99.DM_Draft Report With Mr. Tan Comment 4

I. Marketing Objectives and Strategy
1.1 Marketing Objective
People want to go to holiday to refresh their mind, to feel happy, feel revive and etc.
However, it is not rare to find that many people cannot fulfil their holiday objectives because
of unfit tour schedule that they have (Citation). For instance, some people who want to feel
relax for their holiday are just getting more tired as the schedules are very tight. It can be a
bad news for every busy working-people who really need to have holiday but have little
amount of time to manage their holiday.
Therefore, we come out with an idea to fulfil that group of people needs by giving
them new holiday packages that can satisfy their holiday with flexible time and most
importantly based on their feeling. Collaborating with Expedia partners (Air Asia, various
hotels), we will serve the customer with best value price and the holiday sensation that they
Somehow, you still have to explain more about the issues of current vacation, which is
related to FEELING…explain more the important of integrating FEELING in vacation, then
the boss will be convinced.
1.2 Marketing Strategy
As this package is a new offer in the market, we do not have to worry so much about
the competitors in the short time. Still, we need to consider about the some other new
innovation to keep in a good position in the market.
We offer the package which are available for 3-5 nights to Thailand, Indonesia,
Vietnam, Philippine and Korea. All of holiday package to every country available will also
promote many different sensations as the customer desire to have Relax, Party, Adventurous,
Romance), because we will take the customers to the places that can bring those kind of
feelings. The packages details are explained on the next part, the prices will be---??????????
Unique Selling Points (Move from 4.0 The Creative Approach)
In order to achieve awareness from consumers, we create our tagline of our new package.
Our tagline is “We Follow Your Feeling”, this tagline means that we are here to understand
their feeling and provides packages that will satisfy what they need. Our package consists of
a. Relax,
b. Romance,
c. Adventurous, and
d. Party.
These unique packages that we present in Expedia are to help people to fulfil their own
desire. Some people may want to have some relaxing time out of their working time.
Working people who stress with their work need some time to relax; they tend to find
something relaxing to do. Through our new package, we offer them the best place to relax
and experience the country uniqueness. Moreover, we also provide Romance package who
wants to have a romantic moment with people they love, and to have a quality time with their
partner. Some people will prefer to have some adventurous experience or perhaps having
some parties. We offer 4 kinds of packages depending their current feeling they have with
affordable price which are includes round trip flight and hotel for 4 days 3 nights, with a tour
guide who will assist them to the particular places in the country depends on what package
they choose. The benefit of this package is this offer comes in form of package therefore it
will cost less rather than book a flight and hotel separately. To perform this idea, we will be
collaborating with some airplanes and hotels around Asia.
Example of Package based on Feeling
Bali, Indonesia
Seoul, Korea
Flight AirAsia
+ Hotel (4D3N)
Mercure Resort Sanur
+ Mandurah Spa +
Hot Springs in a Jungle
+ Sanur beach
Hanoi, Vietnam
Flight Malaysia Airlines
+ Hotel (4D3N)
Silk Path Hotel + Mui Ne
+ Q Spa & Salon
+ Halia Hanoi
Flight AirAsia + Hotel
(4D3N) Anantara Bali
Uluwatu Resort & Spa +
Kuta Beach + Potato
Flight Cathay Express
+ Hotel (4D3N)
+ Tomgi Hotel
+ Once in a Blue Moon
+ Han River Ferry Boat
Cruise + Marco Polo
+ Namsan Tower
Phuket, Thailand
Example of Package based on Feeling (Continue)
Bali, Indonesia
Flight AirAsia
+ Hotel (4D3N)
Komune Resort & Beach
Club Bali + Ku De Ta
+ The rock Bar
Seoul, Korea
Hanoi, Vietnam
Phuket, Thailand
Flight Malaysia Airlines
+ Hotel (4D3N)
Best Western Plus Antel
Hotel + Danasan Eco
Adventure Park
+ Leyte Bridge Zip Line
Agas Agas
+ Camiguin Benoni Zip
Flight Malaysia Airlines
+ Hotel (4D3N)
Outrigger Laguna
Phuket Resort & Villas
+ Paddling or Rafting on
the Pai River + Bubba
Diving Phuket + Xtrem
Aventures + Flying
Flight Malaysia Airlines
+ Hotel (4D3N)
Baramee Hip Hotel
+ Soi Bangla Nightlife
+ Hard Rock Café
Phuket + Phuket
Moreover, we will able to detect what our customers’ needs based on the database that we
have. We will get the database from the questionnaires which are filled by the targeted
customers. From that, we will able to provides and offer the customers with the attracting
tour package according to what they feel. Here are the planning steps to collect our database:
First, the targeted customer will need to answer the survey/question. There are two
methods; online (“i-feeling”) or manually from the promotion booth. The answer will
lead to what kind of holiday sensation that they need (relax, party, adventures,
Second, we will guide them to choose the country destination based on the survey
(Japan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea). Each country has their
own various places which are connected with the feeling or holiday sensation that will
match with their desire.
Third, the flexible date is provided due to the customer interest and time preference.
1.3 Target Market
The target market will be the working-people between 25 to 55 years old which are a medium
high to high income level group of people. That group of people need holiday to release
stress and they have less time to manage their perfect holiday package since they are engaged
with their work. So, it will meet their need by providing the unique and flexible package for
them. (It seem like you are going to target most of the people, perhaps, you can explain why
your target market could not be easily defined due to EVERYONE nowadays very focus on
self feeling…just get some support from JOURNAL to show the potentiality o your idea)
1.4 Attract Potential Customer
Advertising :
1. Billboard side of the road with ‘QR Code’ (targeted road: jam-prone area)
so it can be noticed and hopefully directly get customer’s response because they will
have time to scan the available QR code.
2. Social media (facebook page, twitter, youtube, Groupon)
-picture (comparing picts)
-video (places can be visit based on their feeling)
3. Printed media advertise through magazines, newspapers, or brochures
4. Broadcast media; radio (Red FM), Television (TLC)
II. Communication plan
For the communication plan, it is basically about how we would deliver our proposed
strategy and action plans to our potential customers. When we recommending the trip that
follows the customer’s feeling, we have to ensure that the message and the feelings we
wanted to implement in customer’s mind can be delivered through our chosen means of
communication line. This is the stage where we actually explain in detail about our action
plan and communication objectives of what we want to achieve or extract from the message
to the customers.
2.1 Communication objective
Firstly, we have to determine the communication objective. It is the overall goal of
advertisement or other promotional activities. We have to convey our message to target
customer to let them know what we wanted to achieve through our advertisement. Our
communication objective is basically to achieve brand awareness. First, we have to inform
about the existence of the innovation. We have to let customer know not only the existence of
the new holiday “we follow your feeling” package, but also the details and information about
the package. We have to also persuade the customer to purchase the package from us by
offering the benefits and advantages of the package. (What is the benefit?) Through this
advertisement, we have to let our audience know that we offer packages that will help them
feel what they wanted to feel, which is from a little holiday getaway. When customers wanted
to feel calm, we would offer the holiday package to beach, or to mountainside. Or maybe if
customers wanted to feel adventurous, we would offer the package to mountain climbing, or
to waterfall activities. Therefore, we basically follow our customer’s feeling and what they
2.2 Target audience
Our target audience for this holiday package is basically the working adults. Business
man, lecturers, engineers, doctors, etc. These working people ranges from age 25-55, who
earns from medium-high income level because to offer a good quality trip, it requires a high
budget and price is not much concern if people are really looking for a good holiday package.
We will offer them to go on a holiday that will help them release their stress and have a
getaway from all their works and stresses. To reach our target market, different type of media
has been selected to reach those audiences.
2.3 Media selection & Format
2.3.1 Printed media
Since we are giving recommendation about the holiday trip with the aim of making
people to feel what they long to feel, and I believe this is the first innovation ever existed, we
have to spend a huge part creating awareness. People might not be sure or even aware of our
new service offered because they would prefer the traditional holiday package. Therefore, the
way we can increase brand awareness is basically to do promotional program through
advertising media, sales promotions, online or even direct marketing (This section should
focus on printed media as proposed, why suddenly got online media?). Expedia can rely
much on media advertising and online advertising as most people search for holiday packages
from print media or online. Expedia can advertise through magazines, newspapers, or
brochures. Because when people browse through holiday packages from magazines and
newspaper or even brochures, it allows customers to have more time to read through the
details and enables us to provide as much details and messages as possible to the customers.
Moreover, it also allows customer to slowly think about the plan for days before they decide
on the purchase.
What is the concept of your printed media? U need to provide the concept (please look at
online media, the example)
2.3.2 Online media
Another means of communication is through online advertising. In this world we are
living, all if not the most people would go online to find things, due to the ability to globalize
and its fastness. Most people would search from websites such as agoda.com and groupon for
holiday packages because they are considered as the benchmark of this industry. Some of
working man shifted to reading online newspaper also, rather than reading it on an actual
paper. So, this creates opportunity for Expedia to spread their messages through online media
such as Facebook, Instagram, or even twitter to reach their target audience. An example of
what we can do to advertise through online media is by the advertising recommendations on
the side of media such as Facebook. But by doing this, the advertisement has to be very
attractive in order for customers to click on it.
We proposed to put several images of different type of expressions of before and after they
went to the holiday package to show customers that our consumer felt happy and felt what
they need through these holiday package.
2.3.3 Broadcasting media
Television and Radio provides an interactive way to advertise the holiday package to
the target market. For Malaysia Radio, Red.Fm is the well known radio channel in Malaysia,
broadcasting the advertisement during peak hour (after working hour or before working hour)
will be an efficient way to advertise in radio. While on the Television, TLC and Star World
are the excellent choice of channel, because the audience of that those two channels meet the
target audience that has mentioned above
2.3.4 Billboard
Hello, you got 4 media, why only 3 media?
2.4 Incentives
For the respondents who had already purchase our package through online, we would
give them a free travel bag and a passport socket. And for the early bird, they will be given a
discount of 10% off. And for respondents who press the ‘like’ button on facebook or follow
the page on instagram, they will get updates regularly (monthly) about the new packages,
promotions and the details. This incentives are given by us in the aim to attract more
customers and somehow to create our brand awareness.
Expedia will not gain any data (no email or any personal information) when Facebook user
LIKE their page, so how to update them personally? Update in Facebook fanspage is not a
direct marketing, just to create awareness in a mass way.
2.5 Response Estimation and Forecasting Result
The Star
Malaysian insider
Star World
Online advertisement
Citation/source? Where you get all this percentage, any source?
2.6 Fulfilment & Response Management (Wrong! Please refer to chapter 9, got 6 steps)
By providing inbound telemarketing and 24 hours hotline services, we are going to try
to fulfil any customers’ needs and wants. As feedback is very important from a customer, we
need to know what are the benefits that we can provide when customers choose to purchase
our “we follow your feeling” holiday package. As for non-customer, we need to know why
they don’t choose our package by doing outbound telemarketing and direct mail to non
customer thus from there, Expedia will be improving the deficiency.
2.7 Contact plan & Communication schedule
The Star
January - March
Malaysian insider
January - March
January – March
January - December
On the office around KL from
10.00am – 4.00 pm
January – December
07.00 am – 10.00 am
January - December
17.00 pm – 20.00 pm
January - June
Sunday & Monday
Star World
July - December
Saturday & Sunday
January – December
Online Advertisement
January – December
January - June
Gantt Chart for Media 2013
The Star
Malaysian insider
Star World
Online Adv
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Agst Sep Oct Nov Dec
2.8 Testing
An effective media require sufficient testing in order to achieve its objective. The few
expensive media we have selected are magazine, TV, radio and online advertisement.
Therefore, testing on these media is to ensure that return on investment (ROI) will be more
than the cost incurred.
Whats your proposal ROI?
Knowing a feedback, we are going to make feedback form in the Facebook page and
we will make inbound calls and the telemarketers will ask a question “Where do you know
about us and our promotion”, from the response that been given, we will know which way is
the most effective one.
Expedia is an online company, I believe telemarketing is not their focus. Please think
another way which is related to online.
III. Database Strategy
No need definition
3.1 Definition
Database is defined as a set of data in computer that is structured and used for the
purpose of collecting the information of the customers (Bolton D, 2013). Database can be
accessed in various ways depending on the strategy of each company.
Database itself, is a very important component for a company in order to collect and
attract customers. By having a proper database, we can provide a better service for customers
and ensure the best performance to satisfy customer’s need.
3.2 The Content of the Information
According to our marketing plan, we need to collect the information that is related to
the offer that we made, which we named I-feeling survey. Since the deal of our holiday
package is about fulfilling the desire and the feeling of people, the information of the
database should be general information and some specific question that will answer the needs
of the customers.
To be specific, the general information that needs to be asked is:
Contact Number
As our target market are those working people whose income level are middle to high,
and in the age of 25 to 55, we can generate the market from the questions above. We can
divide and pursue the potential target market from the general information that we collect.
Further, the general information shall not be too long and unrelated. For example, the
question ‘date of birth’ is found unrelated, because it will not be any helpful to target a
specific market for our holiday package.
After asking some of the general information, we will further ask about specific question
that will lead to find out about their feelings. This part is particularly important, because from
the answer given, we will then start to promote our holiday package. The questions asked will
How’s your mood for the past 3 months? (Happy, Stress, Bored, Sad)
What do you like to do when you have free time? (Having some relaxing time, Go for
adventure experience, Having party, Spend time with the loved one)
Only one question that you say can get people feeling?
No, you have to design 3 to 4 more questions for each FEELING to have better picture of
what your potential customer want to FEEL…
How much are you willing to spend your money for 3 days holiday? (< 2000, 2000 –
3000, > 3000)
Which country you prefer for holiday? (Bali – Indonesia, Korea, Thailand, China,
Hawaii) (This part no need, the idea is about FEELING, not Country…)
After answering the questions above, we will be able to know the feeling of the
consumers, and then we can start to promote our 4 kind of holiday package to different type
of customers.
Contact Number
o < 2000
o 2000 – 4000
o > 4000
How’s your mood for the past 3 months?
o Happy
o Stress
o Bored
o Sad
What do you like to do when you have free time?
o Having relaxing time
o Go for adventurous experience
o Having party
o Spend time with the loved one
How much are you willing to spend your money for 3 days holiday?
o < 2000
o 2000 – 3000
o > 3000
Which country you prefer for holiday?
o Bali
o Korea
o Thailand
o China
o Hawaii
3.3 Collect the Information
After knowing what information we want to gather, the next step is to determine the
target market for I-feeling survey. Since the target market is the working people, we would
like to create an event in order to collect more new customers, and likewise to make
awareness about Expedia and its promotion.
For the detail of
the event (what is this? Suddenly got event? If is
relate to data collection, please include after the media part, also
indicate the response rate), we might
gather the event in 5 to 7 big companies in
Malaysia. The event itself is more to informal event that will be held outside of the building,
rather than inside the building. We will be working as a team consists of 8 to 10 person,
where we will have 2 to 3 booths to do the survey. Each of booths will work in the same way,
as we will give the society free planner by Expedia, and we will ask them to pick and fill up
our emoticon-survey. We will create three different emoticon-surveys to attract them, rather
than an ordinary survey.
The three first emoticon is the front sight, as the last one is the back, which is the survey. This
can be categorized too as a psychological survey, where people will pick the emoticon that
suits their feeling. What is the purpose of this SIGN?
In addition, we will not only depend on this event, but we will also gather the Ifeeling survey through online. We will get this survey filled by our current database. After
that, we will combine and compile the information so that we might know the possible and
potential market.
It is similar method as event??
3.4 Build a picture of the prospects
Database allows us to have an organized and systemized data about the existing
customers, likewise the prospect customers in the future. In order for us to build a picture of
the prospects, we should follow the steps; firstly, we should analyse and examine the current
yet the possible customers base. After that, we can identify who can be the best customer for
the specific category. Then, we can classify the customers from their characteristics.
In order to build a better prospect, company might need to develop and maintain the
regular maintenance program. According to Cooper, G (2013), business data may decay
about 25% if it is not maintained carefully. Additionally, it is also important for us to get the
marketing people to contact and talk to customer, not only by virtual meet, because it is now
more crucial for sales and marketing to work together closely towards the aim of finding,
getting, and keeping the best customers for a greater profit.
What method is that? Call? Email? Live Chat?
1. You never mention how the QUESTIONS link to the identification of people
a. Having relaxing time (Relax): e.g Q1 (Yes) + Q2 (Yes) + Q3 (rate more than 3)
b. Go for adventurous experience (Adventure): e.g Q4 (Yes) + Q5 (rate more than
3) + Q5 (rate more than 3)
Remark: at long as fuifil any 2.
c. Having party (Party):
a. Spend time with the loved one (Romance):
5.0 Budget and Measurement
a. Target Profit
: RM750,000
b. Target Cash Inflow
: RM1,500,000 (Budget) + RM750,000
: RM2,250,000
c. Average price
: RM1,815
d. Estimated commission
: 10%
e. Total sales/revenue
: RM2,250,000/10%
: RM22,500,000
f. Total Target Customer
: RM22,500,000/RM1,815
: 12,397
: Around 12,400
This is the correct version, so, you need to ensure get ard 12,400 customers
Total Target Respondent =
𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡
𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒
= RM2,250,000
Target Respondent = Total cost
Total Target Respondent
Total Budget
Number People to reach = Total Respondent
Response Rate
5.1 Master Budget
Budget RM
Expenses Incurred
people to Rate
Printed Media
Broadcasting Media
(Red 5000
-Star World
Online Media
Groupon (ads)
Living Social
Total Cost Incurred
Please change the figure accordingly, Sir guess you can add “0” in YELLOW figure.
5.2 Cost per lead
Cost per lead is calculated by dividing the cost of the direct marketing activities divide by the
response rate.
Cost Per Lead : The cost of direct marketing activities/Response gained/estimated
: RM1,500,000/XXX
: XX
Cost Per Order: The cost of direct marketing activities/Response gained/estimated
: RM1,500,000/12,400
: RM121
=RM 1,210
Source: Media Planning Guide Malaysia, 2012.
Bolton, D. (2013), Definition of Database, last viewed on 21 October 2013,
Cooper, G. (2013), 7 Steps to Building a Better Business Database, last viewed on 21
October 2013, http://www.businesswest.co.uk/blog/2013/03/18/7-steps-to-building-abetter-business-database