What is the FRAME/CASE method for structuring an essay?

CTE: Sequencing Assignments
Characteristics of Effective Writing Assignments
• Assignments are provided and explained in writing.
• Writing assignments are linked to significant course
• Notices of assignments specify the purpose for writing, the
audience to be addressed, the mode or form of the writing,
and its length.
• Assessment criteria are specified.
• Longer writing projects are organized in stages.
Incorporating Sequencing Into Your Curriculum
• Include “versions” (i.e. revisions) of the
present writing assignment as part of the next
writing assignment.
• Start by “packing” a complex writing task as a
series of smaller tasks. “Unpacking” the
subtasks helps students understand the larger
Guiding Questions
for Developing Assignments
• What course objectives do you hope to advance by the writing
• What learning or critical thinking do you expect students to do?
• What elements of the "writing situation" should be reflected in
the assignment?
• What form should the writing take?
• How can the writing process be segmented to enable feedback
or additional instruction? How will you assess the process and
the final product?
• Does the assignment require pre-teaching of course concepts,
technical vocabulary, research skills, or writing skills?
• Will Information and Library Services need to be informed of
your assignment, and will you need to schedule an introduction
to the library for your class?
Human beings participate in a
All our prior knowledge and mental
frames of reference join the
When we read, we have
a conversation with the
author. What’s the
When we write, we have a conversation
with our research, our teacher, and our
classmates to the assignment.
What is the FRAME/CASE
method for structuring an essay?
You will use one text
(frame)to analyze, explore
another text, (case), and
discuss how the second text is
seen with a new perspective.
Because of the
ideology/theory of the frame
text, you have new viewpoint
of the case.
The grandmother faced barriers with recovery and
understood her barrier with her treatment of Opal’s
condition. The grandmother garnered personal strength to
just jump right over it and move ahead with her life. When
she gained this strength when she “trusted the primary
care pediatrician” (Brody 108) and she recovered well
because she is able to face and acknowledge her barriers
of other physicians and trust the one expert who she
knows is on her side. The grandmother grows and
learns from her ability to understand her barriers in
her social class and recovers for herself and benefits
Governmental agencies face a harsh recovery to help
the grandmother’s assistance with Opal. The
grandmother relies on a male companion, a truck driver to
give her relief she does not receive from the government.
Her social status leaves her with many unpaid bills which
also hinder Opal’s recovery. Yet, the grandmother has
difficulty trusting other experts because of the way she is
treated by social agencies. “They consider the
grandmother to be pathologically attached to Opal (Brody
118). Without the support of the government agencies,
the grandmother struggles to support Opal’s care.
Government programs are more to blame for the lack
of proper care for Opal, not the grandmother.
Vocabulary: recovery, barriers, . what’s the
theory of recovery?
I look at recovery from the view of grandmother and governement
How does the term recovery change the way I look at the essay?
My frame is my
of the term
recovery- I
define it the way
I learned it and
how I see it.
Then I parallel it
to the text to
create a new
idea to
Recovery means more than getting over an ideal
This is my analysis
in the paragraph.
She benefits Opal
and recovery is a
step that can be
employed to help
find this benefit.
The text didn’t say
this. I DID!