Digital Electronics Dr. Bahawodin Baha, University of Brighton, UK. March 2007 Digital Systems, Principles and Applications, 10th Edition R.J Tocci, N. S. Windmer, G. L. Moss, 2007. Applications: Computers Telecommunication Automation Medical Science and Technology Transportation Space Exploration Entertainment Home Appliances Others Course Summary Overview of Electronics Digital Electronics Number systems, decimal, binary, hexadecimal Combinational logic circuits Sequential logic circuits Computer Systems Course Summary (cont.) Combinational Logic Systems Number systems: Binary, decimal and hexadecimal conversions and calculations Basic logic gates: AND, OR, NOT and Ex-OR Truth tables, Boolean equations. Combinational logic circuit design: General hierarchical logic design methodology Minimisation using Karnaugh maps and Boolean algebra, DeMorgan’s laws. Simulation of gates and combinational logic designs Implementation and testing of designs using a suitable version of TTL series ICs. Practical aspects of using logic ICs: data sheets, current and voltage characteristics, timing issues, output types, compatibility, families etc.. Course Summary (cont.) Sequential logic design Flip-flops: SR, JK, D, T types, truth tables, excitation tables and device operation. Flip-flop applications: Registers and counters (asynchronous); MSI and LSI devices Synchronous counter and sequence generator design method Course Summary (cont.) Introduction to Microprocessor Systems Overview of computer systems architectures, a simple microprocessor-based system, the stored programme concept. Design of a microprocessor based system Differences between microprocessors and microcontrollers. Brief history of microprocessors and microcontrollers. Overview of Electronics Analogue electronics Power electronics Physical electronics Differences between digital and other types of electronics Numerical Presentation In 1947, Transistor was invented in Bell labs in the USA. It was as tall as the face of wristwatch. In November 2001, another Bell lab team has built a transistor from a single Molecule small enough to fit about 10 million transistors on the head of a pin. Numerical Representation There is two ways to represent numerical values. 1- Analogue In analogue representation one quantity is represented by another quantity which is directly proportional to the first quantity. Analogue = Continuous 2- Digital In digital representation the quantities are not represented by proportional quantities but symbols called digits. The digital representation is in discrete steps. Digital = Discrete Logic Level in digital representation, 0 – 0.8 logic 0 and 2 – 5 logic 1. Voltage between 0.8 V and 2 V are unacceptable and are never used. Number systems Type of Numbers Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Converting decimal to binary and Converting decimal to hexadecimal Converting binary to hexadecimal Number Systems Decimal Binary Hexadecimal Base of 10 Base 0f 2 Base of 16 0 0000 0 1 0001 1 2 0010 2 3 0011 3 4 0100 4 5 0101 5 6 0110 6 7 0111 7 8 1000 8 9 1001 9 10 1010 A 11 1011 B 12 1100 C 13 1101 D 14 1110 E 15 1111 F g Converting Decimal to Binary 2 Convert Therefore, 810 = (1000)2 LSB, Less Significant Bit MSB, Most significant Bit To examine (0 X 2 0) + (0 X 2 1) + (0 X 2 2) + (1 X 2 3) = 8 decimal into binary 8 2 4 Reminder 0 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 1 LSB M SB 2nd Example Convert 624 decimal into binary 624 decimal = 1001110000 in binary. To examine the result (1 X 2 4) + (1 X 2 5) + (1 X 2 6) + (1 X 2 9) = 624 2 624 2 2 2 312 0 156 0 78 0 2 39 0 2 19 1 2 2 2 2 9 1 4 1 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 Reminder LSB MSB Converting Decimal to Hex 16 Find the Hex equivalent of (3875) (3875) = (F23)H To examine (15 X 162) + (2 X 161) + (3 X 160) = 3875 3875 Reminder 16 242 3 16 15 2 16 0 15 LSB MSB Converting Hex to Decimal Convert (AF16B)16 to decimal. (AF16B)16 = [(10 X 164) + (15 X 163) + (1 X 162) + (6 X 161) + (11 X 160)] = (655360 + 61440 +256 +96 +11) = (717163)10 Converting Binary to Hex To convert Binary into Hex, simply group them in four and write down the Hex equivalent for each group. Example: (10110011) 2 = (1011)2 (0011)2 = (11)10 (3)10 = B316 Main Points Digital Electronics use many exciting applications Introduction to digital electronics Number systems: Decimal, binary and hex Converting from one number system into another The End Thank you for your attention. Any questions? Good luck and have fun!