Project & Risk Management Email: Web Tel: +44 (0) 7803 122 583 +44 (0) 7553 040 928 © NuAge Vision 2014 Are you managing a project or a process? Making, distributing and selling Corn Flakes is a process The exercise is repeated, it can be refined and optimised • risk will be reduced over time Putting a man on the moon is a project The exercise is [for now] a one off set of activities to deliver a specific goal • no opportunity to reduce risk over time or to have several attempts at doing so The approach to risk is different Email: Web Tel: +44 (0) 7803 122 583 +44 (0) 7553 040 928 © NuAge Vision 2014 What is project management? Managing projects is NOT, in most cases, project management Project Management a management discipline that uses a series of techniques The techniques breaks large complex unique activities into bite sized chunks and organises the chunks into recognisable phases A way of working that can be applied across all forms of projects, e.g. design of a new model of car building of a nuclear submarine construction of an iconic building creation of a new computer game. Email: Web Tel: +44 (0) 7803 122 583 +44 (0) 7553 040 928 © NuAge Vision 2014 The tools of project management Work Breakdown Structures [WBS] these define the project Work Packages = the chunks Phases give an end to end structure for the whole project; Gantt Charts to visualize the WPs & Phases, incorporating deliverables and milestones; PERT charts showing the contingent relationship between deliverables and allow the identification and monitoring of project “pinch points”. Email: Web Tel: +44 (0) 7803 122 583 +44 (0) 7553 040 928 © NuAge Vision 2014 Work packages For each work package (WP) the following need to be managed and reported Time Finance Information Organisation Quality Staff The same items need to be managed for each phase and for the project overall The outputs Deliverables Milestones Email: Web outcomes of individual WPs outputs of groups of WPs or the completion of a phase Tel: +44 (0) 7803 122 583 +44 (0) 7553 040 928 © NuAge Vision 2014 Key points Deliverables and Milestones should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reliable & Timely [SMART]. Milestones the critical decision points of a project. Few major projects run to plan Successful projects are adept at managing Risk, Change & Conflict Therefore critical that project managers and project teams understand Risk Management and the related techniques for Change Management Conflict Resolution Email: Web Tel: +44 (0) 7803 122 583 +44 (0) 7553 040 928 © NuAge Vision 2014 Risk Management Techniques The risk log What are the risks? How likely are the risks? What impact will the risk have? What risk amelioration plan do you have? Email: Web Tel: +44 (0) 7803 122 583 +44 (0) 7553 040 928 © NuAge Vision 2014 Risk What is a risk? Technical risks ...the software doesn’t work, the material is too brittle, the glue fails in the cold? And much more! PESTL (Political, Economic, Social, Technical & Legal) Or put another way: what happens when the Project Engineer is struck by a bus, or the Government legislates that a chemical in your new product is harmful and sale is illegal? Email: Web Tel: +44 (0) 7803 122 583 +44 (0) 7553 040 928 © NuAge Vision 2014 Risk is all pervasive ! Build awareness across the company so that risks can be identified Risk training e.g. Fire awareness, First Aid, Chemical Spillage... what about other areas? IP awareness, HR for hire & fire, Key Staff insurance etc. Risk planning a critical part of business planning – review, revise, reduce. Email: Web Tel: +44 (0) 7803 122 583 +44 (0) 7553 040 928 © NuAge Vision 2014 Project Change Most projects have to make changes as they proceed this generates new risks The risk log is a “live document” update regularly in response to changes AND act on the updates on. A process for change management required to ensure that updated versions of the project plan and work are implemented smoothly. How is risk amelioration implemented? A plan for conflict resolution required as changes will impact specific individuals, teams, project partners, etc. Email: Web Tel: +44 (0) 7803 122 583 +44 (0) 7553 040 928 © NuAge Vision 2014 Planning minimises risk Having plans for change and conflict resolution takes the heat out of difficult decisions, by actively monitoring risk the Project Manager ensures effective delivery Questions? Email: Web Tel: +44 (0) 7803 122 583 +44 (0) 7553 040 928 © NuAge Vision 2014