ENGLISH IV final exam study guide (USE THIS AND ADD FROM YOUR NOTES) Films/Novels: (see your notes for additional information!) Siddhartha—Siddhartha goes on a journey to find enlightenment (constant feeling of inner peace) He experiences the material world, gets caught up in it (gambling, drinking), wants to end his life and he hears “om.” He learns from the river, the ferryman—learns to listen, unity of all beings (all connected and one) Learns from his son—he’s just like all people (child-people) Once he experiences “oneness”—reaches enlightenment Five People You Meet in Heaven—Eddie—died and met 5 influential people in heaven who impacted his life Realized he was atoning for killing the little girl Job ensured children’s safety The Art of Racing in the Rain—Denny and Eve were married, had Enzo the dog Eve died of brain cancer Eve’s parents wanted to keep Zoe (their daughter) because they said Denny was unfit Theme: make adjustments in life to stay on track In the end, Denny gets custody of Zoe (after a long fight) Razor’s Edge—Larry Darrell—stock broker, goes into WWI and sees death and suffering and he is changed Larry—search for meaning of life Finds money and materialism is not important but experiences are very impt. Goes to India—has enlightenment experience (hears chorus of chanting monks)—Life is about living it, not reading about it Comes back to world and treats others with compassion and kindness He does not judge others Sees Sophie (prostitute/drugs) and she changes and they fall in love Slum Dog : Karma—Salim made wrong choices while Jamal made right choices Ex) Salim’s karma was to take care of Jamal, he killed people, kicked out Jamal, died in bathtub of money BUT saved Latika and let her free Jamal—does the right thing, Salim—motivated by power and money, older brother/corrupt. Latika—orphaned young girl who falls in love with Jamal Jamal—life experiences educated him, he was in the right place at the right time (his destiny—to be with Latika) Life of Pi—Why a person could believe in God Pi Patel stranded on boat—created an event in his mind (animals represented different people) Provides a peaceful explanation of the unknown Survival is miracle and a miracle is brought by some spiritual power Life is Beautiful (theme and structure make it modern) Isolation, alienation, dehumanization Tragic comedy No real introduction to Holocaust (strife of individuals) Theme=alienation, despair/in concentration camp Lack of transition between time periods (time and mood) Julius Caesar—politics Concerned with good of the state, and good of Rome Would kill a friend if needed for good of Rome Conflict of one’s duty to state vs. one’s duty to a friend Les Miserables—Javert was the police officer who was on a relentless pursuit to bring Jean ValJean, a convicted criminal, down. Jean ValJean served his time and changed through the course of the film He became mayor, helped the working class “adopted” Cozzette after her mother Fantine (prostitute) died Literary Movements Realism (2 Friends, The Bet, Les Mis) Pessimistic view of the world Examines social issues—working class people and hardships Slice of life No sugar coating—confronted harsh realities of 19th century Graphic details Naturalism (Two Friends) Heredity, chance, and environment determine a person’s fate One faces fate with dignity Symbolism An object represents something larger than itself (suggested meaning through symbols) Modernism (Life is Beautiful) Alienation Despair Often abandoned traditional plot structure Search for identity Disconnection from past/tradition Theme is implied rather than stated Theme=disillusionment Romanticism Connection between man and nature Inspiration from imagination, inner feelings, and emotions Interests in ordinary people Favored use of simple, common language Fascination with supernatural Sense of optimism Desire for social change Short Stories “Snapshopts of a Wedding”—personal freedom, searching for change Cultural change—traditional African society going through change o Abandonment of traditional value “photos” (quick moment of action) of a wedding reveal a society in conflict theme: tradition vs. modern; cultural change—and conflict that arises when they go through that change Neo-new ideas, educated, wants to get a job, make money/arrogant and rude and does not respect the elders in the tribe Kego—his conflict is over which person to marry (he picked Neo and his family wanted him to marry Mathada) o His mind is with new school, wants to marry an educated woman o He is old school—heart with Mathada….should I marry someone with his same traditional values?) o Both women are pregnant and in the end he marries Neo Mathada—traditional tribal woman Girl (modernism)—written in demands or commands from mom to daughter Non-traditional plot structure See conflict of old vs. new ways Mom trying to school daughter on how to be a proper woman (how to wash clothes, cook, iron, sweep) Girls ways did not please mom’s ways (conflict—suggests girl acted in a way her mother did not approve of) War (modernism)—story of people on the train Lady upset over son going to war All people talking about children going to war Man said you should be proud of children, let them go. His son died and he was proud. Illusion that it’s heroic to die in battle=be proud Marriage is a Private Affair (modernism) Nnameka was in love with Nene Nnameka—son Theme—traditions, new vs. old ways Nnameka married out of tribe—father disowns him Nene—Nnameka wife = love marriage Okeke—Nene’s father, does not approve of marriage, traditional guy, believes wife should work at home, quiet, Christian Nene is from a different tribe than father and son. Traditionally, father picks bride. She is a teacher, has a voice, At end, Nene wrote to Okeke to see grandchildren. He realizes he wants to see grandchildren. A Walk to the Jetty from Annie John by Jamaica Kincaid Memories, coming of age story (girl leaving home to become independent) Girl leaves home and she is walking to the jetty and reminiscing about her past She has fond memories but she remembers her mother as “squeezing the life out of her”—she is ready to grow up but her mother still had control over her and she was very overpowering in her daughter’s life Break from the past to experience new events The Bet (realism—greed, pessimistic view of life) Banker and lawyer make a bet/which is worse, life in prison or execution? Lawyer goes to jail voluntarily after making $2 million bet w/ banker While in prison, he read, learned, thought a lot, searched for meaning of life In the end, the lawyer did not take the money b/c he knew it would not make him happy/materialistic; his final perception of humans was pessimistic, dark Naturalism, man does not change—most people’s priorities are out of order; people are materialistic, lost touch with the meaning of life Two Friends (realism—death, destruction, products of war, naturalism— environment and heredity shape who you are and control fate) Brutal nature of war 2 men whose lives were interrupted because they were forced to become soldiers in war fear, surrounded by enemy but they reminisce about “good old days” and they go out to fish men are captured but will be free if they tell the password symbols=fish represent helplessness, get caught and eaten, just like the 2 men are helpless, caught, killed IRONY=2 men plan on catching/eating fish but the fish will have their turn, eat the men Survival in Auschwitz— Primo Levi’s account of Holocaust, dehumanization, isolation Federigo’s Falcon—(romanticism—sacrifice) Federigo cared so much for Mona he sacrificed everything he had for her Mona sacrifices her pride, to ask for the falcon but he already sacrificed the falcon (fed it to them) Other works to study: Machiavelli—author of The Prince, political theorist No morality in politics Stay in power, any way you can—even if it’s immoral (even if it’s using brutal force to maintain power0 Don’t want people to hate you Means justify the ends—doesn’t matter how a leader gets what he wants, as long as he gets it A Doll’s House (women were treated differently in society at this time—individual) Nora (wife) and Torvald’s (husband) unequal relationship o Male dominance o Women—couldn’t borrow $$, o Nora forged her father’s name for a loan Could not develop in the confines of her marriage She married him lbecause he was like her father, she was not happy in their marriage. She had to go off and find herself for her own happiness Themes: transformation, sexism, identity and search for self, human rights The Metamorphosis—change, transformation Main characters: Gregor, sister, mother, father Gregor supports his family and one day he wakes up as a bug Physical appearance affects the way you act Dehumanization—from boss, father…. Themes: isolation, alienation, dehumanization At the end, Gregor dies and his family is free and reborn. They change their lives. Gregor had to die so his family could grow and survive