Microscopic parameters

Comparing IR DBI Brane Inflation to Observations
Xingang Chen
hep-th/0408084; hep-th/0501184; astro-ph/0507053;
0710.1812, with Rachel Bean, Hiranya Peiris, Jiajun Xu.
• Large number of ongoing and forthcoming experiments:
WMAP, SDSS, SNLS, ACBAR, Planck, ACT, Spider, ...
• Specifying inflation model and probing underlying
fundamental theory such as string theory
• Signatures beyond the vanilla LCDM model:
Running of spectral index, Large non-Gaussianities,
Tensor modes, Cosmic strings, …
• Scan parameter space with minimum requirement:
Enough inflationary e-folds.
• Look for observational signatures in all parameter space
and compare with data.
• Probing string theory through dynamics of our own vacuum
Observational signatures
Specific stringy dynamics
• Properties of brane inflation: Phase diagrams
• Analytical and numerical properties of IR DBI
• Comparison with data
Brane Inflation in
Warped Compactification
• Brane inflation (Dvali, Tye, 98; Burgess,Majumdar,Nolte,Quevedo,
Brane position as inflaton;
Brane annihilation or collision as ending.
• Warped compactification
(Gidding, Kachru, Polchinski, 01;
Klebanov, Strassler, 00; Verlinde, 99;
Randall, Sundrum, 99)
• 6 dimensional bulk
• Warped space generated by
point-like (6d) sources
Phase diagram: UV models
(KKLMMT, 03; Silverstein, Tong, Alishahiha,03,04; Shandera,Tye,06 )
• Potential
• Warped space
Slow-roll inflation:
DBI inflation:
(Silverstein, Tong, 03)
Geometric Conditions
(Burgess, et.al.,01; X.C,05; X.C.,Sarangi,Tye,Xu,06; Baumann,McAllister,07)
• Planck mass: integration over compact space
• Throats glued to the bulk
: multiplicative factor
from orbifolding
• Maximum separation between branes
: Length scale of A-throat;
: Length scale of bulk
• Brane inflation is small field:
• Clean separation b.t. Slow-roll and DBI:
• Slow-roll region: KKLMMT model, 03
Shape of the potential may be adjusted to fit the spectral index;
In the absence of sharp feature,
Non-Gaussianity and running spectral index are unobservable;
Tensor mode is too small to be observed.
(Bean, Shandera, Tye, Xu, 07)
(Berg, Haack, Kors, 04;
Baumann et al, 06;
Krause, Pajer, 07; …)
• DBI region: STA model
(Silverstein, Tong, Alishahiha, 03,04)
Large non-Gaussianity:
Tensor mode:
But inconsistent within GKP-type warped compactification
--- no UV DBI inflation due to probe brane backreactions
(Bean, X.C., Peiris, Xu, 07)
 Antibrane tension cannot drive inflation
So need
 Excessive probe brane backreaction
Note: No comparison with data has been made.
Phase diagram: IR models
(X.C., 04,05; Bean, X.C., Peiris, Xu, 07)
• Potential
• Warped space
• Multi-throat brane inflation
(X.C. 04)
 Antibrane-flux annihilation (Kachru, Pearson, Verlinde, 01)
 Generate branes as candidate inflatons
 Exit B-throat, roll through bulk, settle down in another throat
 Enough warping: DBI inflation; Flat potential: slow-roll inflation.
Slow-roll inflation:
IR DBI inflation:
• For
• For
(X.C. 04, 05)
Geometric conditions are automatically satisfied:
Main Difference Between UV and IR DBI Model
 Antibrane tension cannot drive inflation,
since it is warped down by the same A-throat warp factor.
An extra, steep, potential is needed to raise the inflationary energy:
with a large m :
 Speed-limit and antibrane tension are independent of each other:
Speed-limit: B-throat; Inflationary energy: A-throat.
Flexible shape of brane moduli potential:
: over ten orders of magnitude.
Condition for IR DBI inflation:
B-throat warp factor is smaller than
 Flux induced warp factor is exponentially small:
Very easy to satisfy the condition.
 Non-trivial condition:
Various back-reactions that chop off the IR end of throat
• Probe brane back-reaction;
(Silverstein,Tong,03; X.C.,04)
Easy to satisfy in IR DBI model.
• Back-reaction from expanding background.
(X.C.,05; X.C.,Tye,06)
Back-reaction from Expanding Background
• From the point of view of closed string creation
Closed string density
Source of the bkgd (N branes)
• From the point of view of open string fluctuations
(X.C., Tye, 06)
Transverse scalar fluctuations on the source branes:
Throat is cut off at
Maximum number of DBI e-folds:
• Properties of brane inflation: Phase diagrams
• Analytical and numerical properties of IR DBI
• Comparison with data
Brane Dynamics
(X.C.04,05; Bean,X.C.,Peiris,Xu,07)
Two attractor solutions:
• IR DBI inflation:
• Non-relativistic roll, typically fast roll:
(2) (1)
: Field theory applies;
: Open string creation
(Stringy quantum fluctuations);
: Closed string creation starts;
: Closed strings smooth out background
(de Sitter back-reaction cuts off the throat).
Density perturbations:
1) Field theory regime
2) Hubble-expansion-induced stringy phase
Density Perturbations
(X.C. 04, 05)
• Field theory regime
 Density perturbations:
 Spectrum index:
• Stringy phase transition:
 Hubble scale < string scale:
 Fluctuation speed < speed of light:
Phase transition at:
Estimate the Transition Behavior
(Bean, X.C., Peiris, Xu, 07)
Model: Brane transverse fluctuations:
 Random-walk within the horizon, speed given by H;
 Frozen outside of the horizon.
Field theory regime
Stringy regime
Hubble energy
Fluctuation speed
World volume
Relativistic (superluminal if naïve)
Scalars + strings (branes)
We generalize the behavior of brane transverse fluctuations
Results (in IR DBI region):
 Power spectrum
 Spectral index
 Regional large running
For example,
Large non-Gaussianity
• Non-Gaussianities in general single field inflation
are characterized by 5 parameters:
(X.C., Huang, Kachru, Shiu, 06)
c.f. slow-roll inflation, 2 parameters:
(Maldacena, 02; Seery, Lidsey, 05)
• Leading Non-Gaussianities:
dependence on the shape of momenta triangle
(Babich, Creminelli, Zaldarriaga, 04)
Running: dependence on the size of momenta triangle
(X.C. 05)
In the absence of sharp features (X.C., Easther, Lim, 06),
running is weak, shape has two categories:
Equilateral shape (DBI inflation)
Local shape (Slow-roll inflation)
• DBI inflation:
• UV DBI inflation (STA model)
• IR DBI inflation
(X.C. 05)
 Different requirements on microscopic parameters.
Geometric conditions have no effect on IR DBI.
 In IR DBI, the large non-G can be small enough to satisfy current bound.
Negative running:
Non-G tends to be the smallest in the entire DBI inflation trajectory.
Small Tensor Mode
• Tensor to scalar ratio:
Lyth Bound:
(Lyth,96; Baumann,Mcallister,06; Lidsey,Huston,07)
is tiny in IR DBI inflation
(Bean, X.C., Peiris, Xu, 07)
• Properties of brane inflation: Phase diagrams
• Analytical and numerical properties of IR DBI
• Comparison with data
Microscopic Parameters
• Shape of inflaton brane moduli potential:
• Charge of the B-throat:
• Number of inflaton branes:
• Fundamental string scale:
• A-throat warp factor and number of antibranes:
• Amplitude of power spectrum:
• Scale dependence of power spectrum:
Spectrum index and its running
DBI e-folds
and scale
of the transient large running of
• Non-Gaussianity bound:
• Several consistency conditions, for example:
 Scale – e-fold relation:
 Geometric constraint:
 Number of inflaton branes
Implementing Markov Chain Monte Carlo
Goal: Compare to data directly from microscopic parameters,
using Bayes’ theorem:
: parameters;
: data.
Possible obstacles: Nonlinear and non-transparent relation
between microscopic parameters and observables
Non-Gaussian posterior distributions, curved likelihood surface, etc.
Difficult to search the likelihood surface efficiently
Solution: Reparameterization:
General Procedures
1) Extract isolated expression for a small window
in terms of smaller number of parameters
E.g. Full expressions:
have to be solved numerically;
However, approximate expression for observational window:
can be obtained.
Effective parameters:
2) Run a trial MCMC with the effective parameters
to ensure that these parameters have simple likelihood surface.
3) Express
(approximately) in terms of microscopic parameters
which provides guidance to the reparameterization
Using the efold – scale relation:
We approximate:
The reparameterization:
These parameters will have simple likelihood surface.
4) Run the full MCMC with
Analytical approximation dropped, observables calculated numerically.
5) Transform the likelihood surface of
to the space of the original
Re-weighted to impose any desired priors on
The results
Data cannot distinguish
but is able to give interesting
Summary of MCMC Results
Microscopic parameters:
• Shape of moduli potential:
Data picks out O(1) value from 10 orders of magnitude that allows IR DBI.
• Fundamental string scale:
Intermediate string scale, intermediate large volume compactification
• B-throat charge:
• Number of inflaton branes:
Flux number
, small number of inflatons is ruled out.
• A-throat minimum warp factor:
A-throat tends to be short; tunneling reheating is possible.
Secondary derived parameters:
• Inflationary phases: the last
non-relativistic fast-roll inflation.
e-folds come from
• The stringy phase transition:
The stringy phase transition happens at the largest scales in the sky;
but its impact extends to shorter scales, generating transient large
running of .
• Inflation scale:
This gives a tiny tensor to scalar ratio:
• Cosmic string tension:
is tension of D-string left over in A-throat after brane annihilation;
F-string tension:
Observational predictions:
• Large, but regional, running of spectral index:
Better theoretical understanding and experimental measurement
may lead to finer structures.
In future experiments, Planck is expected to reach
(Planck bluebook)
Reconstructed Power Spectrum
Dashed lines: 1) Single-field slow-roll;
(Peiris, Easther, 06)
2) Empirical power law ansatz.
• Large non-Gaussianities:
In future experiments: on CMB scales, Planck can achieve
on LSS scales, high-z galaxy surveys can reach similar or better resolutions.
(Smith, Zaldarriaga, 06; Sefusatti, Komatsu, 07)
Distinguishing IR DBI and other models
• Slow-roll potential with mild features
Usual slow-roll gives negligible running of spectral index:
However, large running of
can be achieved by engineering the potential:
adding mild features, such as periodic ripples. (Bean, X.C., Peiris, Xu, 07)
 Helps to sustain the inflation
 Generating large running of spectral index
varies between
To distinguish, use the non-Gaussianity:
• Non-Bunch-Davies vaccum
(Martin, Brandenberger, 00; ……)
Main difference:
 Non-BD case: new physics energy scale M >> Hubble parameter H,
so field theory apply
 Phase transition in IR DBI: new physics (stringy) scale is
comparable or larger than Hubble parameter H
Generalize slow-roll results (Danielsson, 02; Polarski, Starobinsky, 95)
to case with arbitrary speed of sound (Bean, X.C., Peiris, Xu, 07)
Running spectral index:
 Slow-roll with non-BD: have much smaller
 IR DBI with non-BD: frequent oscillations
, or have frequent oscillations
• Multi-throat brane inflation and IR DBI:
Phase diagram of brane inflation;
Comparision with UV models.
• Warp compactification:
Speed-limit: DBI inflation;
Warped string scale: stringy phase transition.
• Comparing to data:
Current data gives interesting constraints to microscopic parameters.
• Observational predictions:
Regional large running of spectral index; Large non-Gaussianities.
String theory making testable predictions with distinctive signatures;
Probing string theory using cosmological observations.