cosmos instructions and questions_2015

Option 3 Cosmos
(Individual only)
Students will watch the Cosmos series released last year (approx. 10 hours 13 episodes). In order to watch it you
will want to have a subscription to Netflix, or be willing to purchase the series ($15 on Amazon). If that is not a
possibility for you then you may want to pick one of the other two options.
After each episode, the student will write a summary of the episode and will answer specific questions (see
below). Theses summary and discussion questions should be 250-400 words in length.
After viewing the entire series, Students will write a reflection on their thoughts regarding the series as a whole
and how it impacted their thinking or understanding of the topics. The finished product must be typed – Times
New Roman, 12 point font, with a bibliography at the end. 1250-2000 words
Students and parents should note that papers will be submitted electronically via This
website checks for plagiarism from the internet and among students at CHS.
Students who plagiarize will receive a zero for the project!
"Cosmos: A Space-time Odyssey" Episodes #1-10 (Part 1 of 2)
discussion ?'s
Episode #1: "Standing Up in the Milky Way"
What is the Earth's "Cosmic address"? List it step-by-step below (should be 6 parts!)Episode #1: "Standing Up in the Milky Way"
PICK 1 of the 2 listed topics/segments below, and write 3-5 sentences to summarize what impressed you most
about the details of that topic, and what you feel like you 'got out of it' ... how was it meaningful or insightful to
you? Anything that profoundly 'clicked' or that you understood deeply. Please elaborate!
1) Giordano Bruno:
2) Cosmic Calendar:
Episode #2: “Some Of The Things That Molecules Do”
write 2-3 sentences to explain yourself fully - Please elaborate
1) Explain how "Artificial Selection" allowed early humans to breed modern domesticated dogs from wild
2) Explain how "Natural Selection" could lead to white polar bears evolving from brown arctic bears.
Episode #2: “Some Of The Things That Molecules Do”
Explain this statement: "DNA is literally the thread that binds all life on Earth." Write 2-3 sentences to explain
yourself fully - Please elaborate!
Episode #3: “When Knowledge Conquered Fear”
What did our ancestors once believe about 'Comets'? (at least 2 examples!)
Episode #3: “When Knowledge Conquered Fear”
Pick 2 of the Scientists below & name 2 things that he discovered or contributed to our present understanding of
Science & Astronomy:
- Jan Oort
- Robert Hooke
- Sir Isaac Newton
- Sir Edmund Halley
Episode #4: “A Sky Full of Ghosts”
At the beginning of this episode, explain why William Herschel described the Light from the stars as 'Ghosts'.
Episode #4: “A Sky Full of Ghosts”
What part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum was used to FIRST observe the Black Hole Cygnus X-1? (YES, we
can detect them - just not w/ visible light like we can 'see' in!)
Episode #5: “Hiding in the Light”
answer in 2-3 sentences:
- briefly describe the first stirrings of Scientific thinking in ancient China & name the man who 'led the way'
- briefly describe the contributions of Islamic and Arabic scientific efforts (like Al-Hassan, etc.).
Episode #5: “Hiding in the Light”
For either of the men listed below, explain what he found "hiding" inside the light AND why that was a
significant or helpful discovery.
William Herschel: OR Joseph Fraunhofer:
Episode #6: “Deeper, Deeper, Deeper, Still”
answer in 2-3 sentences:
- Explain HOW photosynthesis is the ultimate “ultra-green energy source”.
- What did Thales & Democritus contribute to our knowledge of the Cosmos??
- Explain HOW carbon atoms are so useful in forming the basis of our Biochemistry here on Earth (and for all
organic chemistry).
- Explain how nuclear fusion can create heavier elements from simpler, lighter elements.
Episode #7: “The Clean Room”
Explain how radioactive materials in atoms allow us to calculate the ages of things like the Earth & our solar
system, and NAME this process that gives us a quantitative measure of time/age in years.
Episode #7: “The Clean Room”
answer in 2-3 sentences:
- Name two substances that Clair Patterson studied in his effort to determine the age of the Earth.
- What was the reaction of the leaded gasoline producers to Patterson’s efforts to sound the alarm on the
dangers of leaded gasoline to public health & safety?
Episode #8: “Sisters of the Sun”
answer in 2-3 sentences:
- Annie Jump Cannon: describe her star classification system (both letters & numbers).
- Cecelia Payne: Regarding her “Stellar Atmospheres” dissertation, what did she discover about Annie Jump
Cannon's star classification system and what it showed?
- Contrast how the fate of our sun compares with the fate of the stars Rigel and Alnilam.
- Explain how we and our whole world are made of 'Star Dust'.
Episode #9: “The Lost Worlds of Planet Earth”
Describe at least 5 of the contributing factors that led to the Permian extinction, also known as “The Great
Dying” … the Earth’s most severe mass extinction.
Episode #9: “The Lost Worlds of Planet Earth”
answer in 2-3 sentences:
- Alfred Wegener & Theory of Plate Tectonics: name at least 3 bits of "evidence" that support Wegener's
- Explain at least 3 major steps leading to the evolution of humans after the extinction of the dinosaurs at the
end of the Mesozoic era.
Episode #10: “The Electric Boy”
answer in 2-3 sentences:
- What event led to Michael Farraday being hired by Humphrey Davy?
- How did Farraday's application of "electromagnetic induction" with his electric generator change life for
mankind since then?
- Name at least 3 things invented by Michael Faraday.
- Explain how electricity & magnetism are both tied to the display of the Northern & Southern Lights on Earth.
There are 13 episodes I will provide you with the rest of the
questions as soon as I have them written