Pass-band Data Transmission Dr. Teerasit Kasetkasem Block Diagram Functional model of pass-band data transmission system. Signaling Illustrative waveforms for the three basic forms of signaling binary information. (a) Amplitude-shift keying. (b) Phase-shift keying. (c) Frequency-shift keying with continuous phase. What do we want to study? We are going to study and compare different modulation techniques in terms of Probability of errors Power Spectrum Bandwidth efficiency Rb B Bits/s/Hz Coherent PSK Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) Consider the system with 2 basis functions and 2 1 t cos 2f c t Tb 2 2 t sin 2f c t Tb BPSK If we want to fix that for both symbols (0 and 1) the transmitted energies are equal, we have 2 s0 s1 1 s0 We place s0 to minimize probability of error BPSK We found that phase of s1 and s0 are 180 degree difference. We can rotate s1 and s0 2 s1 1 s0 Rotate BPSK 2 s0 s1 1 We observe that 2 has nothing to do with signals. Hence, only one basis function is sufficient to represent the signals BPSK Finally, we have s1 t Eb 1 (t ) 2 Eb cos 2f c t Tb 2 Eb s0 t Eb 1 (t ) cos 2f c t Tb BPSK Signal-space diagram for coherent binary PSK system. The waveforms depicting the transmitted signals s1(t) and s2(t), displayed in the inserts, assume nc 2. BPSK Probability of error calculation. In the case of equally likely (Pr(m0)=Pr(m1)), we have d ik 1 Pe erfc 2 N 2 0 Eb 1 erfc N 2 0 BPSK Block diagrams for (a) binary PSK transmitter and (b) coherent binary PSK receiver. Quadriphase-Shift Keying (QPSK) si t 2E cos 2f c t 2i 1 ; 0 t T T 4 T is symbol duration E is signal energy per symbol There are 4 symbols for i = 1, 2, 3, and 4 QPSK 2 2 si t E cos 2i 1 cos2f c t E sin 2i 1 sin 2f c t 4 T 4 T E cos 2i 1 1 t E sin 2i 1 2 t ; 0 t T 4 4 Which we can write in vector format as E cos 2 i 1 4 si E sin 2i 1 4 QPSK i Input Dibit Phase of QPSK signaling 1 10 /4 2 00 3 / 4 3 01 5 / 4 4 11 7 / 4 Coordinate of Message point si1 si2 E/2 E/2 E/2 E/2 E/2 E/2 E/2 E/2 QPSK 2 (01) s3 s2 (00) s4 (11) s1 (10) 1 QPSK signals QPSK Block diagrams of (a) QPSK transmitter and (b) coherent QPSK receiver. QPSK: Error Probability QPSK Consider signal constellation given in the figure 2 Z3 (10) s3 Z4 s4 (11) E/2 E/2 s2 Z2 (00) Z1 E/2 E/2 s1 (10) 1 QPSK We can treat QPSK as the combination of 2 independent BPSK over the interval T=2Tb since the first bit is transmitted by 1 and the second bit is transmitted by 2. Probability of error for each channel is given by P E d 1 1 erfc 12 erfc 2 N 2 2 0 2N0 QPSK If symbol is to be received correctly both bits must be received correctly. Hence, the average probability of correct decision is given by Pc 1 P 2 Which gives the probability of errors equal to E 1 E 2 erfc Pe 1 PC erfc 2 N 4 2 N 0 0 E erfc 2N0 QPSK Since one symbol of QPSK consists of two bits, we have E = 2Eb. Eb Peper symbol erfc N 0 The above probability is the error probability per symbol. The avg. probability of error per bit Eb 1 1 Peper bit Peper symbol erfc N 2 2 0 Which is exactly the same as BPSK . BPSK vs QPSK Power spectrum density of BPSK vs. QPSK 2 BPSK QPSK 1.8 1.6 Normalized PSD, Sf/2E b 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 Normalized frequency,fTb 1.6 1.8 2 QPSK Conclusion QPSK is capable of transmitting data twice as faster as BPSK with the same energy per bit. We will also learn in the future that QPSK has half of the bandwidth of BPSK. OFFSET QPSK 90 degree shift in phase 2 (01) s3 s2 (00) s4 (11) s1 (10) 180 degree shift in phase 1 OFFSET QPSK OFFSET QPSK Whenever both bits are changed simultaneously, 180 degree phase-shift occurs. At 180 phase-shift, the amplitude of the transmitted signal changes very rapidly costing amplitude fluctuation. This signal may be distorted when is passed through the filter or nonlinear amplifier. OFFSET QPSK 2 1 0 -1 -2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Original Signal 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 0 1 2 3 4 5 Filtered signal 6 7 8 OFFSET QPSK To solve the amplitude fluctuation problem, we propose the offset QPSK. Offset QPSK delay the data in quadrature component by T/2 seconds (half of symbol). Now, no way that both bits can change at the same time. OFFSET QPSK In the offset QPSK, the phase of the signal can change by 90 or 0 degree only while in the QPSK the phase of the signal can change by 180 90 or 0 degree. OFFSET QPSK Inphase QPSK 1 0.5 0 0 1 0 1 -0.5 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Q phase QPSK 0 0.5 0 -0.5 1 0 0 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 2 1 QPSK 10 0 -1 -2 0 01 1 2 3 10 00 6 7 8 1 Inphase Offset QPSK 0.5 0 0 1 0 1 -0.5 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 1 Q phase Offset QPSK 0.5 1 0 0 0 -0.5 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 1 Offset QPSK -1 10 10 01 0 00 -2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Offset QPSK Possible paths for switching between the message points in (a) QPSK and (b) offset QPSK. OFFSET QPSK Bandwidths of the offset QPSK and the regular QPSK is the same. From signal constellation we have that E Pe erfc 2 N 0 Which is exactly the same as the regular QPSK. /4-shifted QPSK Try to reduce amplitude fluctuation by switching between 2 signal constellation /4-shifted QPSK As the result, the phase of the signal can be changed in order of /4 or 3/4 /4-shifted QPSK Since the phase of the next will be varied in order of /4 and 3/4, we can designed the differential /4-shifted QPSK as given below Gray-Encoded Input Data Phase Change in radians 00 +/4 +3/4 -3/4 -/4 01 11 10 /4-shifted QPSK:00101001 Step 1 Initial Input Dibit Phase Transmitted phase change phase /4 00 /4 /2 2 /2 10 -/4 /4 3 /4 10 -/4 0 4 0 01 3/4 3/4 /4-shifted QPSK 01 10 QPSK 01 10 2 0 -2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 OFFSET QPSK 3 3.5 4 4.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 D OFFSET QPSK 3 3.5 4 4.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 2 0 -2 1 0 -1 2 2.5 /4-shifted QPSK Since we only measure the phase different between adjacent symbols, no phase information is necessary. Hence, non-coherent receiver can be used. Block diagram of the /4-shifted DQPSK detector. /4-shifted QPSK Illustrating the possibility of phase angles wrapping around the positive real axis. M-array PSK At a moment, there are M possible symbol values being sent for M different phase values, i 2i 1 / M si t 2E 2 i 1, cos 2f c t T M i 1,2,, M M-array PSK Signal-space diagram for octaphase-shift keying (i.e., M 8). The decision boundaries are shown as dashed lines. Signal-space diagram illustrating the application of the union bound for octaphaseshift keying. M-array PSK Probability of errors d12 d18 2 E sin / M E Pe erfc sin / M ; N0 M 4 M-ary PSK 0 10 -10 Probability of Symbol errors 10 -20 10 -30 10 -40 10 QPSK 8-ary PSK 16-ary PSK -50 10 0 5 10 15 Eb/N0 dB 20 25 30 M-array PSK Power Spectra (M-array) S PSK ( f ) 2 E sinc 2 Tf 2 Eb log 2 M sinc 2 Tb f log 2 M M=2, we have S BPSK ( f ) 2 Eb sinc 2 Tb f M-array PSK Power spectra of M-ary PSK signals for M 2, 4, 8. Tbf M-array PSK Bandwidth efficiency: We only consider the bandwidth of the main lobe (or null-to-null bandwidth) 2 Rb 2 2 B T Tb log 2 M log 2 M Bandwidth efficiency of M-ary PSK is given by Rb Rb log 2 M 0.5 log 2 M B 2Rb M-ary QAM QAM = Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Both Amplitude and phase of carrier change according to the transmitted symbol, mi. 2 E0 2 E0 si t ai cos2f c t bi sin 2f c t ; 0 t T T T where ai and bi are integers. M-ary QAM Again, we have 2 1 t cos 2f c t ;0 t T T 2 2 t sin 2f c t 0 t T Tb as the basis functions M-ary QAM QAM square Constellation Having even number of bits per symbol, denoted by 2n. M=L x L possible values Denoting L M 16-QAM (1,3) (1,3) (3,3) (3,3) (3,1) ( 1 , 1 ) ( 1 , 1 ) ( 3 , 1 ) ai , bi (3,1) (1,1) (1,1) (3,1) (3,3) (1,3) (1,3) (3,3) L-ary, 4-PAM 16-QAM 16-QAM Calculation of Probability of errors Since both basis functions are orthogonal, we can treat the 16-QAM as combination of two 4-ary PAM systems. For each system, the probability of error is given by d 1 Pe 1 erfc 2 N L 0 1 1 erfc E0 N M 0 16-QAM A symbol will be received correctly if data transmitted on both 4-ary PAM systems are received correctly. Hence, we have Pc symbol 1 Pe 2 Probability of symbol error is given by Pe symbol 1 Pc symbol 1 1 Pe 2 1 1 2 Pe Pe 2 2 Pe 16-QAM Hence, we have E0 1 Pe symbol 21 erfc N M 0 But because average energy is given by 2 E0 L / 2 2 2M 1E0 Eav 2 2i 1 3 L i 1 We have 3E av 1 Pe symbol 21 erfc M 2M 1N 0 Coherent FSK FSK = frequency shift keying Coherent = receiver have information on where the zero phase of carrier. We can treat it as non-linear modulation since information is put into the frequency. Binary FSK Transmitted signals are 2 Eb cos2f i t , 0 t Tb si t Tb elsewhere 0, where nc i fi ; i 1,2 Tb Binary FSK S1(t) represented symbol “1”. S2(t) represented symbol “0”. This FSK is also known as Sunde’s FSK. It is continuous phase frequency-shift keying (CPFSK). Binary FSK There are two basis functions written as 2 cos2f i t , 0 t Tb i t Tb elsewhere 0, As a result, the signal vectors are Eb 0 s1 and s 2 E 0 b BFSK From the figure, we have d12 2Eb In case of Pr(0)=Pr(1), the probability of error is given by Eb 1 Pe erfc 2N 2 0 We observe that at a given value of Pe, the BFSK system requires twice as much power as the BPSK system. TRANSMITTER RECEIVER Power Spectral density of BFSK Consider the Sunde’s FSK where f1 and f2 are different by 1/Tb. We can write si t 2 Eb t cos 2f c t Tb Tb t 2 Eb cos Tb Tb t 2 Eb cos2f c t sin sin 2f c t Tb Tb We observe that in-phase component does not depend on mi since t t 2 Eb 2 Eb cos cos Tb Tb Tb Tb Power Spectral density of BFSK We have t 2 Eb S BI f F cos Tb Tb Half of the symbol power 2 Eb 2Tb 1 f 2Tb 1 f 2Tb For the quadrature component t 2 Eb g t sin Tb Tb S BQ 8EbTb cos 2 Tb f 2 4Tb2 f 2 12 Power Spectral density of BFSK Finally, we obtain S B ( f ) S BI ( f ) S BQ ( f ) Phase Tree of BFSK FSK signal is given by st At t = 0, we have s0 2 Eb t cos 2f c t Tb Tb 2Eb 2 Eb 0 cos 2f c 0 cos0 Tb T T b b The phase of Signal is zero. Phase Tree of BFSK At t = Tb, we have 2 Eb Tb 2 Eb sTb cos 2f cTb cos Tb T T b b We observe that phase changes by after one symbol (Tb seconds). - for symbol “1” and + for symbol “0” We can draw the phase trellis as Minimum-Shift keying (MSK) MSK tries to shift the phase after one symbol to just half of Sunde’s FSK system. The transmitted signal is given by st 2 Eb cos2f1t 0 for "1" 2 Eb Tb cos2f c t t Tb 2 Eb T cos2f 2 t 0 for "0" b MSK Where t 0 h Tb t Observe that f1 f c h 2Tb and f2 fc 1 f c f1 f 2 2 h 2Tb MSK h = Tb(f1-f2) is called “deviation ratio.” For Sunde’s FSK, h = 1. For MSK, h = 0.5. h cannot be any smaller because the orthogonality between cos(2f1t) and cos(2f2t) is still held for h < 0.5. Orthogonality guarantees that both signal will not interfere each other in detection process. MSK Phase trellis diagram for MSK signal 1101000 MSK Signal s(t) of MSK can be decomposed into st 2 Eb cos2f c t t Tb 2 Eb 2 Eb cos t cos2f c t sin t sin 2f c t Tb Tb s I t cos2f c t sQ t sin 2f c t where t 0 2Tb t ;0 t Tb MSK Symbol (0) (Tb) 0 /2 -/2 0 -/2 1 0 /2 MSK For the interval –Tb < t 0, we have t 0 2Tb t ;Tb t 0 Let’s note here that the for the interval -Tb<t 0 and 0< tTb may not be the same. We know that t t t sin 0sin cos 0 cos 0cos 2Tb 2Tb 2Tb MSK Since (0) can be either 0 or depending on the past history. We have t t t cos cos 0 cos 0cos 2Tb 2Tb 2Tb “+” for (0) = 0 and “-” for (0) = Hence, we have t 2 Eb ;Tb t Tb s I (t ) cos Tb 2Tb MSK Similarly we can write t Tb 2Tb t Tb for 0< tTb and Tb < t2Tb. Note the “+” and “-” may be different between these intervals. Furthermore, we have that (Tb) can be /2 depending on the past history. MSK Hence, we have t Tb t Tb t Tb sin Tb cos Tb sin sin Tb cos 2Tb 2Tb 2Tb t t sin Tb cos cos Tb sin 2Tb 2 2Tb 2 we have that (Tb) can be /2 depending on the past history. t t t Tb sin Tb cos sin 2Tb 2Tb 2 2Tb MSK Hence, we have t 2 Eb ;0 t 2Tb sQ (t ) sin Tb 2Tb “+” for (Tb) = +/2 and “-” for (Tb) = -/2 The basis functions change to t 2 cos2f c t ;0 t Tb 1 t cos Tb 2Tb 2 t t 2 sin 2f c t ;0 t Tb sin Tb 2Tb MSK We write MSK signal as st 2 Eb 2 Eb cos t cos2f c t sin t sin 2f c t Tb Tb 2t 2t 2 Eb 2 Eb cos2f c t sin 2f c t cos 0cos sin Tb sin Tb Tb Tb Tb E b cos 01 (t ) E b sin Tb 2 (t ) s11 (t ) s 2 2 (t ) Where s1 Eb cos 0 and s 2 Eb sin Tb MSK Symbol (0) s1 (Tb) 0 Eb /2 Eb Eb -/2 Eb 0 Eb -/2 Eb Eb /2 s2 1 0 Eb Eb 1 Pe erfc N 2 0 Phase: 0 /2 /2 /2 0 -/2 MSK We observe that MSK is in fact the t QPSK having cos the pulse shape 2Tb Block diagrams for transmitter and receiver are given in the next two slides. Tb x1 x(t )1 (t )dt Tb 2Tb x2 x(t ) 2 (t )dt 0 4 MSK BPSK QPSK 3.5 Normalized PSD, S(f)/E b 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 Normalized Frequency, fTb 1.6 1.8 2 MSK Probability of error of MSK system is equal to BPSK and QPSK This due to the fact that MSK observes the signal for two symbol intervals whereas FSK only observes for single signal interval. Bandwidth of MSK system is 50% larger than QPSK. 2 32 E b cos2Tb f S MSK ( f ) 2 16Tb2 f 2 1 Noncoherent Orthogonal Modulation Noncoherent implies that phase information is not available to the receiver. As a result, zero phase of the receiver can mean any phase of the transmitter. Any modulation techniques that transmits information through the phase cannot be used in noncoherent receivers. Noncoherent Orthogonal Modulation sin(2ft) sin(2ft) cos(2ft) cos(2ft) Receiver Transmitter Noncoherent Orthogonal Modulation It is impossible to draw the signal constellation since we do not know where the axes are. However, we can still determine the distance of the each signal constellation from the origin. As a result, the modulation techniques that put information in the amplitude can be detected. FSK uses the amplitude of signals in two different frequencies. Hence non-coherent receivers can be employed. Noncoherent Orthogonal Modulation Consider the BFSK system where two frequencies f1 and f2 are used to represented two “1” and “0”. The transmitted signal is given by 2E s(t ) cos2f i t ; i 1,2,0 t Tb T Problem is that is unknown to the receiver. For the coherent receiver, is precisely known by receiver. Noncoherent Orthogonal Modulation Furthermore, we have s (t ) 2E cos2f i t T 2E 2E cos cos2f i t sin sin 2f i t T T si11 (t ) si 2 2 (t ) To get rid of the phase information (), we use the amplitude st si21 si22 E cos 2 E sin 2 E Noncoherent Orthogonal Modulation Where T T 0 T 0 T 0 0 si1 s (t )1 (t )dt x1 x(t )1 (t )dt si 2 s (t ) 2 (t )dt x 2 x(t ) 2 (t )dt The amplitude of the received signal 2 2 T T li x(t ) cos2f i t dt x(t ) sin 2f i t dt 0 0 1/ 2 Quadrature Receiver using correlators Quadrature Receiver using Matched Filter Noncoherent Orthogonal Modulation Decision rule: Let mˆ mi if li > lk for all k. For examples, decide mˆ m1 if l1 > l2 This decision rule suggests that if the envelop (amplitude) of the received signal described in term of cos(2f1t) is greater than the envelop of the received signal described in term of cos(2f2t), we say s1(t) was sent. Noncoherent Matched Filter Noncoherent Orthogonal Modulation Consider the output of matched filter of cos(2fit). T y (t ) xt cos2f i T t x( ) cos2f i T t d 0 T y (t ) cos2f i (T t ) x( ) cos2f i d 0 T - sin 2f i (T t ) x( ) sin 2f i d 0 Noncoherent Orthogonal Modulation Envelope at t=T is 2 1 / 2 T T li x( ) cos2f i d x( ) cos2f i d 0 0 2 Which is exactly the same as in correlator receiver Generalized binary receiver for noncoherent orthogonal modulation. Quadrature receiver equivalent to either one of the two matched filters in part Noncoherent Orthogonal Modulation Probability of Errors 1 E Pe exp 2 2N0 Noncoherent: BFSK For BFSK, we have 2 Eb cos2f i t ; 0 t Tb si t Tb ; elsewhere 0 Noncoherent: BFSK Noncoherent: BFSK Probability of Errors Eb 1 Pe exp 2 2N0 DPSK Differential PSK Instead of finding the phase of the signal on the interval 0<tTb. This receiver determines the phase difference between adjacent time intervals. If “1” is sent, the phase will remain the same If “0” is sent, the phase will change 180 degree. DPSK Or we have and s1 (t ) Eb cos2f c t ; 2Tb 0 t 2Tb Eb cos2f c t ; 2Tb Tb t 2Tb s 2 (t ) Eb cos2f c t ; 2Tb 0 t 2Tb Eb cos2f c t ; 2Tb Tb t 2Tb DPSK In this case, we have T=2Tb and E=2Eb Hence, the probability of error is given by Eb 1 Pe exp 2 N0 DPSK: Transmitter d k bk d k 1 bk d k 1 DPSK {bk} 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 {dk-1} 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 Differential encoded {dk} 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 Transmitted Phase 0 0 0 0 0 DPSK: Receiver DPSK: Receiver From the block diagram, we have that the decision rule as say1 l x x I 0 x I 1 xQ0 xQ1 0 say 0 If the phase of signal is unchanged (send “1”) the sign (“+” or “-”) of both xi and xQ should not change. Hence, the l(x) should be positive. If the phase of signal is unchanged (send “0”) the sign (“+” or “-1”) of both xi and xQ should change. Hence, the l(x) should be negative. Signal-space diagram of received DPSK signal.