Pre-registration nursing programmes would normally be no less

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APL Guidance
Postgraduate Diploma with Pre-registration in Nursing (Adult)
Pre-registration nursing programmes would normally be no less than three years. However, the
Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) allow us to offer a two year programme to applicants who can
show evidence of prior learning relevant to the programme. The NMC guidance makes it clear that
learners undertaking a shortened programme of nurse education must demonstrate the same
learning outcomes as those studying over a three year period. Applicants for the Postgraduate
Diploma with Pre-registration in Nursing are therefore required to demonstrate that they have
gained knowledge and skills equivalent to one year of academic study and experience in a healthrelated environment through a combination of APL and APEL.
Entry requirements
In order to access the Postgraduate Diploma with Pre-registration in Nursing (Adult) you would
normally have achieved a 2:1 honours degree in a health-related subject and undertaken 600 hours
of healthcare related experience. In addition you must have GSCE A*-C grade Maths, English and
Science or equivalent.
Evidence of Academic Achievement
In your application for this programme you are asked to identify the academic qualities and skills
that you have gained by undertaking your degree mapped against the learning outcomes for the
programme as approved by the NMC. Evidence in support of this academic development will be
required and can normally be provided by submitting your BSc certificate and programme
specification or transcript of the modules you have undertaken as part of this degree.
Graduate and Transferable Skills against which academic claim is made:
Graduate and Transferable Skills
Research methods and use of evidence
Acquisition of coherent and detailed
knowledge of their subject
Ability to deploy accurately established
techniques of analysis and enquiry
Ability to devise and sustain arguments
Ability to describe and comment upon
aspects of current research
Appreciation of uncertainty, ambiguity
and limits of knowledge
24 June 2014 PG Diploma Programme Lead
Evidenced by:
Certificate for 2:1 honours degree in an
appropriate health or social care related subject
from another recognised UK higher education
If your degree is outside the UK you will be
required to provide a NARIC certificate to
demonstrate academic equivalency. See website
for guidance
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Career and personal development
Goal setting
Effective and independent learning
Interpersonal communication
Decision making
Working in partnership
Team work
Managing oneself
Presentation skills
Information technology
Completion of UCAS Application
Communication and health informatics
Personal statement or reference showing
awareness of data protection and confidentiality
GCSE Maths A*-C or equivalent
Personal statement showing interest in nursing,
reasons for wishing to be a nurse and steps
taken towards becoming a nurse
Certificate for 2:1 honours degree in an
appropriate health or social care related subject
from another recognised UK higher education
institution or equivalent
Discussion of dissertation/independent study
project at interview
Personal statement
Evidence of Health-Related Achievement
You need to be able to demonstrate that you have already acquired some of the skills that student
nurses would normally develop in the first year of their programme.
You are therefore asked to identify the knowledge and skills that you have gained from previous
health-related experience. You will normally need to evidence that you have undertaken a
reasonable quantity of health-related experience (600 hours) and demonstrate that you have learnt
from this experience.
Some of the essential skills that nurses require and you may have already developed include
communication skills (e.g. from working with members of the public), team-working skills, showing
respect for others and the ability to work within a professional and ethical framework.
Evidence in support of this clinical skills development will be required and you will need to provide
specific examples of how you have achieved these skills. Support for your claim can be provided
from a range of sources, for example your personal statement, a reference or appraisal document
from a former employer, certificate of successful completion of a first aid course or other work/life
experiences. You will be required to complete an NMC/APL skills form that shows how you have
demonstrated the practice experience skills listed below.
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Practice experience skills against which claim is made:
These will be assessed using applicant healthcare employer references and through interview
Practice experience
Evidenced by
Takes a person centred approach to care
Shows respect for others
Demonstrates respect for diversity and
individual preference valuing difference
regardless of personal view
Respect for people’s rights
Demonstrates understanding of how
culture, religion, spiritual beliefs, gender
and sexuality can impact on illness and
NMC/APL Skills Map
Personal statement
Works within limitation of role and
recognises own level of competence
Personal statement or reference
Applies the principles of data protection
Personal statement or reference showing
awareness of data protection and confidentiality
Examples of experience that could be used in support of your claim include:
Charity work which involves communicating with people with health and social care needs
e.g. with Age UK, Shelter, MIND, or the Samaritans
Voluntary work overseas
Befriending with older people
Working in a nursing home, hospital or similar setting as a healthcare assistant or activity coordinator
Other support worker roles in health or social care
First aid/lifeguarding duties
Working in a pharmacy - giving health and Over The Counter medication advice
Preparing & submitting your claim
We anticipate that preparing your NMC/APL Skills Map for submission will take in the region of take
1-2 hours as you need to show that you have met some of the requirements of the first year of a
programme of nurse education. Doing so means you be able to train as a nurse in just two years. If
you have any queries or need help with completing your claim you should email for advice.
You should return the form and any accompanying evidence to the pre-registration admissions team as soon as you have completed it and return it within preferably
within 2 weeks of receiving it. Your completed form will then be sent to the APL Committee, who will
assess whether you have sufficient and appropriate prior learning to be able to access the shortened
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programme. We will normally aim to let you know whether your claim has been successful within 4
weeks of receipt of your claim. If the evidence provided is insufficient you will be informed and you
will have an opportunity to submit further evidence in support of your claim. You will be notified of
the decision relating to your APL claim in writing. The decision of the APL committee is final and you
will not be able to appeal.
24 June 2014 PG Diploma Programme Lead