Biology 11 * Body Systems * Test Review Guide

Biology 11 – Body Systems – Test Review Guide
Respiratory System – Pages 280-295
Know all the parts/functions, and where they are located.
Name the two gases typically involved in gas exchange.
State how gas exchange takes place in larger, more advanced organisms.
PowerPoint & handouts
The Digestive System – Pages 202-228
Know all the parts/functions, and where they are located.
Know some of the enzymes that function in digestion, and what they help break down.
PowerPoint & handouts.
Circulatory Systems in General – Pages 240-265
Define circulation and explain its purpose.
List the components found in all animal circulatory systems.
Name and explain the differences between the types of circulatory systems found in the animal kingdom.
The Human Circulatory System – Pages 240-265
Label a diagram of the human heart and state the function of each part.
Explain how blood flows through the heart.
Explain the functions of arteries, capillaries and veins.
The Immune System 240-265
Understand the importance of the immune system
Give the composition of blood, specifically
Cells and cell parts found in the blood (red blood cells, “white” blood cells, platelets)
Plasma constituents
Explain differences among human blood groups including
ABO groups
Rhesus factor
Understand the concept of immune response
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