
Food Around the World
By Sarah McKay
Geography of Germany
• Germany is located in Central Europe and is stretched along
the Alps across the European Plain to the North sea to the
Baltic Sea.
• Germany has the 2nd largest population in Europe
• The Elevation varies greatly in Germany, the Alps provide high
elevation while the low-lying lands
• The climate of Germany s temperate with cold, cloudy, wet
winters and moderately warm summers.
Germany Facts
• Capital: Berlin
• Population: 80.62 million people
• Square footage: 135,239
German Spaetzle Dumplings
• Ingredients
1 cup all-purpose flour
Market Pantry All-Purpose Flour
1/4 cup milk
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 pinch freshly ground white pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 gallon hot water
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
• Directions
Mix together flour, salt, white pepper, and nutmeg. Beat eggs well, and add
alternately with the milk to the dry ingredients. Mix until smooth.
Press dough through spaetzle maker, or a large holed sieve or metal grater.
Drop a few at a time into simmering liquid. Cook 5 to 8 minutes. Drain well.
Saute cooked spaetzle in butter or margarine. Sprinkle chopped fresh parsley on top,
and serve.
1 cup bread crumbs
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
Market Pantry All-Purpose Flour - 5 lbs
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
4 pork steaks or cutlets, pounded thin
1 egg, beaten
1 medium onion, diced
1 (8 ounce) can sliced mushrooms
1 1/2 cups water
1 cube beef bouillon
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/2 cup sour cream
Add all ingredients to list
• Prep: 15 m
• Cook: 25 m
In a shallow dish, mix together the bread crumbs and flour. Season with salt and pepper. Place
the egg in a separate dish. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Dip pork steaks in
egg, then coat with the bread crumb mixture. Fry in the hot oil until browned on both sides
and cooked through, about 5 minutes per side.
Remove the pork to a platter and keep warm. Add onion and mushrooms to the skillet and
cook until lightly browned. Pour in water and dissolve the bouillon cube. Simmer for about 20
minutes. Stir together the cornstarch and sour cream; stir into the skillet. Cook over low heat
until thickened but do not boil. Spoon over the pork cutlets and serve immediately.
10 food terms unique to Germany
Drink: das Getrank
Tea: der Tee
Rare steak: das blutigen Steak
Chocolate: Schokoladen
Curry: der curry
Sugar: den zucker
Cheese: der kase
Juice: der shaft
Butter: die butter
Grape: die traube
Manners of the Region
• It is typical to shake hands with every individual in a group in
Germany. This shows respect for one another in their culture.
• When Germans get together it is typical for the, them kiss
one another on the cheek as a greeting
• Punctuality is very important in the German culture.
• Bringing flowers is a costom followed by many Germans when
they are visiting another person’s home
• They have many manners similar to the US
Quiz #1
1. In what continent is Germany located?
• Europe
Quiz #2
• What is the Capital of Germany?
• Berlin
Quiz #3
• Do Germans typically shake hands when
they greet eachother
• yes
Quiz #4
• German customs are similar to American
customs true or false?
• True
Quiz #5
• Germany’s population is what?
• it is roughly 80 million
Quiz #6
• Is German currency all the same color like
American currency?
• No, German currency is many different colors
Quiz #7
• German food is often poultry based?
• True, Germans like their meats
Quiz #8
• What is the most widely used language in
• German
Quiz #9
• What colors are the colors of the German flag?
• Black, yellow, and red
Quiz #9
• Is the square footage of Germany 135,239
square feet?
• Yes it is