NAM- PHONG LE INTRODUCTION The success of the Sa Mac relies on spiritual aspect; therefore, liturgy plays an important part of Sa Mac. Liturgy is the first thing on the list of Sa Mac, but it is the last things that we think of. MỤC ĐÍCH: 1. LỀU THÁNH THỂ 2. EUCHARIST 3. CHAPLAIN 4. MASS 5. SETUP FOR MASS 6. CHẦU THÁNH THỂ 7. CÁC TẬP TỤC SA MẠC CỦA PHONG TRÀO TNTT 1. LỀU THÁNH THỂ EUCHARISTIC TENT: Phải được đặt ở chỗ trang trọng, xứng đáng & có người luân phiên chầu và phải do Tuyên Uý Sa Mạc hoặc có Thừa Tác Viên được uỷ quyền đặt và cất Mình Thánh. LỀU THÁNH THỂ TENT -First to be up -At the best place -Steady -Beware of sunny sky, rain, dirty places -Not a storage place -Have extra tent for storage LỀU THÁNH THỂ TARPS -Enough for sitting -Beware of overnight dew CLEANING -Broom and trash pick-up -Towels LỀU THÁNH THỂ Decoration -Attraction -Flower vase: steady to prevent water from spilling -Flower: At least 1 real bouquet of flower Table for the Eucharist & Mary’s statue -Table cover, not rag -No box Tabernacle -Should have when nobody is present TABERNACLE Liturgical furnishing used to house the Eucharist outside of Mass. This provides a location where the Eucharist can be kept for the adoration of the faithful and for later use (e.g., distribution to the sick). Prevent the profanation of the Eucharist. "The tabernacle in which the Eucharist is regularly reserved is to be immovable, made of solid or opaque material, and locked so that the danger of profanation may be entirely avoided" (CIC 938 §3). The word tabernacle means "dwelling place. LỀU THÁNH THỂ * Sanctuary Lamp * Candle -Fire prevention -Beware of windy condition * Others -Crucifix -Statue of Mary and Saints -Bible, rosary, spiritual, and religious books 2. THÁNH THỂ: The heart of the Church because in the Holy Eucharist we become one with God. Fulfilling Jesus’ command : “Do this in remembrance of me.” Christ of 2000 years ago is still present in the celebration of the Eucharist. Christ truly gives himself for us where the work of redemption is accomplished on the Cross and is now made present on the altar of sacrifice. THÁNH THỂ: -Person in charge -Beware of no Eucharist in the beginning -Opening Mass to have Eucharist -Procession and adoration (especially after Mass) -Keep in the tabernacle -If no person is present -Genuflex when crossing in front THÁNH THỂ: -Keep in monstrance/tabernacle -Someone must be present or cover it or put in tabernacle -Kneel on both knees and bow -Schedule -First and last station in camp -Lighted candle (Sanctuary Lamp) when having the Eucharist -Handle the Eucharist at end of Sa Mạc Respect -When having the Eucharist 3. CHAPLAIN -Present at all time -Best if from TNTT -Task -Daily Mass -Liturgy -Confession -SMS spiritual aspect -Advice -Religious course 4. MASS -Most important part of the camp but the last we think of -Center of all activities but only an after thought -Daily Mass -Opening Mass -Set the mood for the camp -Ý lực -Drop everything -Set enough time (do not cut) -Preparation -Prayers before Mass 5. SETUP FOR MASS: ITEMS USED DURING THE CELEBRATION OF MASS Overview: -Elements required for the celebration of the Eucharist. -Names -Used -Understanding of their significance. THÁNH LỄ - EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION Catechism of the Catholic Church number 1325 states that “the celebration of the Eucharist is the heart of the Christian communion. THINGS TO BRING FOR THE MASS – DỤNG CỤ CHO THÁNH LỄ: • Bàn Thờ, Khăn Bàn Thờ, Nến, Thánh Giá, Nến - Candles và Hộp quẹt - Lighter • Chén Thánh - Chalice, Khăn Thánh - Corporal & Purificator. • Khăn Lau Tay & Nước • Bánh & Rượu đủ cho Sa mạc ( Số ngày X Số Sa Mạc Sinh) • Sách Lễ Roma (Roman Missal), Sách Bài Đọc (Lectionary) • Áo Lễ - Vestment, Presidential Chair • Flowers ALTAR The altar is the table or structure on which the church’s sacred meal is celebrated. ALTAR CLOTH At least one white cloth covering the altar for the celebration of Mass. (General Instruction of the Roman Missal #117) ALTAR CRUCIFIX The current practice is to have a crucifix on or close to the altar. (General Instruction of the Roman Missal #117). CANDLES Candles are to be used at every liturgical celebration as a sign of reverence and festiveness. Candles represent Christ as the light of the world which is most prominent at the Easter Vigil. On or next to the altar are to be placed candlesticks with lighted candles: at least two in any celebration. Corporal: The term corporal is a Latin word that means ‘body’. It is an additional smaller cloth that is placed at the center front of the altar for the paten and chalice to be placed on. Pall: To cover the chalice Purificator: It is used to wipe the lip of the chalice after each person drinks from the chalice. There is always one purificator for each chalice used at a Eucharistic celebration. It is used again for the drying of the vessels when they are purified or cleaned at the end of Mass. Chalice: Latin word ‘calix’, meaning cup. The cup that holds the Blood of Christ when the wine is consecrated at Mass. Made of precious metals as a sign of the importance of these sacred vessels. Paten: Patens or plates are what the hosts for communion are placed on made of precious metals. Ciborium: A ciborium (plural ciboria) is a vessel, normally in metal, designed to hold hosts for, and after, the Eucharist. Bells Cruets containing the wine and water: means the bottles or jugs that hold the water or wine that are carried to the altar at the Preparation of the Gifts. Bowl, jug, and towel: When the Priest washes his hand during the preparation of the gifts he quietly says the words: ‘Wash me, O Lord, from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.’ This is a symbolic gesture on the part of the Priest as he prepares to pray the Eucharistic prayer. For this reason the bowl and jug and towel used for the action should be large enough for the community to see. Even though the words are said quietly the action is rich symbolically. BREAD AND WINE Bread: The bread used in the celebration of the Most Holy Eucharistic Sacrifice must be unleavened, purely of wheat Wine: The 1983 Code of Canon Law declares: "The most holy Sacrifice of the Eucharist must be celebrated . . . in wine to which a small quantity of water is to be added. . . . The wine must be natural, made from grapes of the vine, and not corrupt" (CIC 924). Roman Missal: The Roman Missal is the book that holds all the prayers for the celebration of the Eucharist. Lectionary: The Lectionary holds all the scripture readings used during the Liturgy of the Word. Presidential Chair: The Priest is often called the presider because all of the baptized ‘celebrate,’ and the role of leadership is one of coordinating the many ministers that assist with the celebration of the Eucharist. Flowers: Flowers have traditionally been part of the decoration for the celebration of Eucharist and can enhance the celebrations of particular feasts and liturgical season and specific liturgical celebrations in the church like weddings. During Advent the floral decorations of the altar should be very simple to suit the liturgical season, while for Christmas celebrations more flowers would express the joy of the Feast. During Lent we are not to use flowers as this is a penitential season. Other Solemnities and Feasts are an opportunity to use flowers as a sign of celebration and joy. CÁC NHU CẦU KHÁC: *Bài hát (Nhập Lễ, Dâng Lễ, Hiệp Lễ, Kết Lễ) *Lời Nguyện Giáo Dân : Lời Nguyện Dâng của lễ của Phong Trào - Cho các nhu cầu của Hội Thánh. - Cho chính quyền và thế giới. - Cho một nhóm người, hay một trường hợp đặc biệt. - Cho cộng đoàn địa phương (QCTQ 70). - Cho các linh hồn MINISTERS *Celebrant & Concelebrants *Deacon *Người giúp lễ *Cross and Candle Bearers *Lectors - Người đọc Sách Thánh *Extra Communion Minsters - Thừa tác viên Thánh Thể *Offering Presenters *Choir -People of faith CHẦU THÁNH THỂ EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Eucharistic Adoration is an act of adoring and worshiping the presence of Christ. CÁCH THỨC: 1. Đặt Mình Thánh Chúa – Exposition of the Eucharist: Hát Bài với tâm tình thờ lạy – Pick a song with a theme of adoration and worship 2. Bài Hát – Songs: Thờ Lạy Chúa, 3. Đọc và suy niệm Phúc Âm – Reading the Gospel passage and reflecting about passage. 4. Chia sẻ Phúc Âm – Gospel Sharing 5. Cầu Xin – Prayer of Faithful 6. Hát Bài Tôn Vinh – Praise and Worship song 7. Chầu Phép Lành Mình Thánh Chúa – Adoration Hát: Cầu Cho Đức Thánh Cha: Này Con Là Đá Hát Đây Nhiệm Tích Phép lành Mình Thánh Chúa. Hát bài Kính Đức Mẹ. DỤNG CỤ CẦN THIẾT THINGS THAT YOU NEED FOR THE EUCHARIST ADORATION Mặt Nhật - Monstrance & bánh lễ lớn – A big Host. 4-6 Day Candles Tầu hương - Censer & Boat Hương và Than – Incense and Charcoal Charcoal-Tongs Lighter Áo choàng – Cape and Humeral Veil Thánh Kinh – A Bible Bông – Flower Bàn Thờ nhỏ & Khăn Bàn Thờ CÁC TẬP TỤC SA MẠC CỦA PHONG TRÀO TNTT LÃNH NHẬN LỜI CHÚA: & KINH TRƯA -Sưởi là cách thức đặc trưng của Sa mạc Huấn Luyện để các sa Mạc Sinh tự sắp xếp để viếng thăm, tâm sự, và được sưởi ấm bởi Chúa Thánh Thể. TÔN VINH ĐỨC MẸ -Buổi dâng hoa kính Đức Mẹ trong Sa Mạc DIVINE MERCY PRAYER -3 giờ chiều: Tưởng niệm giờ Chúa chết THE END Q &A THANK YOU