(A) Class One

AP Language and Composition & Literature and Composition
Oct. 1-5
Mrs. Alexander
“Happy October!”
Monday Oct. 1 (G)
Class One: OBJ: Students will be introduced to the Rhetorical Triangle and participate in
exercises; they will write a letter to two different audiences Check Mode work & Collect
Description Mode Essay, Introduce Rhetorical Triangle and The Canons of Rhetoric and
discuss importance of speaker, subject and audience pp. 5-11, 14-15 Everyday Use text and
exercises; practice writing a letter to two different audiences HMWK: complete letter
Class Four: OBJ: Students will go over questions for Dead Man’s Pockets and discuss the main
character’s traits, important themes, the ironic ending and specific plot events Take Voc. 3 quiz!
Discuss Dead Man’s Pockets, and go over questions HMWK: Read Gift of Magi and pay attention to
style and humor (circle examples) Diary of Anne Frank study guide questions: due next Weds. Oct.
Tuesday Oct. 2 (H)
Class One: OBJ: students will continue their practice for the PSAT Hand out final list for PSAT
vocabulary, Go over PSAT practice worksheet; PSAT Practice worksheet in class HMWK: PSAT
practice section
Class Four: OBJ: Students will discuss the elements of style and humor in Gift of Magi, students
will also discuss the elements of irony in the story/Students will perform a staged reading of the
Monkey’s Paw and focus on plot, characterization and irony Voc. 1-3 CUM Review, Discuss Magi
and the rhetorical strategies of style and humor and the emotional appeal it has on the audience, go over
Magi questions ;Staged reading of the Monkey’s Paw HMWK: work on Diary of Anne Frank study guide
and Vocab 1-3 index cards due tomorrow!
Wednesday Oct. 3 (A)
Class One: Class does not meet!
Class Four: OBJ: The students will complete their staged reading performance of Monkey’s Paw
and discuss the ironic ending, students will then regroup and critique samples of good and poor 5
paragraph essay samples; students will discuss the 5 parts of the essay Voc. CUM Review 1-3 index
cards due! Go over Vocab CUM 1-3 Review, Complete staged reading of Monkey’s Paw, The 5
paragraph essay and samples HMWK: work on Diary of Anne Frank study guide! Take Vocab CUM 1-3
Test tomorrow!
Thursday Oct. 4 (B)
Class One: OBJ: students discuss the three appeals in more detail and discuss persuasive writing;
students will refer to persuasive writing chart; PSAT quiz #6, Go over Vocab CUM 1-3 Review,
Introduce kinds of appeals: ethos, pathos and logos, context, genre, voice and Persuasive Writing
Rhetoric handouts, Persuasive Writing Chart/Rubric, Context, Intention & Genre powerpoint, PSAT
Practice HMWK: study for Vocab CUM 1-3 Test! Write a letter to parent asking to go to a concert in
Nashville on a school night and use logic to convince parent, read Everyday Use text pp.11-28 and pp
166-176 (may be given a reading check quiz…so READ!) (Due Monday)
Class Four:
Take Vocab CUM 1-3 Test!
Friday Oct. 5 (C/D)
Class One: Take Vocab CUM 1-3 Test! HMWK: letter and Everyday Use reading due Monday
and 40 Model Essays text/Various Mode work: Narration pp.60-65 Salvation by Langston Hughes and
The Chase by Annie Dillard/ Meaning, Purpose and Audience, Method and Structure, Language and
Writing topics: choose your choice for either Hughes or Dillard (due Tuesday)
Class Four: Class does not meet!