Lepton Scattering as a Probe of Hadronic Structure Andrei Afanasev Jefferson Lab/Hampton U USA HEP School, January 11-13, 2010, Valparaiso, Chile Andrei Afanasev, Lepton Scattering… Plan of Lectures • Introduction to particle scattering formalism • Basics • Scattering cross section, spin asymmetries • Experimental data on nucleon form factors • Derivation of basic formulae • Overview of lepton scattering processes, experimental results and future programs Andrei Afanasev, Lepton Scattering… Some Facts about Quarks, Hadrons and Nuclei Andrei Afanasev, Lepton Scattering… Some facts (cont.) Andrei Afanasev, Lepton Scattering… Elementary Particles Andrei Afanasev, Lepton Scattering… Hadrons and Interactions • Quarks carry both electromagnetic charge and color charge Andrei Afanasev, Lepton Scattering… Scattering as a Probe of Structure • Rutherford experiment (1909-1911) • Beam: alpha-particles from radioactive 214Po • Target: gold foil • Result: “Planetary Model” of an atom; beginning of a new era in modern physics Compare with a bullet probing a haystack Exercise: Run a computer simulation of Rutherford experiment http://phet.colorado.edu/simulations/sims.php?sim=Rutherford_Scattering Andrei Afanasev, Lepton Scattering… Scattering in Quantum Physics • Described by a Lippmann-Schwinger equation for wave function of the scattered particles, () 1 V () , E H 0 i p2 H H0 V , H0 , H0 E 2m x () 1 (2 )3 / 2 large r ikx eikr e f ( k ' , k ) r • Differential cross section: d number of particles scattered into d per unit time d d number of incident particles crossing unit area per unit time 2 r | jscatt | d | f (k ' , k ) |2 d | jincident| Andrei Afanasev, Lepton Scattering… Born Approximation • Scattering amplitude and differential cross section in the first Born approximation x' ( ) x' ik x ' e (2 ) 3 / 2 2m 3 i ( k k ') x ' f (k , k ' ) d x' e V (x' ) h | k k ' | Q 2k sin ; 2 (1) 2m / q for sphericall y symmetric potential f ( ) dr rV (r ) sin( qr ) 2 (h / 2 ) 0 (1) V0 e r 2mV0 1 for Yukawa potential V (r ) f (1) ( ) r (h / 2 ) 2 q 2 2 2 2mV 2 d 1 0 differenti al cross section f (k ' , k ) 2 2 d (h / 2 ) 2 2 2 4k sin 2 Andrei Afanasev, Lepton Scattering… Role of Particle Spin • Spin is an internal quantum number of a particle • For charged particles spin relates to their magnetic moments through a Bohr magneton • Spin has discrete projection on a selected direction (quantum phenomenon), demonstrated in Stern-Gerlach experiment (1922) for a beam of spin-1/2 particles Exercise: run a computer simulation of a Stern-Gerlach experiment at http://phet.colorado.edu/simulations/sims.php?sim=SternGerlach_Experiment Andrei Afanasev, Lepton Scattering… Electron Scattering Andrei Afanasev, Lepton Scattering… Pros and Cons of Electron Scattering Andrei Afanasev, Lepton Scattering… Elastic Electron Scattering • Form Factor response of system to momentum transfer Q, often normalized to that of point-like system Examples: →scattering of photons by bound atoms →nuclear beta decay →X-ray scattering from crystal →electron scattering off nucleon Andrei Afanasev, Lepton Scattering… Form Factors Exercise: Calculate the charge distribution ρ(x) is the form factor is described by a dipole formula F(q2)=1/(1+q2/μ2)2 Andrei Afanasev, Lepton Scattering… Nucleon Electro-Magnetic Form Factors Fundamental ingredients in “Classical” nuclear theory • A testing ground for theories constructing nucleons from quarks and gluons - spatial distribution of charge, magnetization wavelength of probe can be tuned by selecting momentum transfer Q: < 0.1 GeV2 integral quantities (charge radius,…) 0.1-10 GeV2 internal structure of nucleon > 20 GeV2 pQCD scaling Caveat: If Q is several times the nucleon mass (~Compton wavelength), dynamical effects due to relativistic boosts are introduced, making physical interpretation more difficult Additional insights can be gained from the measurement of the form factors of nucleons embedded in the nuclear medium - implications for binding, equation of state, EMC… - precursor to QGP Andrei Afanasev, Lepton Scattering… Formalism Sachs Charge and Magnetization Form Factors GE and GM GE2 GM2 d 2 2 ( E, ) M 2 GM tan / 2 d 1 2 E 'cos2 / 2 M 4E 3 sin 4 / 2 with E (E’) incoming (outgoing) energy, scattering angle, k anomalous magnetic moment In the Breit (centre-of-mass) frame the Sachs FF can be written as the Fourier transforms of the charge and magnetization radial density distributions GE and GM are often alternatively expressed in the Dirac (non-spin-flip) F1 and Pauli (spin-flip) F2 Form Factors F1 GE GM G GE F2 M k (1 ) Q2 = 4 M2 Andrei Afanasev, Lepton Scattering… Elastic Nucleon Form Factors •Based on one-photon exchange approximation M fi M 1fi M 1fi e 2ue ueu p ( F1 (q 2 ) q F2 (q 2 ))u p 2m •Two techniques to measure 0 (GM 2 GE 2 ) : Rosenbluth technique G 2 (1 ) Px A x E Pz Az GM 1 2 : Polarizati on technique GE F1 F2 , GM F1 F2 2 qlab q2 2 e 1 , ( 1 2 tan ) 2 2 4m N q 2 ( Py 0) Latter due to: Akhiezer, Rekalo; Arnold, Carlson, Gross Andrei Afanasev, Lepton Scattering… Do the techniques agree? SLAC/Rosenbluth ~5% difference in cross-section x5 difference in polarization JLab/Polarization • Both early SLAC and Recent JLab experiments on (super)Rosenbluth separations followed Ge/Gm~const • JLab measurements using polarization transfer technique give different results (Jones’00, Gayou’02) Radiative corrections, in particular, a short-range part of 2-photon exchange is a likely origin of the discrepancy Andrei Afanasev, Lepton Scattering… Basics of QED radiative corrections (First) Born approximation Initial-state radiation Final-state radiation Cross section ~ dω/ω => integral diverges logarithmically: IR catastrophe Vertex correction => cancels divergent terms; Schwinger (1949) 2 E 13 Q2 17 1 exp (1 ) Born, {(ln )(ln 2 1) f ( )} E 12 me 36 2 Multiple soft-photon emission: solved by exponentiation, Yennie-Frautschi-Suura (YFS), 1961 (1 ) e Andrei Afanasev, Lepton Scattering… Complete radiative correction in O(αem ) Radiative Corrections: • Electron vertex correction (a) • Vacuum polarization (b) • Electron bremsstrahlung (c,d) Log-enhanced but calculable (a,c,d)• Two-photon exchange (e,f) • Proton vertex and VCS (g,h) • Corrections (e-h) depend on the nucleon structure •Meister&Yennie; Mo&Tsai •Further work by Bardin&Shumeiko; Maximon&Tjon; AA, Akushevich, Merenkov; •Guichon&Vanderhaeghen’03: Can (e-f) account for the Rosenbluth vs. polarization experimental discrepancy? Look for ~3% ... Main issue: Corrections dependent on nucleon structure Model calculations: •Blunden, Melnitchouk,Tjon, Phys.Rev.Lett.91:142304,2003 •Chen, AA, Brodsky, Carlson, Vanderhaeghen, Phys.Rev.Lett.93:122301,2004 Andrei Afanasev, Lepton Scattering…