سيستم جامع برداشت رقومي اطلاعات - United Nations Statistics Division

In The Name of God,
The compassionate, The merciful
A Report on Using Mobile
Digital Systems in
“Industrial Producers Price Index”
in Tehran
Statistical Center of Iran
Feb. 2007ّ
Table of contents:
Goals and Objectives
Executive procedures of the survey
Abstract Introduction to Industrial Producers Price Index Survey
Organizational Chart
Quality of field workers ( education, training and…)
Survey Conduction and supervision procedures
ِDefining Work area
Feasibility study on different methods of data transfer to the
 An example of the field work
 Assessment of Data enumerator’s view points
 Major Results of the survey
Statistical center of Iran has done the best to use
Information Technology (IT) available capabilities in
the data gathering and data extraction of yearly
statistical surveys.
Considering the fast changing environment of IT
recently a survey conducted by adopting PDA. The
aim was to evaluate this technique and hardware
capabilities in field work.
Major assumptions were the fact that by using PDAs
not only the speed and quality of gathered data
increases, but also there is a considerable saving on
paper-works and questionnaires as well as elevation
of IT knowledge in SCI.
Goals and Objectives
Feasibility study on PDAs capabilities in
the field work both for software and
hardwares involved.
Feasibility study on preparing
questionnaires and its data base in PDAs.
Study of the procedures of linking GIS
software to compile both digital maps and
a separate database of the survey.
Feasibility study to compile GPS systems
with GIS and Survey’s database to
upgrade the quality of data by linking Georeferenced data with unique address of the
respondents of the survey.
Executive procedures of the survey
Preparation and building necessary environment for
conduction of the pilot project such as:
 Formation
of a experts committee for conduction of the pilot
 Selection of
GIS programming firm in order to customize the
interface and workspace of the PDAs.
 Preparing
questionnaires in digital format
 Preparing
introductory text for field workers
 Conducting
3 day training course for the field workers.
Abstract Introduction to Industrial Producers
Price Index Survey
Industrial Producers Price Index (IPPI) is currently
conducted on a monthly basis all over the nation.
In this survey a small questionnaire is prepared for
selected industrial production.
The questionnaire is comprised of 4 different
sections which are as follows:
1- Geographic address of the work shop or factory.
2- Work shop or factory specifications
3- Enumerator’s name, and address
4- Specifications and price of the selected goods in the current
month including: name and unit of production, ISIC code of
selected goods, price per unit and reasons for its change (if
Organizational Chart of Pilot Survey
Quality of Field workers (education,
training and…)
• Considering the new aspects of the pilot survey, a group
field workers have been selected. This group are mostly
youngsters who are well familiar and handy with computer
and cell phone as an operator.
• Education degree of the field workers
- BA / Bs
- Technicians 2
- Diploma
Content of Training Course:
Introduction to IPPI survey
Techniques of price acquisition
Introduction to using PDAs
Introduction to IPPI data
gathering software
Introduction to GIS software and
digital maps
Introduction to GPS and work flow of the survey
Field work Training (1 full day)
Question and answer of the whole training course
Training exam and selection of 20 field workers for the survey
Survey Conduction and supervision
 Teaming of the field workers.
 Assigning a survey district to each field worker.
 Supervision and Monitoring:
- Direct supervision by the members of conducting
- Gathering Daily reports as well as finished units
of work from all field workers.
- On-site and remote problem solving of the field
- Data verification and modification by the
provincial expert of the survey in at most 12-18
‫محل استقرارآمارگير‬
‫ثبت نقطه مورد نظر برای آمارگيري‬
‫فرم مخصوص سرشماري طرح جمع آوري قيمت‬
‫توليدكننده محصوالت صنعتي‬
‫جمعآوري دادههاي‬
‫آماري مرتبط به‬
‫دادههاي مكاني‬
‫‪Questionnaire fill up by the field worker‬‬
‫رديف كارگاه‬
Questionnaire fill up by the field worker
‫دفتر مركزي‬
‫‪Questionnaire fill up by the field worker‬‬
‫نام كاال‬
‫مشخصات كاال‬
‫تغيير قيمت‬
‫علت تغيير قيمت‬
‫ورود اطالعات‬
‫مشخصات كاال‬
‫مشخصات پاسخگو‬
Questionnaire fill up by the field worker
Õ 09:39:23 12/02/2007
Recording Geographic coordination of the statistical
unit and questionnaire fill up date and time
Delimitation of survey area by work units
Map of Work Unit assignment to field workers
Feasibility of different methods of
data Transfer to the head quarter
1. Data transfer to the head quarter by the field worker
2. Using internet for data transfer i.e.: coffee nets,
personal internet access …
Internet link on provincial website for remote connection
Pictures of some major field activities
Field work districts and GPS tracking
Field work districts and GPS tracking
Field work districts and GPS tracking
‫موقعيت كارگاه‬
Relationship of Address database and GIS maps
Relationship of address database, GIS maps and GPS tracking
Movement track of the field worker (by GPS)
Picture of changed or dislocated workshops
Picture of changed or dislocated workshops
Relationship of address database, GIS maps, GPS tracking
and questionnaire database
Results and Outcomes
• In addition to large amount of budget cuts, use of
PDAs does have an extensive effect on quality of data.
• By using intelligent techniques of data gathering, on
site verification as well as necessary data
modifications and corrections are easily accessible.
• By adopting this technique and proper communication
infrastructure, on-line monitoring, supervision and
problem solving is possible and easy.
• To ensure the coverage as well as updating with IT
techniques needs preparation of GIS ready maps for
address geo-referencing which in turn will exerts huge
burden for the mapping unit of SCI.
Thank for your patience