Variation 1


Within a species there is usually a great deal of variation between individuals

These snails are all the same species

( Cepaea nemoralis) but they vary considerably

What variations can you see ?


The snails’ shells vary in

• their colour

•the presence or absence of bands

•the number of bands


These tiger moths are from the same family

What variations can you see?

© Biophoto Associates


The uppermost moth is larger than the other two

The dark bands on the abdomen differ in number and thickness

The patterns of the forewings are quite different from each other

The number, shape and distribution of the black spots on the hind wings differ

The amount of orange colour in the hind wings varies


You will already be familiar with many of the variations between individuals of the human species ( Homo sapiens )


What variations can you see ?


There are variations in skin colour, hair colour, hair curliness, eye colour and sex

Variations may be inherited or acquired

Inherited variations result from the activity of genes

They are genetically controlled

Genetically controlled variations cannot be altered

For example, hair colour, skin colour*, blood group, finger prints and sex cannot be changed naturally


Acquired characteristics result from an individual’s activities or nutrition or from environmental conditions during a lifetime

Examples of acquired conditions in humans are* language obesity athletic skills mental skills body building sun tan

Acquired characteristics cannot be inherited


The next side shows apples collected from different positions on the same tree

The differences between the apples are acquired during the growing season

The differences will not be inherited


North side, upper branches South side upper branches


North side, lower branches South side, lower branches

© Horticultural Research International


What environmental conditions in the different parts of the tree might have caused the differences in size of the apples ?

The upper branches will receive more sunlight than the lower branches, but on the North side the sunlight would have been less intense

The lower branches will receive less sunlight because of the shade cast by the upper branches. This effect will be more pronounced on the North side


Environmental conditions

A great many variations are influenced by both genetic and environmental effects.

For example your height will depend on what genes you inherit and the amount of food you get during your growing period

You may inherit a good physique but unless you take exercise you will not develop to your full potential

You may inherit the genes to make the pigment, melanin, in your skin but you will need to expose your skin to sunlight to acquire a tan


Discontinuous variation

Discontinuous variations are entirely genetically controlled

They cannot be altered by external conditions.

You are either male or female, there are no intermediates

Your ABO blood group is either A, B, AB or O

Genetic defects such as colour blindness, albinism, achondroplastic dwarfism, sickle cell anaemia are all

Genetically controlled and expressed in a discontinuous way

( See ‘Heredity’ slide 19 )


You either have these conditions or you do not. There are no intermediate states

percentage in population of Britain

Discontinuous variation in blood group . The figures cannot be made to fit a smooth curve because there are no intermediates


Continuous variation

Continuous variation describes the situation in which there are a great many intermediates between the extremes

For example, there is every shade of hair colour between black and blond. People do not belong to one or other of a small number of distinct categories

Variations such as these are under genetic control but there are several pairs of genes involved

The genome AA BB CC DD might give black hair while the genome aa bb cc dd might give blond hair.*


Genomes AaBbCcDd or AABbCCdd or aaBBccDd and all the other possible combinations would give intermediate colours

There are as many categories of hair colour as there are children


Continuous variation also occurs when the characteristics are controlled by the genes and the environment


Your height will depend on the genes you inherit and on the amount of food you eat during your growing period

See slide 13 for other examples

The next slide shows the range of heights of army recruits

Continuous variation

thousands of men height in inches

There seem to be distinct categories of height but this is because measurements are made to the nearest inch


If measurements could be made to the nearest millimetre there would be a smooth transition in the heights


This is how continuous variation would appear in a graph


Question 1

Which of these statements are correct?

(a) Wild plants of the same species do not vary

(b) There is always variation between individuals of the same species

(c) Individuals in the same species may show variations

(d) Daschunds and greyhounds are varieties of the same species


Question 2

Variations in an individual’s weight…

(a) are entirely genetically controlled

(b) result exclusively from the amount of food taken in

(c) are the result of food intake and genes

(d) are the result of chance


Question 3

Which of the following can be changed by conditions other than genetic?

(a) Blood group

(b) Weight

(c) Physique

(d) Finger prints


Question 4

Which of the following are acquired characteristics ?

(a) Lung cancer

(b) Athleticism

(c) Curly hair

(d) Big feet


Question 5

Discontinuous variations are …

(a) inherited

(b) not inherited

(c) a combination of inherited and acquired factors

(d) acquired during a lifetime


Question 6

Which of the following are examples of continuous variation ?

(a) Height

(b) Weight

(c) Sex

(d) Intelligence







