MIS3502-Exam 1-Study Guide

MIS3502 – Exam 1 – Study Guide
The format of the exam
The exam will be a series of multiple choice and short answer questions that you
will be asked to complete. You will have the entire class in which to complete the
exam. It is a closed book, closed notes exam.
In the short answer portions of the exam, you may have to write short portions of
code by hand.
The questions are meant to assess your comprehension of topics we have learned. A
list of topics we have covered so far follows. This isn’t meant to be a comprehensive
/ exhaustive list, but it should be a good indication of what I think is important.
1) PDO / PDO Syntax
a) How do you create a new PDO object?
b) How do you treat exceptions?
c) What are fetch() and fetchall()? How are they different?
d) How do you write a foreach loop in PHP and what is the benefit of using this
e) How do you use the bindValue method?
f) What are the benefits of using PDO?
g) What are the basic parameters you need to connect to a MySQL database?
2) MVC
a) Be able to explain what the MVC pattern is, and why it is used.
b) Understand the purpose of each of the following:
i) Model
ii) View
iii) Controller
c) Understand the kind of PHP code you might expect to see in each of the
d) Understand how the PHP include command makes the MVC structure
3) JavaScript
a) How is JavaScript different from PHP?
b) How is JavaScript similar to PHP?
c) What do the PHP commands to alert() and document.write() do? How are
they different?
d) How do I reference an external .js file with the <script> tag?
e) How can I use JavaScript for form validation?
f) Be able to write a simple JavaScript function.
g) What is the Document Object Model (DOM)?
h) What do these methods do?
i) createElement();
ii) getElementById();
i) What is the innerHTML property and how do you use it?
a) Understand what this object is, and its methods: XMLHttpRequest
b) Be able to use the JavaScript split method to transform comma separated
values into an array.
c) Know what JSON is and how to generate JSON code using json_encode()
d) Be able to use the JSON.parse method to transform JSON text into an array.
e) Understand how the header() function can be used to manipulate the caching
behavior of the browser.
f) Be able to explain when it is beneficial to leverage the caching behavior of the
browser, and when caching needs to be prevented.
5) RWD
a) Be able to explain each of the following
i) Flexible Grid
(1) Be able to translate a fixed width format into a flexible grid format
ii) Flexible Images
(1) Know where / how to apply this CSS: max-width: 100%;
iii) Media Queries
(1) Be able to write a simple @media rule.
b) Understand the following CSS attributes
i) display
ii) visibility
iii) clear
iv) float
The quizzes held in class so far are good representations of what I will emphasize on
the exam. The slides we have covered in class are also a good reference.
Each of the questions will be worth one point each, unless otherwise noted. The
exam will have approximately 50 points total.