ppt - Institut für Informatik

Business Informatics at the University
of Craiova: Curriculum and Experiences
Amelia Bădică
University of Craiova
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Department of Statistics and Business Informatics
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
Talk Outline
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Business Informatics in Bachelor curriculum
Student accomplishments
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
Faculty of Economics and Business
Administration - Outline
Structure of the Faculty
BA degrees
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
Faculty of Economics and Business
Administration - History
founded in 1966
three specializations:
Industry, Construction and
Transport Economy,
Accounting and
Agriculture Economy
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
~4000 students
31 undergraduate
and master
123 permanent
academic staff
Structure of the FEAA Faculty
FEAA has 4 departments:
Economy, Accounting
and International
Finances, Banking and
Economic Analysis
August 25, 2014
Management, Marketing and
Business Administration
Statistics and Business
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
BA Degrees
Economy and International Businesses
Commerce, Tourism and Services
Finances and Banking
Statistics and Economic Prediction
Business Informatics
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
Business Informatics Bachelor Curriculum
- Outline
Curriculum overview
BI goals
Syllabus for main disciplines
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
BI Curriculum Overview
BA : 3 years (6 semesters)
Two types of courses:
Main trunk - economics
Specific to BI specialization
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
BI Curriculum Overview
1st Year (1st + 2nd semesters)
Main Trunk
Entreprise Economy
Introduction to Accounting
Mathematics in Economy
Information Technologies for
Business Law
Foreign Language 1
Sports 1
August 25, 2014
Main Trunk
Financial Accounting
Public Finances
Applied Economic Informatics
Foreign Language 2
Sports 2
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
BI Curriculum Overview
2nd Year (3rd semester)
Main Trunk
European Economy
Business Accounting
Financial Entreprise Management
Economic Information Systems
Foreign Language 2
Sports 2
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
BI Curriculum Overview
2nd Year (4th semester)
BI Specific
Monetary and Banking Economy
Computer Programming
Object Oriented Programming
Data Structures
SME Management
Administration Accounting
Credit Institution Accounting
Public Accounting
Administration Control
Foreign Language 2
Sports 2
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
BI Curriculum Overview
3rd Year (5th+6th semester)
BI Specific
Economic Financial Analysis
Operating Systems
Informational Systems Analysis
Computer Networks
Database Administration
Economic Prediction
Quantitative Methods in Market Study
Probabilities and Mathematical Statistics
Advanced Econometrics
August 25, 2014
BI Specific
Software Engineering
Information Systems Design
Information Security and Protection in
Information Systems
Decision Support Systems
Internet Programming
Application Software
Algorithm Analysis and Synthesis
Programming Environments
Electronic Document Management
Computer Architectures
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
BI Goals
Economic Training; Analysis and Modeling; Information
Systems Analysis and Design; Use of software
packages; Databases; Programming and Software
To ensure the training for:
analysis, design and implementation of information systems in
use and configuration of software packages with application in
introduction and development of application software;
research and application of the new computer science
computer programming skills.
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
BI Curriculum – Competences
C1 Using concepts, theories, principles and methods for
investigating economic phenomena and processes
C1.1 Recognizing and describing the concepts, theories, principles and
methods for investigating the economic phenomena and processes
C1.2 Explaining and interpreting specific requirements for investigating
the economic phenomena and processes
C1.3 Using concepts, theories and economic methods for investigating
and / or solving problems in an organization
C1.4 Comparative analysis of the economical solutions for solving the
problems within an organization
C1.5 Developing and informatics structuring of alternatives to solve
problems in organization
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
BI Curriculum – Competences
C2 Effective use of computing and operating
systems and Internet resources
C2.1 Identifying the resources and performances of the computer
systems, operating system and Internet functions
C2.2 Explaining the classes of problems using reusable
procedures for accessing informatics resources
C2.3 Using networking workstations facilities to communicate, to
inform and access online applications
C2.4 Continuous updating of the resources in order to work with
the latest IT - Information Technology platforms
C2.5 Developing in teams effective solutions for systems
configuration and management, communication and selection of
work procedures
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
BI Curriculum – Competences
C3 Appropriate use of office software to solve
specific problems
C3.1 Identification and description of the processing functions
provided by office software and necessary for solving problems
C3.2 Explaining and comparing software products for office for
achieving the most efficient solution according to a defined set of
performance criteria
C3.3 Choosing options for entering and storing data and
performing operations in the context of an efficient management
of documents
C3.4 Analyzing and evaluating the quality of solutions obtained
by using office software
C3.5 Implementing reusable and integrable solutions for
information systems
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
BI Curriculum – Competences
C4 Development of software components using data
structures, algorithms, techniques and modern
programming languages
C4.1 Defining requirements for covering the stages of the development
cycle to achieve high performance software components by using
modern technologies
C4.2 Explaining data structures, instructions and classes of problems to
build software components integrable in complex software systems
C4.3 Solving well-defined economic problems by applying procedures
that can be integrated in complex software system
C4.4 Update programming languages, techniques and methods so that
the software components designed to reflect the state of IT&C
C4.5 Developing specific activities in software development life-cycle,
following the quantitative, qualitative and efficiency aspects
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
BI Curriculum – Competences
C5 Developing computer applications using databases, multimedia
resources and client-server/web-service technologies
C5.1 Recognition of the applications types that require working with databases,
multimedia resources and client-server technologies to develop components
integrable in computer systems
C5.2 Explaining and interpreting the fundamental terms in the areas of databases,
online and multimedia applications for the analysis, design and implementation of
components for complex processing of the large data volumes
C5.3 Implementing and analyzing flexible solutions to obtain selections and
reports for all management levels of the organization
C5.4 Using and critical evaluating tools used to develop database, client-server,
and multimedia applications needed to management resources in the organization
C5.5 Highlighting through research and analysis the impact of using the
databases management systems, multimedia resources and client-server
technologies considering the optimization of resources, processes and efficiency
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
BI Curriculum – Competences
C6 Management information systems / computer
systems and ERP applications
C6.1 Defining the requirements and features to update the information
systems / computer systems in an organization
C6.2 Explaining and interpreting the requirements to design and
develope new information systems / computer systems
C6.3 Using economic concepts in solving problems by developing new
information systems in organizations
C6.4 Using and evaluating the methods of analysis and design for
information systems development / informatics systems after established
C6.5 Developing specifications for the design and implementation of
information system components
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
Syllabus for main disciplines Informational Systems Analysis
Data, information, knowledge, system
Principles and lifecycle of Informational Systems
Methodologies for Informational Systems Analysis
System requirements, steps and methods.
Feasibility study
Process Modelling
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
Syllabus for main disciplines
Statistical distributions and inferences
Simple linear regression
Multiple linear regression
Time series modelling and prediction
Simultaneous equation models
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
Syllabus for main disciplines
Decision Support Systems
Decisions and decision processes in business
Decision modelling. Decision support system
Knowledge representation
Decision support system design and application
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
Syllabus for main disciplines
Application Software
Computer assisted accounting
Management simulations
Marketing software
Stock exchange software
Financial analysis software
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
Syllabus for main disciplines –
Quantitative Methods in Market Research
Quantitative methods:
for demand/offer/market analysis
in production management
for product and service price establishment
Optimisation models:
for decisions
for business process management
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
Syllabus for main disciplines –
Internet Programming
Distributed systems architectures. Internet
Web architecture and programming. XML
Client side programming
Server side programming
Database servers
Remote Invocation and Web Services
eBusiness. eCommerce. eMarketing
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
Syllabus for main disciplines
Electronic document management
Document management
Content management systems
Systems for document management (DMS)
DMS implementation
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
Experiences - outline
Student feedback
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
Experiences – Teaching
Attendance at lectures
Poor team work
Jumping into programming
Poor project scheduling
No risk management
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
Experiences – Grading
Final exam 40-60%
Assignments: 0 – 20%
Lab activity + Project: 40 – 60%
Passing exam AND lab activity/project
Plagiate projects/essays
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
Experiences - Students Feedback
Questionnaires (grades on a scale of 1-10):
Course attendance
Are the notions presented in a logical sequence?
Are the notions clearly presented?
How do you assess the impact of this discipline on your
professional training?
Are the topics attractively presented for students?
Quality of interaction and communication with students
Was the list of references useful and accessible?
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
Experiences - Students Feedback
Bibliography in foreign languages – preferably none
More programming, less theory (meaning algorithms and
so on...)
Poor communication with some teachers
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
Experiences - Practice
Three weeks in the 2nd year
Two weeks in the 3rd year
Three months internship
Over 30 companies: Ford, Pirelli, iQuest,
NetRom, BlueSoftware etc.
Company feedback: economics ok, business
analysis ok, programming ok, team work ~,
availability for internships ---
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
Student Accomplishments
Software for classbook management
Faculty web page
Software for teaching and research activity management
Department web page
Web page+paper management system for Annals Journal
Web page for faculty conference
several successful software companies founded by our
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
An overview of BI curricula with a focus on
specific BI disciplines
As future work we plan to:
Analyze possible jobs of BI graduates
Analyze BI curricula from the perspective of
ACM/IEEE/AIS/AITP recommendations for
Information Systems curricula
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering
August 25, 2014
14th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering