
work and dissipate power if and only if high speed was detected
i.e. solenoid. Permanent-operating components are the ones that
dissipate power as long as they are turned on, i.e.Arduino and
receiver module. This means that the average‫ ك‬operating time per
day of the solenoid should be estimated, for instance, a statistics
shows that about 1050 vehicles pass the road of AnNajahUniversity daily within 7:00-8:00 in the morning time (peak
Referring to that statistic, the average number of vehicles passing
that road per day is estimated to be 13000 vehicles/day. Assuming
20% of these vehicles perform speed violations; this makes a
number of 2600 vehicle/day. (Please note that these estimations
could be determined more precisely with the aid of transportation
Every high speed vehicle operates 2 solenoids when detected each
for time of 1 second. Thus, the energy dissipated daily by the
components can be calculated using the equation below:
| P a g e 23
*Energy dissipated by the solenoid = 12W*2*2600*1s/3600 =
17.33 Wh.
*Energy dissipated by the microcontroller = 24h*0.25W = 6Wh.
*Energy dissipated by the receiver = 24h*22.5mW = 0.54Wh.
This makes a total dissipated energy per day of 17.33+6+0.54 =
So, utilizing the above information, the solar cells size should be
15 swp and the battery capacity to last for three days should be
| P a g e 24
4.Project's Safety:
One of the most features that make any project applicable is
safety, especially when it is related to traffic and transportation. A
standard speed hump is installed to force drivers lowering their
speed to a certain limit in certain areas in order to reduce
accidents due to high speeds. However, they are built and
implemented accurately and have standard dimensions and
shapes so that they won't affect a speedy driver badly or maybe
risking his life.
It is worth to mention that our project's model has been changed
several times to satisfy safety conditions; earlier models were
criticized and disapproved for their lack of safety guarantees.
Eventually, a final model was implemented with features that
combine safety guarantees and flexible functionality, safety
features and model's prototype will be fairly demonstrated in this
Shape of the smart hump:
To ensure better understanding of the idea of safety of the smart
hump, the figure below shows the shape the smart hump will
Figure 18 : hump dimensions
It is most likely a normal speed hump with dimensions of 30.5
width and 6.5cm height[3][4], these are the standard dimensions
| P a g e 25
of any approved and existing speed hump and which will be the
default state of the hump (maintained high).
Warning signs are included in safety features. They will be set a
certain distance before the smart hump to pay driver's attention
for the existence of the hump and the speed limit to be
committed to.
As shown in the previous figure, the smart hump is colored with
standard black and yellow which are easily observed at day or
This part differs from normal speed humps and since the smart
hump will not be fixed and will keep expanding and compressing
according to the detected speed for the main purpose it was
designed for. Main drawbacks and criticisms on the project's
safety were the effect of sudden and surprising humping. Passing
through to the solenoid section, it can be noticed that with the
high speed of the microcontroller, the solenoid works
instantaneously with time delay non perceivable and so does the
spring responsible for returning the hump to its original state.
Conversely, the delay between two consecutive cars is so large
compared to the delay of the solenoid and spring operation
together, this will enable the hump to go back to its original state
and remain on standby before the second car steps on it.
| P a g e 26
5.Flow charts:
Ultrasonic radar system:
Initiate Timer T
Passime = Time T – x
Carspeed = (distance1distance2)/passtime
distance =
distance =
Distance1 ?
If Yes
Turn on green Led
Turn on smiley face
If Yes
Turn on red Led
Timer T = x
Turn on sad face
Trigger camera
distance =
Distance2 ?
| P a g e 27
Capacitive proximity speed detection system:
Receiver on?
(Emergency case)
If Yes
If No
Initiate Timer T
Distance = 50cm
Passime = Time T – x
Carspeed =
Convert Carspeed to Km/H
Sensor1 is
on ?
Unlock the Hump’s
Timer T = x
Lock the Hump’s
Sensor 2 is
on ?
| P a g e 28
6.Future work:
Development of any project is absolutely an essential requirement
that should be taken into consideration, integrating the project to
have more features and perform more functionality.
Our project is considered to be expandable since many features
can be applied giving it an added value.
The future work that is intended to be applied to the project will
be discussed in this chapter.
Self power generation:
It was realized that the continuous motion of the hump's plates
can be utilized in power generation. This is to be done by
converting the resulting linear motion from the vehicles passing
over the hump's plates to rotational motion into a dc generator, in
which mechanical energy is transformed into electrical and could
be beneficial in many ways.
Average vehicles passing a certain road per day were estimated to
be 13000 vehicles (according to previous shown statistics).
Even though, exact calculations for the power generated is a little
bit complicated and depends upon many variables, however, the
smart hump is expected to generate power more than that
needed for its operation.
| P a g e 29
Figure 19 : motion converter
Removable hump
A model for the project is intended to be designed in a way that
the hump will be fixed in road with rubbery material such that
slow vehicles will not perceive it and it could be set off and moved
from one place to another if desired.
More sophisticated and accurate radar
Our radar system which was demonstrated previously was -even
though cheap- but not accurate enough for very high speed
detection. Thus, one of our future aims is to develop a more
accurate and sophisticated one.
Smart brake system
Speed is limited in some roads, but some people commit to that
speed and others do not and that was the reason why we thought
of the smart hump. But what if car speed can be controlled to stay
within the limit in those roads! This idea will be our future
solution to speed violations which promise of safer smoother,
more reliable and convenient way of limiting a vehicle’s speed.
And of course this will replace hums because they will not be
needed anymore.
| P a g e 30
Traffic control and accidents reduction is a global goal that every country
seeks to achieve. The smart hump was designed for many purposes; we
sought in our concept to hit several birds with one stone! Accidents
reduction by installing smart humps that detect speedy vehicles and
force them to decrease their speed after warning them, vehicles
protection and facilitating their way if they are driving within the limit,
clearing obstacles that can delay emergency cases from reaching their
destination on time and which if delayed will have many consequences
on individuals and community. All these are some of the purposes the
smart hump was designed to make.
| P a g e 31
8. References:
[1] on 13/2/2015
[2] on 13/2/2015
[3] on 13/2/2015
[4] on 13/2/2015
[5] William H. Hayt, JR., John A. Buck,EngineeringElectromagnetic,2011
[6] on 13/2/2015
[7] on
s/Weights_Dimensions_Leaflet.pdfaccessed on23/3/2015
[9] on23/3/2015
[11]Principle of Solar Energy,Goswami,Kreider , 2000
[12]BureschM ,Photovoltaic energy systems Design and Installation,New
York, McGraw-Hill Book Co,
hirdPlace7-9.pdfaccessed on 13/2/2015
Note: Most of the references are websites because of less of information
related to the project because it is a new idea.
| P a g e 32