Section project (100 pts. each) For two of the religions we cover (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam) the following project is required: A. Choose one of the following: marriage ceremony; pilgrimage; other ritual of memory or worship. Write a 3-5 page paper in which you: 1) Describe the ritual in detail. 2) Explain how or what it expresses about a. Beliefs in the divine or cosmic order b. Role of the individual in the community c. Three central values of the religion These might be found in the purpose of certain actions or prayers. 3) Describe what you see as a) common and b) different from your own experience and beliefs. How does this make you think differently about your own beliefs? You will need to do some research for each of these. Please submit the completed paper on Sakai, including a Works Cited page and footnotes following the Chicago style (no MLA!) which is found on the OWL Purdue ( site. B. Visit a site (such as a synagogue, mosque, or instruction center) to gather information for your project. If you choose to do this, please attach (staple or heavy clip) some evidence, such as a bulletin or brochure from the site, to a copy of the page below and turn it into me as a hard copy. ** You may also submit more than two section projects for extra credit. Please mark this clearly on the visit form and submit your paper into the Extra Credit Site Visit dropbox on Sakai. Rubric: Content Format Grammar Spelling Footnotes and Works Cited Insight and Creativity Excellent (100-94) Shows exceptional reflection and thoughtfulness Exceptional research effort 5 + pages Works cited page Proper footnotes No errors in spelling or grammar Proper format No errors Exceptional insight into the questions Creative thinking and presentation of material (within the given format) Above Average (93-87) Shows serious reflection on all of the questions Evident effort in outside research Average (86-80) Has answered all of the questions adequately Limited outside research Below Average (79-0) Partial answers to the questions; missing questions No outside research done 4-5 pages 3 pages Less than 3 pages Works cited page Works cited page Missing works Proper footnotes Proper footnotes cited page or No errors in Minor spelling proper footnotes spelling or and/or grammar Significant grammar errors spelling and/or grammar errors Proper format Proper format Failure to follow Single error Minor errors correct format Excellent Shows adequate No particular insights into the reflection on insight or questions questions and creativity Some creativity personal beliefs in thinking and presentation (within the given format) Site Visit for Church and the Major World Religions Name: ____________________________ Due Date: _____________________________ Circle one: Required Visit Extra Credit Visit Name of Place: _________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Date of your visit: ______________________________________________________________ Type and time of the event/service: _________________________________________________ Name of the leader: _____________________________________________________________ Approx. number of people attending/present: _________________________________________ With whom did you go? __________________________________________________________ Answer the following questions. You may use the back or extra paper if necessary. 1) Describe the place where the service/event was held. 2) Describe what happened at the service/event. 3) What did you find most surprising about your visit?